Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Suzy  From Oz
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Well that was just weird! That's what I get for stealing Gail's news without giving her credit...
02/Nov/12 8:39 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next.
Delicious Ambiguity.”
― Gilda Radner
02/Nov/12 8:56 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It's all good Suzy, but watch out for those post-Halloween gremlins!
02/Nov/12 8:56 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Heidi had mentioned in one of her posts that she would be leaving NC on Thursday and she wasn't sure if she would drive in one shot or stop and sleep somewhere. I'm assuming the Thursday she meant was yesterday (our time), so we should hear from her later today or tomorrow, depending on how tired she is.

Suzy, I am still plugging away on the blanket ... I'm starting to crochet the strips together. Yesterday I bought some wool for D, just because I like her (a ball of yellow and a ball of red). I will see if D can take a picture of it with her phone when it is completed, so it can maybe be posted on TOS. Then I will see if I can put it on this site. My old brain ain't what it used to be! How many squares are you up to?
02/Nov/12 9:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail, it was karma that got me! I meant to credit you, forgot and hit submit, so karma came up and bit me! Many apologies...

Theresa, I think I'm on my 21st or 22nd square. It will be a long time before I'm ready to join them. Can't wait to see a photo of yours!!

02/Nov/12 10:01 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Congratulations, Broni. Hope this job is everything you are hoping for, and more!

Thinking of Mama and hoping her power and electrical stuff is soon restored!
02/Nov/12 10:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, may this new job turn out to be everything it promises to be and more! You deserve it! Bugger, just read Julie's post and she said it first and almost exactly the same way.... oh well, I mean it so I guess it's okay to copy.

MizT, my computer tells me it's very early in the morning out your way. Hope you eventually got to sleep and you wake up still feeling better.

Julie, I hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods...
02/Nov/12 11:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko strangers! I'm back. It was an interesting drive out to the coast... even though I circled to the south to miss most of the storm, I did have to drive thru' a snowstorm in the mountains, complete with icy roads. I didn't see much storm damage, since I did try to avoid the path of the hurricane. I just saw high waves and lots of puddles.
I had a wonderful visit with Maxine and Holly. That is such a sweet, quiet baby. She hardly ever cries, and loves to watch people, with a little smile on her face. The boyfriend/sperm donor is a jerk, but he went out of his way to try to act sweet around me. It didn't fool me, but it made it easier on Maxine while I was there. She isn't quite ready to leave, with the baby, yet, but I don't think it'll be too much longer. I've told her that when she's ready to leave, she's to call me and I'll drive out there with a trailer for the baby stuff, and pick them up when he's at work (and doesn't know that I'm in the area, so won't know where she's gone.).
I did an all-nighter last night to come home. The snow was gone and the roads weren't crowded. Such a pleasant drive. I got home at 5:30 am. Now I have to clean the rental car out and return it. I was amazed at how little gas it used... 1,448 miles, and I paid less than $90 each way!!!
03/Nov/12 2:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Congrats on the new and better job, Broni. I hope it comes complete with less stress.

Now I just forgot what I read. Oh, well. That means I haven't gotten enough sleep yet.
03/Nov/12 3:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I couldn't have talked to MizT while I was gone. My cell phone, (prepaid) with over a year of service left on it, and 1,500 minutes left on it, decided not to work at all during the trip. It's still saying I have no service. I'm gonna have to call Tracfone and yell.
03/Nov/12 3:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The rental ( a denim blue Impala.... LOVE the color!) is cleaned out and ready to return, except for gassing it up. My friend Debbie will be here in about an hour. Then she'll follow me to the rental place and bring me back home. I'm gonna miss this car. I really liked it. It handled like a dream, was really comfy on my back and the gas milage is unbelievable.
03/Nov/12 3:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Welcome home, Heidi!!!
03/Nov/12 5:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Heidi, glad you are back safe! I hope Maxine is ready to leave him one day and doesn't put up with being treated badly for too long. The icy roads things sounds scary - your bald tyres wouldn't have cut it so it's good you got the rental. We get great mileage on our little cars too. I hadn't thought about that, but driving farm suitable vehicles all the time would do a number on your fuel bill!

Theresa, you haven't mentioned your feet in a few days. Does that mean you are having fewer problem??? Crossing my fingers here...
03/Nov/12 6:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, my feet, hmmmmm, where to start. I put the orthotics into my cheapie Walmart runners instead of the 'good' runners, and my feet are feeling better. Still some pain, but not nearly as much. So what does that say about me? Maybe that I am a cheap vixen???? Or maybe leave the vixen part off. I have no idea what's going on .....
03/Nov/12 7:55 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi's back, YEY!
03/Nov/12 8:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just call me blah! I was talking to Dana about how Tahli changed from Bababa and Dadada and Mumumum to Blahblahblah. Turns out she only does it for me, either when I'm there or just after I've left - I'm Blah!
03/Nov/12 8:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, could it be the changing shoe thing? Wasn't it MizT who talked about that?
03/Nov/12 8:38 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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So pleased to see you home safe Heidi. Glad the visit went well and that the baby is a sweetie. I am pleased he behaved himself while you were there, and I am sending Maxine the strength she needs to get away from him, because she's gonna need it!

Morning everyone :)
03/Nov/12 8:39 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello all from a comfy, dry ,warm home.... I suffered a couple of power failures, lots of downed trees, rain and very high winds.and roof shingles off, but very little real damage, so many near by have really had lots of trouble...the power failure of the tv, pooter and telephone was annoying only because others were worried and cell phones didn't work, so no communication...I was fine but my kids didn't know and sent up their distress system and got friends and neighbors to check on us and hopefully let everyone know things were man got everything back up this morning, and I had to go to the doctor today...meds for continuing sinus problems, flu shot and a couple of other things to check...all is well... I've done a quick read and am glad all is well on the SA site basically...Heidi is home, Broni has a new job, Suzy still has the bad kids and breaks the site telling us about them....LOL...It's good to be back and all is right with my world hopefully you can say the same...more later...Peace. ♥
03/Nov/12 9:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yay!!!!! So pleased to see you Mamacita!!
03/Nov/12 9:38 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Mama - pleased to hear from you that all is well again! Nothing worse than losing communication with family and friends. How did they cope back in the day??
Heidi - welcome back. Glad that all went well with your visit to Maxine and like Gail said I hope she finds the strength to leave him!
Suzy (Blah) - that's funny! Col lived for years being called 'Pocky' instead of Poppy by Lachlan. I think it was a rhyming thing with him - he was Lachie, so Pocky sounded right. Took a long time to convince him it should be Poppy!
03/Nov/12 10:16 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yay Mama :)
03/Nov/12 10:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama is OK!!!!
03/Nov/12 10:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gail and CynB.... you're right. Maxine does need to find the strength to leave him. That's the difficulty. Change can be a scary thing. I will not pressure her about it... she has too much pressure and stress already. I just repeatedly let her know that she has a safe haven when she's ready. At least she's comfortable talking to me, and knows I understand. When I was her age I made most of the same mistakes she made, and a few she didn't..... and haven't forgotten them.
03/Nov/12 10:35 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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So glad you are all safe.
03/Nov/12 2:43 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi you are a very wise woman. I learnt the hard way, but learn I did. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him/her drink.
03/Nov/12 2:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just dropping by to say Hello!

So glad you're home safely, Heidi! Hoping Maxine will make a decision about relocating sooner rather than later!

Theresa, you and your D have made amazing progress on the blanket! It must be beautiful! I'm glad to hear that your feet have been better, even with the orthotics in your older shoes. I'm thinking I need to get my orthotics (and maybe my shoes) replaced. They're 3 years old.

Suzy, how cute that you are 'Blah!' Our first grandie had a similar name for me at first.

Welcome back, Mamacita. It's good to know that power, heat and phones are once again working! Your family must have been frightened until they were able to be in touch with you!

I'm running on fumes only and need to get to bed! Sending lots of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
03/Nov/12 5:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Julie, so good to hear from you but we would love to know more about what is happening with you?
Love and Hugs my friends.
03/Nov/12 5:44 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Morning Sudokuland. Today is starting better, the second time I am up. First time, at 5 am, was very difficult to walk the short distance to kitchen to get pain meds. But one hour later was much better. I even managed to do part of my stretching exercises this morning.

I have windows open today, it is warm inside apartment at this hour, by mid morning when the sun hits, will most likely have to go to air con. I am not believing air in November, but we do get a LOT of solar heat gain here in mornings. If the sun is out, I will probably be able to do without heat till mid afternoon most of winter, except on bitterly cold days.

So good to see Heidi home safely. I do hope your young friend can make the decision to leave the bad situation that she is in now. So happy that the visit went well. I wonder what happened between them after you left, though.

Mama, I am glad your family had alternate ways to check up on you, with your phone, computer and power all off. glad you made it through. I text with daughter in CT, they were without power for 36 hours, so they managed very well.

Did you see the brewhaha about union verses non union electrical workers in New Jersey? A Power Co from here in North Alabama brought their workers home from N J, because they were told they could not work in New Jersey unless they joined the union, or some such. None of it was clear to me, and it was not clear to the company in Alabama, could not get clarification, so they brought their workers and equipment home. You know, I have always heard, beggars could not be choosers, and New Jersey with so many customers without power to turn away extra crews, it just does not make sense.

BRB, my beeper is going off, telling me to check the oven. I have mixed berry muffins for breakfast today, they smell good!

Cyn, I remember 'back in the day' when my brother was in Vietnam, if anyone of family got a letter, everyone was phoned, the letter was shared. Then he sent home a recorder that he bought on R and R in Hong Hong, he bought 2, kept one, and would record voice messages to tape, send those home to Mom. When she got one of those, she cooked up a big pot of soup or chilli and everyone was invited to dinner. We all got to listen, and then help to tape a reply to send back to him. Some of the early technology going to war with the soldiers.

SUZY, it was not me who first mentioned about the changing of shoes using different muscles, but I have forgotten who was first.

Heidi, so glad you liked the rental car. Is there a new non farm vehicle in your future now? Joy rented a car to visit her Mom in Tennessee, same reason as you, a few things with her car were OK for in town, but not for a long trip and she did not have time to get repaired. She came home just the opposite of you, so glad to be back in HER vehicle, she had missed it! Same with sister. Her new car was in shop, a 'road alligator' had attacked her car, it needed repair. She barely tolerated her r
03/Nov/12 11:15 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Goodness, Broni broke the site! Well, never fear, I came along to repair it hehehe.
03/Nov/12 11:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nope, MizT. I rarely travel, and have so little use for a non-farm vehicle that I can't justify the expense of purchase, registration and insurance for a third one. Both IH and I need trucks for daily use. IH will need to replace his fairly soon, since he has over 400,000 miles on it already, and he's not good about doing maintenance on it. Since he's blown all of his savings on that stupid money pit of a processing plant, the purchase price will have to come out of calf sales.
04/Nov/12 1:44 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hey all,
Since I'm back, I'll just say hello to all and hope every one is doing something he or she will have some pleasure from over the weekend...make it memorable! Peace♥
04/Nov/12 5:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Heidi, my mother left but her parents sent her back (you must have asked for it), Maxine is very lucky to have you. My grandparents were great grandparents, but really sucky parents. Could you look your daughter in her black eye and say she asked for it and send her back for more??? There were not the same options available in Australia then that there are today... If that makes us socialist, I say be socialist!!!

Julie, I love it when you have time to post, I look forward to your contributions, but I always wonder at the end if you got your aerobics done this week, got to practice your cello, saw your kids and their puppies.....

MizT, I'm sorry that it was hard for you to walk early this morning. I'm glad that you toughed it out and were better later! I'm having real trouble with the attitude of some in the electrical union. Here I'm pretty sure you can't be forced to join a union to work at any job, though sometimes it's in your best interests to do so as they find other ways to make you. But even without that, how could they send away help when people are suffering????? Save a muffin for me!

Heidi, I know what you mean about maintenance. We've always done the maximum maintenance we can afford and it has always paid off in the long run!

My plans for today - run the sloshy thing all day. I really should be better about doing some of that during the week...
04/Nov/12 8:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I've been thinking about your feet in expensive vs inexpensive shoes... could the support already available in the expensive shoes be making your orthotics sit not quite right? Inexpensive shoes don't tend to have much support. Not a foot doctor so I don't really know, but can't make myself think of you as a cheap vixen!
04/Nov/12 8:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, both sets of shoes have their insoles removed before putting the orthotics in, but who is to know what the heck is going on with my hoofies!!!

I have had a lazy day today and even had a nap. Tonight the time changes. I have found it cold today .... gotta get used to those cold temperatures or it's going to be a loooooong winter. I think it was a high of 4C today. Brrrrr. MizT, send some of that heat here, if you have extra.
04/Nov/12 9:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... I lived in New Jersey for 11 years. I believe that story about the electricians union. They're so petty there that they have people driving around on Sundays arresting people for painting their homes without an expensive permit. I've seen it. I would be very surprised if they didn't demand that electricians from other states pay them for the privilege of helping them in an emergency.
04/Nov/12 11:29 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I guess you are a cheap vixen then Theresa
04/Nov/12 11:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, they made you get a permit to paint your own home? That's just crazy!
04/Nov/12 11:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My day: unload the sloshy thing, load the sloshy thing, gnah things on the enil, crochet a few rows, scan TOS, and then do it all again...
04/Nov/12 11:57 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Theresa, it was unseasonably warm today, I could have easily shared some heat with you. I had to have a tad of AC in the apartment mid morning till mid afternoon and in my auto today, in November, not the ordinary at all. Tomorrow it will be almost 20 degrees cooler, more the norm for November.

It was a lovely day for a drive, and I had a long one, back down to Montevallo. I hope to soon be finished with the business there, Maybe one or two more trips will do it??

I was in the neighborhood, so stopped and asked Eddie out for coffee. Suited him just fine, as he had just got up and discovered no coffee makings in the house. Turns out, he bought his own coffee and my lunch also! Nice to see him again.

I bought a Christmas tree today. I could not find the old large table top tree I had, perhaps we sold it. I have no room for the 6 foot tall one, I think Joy will use that one. I got a three and a half foot tree, with 150 clear lights on it, and not too fat, just what I need. Price was good, and I will have it in about 3 weeks when I am ready to put it up, the weekend after Thanksgiving.

I slept through most of the football game, college football, but woke in time to see my team come from behind in the last minute of the game. Knuckle bitter, for sure.

Suzy, it is such a shame that your grandparents could not help their daughter when she was in an abusive marriage. I could not send my child back to a situation like that,no way. I am glad things are different now, no one should be forced to remain in such conditions. You have a muffin in the fridge, help yourself.

hugs to each of you, with extras. It is bedtime, my bedtime meds are working, I might go right back to sleep. Till later, poof!!
04/Nov/12 3:22 PM
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