Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Remember, I now have 2 tractors. IH has been told that my big one is off limits to him, but the smaller one is for his use, since he PROMISED to get rid of his ugly yard ornament. His hasn't run in 5 years, he can't get parts for it, and he can't find anyone to repair it. I may end up telling him that he can't use the smaller tractor any more until he gets rid of his piece of junk.
06/Nov/12 2:13 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Morning friends, I am soon off to physical therapy this morning. Windows opened again to keep the cool of morning. cloudy today, so perhaps the apartment will not heat up as much today. Rain forecast for tonight, we only had a misting over the weekend, so we could use a m=nice gentle rain.

I need to do some meal planning. Not sure what I have to cook, I know I have mince (ground meat) so maybe I can do 2 different somethings with that, and perhaps some salmon patties. One tin of salmon makes 4 servings, Joy is not here to help eat, that is one of her favorites, I will have to freeze part for later. That and the cooked chicken in the freezer should cover entrees this week. I always have veg, well, when I can meet the fruit and veg man. Missed him all last week. Monday he did not come, Wednesday I was at PT and Friday I was hurting too much to go down stairs even. Hope I return today in time for him.

June, sorry to hear about your MIL, hope she is soon better. I have seen so many 'bugs' go around cruises, I wonder why they cannot find a way to prevent those. glad your bug was mild.

Nola, enjoy your one day a week work, hope it is everything you want it to be. Hugs to you and Judy, may those headaches and blurry vision soon pass.

SUZY, I agree, you need to treat yourself to a few wash and wear tops for summer work. Iorning in summer, those two just do not go together, yuck!

Time is running out, I must have something for breakfast, take out trash, then get ready for therapy. Sorry I did not get to comment on YOUR post today, sending special hugs to those I missed.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

Broni, glad you enjoyed your first day at your job.

06/Nov/12 2:17 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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We arrived safely in Breda in the Netherlands. Staying in the hotel tonight for dinner and probay having an early night.
Suzy that is a nice long stint of work for you, hope it is a decent mix of children.
Broni your new job sounds good if you had a long day and enjoyed it without feeling too tired. Hope it stays that way.
My thoughts go out to those who are not feeling too good.
(((HUGS))) to everyone .
06/Nov/12 5:10 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Brenda, so wish you could have tucked me away in your suitcase. I was born in Holland, my parents lived in Aalten, Gelderland. My sisters have gone back to visit, but I haven't, and I don't think I will ever be able to make such a trip. The last of my aunts and/or uncles on my mother's side died last year. I have no idea about my father's side as they never kept in touch. I have cousins that visit my sisters in Ottawa and Cobourg about every 5 years, but otherwise I have no idea about my family over there.

Hubby has a cold, but has gone to work today anyway. He has kindly shared it with me ... scratchy throat, runny nose.

We need a new toilet. A call has been put in to the plumber. Thankfully it won't be today because I feel tired. The change in time doesn't help. It's dark by 5:00 p.m. now and I'm ready for bed by 7:00. Yikes!!!!
06/Nov/12 6:02 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Life gets back to normal.Relaxing time is over. Back to bowls today, trading table so I have been up making some cakes. Then we have a lunch followed by watching the Melbourne Cup (A horse race for the topsiders).
Broni, hope you have found a great job this time.
Nola, thinking of you and Judy.
MizT, you have certainly settled into your new abode. Love hearing all your stories.
Must go and get ready. It is going to be hot so I will not enjoy the outdoor bowls!
06/Nov/12 7:59 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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June, you never have time to yourself when you are home. Hope you have another holiday planned soon so you can relax again.
Just got back to our room after dinner. I have now had purple carrots and they tasted really wonderful, I'll have to look for some at home. I'm stuffed to the gills and feel like going to bed, it is 10:33pm (9:33pm Uk time)
Theresa, this is the first time I have been to Holland. We are going to have a look at the map book tonight and plan where we are going to try to visit.
06/Nov/12 8:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning Everyone.

Sorry have not been about.
Busy Days spent at the house, doing not much.. just being there, letting in Sub Contractors, on Weekends helping Peter with Doors, Shelves, Drawers.. the Kitchen is complete now. as well as the Ensuite, Bathroom and Laundry.
Yesterday the Door Security Screens, and Window Venetians were installed. 5 hours of sitting around the house while that was happening. Did bring some books over,, which took all of 10 mins to unload and place in the bookcase that is in the GuestRoom and Sewing Rooms.
Floor Tiler starts tomorrow.. he has key to get in, so I do not have to let him in and come back to lock up.
06/Nov/12 10:30 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Brenda have a great time in Holland. I wish I was in Holland and catching up with the Cousins, and Aunt..
June, sorry about your friend passing away. Shame about the 'sickness' on board the cruise ship.
Heidi.. glad your trip went well.
Yay Mama.. noice to see you on these pages again, and that you survived that 'Sandy Storm'.
Cyn I hope you are feeling better
Broni.. yay new job, even if you have to travel Thru Boganville.
Tricia.. hope you feel better soon, and hope that Veg Man is about when you get back.
Gail, your house is beautiful, even though I have not seen the 'finish' product, but what I saw. NOICE! Love your Rose ! I can't wait till I plant rose bushes at the new abode.
06/Nov/12 10:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Melbourne Cup Day. am off to the Swan Valley to the Winery where my nephew works. Melbourne Cup Luncheon... going with my sister.
06/Nov/12 10:36 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Margo/Adelaide is in town, we will be catching up on Friday Eve, dinner at my abode.
06/Nov/12 10:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH invited me out to dinner tonight, to a steakhouse. I brought a large slab of tiramisu home with me. It's delish!!!!!
06/Nov/12 11:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, have you met Margot before? Lovely couple, her and her hubby. Share a hug for me xo

Broni, glad the new job was good on day one :)

Have a wonderful time Brenda, loving your jaunts.

Theresa, I didn't realise you are a Dutchie too! We're overrun with you here in Sudokuland ;)

Suzy, can you believe I looked up denori?! o.O
06/Nov/12 11:23 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Gail, no I have never met Margo before. Her Hubby is not with her this trip.

I knew Theresa was a Dutchie..
and yes there are several in Sudokuland..
almost a nation full..
we are all SudokuDutchCousins
06/Nov/12 12:02 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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June. sorry to hear about Ken's Mum ♥
06/Nov/12 12:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Warm greetings from cold Illinois!

Sorry I didn't report on the recital. She played really well with one minor memory slip, which she covered well. She wore a long red gown with spaghetti straps, which her Mom said she found for $10, but got for $8 because it was missing a rhinestone pin at the bodice. (She would have had to remove it anyway, as it would have rattled on the cello when she played.)

You guessed correctly, Suzy. The bowl was made from ash specifically because that was the name of the FIL.

Broni, what a delight to hear that you came home happy from the first day of your even new job, even though you worked late!

Is it early for hot and sticky temperatures, Suzy? I know your weather tends to be warmer than ours, but I don't remember it being so sticky and hot in early November last year.

Heidi, I feel SO relieved! I had forgotten that you have 2 tractors.

MizT, I hope PT went better today, and hope you got home on time for the fruit & vegetable man!

Brenda, I'm so glad you arrived safely! Thanks for keeping us posted. Enjoy your stay!

Theresa, too bad your hubby shared his cold with you! Just thinking about your new toilet - will it be a replacement, or an upgrade from what you currently have?

June, you are always so busy! I hope you enjoy the bowls, and I hope people appreciate your cakes on the trading table! Did you place a bet on the Melbourne Cup?

Brenda, do purple carrots taste different than the orange ones? I think I remember hearing or reading that carrots were originally purple. I haven't ever seen them.

Rolanda, how exciting that things are moving along on the house, but tiring to need to be there to let in, stay with, and let out the subcontractors. Just keep telling yourself that it is all worth the effort! Do you take something with you to keep you busy and/or amused? I hope you and your sister enjoyed your Melbourne Cup luncheon! Enjoy your visit with Margo on Friday!

Heidi, did IH have an ulterior motive for treating you to dinner at the steakhouse tonight! Or, maybe he'll mellowing a bit? I'm glad you went and enjoyed it!

I'm going to try for an earlier bedtime tonight, so I'll be going. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and for Everyone! Good Night!
06/Nov/12 5:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I hope you start to feel better soon - though it looks like it was a good idea to stay away from the TAB.

Heidi, you know he still won't do it... I've just picked myself up off the floor - I wonder what Gil has been up's not like him to be generous.

MizT, I hope the physical therapy didn't leave you hurting as much this time!

Brenda, I hope you got your early night and wake up refreshed and ready to see all the sights!

Theresa, that's why I wish we had daylight savings all year round. I'd much rather get up and leave in the dark and have a little light left in the early evening... Cyn would disagree with me - if they apply it where she lives she will be out will signs protesting!

I hope you get to go to Holland one day. It's a part of your history and I think you would enjoy it!

Back in a minute.

06/Nov/12 6:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have added the photo of our first rose bloom from the remodelled and replanted garden but I still can't add a description, so I have emailed Gath about the problem.
The rose is called Hannah Gordon
06/Nov/12 6:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Lost another post. Can't wait until hubby gets his office set up so I can use my proper laptop!
06/Nov/12 6:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy, thanks I am feeling a bit better.

And with regards to daylight saving, I think a person would have to live in several areas of Queensland to see the difference living in our tropical/sub-tropical climate makes to our sunrise and sunsets in summer and in winter - basically nothing much - we don't get a twilight, we just want the sun to go down as soon as possible after a hot day. You don't notice whether it gets hot at 10am or 11am or whether the sun rises at 5.30 or 6.30am but you sure do notice the change in temp after a sunset at 6.30pm and not want to wait until 7.30 pm! And it's still going to get dark within 30 minutes, winter or summer. Basically, down south you get an extra hour of light, up here we would get an extra hour of heat and humidity - yechhh!
Does that make sense? I've tried to explain it many times but you need to experience it to understand.
But we'll get it anyway. Our new Premier, bless his rotten little cotton socks, will just introduce it without asking the people.
06/Nov/12 8:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to the dentists for the final root canal appointment for the tooth. Next we start work on a fractured root on the tooth right above it. That tooth will have to be removed and an implant inserted instead, since it's an anchor tooth for a bridge.
07/Nov/12 2:55 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Everyone,
Glad things seem to be improving for all who were unwell.
Just returned from voting, long lines mean a great turnout. I waited only 45 minutes, but got to cast my vote. Now we will only have to put up with the recaps and questions why whoever wins,won...hopefully those in other countries who have been inundated with the pre- election nonsense will not have to endure this too. Keeping my fingers crossed Suzy and Theresa. You would think all you'd really need to know are the results...that's what we get, with perhaps a smattering of related news, but not the full-blown works as you both described.
Heidi, Hope the dinner treat was Gil's way of showing appreciation for the tractor lessons and have said that he does generous things for others sometimes.
Off to do the jigsaw..take care...I care. Peace.
07/Nov/12 4:27 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Sorry I have been missing for a few days. I have stopped in and read but the one time I started a post it got lost and I got annoyed. I really have not been on the computer much. I am enjoying a day off today. A lot of the schools are used as election places so they don't want the students on campus. I tried to vote earlier but there was a 2-3 hour wait. I will go back later and bring a few chairs. Mitchell will come with me and hold a spot for hubby to join when he gets off work. I hope by then the line will be shorter.
07/Nov/12 6:18 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I only had a 5 minute wait to vote, though they said that they've been very busy. The polling place is at the church next door, so it's really convenient. Of course. I voted for the best man for the job. I just hope he wins a second term. The thought of the country being run by religious extremists, aka the American Taliban, terrifies me.
07/Nov/12 7:09 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My appointment for the first stage of removing the fractured root and bridge is scheduled for Dec. 4th. I decided to wait until then because of a busy schedule in November, with a LOT of expenses. Plus, I didn't want to go to Florida with a hole in my gum and a missing bridge. It would look awful, and be difficult to pig out on turkey.
07/Nov/12 7:15 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Looks like I didn't recreate my long lost post last night.

It has been raining all night here, but the kind of rain that would barely get you wet if you stood out in it. I think we've only had a couple of mm. The grass really needs a good soak so if it's going to be like this I hope it goes on for a long time. Hubby says 3 days. The weather is watched very carefully at his work as they are running a major project that is very weather dependent. No taking the word of the newsman on late night news for them!
07/Nov/12 8:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope the weather wasn't too harsh when you were bowling yesterday. It was hot and sticky here! How is your MIL? I hope she is continuing to improve in spite of herself!

Rolanda, how exciting, I bet you can hardly wait until it's all done and you are in your new home!

Cyn, I believe you, but I still love it..sorry!

Gail, the rose is absolutely beautiful! I bet your garden is starting to look beautiful with all the spring growth and flowers...

Julie, I'm so glad the student did so well. Continuing when you make a mistake is a huge part of being a successful performer!

Alie also has a long red gown with spaghetti straps that we got for $10. After Carols I'll post pictures. Hers is kind of stiff and probably wouldn't have worked with a cello.

07/Nov/12 8:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, I'm glad there is a good turnout for the elections. In CA the number of people who vote seems to be lower because by the time they get to vote it feels like the election has already been decided.

Tami, it's great to see you! I know how you feel about lost posts - as evidenced by my not recreating the post I lost last night! Aren't you responsible for computers at work now? I am reminded of the house painter who doesn't paint his own house, the plumber with leaking taps etc.

07/Nov/12 9:04 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello folks, hope you're all well. :)
Nothing much happening here ... can't remember if I said that D2 has moved out and into her new house? They have unpacked most things and arranged it all, so it's looking nice. Her house is just a few minutes from us ... as she cheerfully said, good when the babies come!
Our son has headed of to Asia again - he's in a kids' show that's quite popular, so it should help pay for the new house! It was quite funny when the auction was held, his young lady was so excited we thought she was going to start singing!
So, now we're alone in our house again ... it's quiet! :D
07/Nov/12 9:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well I'm going to read a little P.D. James, do a little ffuts, make some phone calls, deliver some stuff to Dana etc etc.
07/Nov/12 9:06 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Judy, I miss Dana and Tahli but I don't miss the stress! Can I ask which kid's show? Maybe a PM if you don't want it out in public?

Okay I turned on our TV to see if we really are getting live coverage and yep, there it is. 4 hour waits in Florida!! That's a huge turnout!
07/Nov/12 9:08 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh Heidi - I totally agree with your choice for President. The alternative scares the rest of the world!!!!!
Yep, Suzy - DST, just leave it as it is. You have it and love it. I don't want or need it. PD James, I love her, what one are you reading? I'm currently reading 'Call the Midwife' by Jennifer Worth on which the TV series was based.
Tami - if there's such queues for voting why don't they have more voting booths? Or am I naive and missing something?
Judy, I like the idea of your daughter being close for when 'the babies come'! You'll appreciate that! (Yes, I'm wondering which kids show too)
Not happy today - looks like Col might be sent to Middlemount tomorrow - it's a mine in central Qld. If he goes he won't be back until Saturday due to time/driving regulations. Why didn't we win the big lottery last night?
Love and hugs to all.
07/Nov/12 9:39 AM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone! I'm back from the wilds of Tasmania but wish I was still there. We had a wonderful time but 2 weeks wasn't long enough. We are already planning on returning.
My niece took my mum to the specialist yesterday afternoon. He is recommending that she have a hip replacement. I'm waiting to hear what she thinks about it as she has already told me that she won't have any operations.
MIL developed shingles while we were away. Somehow that is our fault as we weren't on call to collect her antibiotics, pain killers etc. She does have grandsons who were willing to help (and did) but I think that she forgets they aren't children anymore.
James (#2 son) has gone to Canberra to do some work for Kevin's sister. He is building a storage cupboard under their stairs and installing shelves in their garage. His cousin also has him lined up for some work while he is there and another man he met wants him to do some work as well. I suppose we'll see him some time in December.
The dog is missing him badly. He sleeps on his bed when he can and if we are all home and he hears a car door shut he peers out the front windows. Poor thing.
07/Nov/12 10:28 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I was able to vote and only had a two hour wait. I also voted for Obama. Romney scares me.
07/Nov/12 10:33 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Welcome back Vicki!! That's how we felt when we left Tassie! Give us a quick travelogue of where you went. My favourite place was Stanley and the Nut in the NW. Plus probably Bruny Island.
But it seems it's back with a vengeance to your usual little trials with elderly parents. How dare you go away! Hehehe!
Poor dog! My dog mopes around in the afternoons waiting for Col to come home. She's bored with me by then.
07/Nov/12 11:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vicki, welcome back! It sounds like you had a great time! I'm sorry to hear your MIL is still making everyone's life miserable... I'm also sorry to hear you mum needs a hip replacement as that probably means she is in pain. Your son must be very good at what he does, I hope he is home for Xmas.

Cyn, I'm reading The Lighthouse. About a third of the way through it and enjoying it as I do all of her books. I think the long waits are because so many people are voting this time around. There seems to be a lot of emotion involved in this election. I watched 30 seconds of an update (all I could take) and it seemed that Romney might be ahead - scary scary stuff! Hubby threatened to become an Australian Citizen if Obama lost the last election. If he loses to Romney he might actually follow through on his threat.

I hope Col either doesn't have to go or is paid really well for the trip!

Judy, Dana is only about 5km from us and it is nice, I can drop by to see them whenever I want. I hope you get the same deal. Poor doggy! Hopefully he will settle down. Has it affected his eating?

Well my phone is dead. I have internet but no phone - they are the same provider! I hope it's not my phone!
07/Nov/12 12:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The state of Kentucky is deep in the bible belt, and the vast majority of natives are ignorant people who believe in the bible ONLY. Or at least their church's interpretation of the frequently rewritten book. Most don't believe in evolution or science. Romney has won by 60% in Kentucky. Hopefully, the rest of the country is smarter.
07/Nov/12 12:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's close, but I think that Obama will pull it off. It's funny that Romney lost his home states (home and vacation home).
07/Nov/12 2:06 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Well it seems as if many of you across the pond and down under are smarter than folks here. I have no idea why the race is so close except that many have fallen for all of the lies of Romney or are voting against Obama due to his race...not all are racist though many are...just uniformed and inpatient.
Most of the predictions are for Obama to win and I hope he does....Romney scares me too!
Cyn, the voting is heavy for many reasons but mostly because the Republican leaders have tried to do everything possible to make it harder for folks to vote so that Romney will win...there is lots of cheating going on because many of the really rich folks want to buy America so they can control the if they didn't already have more money then they could ever spend. Just plain greedy!
07/Nov/12 2:35 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Suzy, I think the kid's show is on all over the world - it's called 'Ben 10'. I've never seen it, but I believe it's pretty popular. :)
07/Nov/12 2:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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07/Nov/12 3:27 PM
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