Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - I have read The Lighthouse, love the way she writes. And about the lotto, I'm so bad, I never buy an entry unless it has jackpotted to over $10 million at least!
Tami - wasn't it a recount in Florida that gave George W his second term? Or did the Democrats want a recount but it was refused. There's something in the depths of my memory and I'm probably totally wrong.
Mama - yes they do grow up fast and I, too, can't believe that Angelique is nearly 5. She and Rosemary's Ethan, born so close, were my first Sudoku babies.
08/Nov/12 4:24 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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How did that happen - twice in a row!!!

'As we grow up we realise it's less important to have lots of friends, and more important to have real ones'
That's for all of you lovely SA people!
08/Nov/12 4:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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The meme I liked about the US election was one that Mama's daughter posted - it had the rich, powerful man sitting watching TV looking decidedly unhappy about the result while his underlings and standing around serving him with huge smiles on their faces. Says it all, I think!
08/Nov/12 4:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A quick drop in to let you know I am still alive and kicking.
MIL is up and down. I have not gone to the hospital today and Ken is probably there now on his way home from work. It would take a big improvement for her to go back home to live with her daughter. At the moment she would not be able to shower and toilet herself properly. She is not eating very well but does best when one of us are there to feed her as she is only half sitting up in bed which makes it hard. At 98 anything could happen either way. For her it would be nice if she could just go to sleep and not wake. It is what she wants anyway. Mentally she knows everything that is going on.

Today I have been doing some shopping etc and called at my sister's to deliver a birthday gift but she was not at home.

Nola, big hugs for you and Judy. I really am concerned for you both.
For everyone else I have read your posts and appologise for not commenting. I am sure you will forgive me.
08/Nov/12 6:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, good to see you. Shame the nurses don't feed her too. If they had a better ratio of nurses to patients they might be able to. I know mum used to when she worked in the private hospital.

Cyn, I buy a 5 week ticket. Costs me $13 something and I don't have to remember...

I've just read that Florida won't be counted until the weekend at the earliest. The US election is still front page news here, even the little local papers.

Big hugs to everyone, but especially Nola and Judy, June, Ken, MIL and the rest of the family...

08/Nov/12 10:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh and Midge, who doesn't complain or tell us unless we ask...

Theresa's grandie...

And everyone else that I will think of as soon as I hit submit...
08/Nov/12 10:23 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The last report I read had Obama ahead in the count in Florida. At the speed they're counting, they must be using their fingers.

In an hour, I'll be loading up some hay for a friend. She has a dozen rolls stored at the neighbor's farm, and will be showing up soon with her hay wagon. I'll load them for her with my tractor, and she'll unload them with her tractor. That way she doesn't have to transport her tractor over here.

Then I have to drop off several items for our annual Lions Club chili supper and silent auction on Saturday. I'm donating some of the ingredients, 3 nice items for the auction, and some club decorations in my care. I have to drop everything off beforehand because I won't be there. I had tickets for the Championship Rodeo long before the supper was scheduled.
09/Nov/12 12:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning ....

I love my Dyson. Oh Dyson, where have you been all my life?

Spending most of the day swearing. Hubby's sister, her hubby and his 16 year old daughter are coming here Saturday morning. Most of the stuff is done, but there's always more to do.

Plumber will be here between 1:00 and 1:30. Yes, they are that precise in their timing. And they always call just before they come over. The only exception is that if a farmer has plumbing or electrical problems, he gets first priority. Makes sense to me.

My stomach is queasy this morning and I have a touch of a headache. I think I drank too much coffee. Or it's morning sickness!!!
09/Nov/12 3:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've been having problems with Oliver lately. As he's gotten more comfortable here, he's gotten more aggressive. He's fighting with the collies regularly now and he's bitten IH a couple of times. I found someone who will take him, a mutual friend of Oliver's original owners and myself. She has a grandson who is kind of wild and loves to wrestle with Oliver for hours. Hopefully he'll work out there. I just found out that his original owners were having problems with him, too. He bit Wayne repeatedly, and not always just when over excited.
09/Nov/12 4:45 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, here's hoping Oliver does well in his new home.

The plumber/electrician is still here. We didn't get a new toilet, the old one was fixed. A new toilet would be very pricey because this house is so old it has a 4 inch drainage pipe, when the code calls for 6 inch. So we would need all the old piping taken out and replaced ... many, many dollars. Our toilet is probably almost an antique - I was really hoping for a new one! But hey, at least now we have a functioning toilet! As soon as he leaves, guess where my first stop will be? I knew I shouldn't have had that extra cup of coffee!

Hubby informed me that his sister and crew are coming here Sunday, not Saturday. I need to get my head straightened out.

Off to have supper and then get an early night. I have been on my feet for two days doing a lot of swearing. The feet are not too bad considering. Maybe it just took extra time to get the problem fixed.
09/Nov/12 8:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Sitting at maccas with a cup of coffee on my way to work.

Theresa, great news about your feet, not so good news about your toilet but at least it is working.

Heidi, sad news about Oliver, he was badly raised.
09/Nov/12 8:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Captain J, over on Easy, is a government official in NC. he and I have been discussing Maxine's situation and he gave me a number for an emergency shelter for abused women and children not far from her. I've given it to her. She had been worrying that she had nowhere to go, and nobody to turn to out there in an emergency. She now has another option. What also worries her is that she'll weaken and go back to him if she gets the courage to leave.
09/Nov/12 11:07 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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They still have not finished counting the ballots in Florida.

Heidi, I think our government does look at what other states do and then do the exact opposite.

I am sooooooo proud to be a Floridian.
09/Nov/12 11:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At least Florida provides a lot of entertainment to the rest of the country during elections. Hanging chads became quite the joke during Dubya's fraudulent election. This year the UN insisted on monitoring elections, despite major protests from the republicans, because of so many questionable new policies and threats to minority voters.
09/Nov/12 11:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It could take weeks to count the ballots in Florida. Then they will discover that mistakes were made, and they'll have to recount. Fortunately, we don't have to depend on Florida's votes to determine who's the president.
09/Nov/12 12:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Here is a great story about Florida's voting problems.,0,5169368.story
09/Nov/12 12:07 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Suzy - Have been reading a bit lately but been in and out of BoxHill Hospital the past couple of weeks. Back again today - home for the weekend and new catheter in next week. Feel like a grumblebum if I whinge too much - others have it so hard like June's MIL and Nola and Judy. Had a chuckle about Rede. We had hard waste collection this week - it was wonderful - except my hubby is like a retriever sometimes - he kept finding things that were too good to throw out. About to start on cleaning my little poptop caravan for camping on the foreshore. Haven't been able to get there the past 2 years because of my mum and mil so really looking forward to watching the world go by again. (like the fool on the hill - showing my age!!)
09/Nov/12 12:39 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Midge, you are doing PD aren't you? Did your cath site get infected or was it malfunctioning? I remember you were saying you were having pain during exchanges. I am sorry you are having so many issues.
09/Nov/12 4:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Midge, no grumblebums here just letting each other know what is going on in our lives. Please vent anytime you like. We care, no conditions.
Well what a great week, so used to not working on Mondays even forgot to put my hours in to get paid, well will get a full weeks pay next week. Yes I am a happy Vegemite, but would never had got this job if I didn't work for the crazy ones.
Love and Hugs to you all.
09/Nov/12 5:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
{{{{{{{Judy and Nola}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{June, Ken and MIL}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{Gail and hubby}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{Heidi}}}}} }}}{{{{{{{Maxine}}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{Juli e}}}}}}}}
{{{{{{{Vicki}}}}}}} I misstyped that at first, it came out icki - you're not icky so I fixed it!

Rolanda doesn't need any, she's got her new house! Aaww, sorry Rolanda, I'll give you some too...


Brenda doesn't really need any either, she's off on a wonderful holiday. But I feel like giving her some too..


Hope I haven't forgotten any!
09/Nov/12 5:39 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening/Night, Everyone!

What a great TOPP on this page, CynB! Thanks!

June, it's good to see you! Thinking of your MIL and praying for whatever is best for her. It's a tough time for all involved! Happy Birthday to your sister!

Heidi, I hope you enjoy the Championship Rodeo! It's a shame you'll miss the Lions Club Chili Supper!

Theresa, sounds like you have been doing a lot of ffuts and gninaelc! So pleased that you love your Dyson, which hopefully makes the gninaelc much faster, easier and more thorough! Since you were expecting to get a new toilet, it's too bad (in a way) that you didn't. On the other hand, it seems you've save a lot of money and hassle! Enjoy the visit from relatives on Sunday! I'm glad to hear the your feet are doing relatively better, but sorry to hear about the queasy tummy and headache!

Heidi, it's too bad Oliver doesn't fit in well with the collies, but the alternative placement you have found for him will hopefully be a good match!

Tami, don't feel bad about Florida's role in the election! It would be much worse if the election hadn't been decided.

Midge, we WANT to hear from you! How else will we know how you are doing! We prefer knowing to not having any idea of what is happening in your world. Hopefully the new catheter will make all of the difference for you!

Broni, it's SO wonderful to hear how well you like your new job! I hope it will continue to be a delight!

Suzy, thank you for the {{HUGS]] for everyone! I hope everyone in your house is once again well! Enjoy your teaching assignment!

My eyes are letting me know that it's time for bed. {{{{HUGS}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes and for each of you!
09/Nov/12 6:31 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Dang! Missed you again Julie!
Zuzy, don't need any hugs, I am happy...but what about ME?
09/Nov/12 6:50 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Looks like Thorneside will get some rain this time Woo Hoo! Usually it splits around us.
Grass is brown.
09/Nov/12 6:52 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Broni, you should have been down the bottom with Rolanda and Brenda!
09/Nov/12 7:08 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...I'm bored...
09/Nov/12 8:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I need to leave special hugs for Broni, even if it bores Gail... I could bore you more with tales of my day, but I'd rather leave hugs for Broni...

09/Nov/12 9:03 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Excuuuuuuse us, Gail!
09/Nov/12 9:07 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Right back at ya, Suzy!

09/Nov/12 9:09 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alright I can't resist, I have to tell you about my day. I was supposed to start on Monday but they called me in a day early, thank god! I found out today I have a prac on Monday to prepare year 11/12 for their assessment task on Thursday. The only thing is the only information I have is a list of the materials she has ordered!

Same thing last period today - prac with year 7 and all the information I have is a box of the materials ordered!
09/Nov/12 9:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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More to you Theresa, I'm in a huggy mood today. probably because I was so overwhelmed earlier... because I'm old they assume I know exactly what I'm doing...
09/Nov/12 9:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Busy day. This morning we had about 110 primary school children (10-12 years) with 7 of us trying to teach them to bowl (2 groups), then visited MIL in hospital. Then we had twilight bowls tonight with a small cash prize for the winners. Guess what?? With my partner (a very good bowler) we won $25 each.
Mil is up and down. Yesterday she dehydrated and was halucinating, had ants running up the wall and other things. Today she was clearer in her mind but still not eating much. Not sure of the prognosis, Being realistic it would be nice if she just went to sleep. I say that because we love her.
09/Nov/12 9:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No! I'm not bored with you guys! I'm bored with no painting to do etc! Thought I wanted to do nothing all November seeing as we have had a busy few weeks, but it turns out I was wrong!
Been working in the garden a bit the last few days, but it has gone cold and wet outside again (remember, summer starts in three weeks and I have had the fire going again!), so I couldn't get back out there again this I'm bored...
09/Nov/12 9:53 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, it is not a good time with our dear oldies in hospital, because they are not moving around at all, bits start to shut down, so it would be great that if it is to be, I hope it is swift and sweet ♥
09/Nov/12 9:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Broni, you sound so happy with your new job.
Suzy, thank you from all of us for all the hugs. Sorry you were not left instructions for the prac teaching. How inconsiderate of the teacher.
Midge, we care about you and this site gives the most wonderful support. A wonderful place to unload your problems.
09/Nov/12 9:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Our son is playing Masters Baseball on the Gold Coast so we have just organised a stop over in Sydney on Sunday so that he can go and see his Grandmother. ( he was flying straight home to Melbourne)
Laura is with Belinda this weekend and having a wonderful time with the puppies which are now 6 weeks old. I think those on FB have seen the photos! They are taking them to the vet tomorrow for vacinations etc.
09/Nov/12 10:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oooooh.... 6 week old puppies are the most wonderful thing on the planet. Puppy breath! Playful toddlers! Joy!!!
10/Nov/12 12:20 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Evening everyone.
Just reporting.. we had a pleasant evening with Margo/Adelaide.

Suzy thanks for the (((Hugs)))

((((((Group Hugs))))))

Bedtime here, I can here my pillow calling me zzz

10/Nov/12 2:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Rolanda why would your pillow call you zzz? Sorry I just had to ask.
Back home from Holland, had a lovely time, food wonderful and weather not too bad etc. We bought nearly 7 dozen bottles of wine and 5 dozen bottles of lager, that should last till next year.
Just picked up a message from Celia to say she was being taken to hospital. She wasn't well last week, hasn't been eating properly for a while. I had to get her ex DIL and grand daughter involved this time. Before when she had her stroke I wasn't allowed to contact anyone in her family. Her son, whom she had been estranged, but is now talking to, lives in Cyprus. I'll have to try and find out which ward Celia is on so I can go and see her.
((HUGS)) to everyone. Thank you for the ((HUGS)) Suzy, even when I am on holiday it is still nice to get hugs.
10/Nov/12 2:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gentle ((((((( HUGS ))))))) to Celia, too.
10/Nov/12 5:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My friend Anita's kids and grandkids are so excited to be getting Oliver. They're picking him up in an hour. I'm really gonna miss him. He can be a wonderful dog. He's very affectionate and friendly, and can be devoted to a person he respects. He tends to respect women a lot more than men.
10/Nov/12 5:06 AM
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