Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oliver has gone to Anita's. Her farm is as big as mine, but in the middle of nowhere, so he can safely run loose. The only cars that go down that road are hers, her family's and friends. Her whole family is ecstatic about getting him, and they all know how to behave around animals, unlike IH. It should work out well, and if it doesn't, I'll try again with him.
10/Nov/12 8:20 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Bye Oliver, enjoy your new family.
Suzy, thanks for the hug, I needed it.
Broni, pleased you're enjoying your new job.
June, I saw the pics of the puppies on FB, they are so cute. I hope whatever way it goes that your MIL has peace, love and dignity with her.
Brenda, I'll be there for some wine any minute!! Hehehe. Sorry about Celia - hugs and healing thoughts.
I hate it when everything I've read is over the page and I probably forgot someone - Gail was bored, Theresa and Julie were there.....where has MizT been?
Love and hugs to all!
10/Nov/12 9:26 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My hubby will be home in about 30 minutes, at last. He's been gone since 2am Thursday morning. I missed him! He tried to get home last night but the rain slowed him down and he couldn't push his log book - huge, huge fines these days. So he slept the required hours, got up at 4am and drove the rest of the way. I'm happy, the dog will be deliriously happy!
10/Nov/12 9:30 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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He's here!!
10/Nov/12 9:32 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I guess we won't be hearing from you for a while, huh Cyn?
10/Nov/12 9:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Haha Theresa!! I'm just happy to see him but it's Saturday morning - things to do. Party to go to tonight. Usual stuff, but the dog and I are happy.
10/Nov/12 9:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Both hubby and I have colds. His is worse and mine is getting there. I tried watching TV with him, but he's coughing so much I can't hear much. So I came to the computer!

I just went outside to see what it's like. I believe the skunks and raccoons have hibernated. My first clue is that the water and food dish for the feral cats is not empty in the mornings. That's about the only benefit of colder weather.

Hope MizT is OK. Wonder if she met up with the veggie man.

Now to go to TOS and see what's new ... maybe play a few games. Catch you later.
10/Nov/12 11:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. It is Friday and I am happy. It is a 3 day weekend. No school Monday for Veteran's Day. I had to babysit a U.S. History class today. As no work was sent, I had them write an essay on why it is important to honor veterans. I could not believe (yes I could) that some kids did not even know what a veteran is. I had to explain that to them.
10/Nov/12 11:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from having a great steak dinner at the new local restaurant. It's always a treat when I don't have to cook and can get food as good as I make.
10/Nov/12 12:06 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Good mAen friends.

Hubby and I have just had a walk around the grounds and after lunch we will get out there and get some stuff done. The ride-on battery is flat so he is hoping to jump start that and I will whipper snip the bed edges. Still have to wait for our bloke to get back to finish the retaining walls, so bed making and planting are on hold indefinitely. aaaargh! I just want to get into it!
10/Nov/12 12:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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{hugs} for Celia, Brenda, Theresa and Heidi xoxo
10/Nov/12 12:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH is celebrating Oliver being gone. That's why he treated me to dinner tonight.
10/Nov/12 12:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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:) Brenda.. re Pillow calling me zzz!

((hugs)) for Ceilia, Brenda, Theresa and Heidi

Yay Cyn.. Col is home :)

Boy #1 and his gal, are coming by presently, in his brand new car, which he picked up this morning.
We will meet up at the new house.

Hubby is at the factory at the mo, building some cupboards/shelving for the storeroom. The will go in this afternoon/tomorrow.

Next weekend, will be the big push to pack up the Chateau Rental and Shed.
2 weeks to moving day!
10/Nov/12 1:08 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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2 weeks Rolanda! Time flies. Start that packing!
Heidi - is that twice this week that IH has treated you to dinner out? WooHoo!
Hubby is asleep so I am alone again. I can't complain, I don't think I'd want to spend 2 nights in the sleeper cabin of a prime mover. I wouldn't sleep well either.
It's raining and cool here today. Very weird weather. Climate change? What climate change? lol
10/Nov/12 1:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wow I love my life, do not realise how working for the wrong company can bring you down.
10/Nov/12 5:24 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Wow Heidi -I wonder what IH would do if you found homes for more of your furry friends! Gail, yes I am on PD. had a tunnel infection and had to have catheter removed and vancomycin infusions every second day. because of chemotherapy last year I have no resistance to infection. will be starting Intragam infusions monthly from now on - bit of a bummer but if it keeps me going I won't whine too much. Scared about Tuesday though -remember last time only too well! Have rested today as we are going to a 60th tonight. My daughter and I went to Bunnings and Ibought her a strawberry pot and plants for her flat - I love the weekends when she comes home for a while and our Monday night movie night with her brothers. I can't help think how lucky we are the four of them get on so well. youngest son and partner are driving to Cairns for the solar eclipse next week and will be camping out under the stars. - how good would that be! Cyn - does your hubby drive as far south as Vic? enjoy your party tonight.
10/Nov/12 5:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I'm going to try to do a quick read and a few comments.

Sorry to have missed you again, Broni!

Suzy, thanks for so many hugs! They helped make a great day! {{{HUGS}}} to you and your family! Good luck with the current teaching assignment! It sounds like quite a challenge!

Gail, with all you did last month, I can imagine doing nothing might be boring! Do you have any books to read?

June, only 7 adults to teach 110 students to bowl? I hope that went well! Congrats on the win at Twilight Bowl. Thinking of your MIL and hoping for the best possible outcome. I hope she soon finds peace. I'm glad you were able to arrange for your son to visit with her! I'm sure Laura is enjoying her stay with Belinda, the horses, and especially the puppies!

Rolanda, how nice that you could have a meet-up and dinner with Margo/Adelaide! How are things going with the house?

Midge, thinking of you and hoping the catheter situation can be quickly improved. Prayers for quick healing and an improvement in your dialysis situation! {{{{HUGS}}}} Please feel free to share with us!

Welcome home, Brenda! Your purchases are impressive! Definitely a worthwhile trip, it seems! Thinking of Celia and hoping she will soon feel better and family relationships improve! Gentle {{{{HUGS}}}} for her.

Heidi, I hope Oliver does well in his new home! It certainly sounds like he will have a warm welcome!
10/Nov/12 5:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, while it is certainly hard for you, you have tried to do what is best for Oliver. I hope it works out well! {{{HUGS}}}

Cyn, I'm so glad Col got home safely, even if he needed to catch up on his sleeping!

Theresa, I hope you and your hubby soon see some progress against your colds. Take care of yourselves and feel better soon!

Tami, hooray for a 3-day weekend! I think you really need a chance to rest, relax and rejuvenate! Enjoy time with your Beasties and Bobbi and Bernie! {{{HUGS}}}

Heidi, I'm impressed with 2 dinners out in one week! I guess IH REALLY didn't like Oliver, since he felt a need to celebrate his departure.

Gail, I hope you and hubby are able to get some outside krow done! How frustrating that you need to wait for the guy to come and finish the work on the retaining walls! Hopefully he'll be there by this time next week - or sooner!

Rolanda, enjoy your visit from your son and his girl! Good luck with all the preparations for your move!

Broni, it's so exciting to hear how well the new job seems to be working out! You certainly deserve to have found a job that is enjoyable! What a difference it makes!

Midge, I hope the regular injections will prevent any further infections! What a delight to hear how well your children get along together! Camping under the stars for the solar eclipse sounds exciting. I'm not one for camping any more but what an experience it will be! I miss seeing the stars. There are so few we see because of all of the light pollution. I hope the next time we go back to my home town (only about 3,000 people) we stay late enough to enjoy the stars before we return home.

Lots of {{{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}} , positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for each of you, as well as your family and friends who might benefit! Good Night from here.
10/Nov/12 6:24 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Up very early in pain (roughly 3:30 am). That fractured root is driving me crazy. I wish I had scheduled the removal immediately instead of waiting until after the Thanksgiving trip.
10/Nov/12 7:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH's problem with Oliver was that IH doesn't know how to speak to a dog with authority. Oliver therefore didn't respect him and treated him as below him on the pecking order. Collies don't require the firmness that a hyperactive boxer mix does.
10/Nov/12 7:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
I've been trying to get ready for next week in between Tahli duties but I've developed a nasty headache, rare for me but I think it's linked to the cold I've had.

Midge, you are so far from grumbly I am astonished considering what you are going through.. I love the gifts you gave your daughter and I wish I was going with your son!

Cyn, glad your hubby is home! Hope it's a good party..

Heidi, I hope it works out for Oliver. They sound like a family that will make him happy..

Tami, the next time I have a history class I'm going to ask if they know what a veteran is, that was kind of sad! Enjoy your long weekend!

Brenda, that's a lot of wine, it must have been a really good store!! I'm so glad you had a good time...

June, that's a low ratio of adults to kids. We had 2 adults to about 15 kids and it was tough! I bet you had a headache afterwards..

Theresa, I hope your colds get better soon! Have you finished the rug? Taken a photo? I can't wait to see it. I've fallen down a bit on mine, only 23 finished so far.

Broni, it is so good to hear you sounding so happy! I'm glad the job is so great..

Tahli seems to be asleep for the second time.. wish us luck.
10/Nov/12 9:16 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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((HUGS)) Midge, hope things get better for you soon.
Rolanda 13/14 days to go... can't understand where the last 10 days have gone.
Broni, it is great to have you sounding so happy (I know I cannot hear you but you Know what I mean) long may it last.
The gremlins have struck again here. My tumble drier has bitten the dust. Richard has had a look at it and it is not repairable, so it is now on the way to the tip. Fortunately we saw a replacement for it, yesterday, for under £100 so Richard has gone to get one. I never buy really expensive driers as they all seem to last the same length of time. The old one probably cost us under £1 a week which is really very little. I've just finished de-icing the big chest freezer, my back is killing me. We will have to go out to the freezer food shop and fill the now empty looking freezer. Stock up on goodies for xmas!!
10/Nov/12 11:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, thoughts of you and your family as you go through another difficult journey with your MIL.

Brenda, thinking of you and your family. So sorry to hear about Celia.

Gail, come on over here, I've got lots for you to do to keep busy!

Midge, sure hope the dialysis situation improves sooner rather than later. HUGS.

Suzy, I haven't done any more on the blanket in the last few days. We gave the house a thorough cleaning this week, and we've both felt really yucky the last few days. You've done well though, that's quite a few squares done on your own. How many will you have to make?
10/Nov/12 11:54 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

It is a quiet Saturday morning. The boys are getting ready to go to temple, required for Dylan. I make Mitchell go so I have some free time. Hubby and I will do some of the chores we ignore during the week. His brother is supposed to come over tonight with his wife and 4 year old daughter. It should be a fun night. My niece is scared of dogs so I will but a block up for Harley. He gets half the house and she the other half. It is really funny as her mom is a veterinarian and niece has been at the office since she was born.
11/Nov/12 1:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to spend the day at the North American International Livestock Exposition, and the evening at the North American Championship Rodeo. It's finals night and a couple of friends and I have seats in the second row near the bull chutes.
11/Nov/12 2:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Midge, you have my admiration and respect. I can't believe that you've gone through all that and still have your sanity and such an upbeat outlook on life. I truly hope things go better for you very soon.
11/Nov/12 2:46 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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greeting friends. I did not realize I had been absent for so long, till I saw how many pages I was behind! Took me two days to catch up reading. Now I have so many thoughts of each of you tumbling around in my brain, I do not know where to start.

Congrats Rolanda, only 2 weeks till you move.

June, hugs and thoughts to you and Ken and your MIL.

Midge, hope things start to improve with the PD now you have a new catheter. come and vent, complain, mutter or scream as you need, we are here for you any time.

Broni, you sound like your old self again, I am so happy that your new job has made such a difference for you.

Suzy, not nice of teachers to leave you with no idea how to go about the prac. Hope it turns out well for all concerned.

heidi, glad you found a good home for Oliver. It is not fair to the collies having a fighter, troublemaker in their home.

Tami, yeah for 3 days off. I am saddened to hear half the class did not know what a veteran is, glad you enlightened them.

Theresa, hope the colds get better soon.

Brenda, that was a lot of wine and larger, how did you get it all home safely?

Julie, lovely long posts from you, but again, not anything about what YOU are doing. We like your summaries, especially when we have been absent a while, they really help, but we like to know what is happening in your life too!

Therapy this Thursday left me in a LOT of pain Thursday night. For about 3 hours I was ready to climb the walls. One of those times when pain pill did not work, and I really needed it when I took it. I tried everything I could think of for the next three hours, including the benadryl hehehe, waiting for time to repeat the meds. Got nauseated, so much pain, and the nausea meds, plus the repeat of pain med at 3 hours, got me to sleep at long last. I do not think the therapy is working. That is twice out of 3 times it has done a pain number on me. I give it one more try, if it is as bad, that is it, no more.Perhaps I can convince them to go on to the pool and see if that is better.

Nope, I never caught up with the veg man. Monday he did not come, Wednesday I just forgot to go down, I was not here Friday, Hope to see him Monday, I think I am home and will set a timer to remind me. I need some more sweet potatoes!

It is very warm out today. I have both windows as open as they will go, and the kitchen exhaust fan on, to pull some air through. It is up to 70 outside again today (almost 80 inside), above average for November, but I will take it. I need to get back outside again today. Was out a bit yesterday. I went to my sister's, took my pots and dirt and the plants that needed re-potting. I have 2 blooming containers hanging in front of my window. Sis had a begonia and an impatiens still in full bloom. It will be below freezing by Sunday night, she cannot tolerate plants indoors, allergic to dirt. So I am mothering them, get to enjoy them as long as they last. They are not houseplants, not s
11/Nov/12 5:11 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Part 2:
They are not houseplants, not sure how they will go indoors, but I can enjoy them a while I know. May not be enough sun for the begonia, should be enough light for the impatiens.

I have typed as long as is comfortable today, hope to get back later. Sorry I was gone so long, bad Tricia, I should check in better than that.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
11/Nov/12 5:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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13 years ago today my 2 sisters and I were sitting by my mother's bed, waiting for her to pass away. She did pass at 2:10 PM on November 11. For some reason this year I really am missing her. I remember times of family trouble (usually involving my brother) where she would take me into the bedroom and just hold me and talk softly to me. Some times I wish she were here to do just that. Always made me feel better .....
11/Nov/12 7:12 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Everyone,
Suzy...those hugs sure came in handy along with Julies to help me get pass the anger I was dealing with.. Major vent coming:
. My pooter had been acting up for some time, crashing, freezing, taking forever to know the drill....well, after sending a card to my baby-grand for her tenth birthday, I tried to find a fix on-line, because I had a lot I wanted to do , sooooo I called one and got a fast talking Indian with a heavy accent. With my hearing problem, it was difficult to understand lack of computer knowledge didn't help either...but we finally worked through the problems and then he starts a hard I knew I'd have to pay something, but the way he was selling, one might think he was offering me gold, instead of a computer fix...when I declined, he put his supervision on. The supervisor was very abrupt when I said that I didn't think I'd pay what they were asking before having a friend check it out first...boy, you'd think I had done something really bad by refusing to continue and buy the fix by his attitude, and he them started talking fast in an angry voice and I said forget about it...well to make this long story shorter, I think he then stopped my access by blocking many needed links so that I couldn't open any web pages when I finished talking to him.. Of course this was denied and I couldn't prove it, but they did have remote access and it was working, badly, but working when I called them. I was without the pooter most of yesterday. This morning, one of my play sons spent 3 hours getting things fixed and now all is well. The hugs let me know that I was back in the mist of caring folks again!!! Thank you, one and all!♥
11/Nov/12 8:14 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Waiting for my Brother in law to come over. It should be a fun evening.

Theresa, thinking of you today. I know it is hard to think of a loved one on an anniversary such as this but try to think of the good.

Mama, glad the computer is working. It stinks to have to call on someone to fix it. I am lucky I know a little about computers so I can fix most of my problems. I also have a few friends who are real computer geeks and can fix anything.
11/Nov/12 8:46 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Ok good folks...Now that my vent is over and I know I'm among friends again I can chat a bit...but still have lots to catch up on.
Hey Tricia...Glad you found your way back here, but sorry you had to suffer so much pain trying to get pass the therapy...I do hope you will give it a bit more time than just once more,because it really pays off in the long run...However, that said, I do understand that you can't be in the kind of pain you spoke about much am keeping my fingers crossed for a workable answer.♥
Midge...when you do all you can and suffer in silence....then its time to come on in here girl and yell, scream and shout with the rest of does help and we want you to feel better...our shoulders are broad and at the ready...just sayin.♥ heart is greatly lightened by HEARING....yes really hearing and Feeling the joy that is coming from you. I love your new joy almost as much as you for making you so happy to be working for reasonable employers .♥
June, I add my wishes to yours that your MIL will have her wish when God says its time...May she find nothing but the peace and comfort she wants♥
Wow Brenda..lots of booze.brought home from your trip and now you want to buy food too....hmmm, quite a and drink for the Sending healing wishes to your friend for a full recovery.
Heidi..glad Oliver has gone to a good home and hope all works out for all of the dogs...but your dinners out at Gil's treat has got to be an unexpected surprise outcome to a solution to homeless, not homeless...but you know what I mean.♥
Well hope the weather gets better and allows you to become less bored Gail, and now, even though I had lots more to say...Jazz is bugging me to take him out...there are times when I wish I had a big yard where he could go outside without me in safety...oh well..out he must hang in there everyone...may the forces be kind to all of us. Hugs, love and Soul.....
11/Nov/12 8:57 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Lest we forget.
11/Nov/12 12:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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or is it ? I hope all is well tonight with all of you!

Heidi, I hope you are feeling better! You have 2 weeks to Thanksgiving. Is it too late to try to reschedule that dentist appointment? I hope you had an enjoyable day and evening and hopefully had a chance to forget about your tooth.

Suzy, a nasty headache when you're caring for Tahli and trying to prepare for teaching duties next week must be really exhausting.

Brenda, so sorry to hear that your drier will dry no more. How fortunate that you had just seen one at a good price. Our freezer (an upright) is badly in need of defrosting, if you wouldn't mind. I hope you find some good prices as you shop to re-fill it for the holidays!

Tami, I hope you had a fun night with your BIL, SIL and niece! Do your boys attempt to play with her when they visit, or tend to do their own thing?

Midge, it's amazing considering all you have dealt with and yet you maintain your sweet disposition. Please don't ever worry about sharing concerns or complaints here. This is a very warm and supportive group with strong shoulders.

MizT, we're so glad you found the time to drop in and share so much of what you've been doing! I hope you will be able to meet up with the veggie man this week! I'm so sorry your PT is causing so much pain! Have you told your therapist how much pain you are dealing with after PT? If you silently bear it, the therapist won't know. Also, have you shared information about your fibro? That kind of knowledge might have a bearing on the kinds and amount of work done in therapy.

Theresa, so sorry this particular anniversary is more difficult. I hope you spent some time with your happy memories!

Mama, I'm angry right along with you at the way you were treated. I hate it when people insist on a hard sell. I try SO hard when I'm dealing with someone on the phone like that to maintain a 'youthful' sounding voice. We saw too many times when MIL was taken advantage of and/or succumbed to a hard sell or agreed to a service or item she had no use for. I'm sure the sales people heard an 'elderly' voice and did all they could to take advantage of an older person. I'm so glad you had a reliable person who could help you with your computer problems!

Thank you, Broni! Lest we forget . . . Prayers of thanks for all those who served their country to help preserve our freedom.

We have an early wake-up tomorrow - five hours round trip to see my sister and BIL and get hair cuts, then 45-60 minutes each way tomorrow evening for Musicianship/theory class. It will be a long day.

Sending the usual {{{{{ H U G S }}}}} , prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for all of you, your family and friends.
11/Nov/12 5:31 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Lest We Forget ♥
11/Nov/12 6:09 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thank you Mama, yes, the weather is cooperating and I have been able to get out in the garden over the last couple of days, just weeding and general tidy up at the moment, no planting as yet. Tuesday I will start burning off the little piles I have so I can start rearranging garden beds in the back yard after the restructuring.

I asked yesterday on FB if there was going to be a dawn service this morning for Remembrance Day, but luckily there was only going to be a service at 10.30 with a minutes silence at 11. I say luckily because when I got up at 6.30 to visit the room of contemplation, I was in no fit state for public consumption! As it was I only read about the later service while sitting on the throne at 10.30! Got there in time for the bugler and the minutes silence...I cried, I always cry at the Last Post!
11/Nov/12 6:14 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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I cry too Gail.
So you were sitting in the room of contemplation and was reading FB?????
Slow day for me, have just been excited the last few days about getting my life back. Sore body day, does anyone else have those days when it just hurts to be touched?
Love and Hugs my friends.
11/Nov/12 10:29 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Lest we forget ......
11/Nov/12 11:12 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes, iThingies allow us to contemplate electronically these days!
I have days were my hair hurts! :(
11/Nov/12 11:16 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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That is not a good thought, nup not going there hehe!
11/Nov/12 11:21 PM
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