Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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MizTricia  From Alabama
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Greetings friends, a busy day here, and it has left me a bit achey, but I got lots more done than recently could do in one day, I am happy about that. I have both pillow forms for the pillows I am making, got one today for only 50 cents at the thrift store. I also got a pair of navy pillow cases for $1, MUCH better than the wal mart price of $15 a pair! The quilt I use for a bedspread does not cover my pillows, so having the navy pillow cases blends in nicely. I think I only need one more set, to have the 4 pair I need. I keep 4 pillows on my bed, I sleep with 3 of them. So with a case each to wash and to wear, I need the 4 sets. See why I did not want to pay $16 four times??

Also went to Aldis, needed milk and bread. shhhh, do not tell Joy, she has informed me I cannot buy anything for myself or for house till after Christmas, but I found a 3 ste[p thingy for my spices to sit upon, so I can see the bottles. It was just the right size, and not expensive. I love when Aldis has just the right stuff for the house at such good prices. I came home and after making my afternoon tea, somewhere between lunch and dinner, I got my spices sorted out. I also got a few gifts, some I bought today, some I bought the boxes or gift bags for today, together and out of sight. boxes need wrapping, but that can wait for another day.

I need to run the sweeper over kitchen floor, but that is not gonna happen today either. I brought my impatiens to the kitchen sink for a good soaking. they were shedding leaves, I have stepped on them, now they are little leave pieces on the floor. Perhaps in the morning, before sister arrives. Edna is comming after her water exercise at Lakeshore. She is bringing me dirt hehehe. My potting soil is stored out there, I have the pots here, and the violas, need to get them together.

OH, you should see that big pot of pansies I planted outside. It id overflowing with big bright yellow blooms, with mahogany faces. It is really doing well, I picked a good spot for them. The freezing temps a few times has not fazed them, they ignore it and bloom bloom bloom.

Nola I know it is hard to sit up with Judy all night and work the day. I do hope you have a comfortable chair, and can at least cat nap the night away. Do look after your health, making yourself sick is not gonna help anyone. Thoughts and prayers for you both.

Heidi, sorry to hear you lost a calf. Hope the others remain healthy and the weather moderates some. How are you feeling? With that much infection and that many antibiotics, you need to rest more, if you can. Hope the meds are doing their job and you can proceed with the reconstruction.

Now that it is almost bedtime, I might belatedly join in with a little drinkie poo. A nightcap does make me sleep better.

Suzy, I too want to see the Christmas Tree Dress photo. Does the teacher know her students plan to dress her as a tree??

TAMI, it is late enough there you can join me in a little adult beverage.
14/Dec/12 1:37 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Idid a Julie, so here is the rest of my post.

TAMI, it is late enough there you can join me in a little adult beverage. Cheers!

Brenda, I like your activities while home alone more than watching TV. Give me a good book most any day, TV is just on for a little noise.

Broni, hope you enjoyed your night with Bella, we all need a bit of quite time on occasion.

I missed the birthdays, sorry, but a belated happy happy to Suzy and to Mitchell.

Julie, my 'spot' seems to continue to shrink. I will keep a watch on it and be consistent with the antibiotic cream. I do NOT want to have to do the antibiotic again.

I have written a book, let me post this fore I loose it.

Hugs to each of you, with extras. Till later.
14/Dec/12 1:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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SO glad your ''spot'' is shrinking, MizT. Antibiotic side effects aren't fun.
14/Dec/12 3:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Amazingly, the Christmas spirit came to me in the form of Emily last night! With her help we have decorated the house and the tree. All that is left is to put up some indoor lights - Col's job!
Next Friday can't come quickly enough for me, Col will be off until after New Year. He has been working a minimum of 12 hours per day for weeks now, sometimes 16 hours!!
He's so exhausted that he, the ex-mowerman, has someone coming in tomorrow to do the lawn, tidy the garden and do a dump run!!
14/Dec/12 4:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Shopped this morning. Just about done except for the last minute food. Hair done this afternoon and our Club Christmas party tonight. I think my diviticulitis has been 'niggling' the last couple of days but how can I stay on clear (non alcoholic)fluids at this time of the year?
A pity we will be out tonight as it is 'Carols in the Park'. There is one house between us and the park and they will finish with a good display of fireworks.
14/Dec/12 5:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Daily anecdote: The Christmas Tree dress was a huge success! The teacher who got to wear it was over the moon and even borrowed it for the weekend to show her family... I'll try to get photos, but I'll have to wait until one of Alie's friends sends one to her as she didn't get any!

Another daily anecdote: I met Dana and Alie in the mall today after work. When I got there 2 blokes were hitting on them big time! The tallest one was going for Alie. Turns out he's over 30! Dana said she's going to tell all of her friends Alie is 15, because then she's safe (not legal). Alie didn't believe us that he was hitting on her...
14/Dec/12 6:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Naivety, sweet but dangerous!
14/Dec/12 6:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All!

Hawkmoon, what wonderful news that it is a slow-growing grade 2 and that Judy may be able to move into rehab as soon as a few days! Continued positive energy and prayers heading in Judy's direction - enough to share with you, as well! Feel better soon, Judy!

Broni, I'm glad you found time to be home alone with Bella, even though you've been so busy lately!

Heidi, I hope you're feeling better. Sorry to hear about the loss of a 10-day-old calf.

Suzy, thanks for sharing that Nola and her hubby were able to have a day out together! It's so hard to find time for yourself when you're dealing with a loved one's huge health concerns.

Suzy, nice compliment from your hubby!

MizT, I loved your newsy TOPP for this page! It's a good sign that you're feeling better! Seems you have been able to do quite a lot! Good for you, as long as you don't over-do! I'm glad you're not having to deal with the side effects of the oral antibiotic! We'll remind you to check your spot and apply the antibiotic ointment or cream so that it will continue to reduce in size and redness!

Cyn, hooray for Emily and you and the decorations done in your house! I can imagine that you and Col are both looking forward to his time off! With the amount of hours he's been working, he must look forward to a full night's sleep and a few hours to do something at home.

June, some of your busy efforts leading up to the club's Christmas party. I hope you're able to enjoy. Pity that it's the same time as the Carols in the Park and you can't be in both places at once!

Got the first draft of a Christmas letter put together today. I know I bought decorative paper for it at the end of last year, but don't know where we put it. Also remembered I had bought a 'coffee table' art book for D, but no idea where that is. You'd think it wouldn't be hard to find such a big book.

Sending out lots of cyber {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}}, positive thoughts and energy, healing vibes and prayers for everyone! Take care and sleep well!
14/Dec/12 6:44 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, just missed Suzy and Gail.

Suzy, looking forward to the pictures! Dana has the right idea to tell people Alie is 15 if it will help keep her safer. I suspect people also think Dana is older than she is because of having a baby. Ah, youth!

Gail, I think you're right! 'Sweet, but dangerous.'
14/Dec/12 6:48 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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And another, this one from yesterday: I was hit by a van!! (I wasn't hurt, just really freaked out!). I went up to Maccas to get a cup of coffee because I had a really long break in the middle of the day. The van from the drive through stopped because a car was reversing in front of it so I walked behind it (there is a tiny little crossing there). Apparently the car in front got a bit close to the van and it decided to reverse out of the way, into me!! I stuck my head around the corner and called into his open window in a quavering voice 'you got me'. I don't know how he responded because I walked into Maccas..
14/Dec/12 7:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I am soooo tired. I want to respond to all of your posts, but can't get it typed out... I'll hopefully catch you all tomorrow..
14/Dec/12 7:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I don't know how Julie does it..
14/Dec/12 7:08 PM
   Hawkmoon  From Nunawading
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Judy has moved from the hospital to rehab, she is happy and looking forward to the work of getting better. She will be there for about 3 weeks (but will get a leave pass for Christmas day)
14/Dec/12 9:16 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Great news, Hawkmoon, hopefully a day at home for xmas will be worth more than a week in rehab. Give her our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
14/Dec/12 9:50 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hawkmoon - that is good news and I'm pleased that she will be home for Christmas - it should be a nice celebration for you all after the worry of recent days/weeks. As usual, give her a big gentle hug from me!
14/Dec/12 9:58 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, help yourself.

Hawkmoon, please give Judy a big, gentle hug for me also. I am glad she will be home for Christmas. That will do wonders for her.

Tricia, I will join you in an adult beverage at anytime. I just can't do it before school. After all, it is always 5:00 somewhere in the world
14/Dec/12 10:12 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have to take my car to the mechanic tonight. The alternator is about to go. The warning light has been on/off for a few days. Mechanic knows it will go soon and better do it now than get stuck. I trust my mechanic and if he felt it could wait, he would tell me. I was hoping to delay at least until I am off for winter break, no such luck.
14/Dec/12 10:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hawkmoon.... THANKS for the great news. I'm so glad that she's out of the hospital. And that she gets to celebrate Christmas with the family! And WHAT a celebration! Benign, slow growing and recovering are the best gifts possible.
15/Dec/12 4:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think I'm adjusting to the antibiotics. They aren't knocking me out as much as they have been. Either that or they're working and the infection is getting better.
15/Dec/12 4:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Next week will be unpleasant. I'm having the oral surgery on Tuesday morning and the epidural pain block on Wednesday afternoon. I don't think I'll remember Wednesday night or Thursday.
15/Dec/12 4:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The news coming out of Connecticut is so very sad and tragic. My heart aches
15/Dec/12 6:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Last count I heard was 18 children and 9 adults dead, and 3 people hospitalized in critical condition. The dead include the school principal and psychologist. The shooter, also dead, was the father of one of the kindergarteners. One kindergarten class is unaccounted for, so I heard.

Why couldn't the guy start with shooting himself first?
15/Dec/12 6:35 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I am still stunned. When I think my grandies are in grade 2 and 4 ... how could anyone hurt them? Think of the terror those children must have gone through.
15/Dec/12 7:43 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I am overwhelmed with sadness, what an horrific tragedy
15/Dec/12 9:14 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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So sad to hear the news coming out of Connecticut. Theresa, like you, I can't help thinking about the families and thinking how I'd feel if it happened at one of the schools that my grandies go to. Less likely here in Australia because of our strict gun laws, but not impossible.
15/Dec/12 9:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wanna hear the latest from IH??
He just called, and I wanted to talk about the tragedy. The death toll is now up to 20 children, most 5 -6 years old, and 7 adults. IH told me to forget about it, these things happen, so don't let it bother me. I called him an unfeeling, uncaring b@stard.
15/Dec/12 10:16 AM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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Greetings friends, I have started reading but so sleepy and relaxed I might not be able to finish. I had PT today, in the pool, with a new therapist. she had really read my chart, noted how I had trouble doing so many things they had tried, what would help one symptom would cause problems elsewhere. She asked if I would like to try something different, Ai Chi. Similar to Tai Chi, but in the water. she said moves were gentol and could be just tiny movements, the breathing was the thing. I told her I often find myself holding my breath, she said yes, one does that when in pain. she seemed to know more about exercise for fibro than any Therapist I have had. After we solved the problem of my feet trying to float up to the surface of water, the session went very smothely. she said I really caught on quickly. when we had finished those, I noticed it ws about time up, but I asked if I could have a few minutes in the deep water to hang, as it seemed to help. she said yes, she would finish up with my chart and come out to join me, and see if she could offer other sugestions. We talked about flotation devices, she said the noodles were not good for people with fibro, they would pull arhm and shoulders, but were better than inner tube, suggested I NEVER use those as flotation device. She said that the belt might be good, but it would hold me further up out of the water. We had talked about how easily I float, so she asked me what would happen if I removed the noodles, could I just hang there vertically? I slipped them off, and with tiny movements of feet and arms, was up to my neck in water without sinking. she observed a while and said, you know, I do think you could do deep water Ai Chi, might sink to far when you exhale, but. . . So I gave a try, sank only to lips, nose out of water easily. she had never seen anyone do this before. It was sure more relaxing without the noodles. As I was getting out, she asked pain levels again, and you know, I really did not hurt! I had to think about it to find a bit of discomfort in my hips, the most pain free I have been in ages! They teach classes of this at the pool at Lakeshore Foundation pool, the one I have joined, so I can continue my Ai Chi as many days a week as I want! Even though the exercises are gentle, slow and small movements, it had tired me out. I came home and dozed in my chair during the news on TV. A good thing to sleep through today, the shooting was terrible and talked abut far too much in my humble opinion.

OK, back to read and try to comment on the posts, hugs to each of you, with extras.

15/Dec/12 2:14 PM
MizTricia  From Alabama
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I am so sick of all the miss information that was put on the news as gospel truth earlier today, then later recanted. Heidi, I did not hear the part about the shooter being the father of one of the children, was that when they still identified him as the 24 year old? In actuality, it was his 20 year old brother, I think. His mother was the teacher, killed in her room with her children, no, she was a teacher's aid, well maybe she was an paid aide or was it a volunteer, oh, she was shot at home, not at school. I am still uncertain just who and where she was, I have given up on listening. The news media makes me sick, they will broadcast anything, just so they can be the FIRST to say it, aaaaagggghh!

Heidi, I did hear in an interview of this teacher, that she would not come out of her locked room when police came to get them, afraid they were not really police. She stated she had them push badges under the door, then told them if you are really police, you would know how to get a key to unlock the door. Perhaps that was the class that was thought missing? I surely do hope there is not a missing class still, how horrible.
15/Dec/12 2:29 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I am feeling unbelievably exhausted... I do NOT do well as a social butterfly... no matter how much I ENJOY & LOVE what I am doing...

Direct Copy & paste from my FB page... too tired to do any more writing for now.. the humidity really drains me..

Final Tribalism Drumming night for 2012 was fantastic... and hot.. and steamy... and exhausting... I didn't even make it to 11pm...went home to bed. I think Jeremy (JMan) should/would have been happy with Tewae1's performance..we sang, smiled, drummed and laughed a lot... messed up on many occasions and by the time we finished my hands were burning and I was blinded by sweat in my eyes... The comments I collected were amazing.. I think the audience enjoyed our performance..

There is an end of year gig coming up next Sat at the Catani gardens here at St Kilda... byo picnic, drum and celebrate all that is good in life.. If I am feeling ok after Fridays event I would love to go...would be a good carrot to dangle in front of me.. reward for being a 'good girl'...

Our final singing for the year is Tuesday night and then I'm not going anywhere if I can help it...

Will be back to read and catch up later...

15/Dec/12 2:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sorry to hear that you're so exhausted, Bean. I hope you can stay cool and rested.

Great news about the Ai Chi helping so much, MizT. It sounds like you found a great therapist.

Yeah, they keep changing the story. They now say the confusion was because the shooter was carrying his older brother's ID. Last I read, he killed his father at home first, then went to the school where his mother taught kindergarten. He walked in, shot her first, then shot her kindergarten students. Several other adults rushed out of the office into the hall to try to do something, and he shot them, killing the principal and psychologist and wounding the assistant principal. Police rushed there fast and arrested the shooter's older brother in the woods outside the school. As yet they don't know if he was involved, but I wonder what he was doing on the scene if he wasn't involved. The story they tell will probably change a few more times and we may never know all the answers. I hope this nightmare results in a ban of all assault weapons from being owned by private citizens. Their ONLY use is to kill people.
15/Dec/12 3:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just because I can't bear to talk about what happened...

Daily anecdote: The organiser of this year's Carols chose which songs Alie would be singing and gave her 6!!! Recently a couple of the other girls worked out how many Alie had and apparently lodged a protest. The organiser told them she had asked Alie if she would give up some of her songs and Alie had refused! So in order to avoid having to justify her choice she made Alie look like a Diva!

15/Dec/12 5:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by for a quick Hello!

Suzy, I'm glad you weren't injured by the run-in with the van! I can understand your exhaustion as a busy teacher and Mum! I suspect I get more sleep many days than you do, as some days I can 'sleep in' a bit.

Hawkmoon, that's some great news about Judy! Gentle {{{HUGS}}} heading her way. She'll need to work hard in rehab, but it will be worth every bit of it! She'll have the added incentive of being able to go home for Christmas, too! Thanks for keeping us posted!

Tami, it's too bad your car couldn't hold on until winter break, but good that you have a good and honest mechanic. It's much better to have some inconvenience while it is being fixed than being stranded somewhere and being unable to get where you need to be.

Heidi, hopefully those antibiotics are working well! Good luck with the oral surgery and epidural next week! Hopefully there won't be lots of things on your 'to-do' list, other than sleep and recuperation! By the way, I like your idea of the gunman shooting himself first. And, can any of us be surprised by IH's comments! Seems par for the course. He certainly doesn't deserve you.

MizT, it sounds like your therapist is FANTASTIC! She has read your chart and knows how things have or haven't worked for you in the past. She understands how to help someone with fibro. She's willing to try deep water Ai Chi. She sounds wonderful, and the Ai Chi sounds like a great match for your pain! Hooray! You even had to search to find any pain at the end of the session! It's no wonder you were exhausted! Because of reduced pain, you probably had a far more productive session than ever before! Yay for MizT and Ai Chi (and the new therapist)!

Bean, the humidity and your very active drumming must have sapped your energy. Another very explainable reason for feeling exhausted. You have been very busy! Would an absorbent head band (as used by athletes) help keep the perspiration out of your eyes? That can really burn!

I won't say much about the horror of today, other than that the 'experts' say it would be better to have MUCH less information shared. The media has apparently done pretty much everything they shouldn't do if they want to prevent 'copy-cat' incidences. And in their rush to put information on air, much of it is inaccurate.

Suzy, the organizer of the carols is NOT a very nice person to tell such an untruth and make Alie be the scape goat for her unpopular decisions. If I were Alie, I'd be tempted to remove myself from the activity completely so the others could see just how much she 'refused' to give up some of the songs. Just give up all of them and leave the organizer scrambling to fix the program.

Headed to bed now. All the best to everyone! {{{{{{ H U G S }}}}}} Prayers, positive thoughts and healing vibes for everyone!
15/Dec/12 6:30 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, I tried to pull Alie out when I saw what a bad job this organiser was doing (not the usual organiser) but Alie didn't want to let them down! Then this happened....
15/Dec/12 9:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Half way through putting up my tree... very close to buying one that is already lit up and decorated when you take it out of the box... I've worked out this one has more than earned it's retirement. I think it's first year was 1995!! It was such a good quality tree that even losing bits every year since it's still looking good. Shame...
15/Dec/12 9:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mum, would you mind watching Tahli for a couple of hours tomorrow while Three and I clean the flat? Okay, what times? 10 to 3 okay?

15/Dec/12 9:40 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie was out for dinner with friends last night when one of them tried to organise for them all to go to Carols tomorrow night. Alie said I'm already going. Oh, going with your family are you? Well, actually I'm in them... Oh, that's awkward!
15/Dec/12 9:42 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Has anyone ever heard the song Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer by the Irish Rovers? As far as my family is concerned, that's my song, and here's why. About 12 years ago I worked night shift at a job and walking home from the bus in the morning, I heard heavy footsteps coming up behind me. I moved over on the sidewalk and got closer to the snowbank. Still the footsteps kept coming, so I turned around to look and there was a deer that looked more like a reindeer, right behind me. He crossed the road and went into my backyard. Only in a small town!
15/Dec/12 10:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We got most of the Christmas shopping done on Wednesday, I did all the cards on Thursday and they have been mailed, and yesterday I spent some time cooking - hubby will be going to see his parents today and spending the night. Hopefully this morning we will get the groceries before he heads off.
15/Dec/12 10:24 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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We are starting to see some things happening as far as FIL is concerned, re renovations to keep him at home for now. Hubby lost his patience with the Veterans group because nothing has really been done since the whole thing started in the spring, so he called the Ombudsman. Lo and behold, a ramp is being installed outside, a Life Alert button will be installed any day now, and a few other things are happening. He should also be receiving a cheque in the near future for the money he paid out of his own pocket to have the shower installed downstairs. Wow, the Ombudsman can work miracles.
15/Dec/12 10:27 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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One major problem ... the continuing care facility where MIL is wants to send her home this Wednesday!!! Sister-in-law was in tears and I don't blame her. MIL is nowhere near ready to come home. Hubby and SIL have emergency meeting on Tuesday at the care facility. Apparently MIL can have 8 weeks of help when she goes home, but what about if she has to get up to go to the bathroom at 2:00 in the morning? They are obviously not going to be there 24/7. There's always something ...
15/Dec/12 10:30 PM
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