Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy -
"... what we have enjoyed, we can never lose ... all that we love deeply becomes a part of us."

(Helen Keller)

06/May/11 5:20 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, so sorry about Nonmon. It is always hard to lose a pet as they are part of the family.
Theresa, condolences to your Hubby on the loss of his Uncle.
I do hope you Grumpy Grandie became un-grumpy as she celebrated her birthday. I guess I was a bit ambitious with T-shirt sizes.
Off early this morning to watch Laura's classes at school do dances for Mother's Day.
06/May/11 5:55 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good AFTERNOON, Everyone! I apologize for yelling, but it's just so exciting to get here before 10:00 at night. (Yes, there are other things I should be doing.)

Suzy, I am so sorry about Nomnom! Sending warm thoughts and {{{{HUGS}}}} your way. Don't delete everything about him. It will be easier as time passes to think about him and remember his quirks, etc., and you'll regret removing those memories. It's still hard to walk into our house, as Max(ine) used to come prancing to meet us at the door. Fortunately, the tears have been shed and now (mostly) it's just an ache and a warm memory. (Except for right now as I type this.) Do you need a copy of The Rainbow Bridge? (I keep a copy on my desktop and go back and read it when I'm really missing Max.)

Vicki, I forgot to comment last night about your 2 weeks at the beach for Christmas! Sounds wonderful!

Judy, what a shame that you hadn't thought of taking the train to the gathering! It would have been so much easier, and you would have been able to join in the festivities. (Would the train schedule have been convenient?)

Theresa, thinking of you and your hubby! Sending condolences and warm thoughts and {{{{HUGS}}}} for both of you! I hope getting the grandies ready for school went smoothly this morning! Happy 8th Birthday to your grandie! I hope she has a good day both at school and at home!

Will have to end here, as we're headed to the pool for some walking/exercising. I plan to be back later to read page 68. Take care, Everyone!
06/May/11 6:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Great to see you here so early Julie.
Theresa, hugs to you and Hubby. Happy 8th Birthday to the grumpy Grandie.
More hugs for you Zusy.
06/May/11 6:48 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, your description of the grandies is probably appropriate. It gave me a chuckle also.

Suzy, I still think of Rachel and have even called Harley by the wrong name. I like the comment Theresa posted from Helen Keller. We can never truly lose what we have loved.

Julie, good to see you this afternoon. Hope you have a great day.

Tricia, sounds like a comment my hubby would make also. Men don't always see the obvious
06/May/11 6:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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See you all later or in the morning. Time for baseball. My brother may come watch as a surprise to Dylan.
06/May/11 8:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MIL just called - visitation for hubby's uncle is tomorrow evening and the funeral is Saturday. I don't think we'll go tomorrow evening - it's at least an hour and a half drive one way. There will probably be a visitation before the funeral. The funeral is in a small town near the small town where I grew up. I imagine we'll probably take a small detour afterwards to visit my old stomping grounds. It always fills me with so many memories. I think afterwards we are going to in-laws for Mother's Day supper as hubby is working on Sunday. Those plans are still up in the air. All in all we will be in the car for a total of about 5 hours. My hips and back are aching just thinking about it. We do what we have to - hopefully I can take it easy on Sunday.
06/May/11 9:15 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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So Al is Captain Obvious too...I thought it was just my hubby!
06/May/11 9:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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My hubby too - good thing for him he's kinda cute.
06/May/11 9:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mine is Captain Oblivious.
06/May/11 11:04 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
06/May/11 11:12 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Sweetie is trying to catch a centipede that's on the bedroom wall right near the bed. Please catch it, Sweetie - those things are hideous!

Yuck, I knocked it down with the broom and now I can't find it. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Did I mention I hate those things? What if it crawls in bed with me? Hubby won't be home for over 2 hours. Anyone want to come here and help me?
06/May/11 12:16 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hugs Suzy.

I guess I'll go to bed. Wish me luck. No dreams of creepy crawlies, please!!!!
06/May/11 12:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Oops Oh boy, I am in trouble (with the sister).. Sigh!!
I accidently told my mother that her Overseas Granddaughter is coming to visit, and my sister is not happy I mentioned it.
:( well!! Mum (on the phone this morning) mentioned that she was invited to Grandson's birthday dinner next Thursday (which I already knew, sister told me the other day), and I said 'oh good, you will see Granddaughter'.. and Mum says ~ is Granddaughter coming? OOPS !!!
I hate it when people keeps secrets!
06/May/11 1:18 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, if your sister wanted you to keep it a suprise then she should have told you. It's not your fault.

Suzy, I'm sorry to hear about Nomnom.

Theresa, my condolences on the loss of hubby's uncle.

Theresa, to Grandie #1. I hope this puts a smile on her face.
06/May/11 1:52 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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It not a surprise for Mum, it's so that Mum will not hassle them to visit with G'Daughter...
Truly, you'd think with Mum being almost 92, they would fall over backwards to visit her because you never know if it is going to be the last time.
The only G'children that visit: are my boys, and 2 of the G'daughters (both of them between them have 7 cherubs which keep them on their toes).. Mum has 10 G'children.
06/May/11 1:59 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Happy 8th Birthday to Theresa's Grandie #1
06/May/11 2:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good night, all.
06/May/11 2:10 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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and then there is the conversation with my friend S ( she rung me )
S.. did Daughter send you an invite.(End of an Era Party [Sat 14th May, onwards] - T & S are moving house)
R.. Yes, and unfortunately, P & I are unable to come
S.. (sounding upset) why not, you HAVE to come
R.. Well, umm.. we are away in the Van for the Weekend.
S.. Well, where are you going
R.. umm ... K
S.. It's only 15 minutes down the road.
R.. We are going with another couple
S.. They can come too
R.. We have plans of doing nothing and not going out, just R & R, relax in the pool, have late meals etc
S.. You can have Beef and Gravy Rolls here, It is only 15 mins down the road, change the weekend to the following
R.. NO it's my Birthday Weekend, and I want to go away
S.. I have organised a Birthday Party for you
R.. I don't want a Birthday Party
.. I have Birthday Cake
R.. I don't want Birthday Cake
S.. It's for J as well (S sister J and I Birthdays are on the same day)
S.. T and I drove 900ks to be able to be at P's 50th Birthday Party.. it's only 15 minutes down the road...
etc etc etc..
eventually we talked about other things.. ie Mothers, sisters, kids, etc.
I have rung P, and looks like we will go and visit for a hour or so next Sat mid PM.

06/May/11 2:48 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, you were on the losing side with that conversation. You and my brother share a birthday (it's the 16th isn't it?).
06/May/11 2:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Finally getting back to see who I've missed.

Theresa, what a great quote from Helen Keller! Thinking of you and your hubby tomorrow and Saturday! Of course, you can't drive 1.5 hours there, 1.5 hours back on Friday, then repeat it on Saturday! It seems very reasonable to go a bit early on Saturday and attend visitation before the services! Condolences and {{{HUGS}}} to both of you!

Rolanda, seems like you can't win with phone calls today. It's so hard to try to be accommodating to everyone!

Sorry for not responding to everyone, but I'm about to crash.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and for all of you with enough to share with those in need. Take care! Good Night from here!
06/May/11 3:40 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Yes Vicki!

I just had a lovely conversation with June.
After some trouble with my Web Cam Mic (new toy for me this Skype, I really don't know what I am doing here), she was finally able to hear me..

Time for some lunch!
06/May/11 4:10 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hope you enjoyed your lunch Rolanda. I was beginning to think I needed to learn to lip read. One very frustrated Rolanda! (the mike was muted)
06/May/11 4:56 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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The conversation was two sided on this side June.
Trying to work out how to get that Mic working, was frustratingly hard work..
06/May/11 5:01 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all.
Rolanda, sorry about the phone conversations. I really does sound like a no-win situation. Glad you had a nice chat with June and figured out the mic.
I have to get better about skyping with my friends. The time difference makes it hard
Theresa, I would have sent the beastie boys to help you but I think your hubby should be home by now.
06/May/11 8:21 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Don't remember most of what I have read. Time to make brekkie, coffee is already done. Pour yourself a cup and relax. Hope everyone has a great day.
06/May/11 8:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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AAAAGGGGHHHHH Just had call from the firm who are fitting the bedroom, they will not be starting until Tuesday now. Also been informed that it is a three day fit not the two days quoted. I wasn't actually told this but found it mentioned on paper work left on top of the boxes which were delivered on Wednesday. We go on holiday on Saturday how and when am I going to get packed for this especially as the clothes are all packed away in a spare room into which I would have to be a mountaineer to get to them.
Also have a new freezer being delivered on Wednesday and I had planned on going to the freezer centre to stock it up on Thursday.
Phew Rant over
06/May/11 8:50 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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On a slightly brighter topic.... new Dyson ordered to be delivered tomorrow. I'll have to start swearing again once it arrives.
06/May/11 9:09 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I had a noice LoonnngG chat with my Friend in NSW, Hubby arrived home and joined in the conversation. So nice to be able to speak face to face, voice to voice from one part of the world to the other.
06/May/11 9:17 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Rolanda, one of the things that really bugs me is when people use guilt trips on you. I seem to know a lot of people who are good at that, or maybe I am just guilted into things too easily.

Brenda, the best laid plans ... Did you have a Dyson before? I'm just wondering if they are as good on pet hair as they say they are.

No sign of the creepy crawly after I went to bed ... hideous little bugger.

Soon time to get the grandies up and out. I heard the oldest one having a temper tantrum last night at bedtime. Hope her mood has improved.

Off I go ... thanks for the coffee Tami.
06/May/11 9:18 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I have had a Dyson for years Theresa and wouldn't go back to any other type of vacuum cleaner. I found that it managed pet hair fine (I have two dogs). The new one is an Animal one so should be even better.
The first time I used one I was so shocked to see how much 'dirt' it got out of the carpets.
06/May/11 9:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all,
Just used up all of my allowance and had to buy a data block so will have to be more careful for a while..

I think the swelling around my eyes is starting to go down. It was so bad today that boof gave me a hug in a public place! I was all under control and then my friend gave me a plant to put on nomnom's grave and I lost it again.

Tami, I called the bird Nommie today.

Theresa, I will be thinking of you, that's a lot of driving - will be thinking of you and hope you arrive home safely. It was funny reading your Helen Keller quote as it's only a couple of days since I saw a rerun of the movie about her learning words.. Was it nice hearing the temper tantrum rather than being on the receiving end of it for a change? It would have been so hard. I know how hard it is when mine are horrible to me so felt for you every time you mentioned the grumpiness.

Rolanda, your mother is not going to be around for much longer considering her age, and I think it's very cold of your sister to be angry about maybe having to take her daughter to see her. And it is your birthday, you should be able to celebrate it the way you want. I understand your choice to go for a while, but am annoyed for you about the pressure put on you.

Brenda, you are not going to know yourself with all of this new stuff. If I wasn't so happy for you I'd be very jealous! Did the Dyson keep on 'never ever ever losing suction' as it got older? I've heard that if you are not religious about cleaning the filters they can die on you but are really good.
06/May/11 10:44 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, hugs.

BOTH GRANDIES WERE HORRIBLE THIS MORNING. Yes, I'm shouting. Youngest is home sick. She must be because she hates missing school. But she's also very whiney. My head hurts. Needless to say I will probably be called on for extra duty today. This is one of those days when I want to resign my grandmotherly duties. I told my daughter to consider boarding school .....
06/May/11 11:09 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Overseas boarding school Theresa?
I don't know how you manage, I was very fortunate with my kids in as much as they never had a problem with going to school.
Yes the Dyson lives up to it's reputation of never losing suction. I have put mine through a lot of hard work whilst having work done in the house and it has coped really well, this one still works mechanically but a part on the handle has broken. I think Richard may have done something to it when he was using it in the garage.
07/May/11 12:41 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy I will be so happy once the wardrobes have been done. I know it seems as if I am getting loads of new stuff at the moment but it just means that things are starting to die or break down and are not worth mending. Remember to get this stuff I have had to sacrifice something I really wanted to happen this year ie to visit my dear friends in Oz. The roof couldn't wait any longer to be fixed so I have to wait to visit friends.
07/May/11 1:57 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I may have someone interested in buying our caravan, so fingers crossed it gets sold soon.
07/May/11 1:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... that's why I have dogs instead of kids. If they get out of control, I can bung 'em in a crate. You'd be charged with child abuse if you did that to a grandie, no matter how tempting. At least you know that grandie #1 doesn't misbehave for you only.
I think it's a shame that parents can't resort to tanning their fannies when they're bad, anymore. Now they have to employ a shrink and/or fill them full of drugs. I think that sends the kids the wrong message. I prefer the way animals handle it with their young. Instant and severe punishment for misbehaving, then all is forgiven.
07/May/11 2:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Brenda, hubby suggested a boarding school way up north when I told him about this morning.

Heidi, D and I were talking this morning about spanking. We both felt that a light spanking (not the kind where it physically hurts, just enough to send a message) would be useful. Unfortunately today that is not allowed. Oldest grandie seems immune to other forms of punishment right now (i.e. taking favourite things away, no TV, no DS, no allowance,etc.). She just yells "I don't care." There is definitely something going on there.

D is working with the school on trying to help the oldest enjoy going to school, but every day it's a battle. When she gets home from school she almost always seems to have had a good day. She seems to have lots of friends and gets invited to parties or play-dates at least once a month. We just can't figure it out. There is even a person at school who helps the teacher and she spends extra time with the oldest grandie - the grandie likes her. This person is keeping an extra eye on her throughout the day looking for reasons for her behaviour at home, all to no avail. She doesn't appear to be bullied, other kids are not making fun of her, etc. I hope they get an appointment with the psychologist soon. I wouldn't want this to go on too much longer.
07/May/11 4:24 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Fingers crossed for your caravan's sale soon, Brenda. Have you got another one or will you be getting another one?
07/May/11 4:26 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, the more I get to know some people, the more I love my cats.

MizT, are you OK? Or are you over on the dark site?
07/May/11 4:28 AM
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