Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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wet wet wet :(
17/May/11 12:55 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Some days you're a bug, some days you're a windshield.

Price Cobb
17/May/11 12:57 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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17/May/11 12:59 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone!
It's a beautiful day in Brissie. What a shame I'm indoors looking out.

Broni, I'm looking forward to meeting Saylz and Mrs S. It should be another great gathering.
17/May/11 1:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yes, me too, Vicki - I'll see you there. Col probably won't make it - he's now Group Leader of Birkdale Scouts and they have their AGM and Campfire that afternoon. But he will be a hop, skip and a jump down the road from Broni's.
17/May/11 2:04 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Bedtime here on the top side. Nothing unusual happening here today, well not much anyway.

I was happy for D#3, Friday and today two major problems caused by her move were at last resolved. One was her drivers license, seems she did things in the wrong order and had to go back and undo. she changed her insurance to Alabama before getting Alabama drivers license, so she had no valid license in FL to transfer here, and therefore no valid picture IF to get a NEW licence even. Fl. license had been suspended for no insurance. Took forever to get that straight, and she was house bound for over a week, could not drive with no license.

The other was getting deductions on payday corrected, to long to go into, but took her forever and they cut her a substantial check today. YEAH! She really persevered and kept plodding with the powers that be till all was favorably resolved. I told her how proud I was of her!!

OH I got a letter today that explained why I had extra dollars in my food benefits account that I thought were a mistake. It seems the government decided, instead of trying to identify all persons receiving benefits in disaster counties who were affected by the storm, they just gave everyone receiving benefits in the county a one time bonus! Not sure why, Easier? Faster? Less expensive than all the man hours involved with the paperwork to give just to those with proven damage? Who knows, but I am happy with the extra dollars!!

OK, so more happened than I thought hehehe. Now it is past my bedtime, and I shall have to save comments for tomorrow.

Huge hugs to Gail who has been sick too long, even though she passed the germies around , and to those she infected. As always thinking of June and her friend. Good night all.
17/May/11 2:24 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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Cyn, I'll be on my own as well. Kevin is taking an extra shift for the overtime. Only problem is that he has the Friday and Sunday off so this is right in the middle.
On the Friday he will come with me for my mammogram (probably sit in the car in the carpark) and then we'll go somewhere nice.
We've only just been invited to a meeting for Sunday lunch. Whoopee - gosh it's an exciting life I lead.
17/May/11 2:33 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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MizT, it sounds like things are working out well for D#3, and the extra money you received is most welcome, I'm sure.
17/May/11 2:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko and Good Evening, Everyone!

Vicki, thinking positive thoughts for S#1! You're right, he is a rarity, and much-needed to have a male influence for the younger ones! Back when I started teaching (Kindergarten), it was nearly unheard of to have a male teaching in an elementary school. We had 1 teaching either 4th or 5th grade. Over the years I taught various grade levels, and we had a male 4th grade teacher at the school where I worked for 19 years. Good for your son!

Wow, Akiyo got a GREAT price on her ticket to go to Japan! Has she finished her degree? I'm assuming she has, as you expect that she'll work for a while in Japan. I'm glad her family live away from the tsunami! I just looked at a map of Japan, and Kyoto also seems to be somewhat inland. Wishing Akiyo luck finding a job as well.

Thank you, Suzy, Broni, Tami, Mamacita and Cyn, for the anniversary wishes. (I hope I didn't miss anyone!) As you can tell, we're not big partiers. Broni, no coffee for either of us, as we don't drink coffee. I had a plain cheeseburger, a few of hubby's fries and a glass of water. We only had about a 45 minute break for lunch, so had to go somewhere nearby and quick, so McDonald's worked fine.

MizT, I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better, though still tired. Loved your description of Al and the Carnation Instant Breakfast, Yep, so like a man. (At least he figured out how to get something to eat/drink. Some men would have just spent the day pouting and eating a candy bar or cookies or whatever "easy" food item they could find.) Milk was once called "the most nearly perfect food," so even though he used too much and not enough of the Instant Breakfast, he got some nutrition.

Suzy, I'm so sorry! It sounds like you have come into the season of detours! Hopefully one of the routes will be completed quickly to give you a decent alternative!

Theresa, I'm sorry you'll be mostly without computer access and during a dreary rainy spell! Hopefully you can pop in at least once a day! I hope your grandie's extra tooth was easily (and not traumatically) pulled! Our younger D had 3 or 4 "supernumerary" teeth - extra teeth growing behind or under another tooth. I just checked to make sure I remembered supernumerary correctly. I did, and the condition is called hyperdontia. I hope her extraction went well!

Heidi, your weather also sounds miserable! I hope the predictions for Thursday when you work the cattle are correct!

Mamacita, how awful that your allergies are awful, and the rain that is supposed to wash the pollen away is only making things worse! Take care of yourself!

Brenda, sounds like you're making the best of the weather and enjoying a restful time and some good food!

Broni and Gail, I hope you are both feeling better! Tami, I hope your head cold is only a very mild one and you will soon be feeling better!

Cyn, going to Japan is an amazing school trip for a 12-year-old! Lucky young man! And he alrea
17/May/11 2:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oops, I haven't done that in a while! Here's the rest of that post:
Cyn, going to Japan is an amazing school trip for a 12-year-old! Lucky young man! And he already has a girl friend that he's taking to the movies . . . I don't think I'll be ready for that when our grandies reach 12! Eight or nine hours without internet would be dreadfull! Too much time on your hands; too many household serohc and too much ffuts waiting to be done!

Heidi, your dinner definitely sounds yummy! Good for you for making something you enjoy!
17/May/11 2:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gail, I like both of your TOPPS on this page! Seems like they're both appropriate!

Vicki, it's a shame you're not able to take advantage of the beautiful day! Seems like you're the only one with good weather, but no time to enjoy it!

Vicki and Cyn, how nice that you'll both be able to attend another gathering!

MizT, good for D#3 for persevering and getting things corrected! And good for you for being in the right place at the right time to reap the benefits of a few extra dollars on your food benefits! I know you'll stretch them to provide as much extra as possible! Sleep well!

I'm falling asleep at the keyboard, so need to think about getting to bed! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts and prayers for everyone, especially those who are sick and/or need a few extras! Good Night, Everyone!
17/May/11 3:00 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Julie - I meant to say that Col and I are not huge celebraters of our wedding anniversary (23 years on 11th June). If we can, we go out to dinner but don't bother with cards or gifts. We may celebrate our 25th in 2013.
Also, I'm not ready for my Grandies to grow up and go overseas without their parents, or worse still, learn to drive!! I have always told them that I have a padded room and when they turn 16, I'm locking them in there until they're adults! Unfortunately, they know their rights and have let me know they no longer beileve me - darnit!
17/May/11 3:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gekko all,
Just did the round the world trip to pick Alie up from school so she could be home in time to go to hip hop. Only she has decided she is too sick to go! Not a total loss though as we were listening to the radio and her band got a mention in a promo for Friday night. She was very excited!

MizT, good for D#3!! My SIL always complained that things you used to be able to do in one phone call now take several phone calls and an email... Is there an election coming up? Maybe they were trying to generate general good will... It's the government so I know it wasn't plain old generosity..

Gail, I hope you are finally starting to feel better. Hugs - only cyber ones though as I don't want to catch it!

Vicki, Dana had a male teacher for the first half of kindergarten and I would not be understating things if I said he was the best teacher she had before she got to high school. He was head hunted by a special needs school and I bet he was fantastic there!

Theresa, thinking of your grandie! Hubby was born with a full set of black teeth. They were all pulled out and he grew regular baby teeth, some of which he still has! Can't work out how our girls got such nice teeth! Mine suck!

Cyn, I've met women with babies and told them I'll swap - they can have my teenagers and I'll take them back when mine are 25..
17/May/11 4:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh yes, Suzy - I'd rather go through the baby/toddler/pre-school years in preference to the teenage years.
Why didn't anyone tell us before we had kids? Oh, I know - they did, we didn't listen!!
But - suddenly they become adults, get jobs, get married and have children - and then they say to their long-suffering parents - oh NOW I understand!
17/May/11 5:01 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Another one here, prefer the baby/toddler/pre-school years in preference to the teenage years.
17/May/11 5:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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AAAaaahh, Dana has just sent a text asking if she and her new boyfriend could come over because she a little thing to show us...
17/May/11 5:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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eeekkk... what little thing??
17/May/11 5:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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eeeekkk!!! says it Rolanda!
17/May/11 5:52 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I shall wait with bated breath for an update!
17/May/11 6:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Breathing again - it's the tiniest little kitten you've ever seen
17/May/11 6:08 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Phew!! Thought it could be something unthinkable..

so does the tiniest little kitten have a name?
17/May/11 6:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Demetri, just until she gets a place
17/May/11 6:19 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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And where is that littlest thing living or going to live Zusy?
17/May/11 6:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just what I was wondering, Rolanda.
17/May/11 6:31 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oops! I mean Broni!!
17/May/11 6:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We get to mind it until she gets a place in June... not holding my breath... nor for the promise that she'll be the one who gets him fixed and registered.
17/May/11 6:44 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Sounds right to me Zusy, you get to pay etc. etc. but she belong to whom?
17/May/11 7:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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He puked on me!!!
17/May/11 8:03 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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17/May/11 8:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Looks like my sister has forgiven me, getting messages from her today, like before :)

Been invited to go and have lunch with sister and family tomorrow at a winery (where nephew works). Will catch up with the Overseas Niece and the BF.
17/May/11 8:25 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Just stopping in for a minute. Still not feeling the best but will go to school. It is all in my head and making me a little fuzzy. Kids have an end of year test on Wednesday so I don't want to take off, I want to review with them.
17/May/11 8:50 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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I am hiding in here..
the kitchen looks like a bomb has gone off.
The Gremlin is cleaning up.. If I go and disturb him, he will stop!!
17/May/11 8:53 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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:( Tami, hope you get well soon ♥
17/May/11 8:53 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Thanks Rolanda. I promise, I won't let the gremlin know you are hiding.
17/May/11 8:55 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Thanks Tami..
17/May/11 8:59 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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The gremlin, came out of his room, eating something, and I his mother said..
What are you eating, Chocolate? I want some..
he goes NO, only if you empty the dishwasher,
his father and I said NO.
Any hoo in the end, we traded a glass of wine for some chocolate, and he still has to empty the dishwasher.
and he made us a cuppa as well.
17/May/11 10:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I so enjoy hearing about all the difficulties caused by everyone's kids..... and being able to snigger. Sorry about that.
You may end up keeping that kitten, Suzy. You'll get attached. What color is it?
17/May/11 11:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just picked up 3 Silver Pheasants at the Post office in the next county. One young male and two females. I now have two pairs, and the male I already had now has a girlfriend. They were shipped from New Jersey and were only in transit for 19 hours. It would have been a day and a half if I'd waited for them to arrive here.
18/May/11 2:25 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Friday morning I'll be driving to the airport in Louisville to pick up some MORE Lovebirds being shipped from California. A couple of them are extras I bought to sell to a pet shop. They're both Fischer's Lovebirds instead of the Peach Faced Lovebirds I already have.
18/May/11 2:28 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy is that kitten actually old enough to be away from it's mother?
We have had a day without rain, can't count the couple of seconds when it did rain. We went to Scotland. First to Gretna Green and the Old Blacksmiths Shop, we didn't get married. Then took the scenic route up to Dumfries. Came back the fast route. Going out to dinner tonight in Pooley Bridge.
18/May/11 3:45 AM
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