Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I like peas but not a big fan of pea soup. Don't think I would like sloppy peas.
24/May/11 9:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Wonderful post for a topp. Sorry I was not paying attention to the count.
24/May/11 9:45 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn, yes, a lot like the Roman arch, in that the frame of a dome is floppy and unstable, even movable to get struts to fit in place, requiring ropes and strong men to move it, but movable. Customers often wonder just what is going on, UNTIL that last bit of frame, that one piece of timber (lumber) is put in place and like magic, it becomes rigid and unmovable, it snaps into place.

Ever read a book you really are not enjoying but yet you cannot put it down? I have one of those now, and wish I had never picked it up.

Life is too short to read a book you do not enjoy, I am not in school reading for a grade. There, I have talked myself into putting it aside, reading the other one I have, whew, feel better already hehehe.
24/May/11 10:06 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone!! Another rainy, chilly day in Utah...Was nice this morning, storm coming in, wind picking up. Talked to my mom the other day, she's getting better. Thanks for all the love & support for her.
WARNING!! I need to vent!! (and need some advice)
Here goes:
I am at a crossroads with my Mary Kay business. I am SUPPOSED to place a $180 order every 3 months...Last week I received an e-mail from my director REMINDING me that I am inactive (no order in 3+ months). I already KNEW this. I don't drive and live in a rural town.
Here is the dilemma: I don't know if I want to give up my business or not. I've had my business since July 1998...I know this is ultimately MY decision, but I would appreciate objective opinions. I will be checking in for the next few days.
Thank you & all my love always for all of you! TTFN
24/May/11 10:11 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Morning, am so not here!!
This Morning, a bit of running around for Mum
This Afternoon, Funeral to attend with Hubby, picking up MIL on the way.
Later this Afternoon, Peter has someone coming by at 5.00pm, umm, a Painter I think, to quote on Painting the outside of the House.

24/May/11 10:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzanne, if you enjoy it just keep doing it. If it's no longer enjoyable or if stress is being put on you, maybe it's time to move onto something else. We're here for you, sweetie.
24/May/11 10:31 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Sorry do not have time to read this morning, unn last few days actually, only what is on the page.

Sad about the Tornado and the lives lost.♥

Got to go.. Hugs and love to all and Sundry, especially June and Friend and Family ((HUGS))♥

Cheers xxx
24/May/11 10:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Joplin Mo ♥

24/May/11 10:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzanne, you do have some major obsticals to over come in not driving and living in a rural area. Unless there are other ways to contact clients and potential clients than calling on them in person, I do not see how you can take orders enough to meet the company's goals.

what daughter #3 does when she must make a decision is to write down the pros and the cons of the problem. what do you get from keeping your business? What does it cost, money and stress and all? If the Pros list is longer, keep it. If the con list is longer, let it go qne move on to something else.
24/May/11 10:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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From our news station:

Date: Monday May. 23, 2011 4:11 PM ET
The Christian radio host who predicted the apocalypse would begin last Saturday says he will take to the airwaves tonight to discuss his failed prophecy.

Harold Camping says he will make a full statement tonight on his Oakland-based Family Radio International.

"I will have more to say tonight," Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer, told The Associated Press.

He had stated there was no way the Rapture would not start on Saturday at 6.p.m, and told the San Francisco Chronicle he was "flabbergasted" his doomsday prophecy didn't come about.

Camping preached some 200 million Christians would be saved and those left behind would die in a series of plagues until Earth was destroyed in a fireball on Oct. 21.

Camping also predicted the apocalypse would happen in 1994, but blamed the world's survival then on a mathematical error.

While his latest prediction was mostly met with online ridicule, some believers took it quite seriously. One man in New York spent his life savings on advertisements warning of the coming doom.

Camping's media empire has assets of more than $100 million and had $18 million in donatations in 2009.
24/May/11 10:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just read one weather forecaster's prediction that the Joplin Mo tornado was an F 4. About what I expected. From photos I saw, figured it could not be an F 5, there was still pavement on the roads in the middle of the destroyed neighborhoods. The size of a tornado is not what is measured, but the winds and the damage it caused. One of the marks of an F 5 is the roads are plowed up, nothing but dirt remaining.

Can you tell I spend too much time watching the weather during tornado outbreaks???
24/May/11 10:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good advice for Suzanne, MizT. And not good company policy for MaryK - surely a sale is a sale whenever, wherever it is made.
MizT - that should be the thought for the day - life is too short to read a book you don't enjoy. I don't - if I can't get into a book after several attempts, I don't bother.
24/May/11 10:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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How about a sunnier note for a bit? We were talking about car seats for Julies grand babies. How did you ride in an auto when you were small? How did your children?

I rode in the front seat, standing behind my dad's right shoulder. I imagine that gave me some level of protection in case of a sudden stop, but would have been none whatsoever in a crash.

My oldest had a canvas and steel car seat, unstructured, just steel straps that went over the back of the front seat and holding up that canvas seat. I tied her into it with a diaper hehehe. Ten years later, daughter #2 was in an early version of today's car seat, that was held in place with the auto's seat belts, but only lap belt to restrain her. It did have a heavily padded bar that raised up to get her in and out, (much like bars on rides at the amusement parks) that fit in front of her, but it did not lock in place. AND she rode in the back seat. AND she knew if she were going in the car, it was in that seat.

24/May/11 11:01 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cyn, I am about 90 pages into this book. I want to find out what happens to the main characters, but it is just too depressing and intense.
24/May/11 11:03 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, is Camping going to give back all that money???

24/May/11 11:06 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I doubt it, MizT. It would be interesting (well, not really) to hear his story tonight.

Suzanne, my daughter had to give up her Avon business when she had the hip problems. She doesn't drive, so when the orders came in her hubby had to drive her to deliver them. I think he's probably glad he doesn't have to do that right now. I don't know if she'll continue with it once she's more mobile.

MizT, when my daughter was young she would sit on my lap in the car. We also had a car bed that was just stretched across the back seat, no restraints, that she could sleep in. My how things change, but in this case probably for the better.

I can hear the sounds of fire crackers around. I hope they get it out of their system before I go to bed. I have one cat who is slinking around and jumps every time one goes off. I have most of the windows still open, so the sounds are coming in loud and clear.
24/May/11 11:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, anyone who contributed to Camping's nonsense deserves to be bilked out of their life savings. That might sound a bit harsh, but as the saying goes, there's one born every minute.
24/May/11 11:45 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Thanks for the input so far... Driving here IS a bit of an issue. I usually mail my orders to clients or some of the local ones come to me. The problem is the fact that I can't just order a few items, it HAS to be a minimum $180 order for me to place it with MK...Usually it winds up almost $250 by the time tax, shipping etc is included...I have a LARGE inventory and am debating selling a lot of it off and just keeping a few loyal clients. Any ideas there folks??
24/May/11 12:28 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Praying for those in Missouri.
24/May/11 12:47 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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MizT - when we were small we were unrestrained in the back seat - or, I suppose on Mum's lap in the front as babies.
My babies went in a moses basket in the back seat, then in a car seat that had metal levers under the back of the car seat, no seat belt, just a padded bar around their waist level. I do remember driving home late at night after visiting friends and family, both Hubby and I would have had a drink or three, with Karin asleep on my lap and Andrew sleeping in between us on the front bench-type seat.
I get horrified just thinking of it. There were no real drink-driving rules, speed limits weren't observed or policed and we were young and thought we were invincible. I thank God we all survived to tell the tale - and that my Grandies were protected better!!
24/May/11 1:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I'm astonished that they don't appear to be angry with him, more confused as to why they are still here... Did you listen to his excuses tonight? I'll have to go check the news because I'm sure someone there did.

Suzanne, I would sell it all off, but that's just me.

I'm stuck here because I decided - bugger the allowance I'm uploading the video for Mum. My computer shuts itself down to save power - stopping progress in the middle.

Funny story - I sent Mum the CD the kids recorded of their songs. It's really good but I couldn't work out how to see the pictures. lol
24/May/11 1:39 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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It was my birthday and I did whatever I wanted always. I have had a great weekend of celebrating and ended today with a four generational ice cream and cake bash...sound like a bunch of folks, but it only took five of us to reach that goal...LOL. my D and SIL, my middle grandie and my great grandie...and of course me....a great time made sweeter by being remembered by my spectacular sudoku friends around the world...thanks for the wishes one and all.
More later..Peace.♥
24/May/11 2:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh I see, there was a silent judgement on 21 May and the world will actually end on 21 October...
24/May/11 2:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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There they are - Forever Archie last Friday night..
24/May/11 2:29 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oooh Suzy! 21st October - ooh, I'm scared!
I'm sure there are members of my hubby's extended family (and some of you here know the story - too long and harrowing to repeat to all, sorry) who will be agog with excitement at being the chosen ones.
24/May/11 2:50 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick pop in to say Gekko and then off to bed for be. Another very early morning for us. We had 2 doctor appointments today and have 4 tomorrow. (We're trying to arrange some of our periodic visits scheduled back-to-back.)

I hope all are well! Prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts and to all my cyber friends! Good Night!
24/May/11 2:54 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Suzy - loved the video - nice song!
24/May/11 2:57 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Night, Julie!
24/May/11 2:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Glad you like it Cyn, that's one of theirs..
24/May/11 3:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, sounds like too much hard work and botheration, I'd sell it off too.

Rapture, Armageddon...whatever! So be it, when my time comes, I know I will be ok with going. No regrets.
24/May/11 3:01 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gail broke it again ;-)
24/May/11 5:50 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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and Broni broke the site as well !
24/May/11 7:48 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I must be a bit thick, I haven't read much about this 'rapture' or end of the world thing, but what I have read puzzles me. Camping is saying that 200million christians will be raptured and taken to heaven/saved and the rest of us will die when the world ends in October. Why should the saved ones be happy.. if they have been taken up to heaven surely they have died too, if not where are they going to live if earth has been destroyed. As I said at the start I must be a bit thick because I cannot see why they would be so eager to be saved.
24/May/11 8:00 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, I agree with Gail it sounds like a lot of bother for such small sales and I would guess that it costs you more than you make. These days people have a larger choice of shopping outlets to choose from on-line.
24/May/11 8:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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She's 18 and not living at home, why does Centrelink need to know our income????
24/May/11 8:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Mamacita, what a brilliant way to spend your birthday!

Brenda, good point...

24/May/11 8:09 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy, because they are nosey. I can't see why they should need to know, as you said she is 18 and not living with you. Maybe you should ask them why before answering anything and make sure they know that it was her choice not to live at home.
24/May/11 8:19 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Suzy, what is Centrelink? BTW, I love Alie's video.

There's still a cup or two of coffee left, help yourself.
24/May/11 9:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, we told her to tell them she's 18 and not living at home and we refused to fill out the forms... She's legally an adult, they are not our problem! She's supposed to be working at KMart, but nobody has seen her there. She says they are training her for night work. Yeah, right! Not that gullible anymore...

Theresa, Centrelink is the place we go for benefits, retirement, unemployment, etc... I'll tell Alie you liked the video. I put it up for my mother after she listened to the CD but couldn't see the pictures.. and Alie told me I should have asked first. Bugger that, I run around like a looney getting her to everything, I can put up a video if I want to!! She'd say yes anyway, she just wanted to say yes first...
24/May/11 10:10 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, super proud mommies are allowed to post videos of their kids. Good for you for refusing to sign the Centrelink forms. If she needs help, she should be coming to you in person and explaining her situation. She has to lay in the bed she has made. I know it's hard on you sweetie, but she can't have it both ways. HUGS
24/May/11 10:29 PM
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