Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night All, thanks for sandman wishes, I too hope I sleep better tonight. Pain levels way down as the storm has left us. We did get needed rain, but that is all.

I did read, thought what I wanted to say and thoughts just fell right out of my sieve brain.

Get well soon heidi, and wishes for thunder free night and a good sleep for you and the collies.

Mama, hope no more itching for you and you get to sleep also.

Theresa, forgot what kept you up, but sleep well tonight.

Night all.
27/May/11 1:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, it does say in the article but the suburb in question is Ivanhoe, I heard the principal of Ivanhoe Grammar speaking about it this morning on the radio. Yes, cyber bullying at its most blatant. I believe from what I heard that it is mainly among private school students, who supposedly should know better, but are often the worst offenders in most teenage silliness.
27/May/11 2:46 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I often hear that Gail and have wondered why. I think it is coming from a public school background, but I wonder if it's a sense that they believe they are better than others because of their private school education and so can do whatever they want. Not all of course!

And I would have no idea whether Ivanhoe is anywhere near you, public, private, or on the moon!
27/May/11 4:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm off for coffee with friends.

Hugs to everyone, especially June's friend

Hope Al is able to eat tomorrow.
27/May/11 4:03 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Suzanne, sounds like the universe is working with you on the MK thingy.
MizT, just thought, do the T storms and you aches seem to coincide? Sleep Well.
Well, all ready for the Saylz gathering tomorrow just a few things to finish off in the morning. Poss literally just let me know there are another 4 of his friends coming, one is a good friend and it is Birthday tomorrow...more the merrier!
27/May/11 4:11 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Broni it sounds as if you are going to have a good day. Wish I was there, I think I will have to have a BBQ soon, but will have to wait until the weather sorts itself out again we are having rain at the moment.
27/May/11 6:40 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Gail and Suzy, Hope your respective daughters pull there finger out and get their school work done. I was the one who normally had to nag to make sure my lot got theirs done. Even now when the youngest is at uni I have to prompt her to get the work done, she normally leaves it to the last minute and then stays up all night. I know when that happens as there are comments on FB all through the night.
Richard is going to Cheltenham tomorrow to move her stuff to the new house (uni accommodation) and to bring her and probably loads of stuff home for the summer.
27/May/11 6:46 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...oh, yay...
27/May/11 8:18 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all.
Theresa, I have heard stories of tests like the one you had. I have never had one. I did have a math quiz once where if you did not read the directions, you would fail. They were simple questions like 12+8= The directions were something like: if it has a +, subtract. If it has a X, add. Every operation meant something else. I did not read directions. I need to recreate it one day for April Fool's day. I also had a college professor who gave the question "isn't there something you would rather be doing than taking this test?" Of course I answered true.
27/May/11 8:53 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Off to torture the kiddies. It is a three day weekend and I need it. Looking forward, only 8 days left of school. I don't count today as it already started
27/May/11 8:54 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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to all who want or need one. Hope everyone has a great day/night.
27/May/11 8:56 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Rainy day here and only a high of 15C. Our drive with MIL today will be a wet one, but she can still see flowers, especially lilacs. My lilacs are in full bloom - when I come outside that's the first thing I smell .... love it. Got me to thinking about Heidi's twice blooming ones. Maybe next year I can get one or two.

Off to have a coffee. I would personally like to thank the person who invented coffee.
27/May/11 9:05 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Definition of dumb: banned from the internet until your project is finished - take your computer to your room saying you don't like the DVD your parents are putting on, and the posting on your sister's status on Facebook!!!
27/May/11 9:54 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The specialist this morning said all Ok and if I am careful so reason why I should ever have another bout of diverticulitis.
Hair all cut short again and then saw MIL.
Also got some shopping done as needed a few essentials and also my elder grandson will be nine next week so will have to post the presents (I bought today) to Melbourne.
28/May/11 12:42 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Spoke to my friend tonight and she was not well. I go to bed worrying and then come here to find she must have felt better again as she had been playing games on FB!
Like your daughter Suzy, she had been accessing and posting on my page!
28/May/11 12:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Also Hubby put the radio on so he can get to sleep. I will go back once he is asleep!

Broni I will think of you all tomorrow. Have a great BBQ.
28/May/11 12:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, Al drank his formula as hot chocolate today and said it taste good. His taste just changes day to day, never know what will and will not taste good or what will be difficult to swallow.

Broni, yes, the pain seems to come with or after the storms. Occasionally we have a storm that does not bother me, but most do. And either the storms are getting stronger, or I am reacting stronger to them now.

Broni, at least he let you know hehehe, just put some more water in the soup (or for your crowd, water down the drinkies hehehe)and it will be fine.

Brenda, hope the daughter's move home for the summer goes well, and the summer also. My very intelligent niece would also leave work till the last minute, staying up the night before assignment was due, even term papers! Oh she would do the research, but the writing? NEVER early. I think she needed the deadline looming for that adrenaline rush. always got them done, though.

Theresa, I had such a test, in fifth grade, back in the stone age. I really wanted to wade in and answer the questions, but I had been over taught to follow directions, and I did read all, fold my paper and put name on outside as instructed and turned it in. I am surprised to find someone else who had such a test, never had before.

Tami, do not blame you for not counting today. the hardest part is getting out of bed, right?? Once that is over . . .

Theresa, I think we should get a "from all of us" thank you card and sent to that coffee inventor hehehe I would sign in big red letters.

Suzy, I am so suspicious, would have figured something was up when laptop was taken to room. Not so much suspicious as I REMEMBER being that age hehehe. So, what is the punishment for breaking the ban? KIDS! If we knew what they would put us through, would we have had them?

28/May/11 12:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, happy you found that your friend was feeling better enough to play games! Now you do not have to worry all night. Hugs to both of you and hope you get to sleep soon!

28/May/11 12:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Forgot to say I had a wonderful night's sleep last night, slept for 8 hours, only up for that necessary visit to the small room. Life looks better when you get a good sleep!
28/May/11 12:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami and Theresa... I believe the term is Intersex. And there are far more children born without a visibly discernible gender than you'd think. Testing the genes isn't even 100% sure because of chimerism. That's when an individual has 2 separate sets of DNA, not as rare as one would suppose.
28/May/11 1:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had one of those tests, too. Several pages of tough questions. At the end, it said not to answer the questions, just put your name on the top and hand it in. I didn't read it through first and was plugging away and wondering why some kids were walking to the front and handing theirs in after a couple of minutes. I learned to read instructions first after that.
28/May/11 1:43 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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That is the point of those tests. I have never taken a test like that but my brother did when he was training to become a prison warder. It is given to see if you can carry out instructions properly.
28/May/11 1:47 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I remember now why I always read and followed directions. My Dad told this as a true lesson he learned, and it seemed to stick with me.

Dad had applied for a job as a large equiptment mechanic, and there were many applicants. The company narrowed it down to tow people, dad and one other. they were told they seemed to be equally qualified, but they wanted them to do one more test. They were told to detail the steps in installing a carburetor on a certain piece of equipment, and be very detailed and thorough. They were called back and told the results. the other man got the job, not my Dad. their answers were identical except for one thing. His Step one was to take the replacement carburetor from the box, and read the directions.
28/May/11 3:24 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Do you know any man who actually does that Mizt?
I don't, they all seem to think that they know how to do everything without looking at instructions, then of course wonder why things go wrong.
28/May/11 3:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
June, I'm glad your friend was well enough to play on facebook, but not that you had a night of worry. {{{{{Hugs}}}}} Good news about the diverticulitis.

Broni, hope you are sleeping in and not stressing about today! I hope you all have a tonne of fun and wish I could be there with you..

I have never had one of those tests, but would have failed. Tami, I like the idea of the test for April fools. Now we all just have to remember to remind you of that one for next year!

MizT, that makes it hard to plan meals! I wonder how much longer his taste will be 'off'... So glad you started the day with a good sleep. I was suspicious MizT, but the assignment she was working on was on the computer. I don't know what her punishment was because I just said 'Alie just posted under Dana's status on fb' and hubby was up and off! He monitored her on the gadget that tells us who is online after that.
28/May/11 8:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, nice gadget to have when you have children in the house.

Broni, I also wish I could join you for the BBQ, hope it is fun for all.

Brenda, yes, my father really did read directions that came with auto parts. He said that was why he was so upset, he actually DID that every time, but he did not write it down on that test.

28/May/11 8:35 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I'm wondering why mechanics would always read the directions when they probably have put the same part in dozens of times before...
28/May/11 8:41 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Gekko All.
Still itching here...great big swellings come and go as well as welts from fun. I'm drinking lots of water since I had been drinking lots of lemonade and that didn't help me not to itch. I don't want to take medication because it makes me feel too dopey.... and I really don't need that,I'm dopey enough.
I wonder what some of you use, and how it affects you. Please share. Glad others managed to get a little sleep though. June, you must try to change your thought patterns at bedtime, I know, easier said than done...but...thinking of your friend deserves the day, but before bed, find something good to think of, because as you found, your friend felt better and was up to game playing but you were awake into the wee hours worrying....hope you manage a good sleep tonight... thoughts, prayers and hugs to you both.♥
Broni...the meet is over now and I know everyone had a blast...Wish I could have been there too.
Enjoy the weekend everyone, hopefully in good health and with good weather.
May Peace walk with you as you go through the day/night. ♥

28/May/11 8:42 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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My husband has been a techno gadget man all his life, he knows a little of just about everything. Often he will plunge straight into something without referring to the instructions. When he finds that he has come up to a brick wall and can go no further, that is when he will employ his 'RTFM' principle. (Read The F***cking Manual'!
28/May/11 8:43 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Ah yes, the meet. Mama, that is actually today lunchtime, it is still morning on this side of Australia.
Hope you all have a wonderful time ♥

Sorry to hear of your itches Mama, I wish there was something I could suggest to salve your discomfort :(
28/May/11 8:46 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This has been an interesting day. I decided to take Yahtzee to a sale barn, and since I was heading in that direction, to drop off a horse at the trainer's for a refresher coarse. First Robert and I loaded the bull into the front of the trailer, a nasty job because he didn't want to cooperate and was alternating kicking and charging. It took a while. Then we loaded the horse, who behaved perfectly. We Unloaded the horse first (only a 15 minute drive) then drove another half hour to the sale barn. I forgot that it was a holiday weekend. The gates were chained shut. So I turned around and brought Yahtzee back home. It'll be another week before I can take him there again.
28/May/11 9:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama.... I find benedryl works the best for hives for me. Most pharmacies keep it behind the counter. Just ask them for some.
28/May/11 9:15 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, looks like Yatzee got a reprieve. Wasn't there something about another day you were going to take him to a sale? There is a niggling of a thought back of what is left of my brain about that.

How about rain? We have a nice, one day only cool day today, no rain, hope the same for you.
28/May/11 9:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There is usually another sale elsewhere on Sunday night, but they'll be closed. There's also a sale at a 3rd location on Tuesday, but I'd already promised IH that he could use that trailer on Tuesday.

Just a light mist today, and cooler temps. The ground will never dry out at this rate.
28/May/11 9:38 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, they say that there is no doubt what the baby is based on the genitalia. They just want to let "it" decide. I still think the parents are crazy.
Mama, I was also going to suggest Benadryl.
June, my mom also has diverticulitis and is very careful of what she eats. I hope you know what affects you and you can avoid those foods.
28/May/11 10:49 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Perfect sunny day here, looking forward to meeting Saylz.
28/May/11 10:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Have not been back long from our drive, and then popped into the neighbour's place to see where they keep the dogfood, etc., for my doggy sitting tomorrow. I got lots of doggy smooshies while I was there.

Heidi, I have a friend whose son/daughter was a hermaphrodite (now called intersex). He was raised as a boy because he had the male genitalia. Years later he wanted to be female, and I believe has now completed all the operations required. I have met her and she is gorgeous, and in fact does a fair bit of modelling. She is so much happier. Her father never did understand and still doesn't really accept. The parents are now divorced. She had her mother's total support. She had a very long and hard road to travel.

Heidi, I think it's Yahtzee's way of saying KEEP ME.

Mama, when I get hives I generally Lanacane cream or ointment gives me temporary relief.

Well, must get things done before bed. Someone used the litter box and didn't cover it - smells like a barn stall. See you all tomorrow.
28/May/11 1:10 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The pub down the street is very noisy. This is our Dandelion Festival weekend, and the pub has special events. If the noise hasn't subsided by midnight, the cops will be getting a call from me. Noisy cars and trucks, people shouting. I have already seen the cops there once, I have a feeling the neighbour called them. I think it's going to be a loooooong night.
28/May/11 1:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, Dad said that sometimes they changed something on a part, or discovered a better way to go about it, or something. I asked him just like you asked me.

Not sure why I saw some of the posts last time I was here, and about 4 more above my ost that I had not seen. Oh well, I read them now, just a tad late. Mama's post was not there asking for what we use on hives, but Heidi's answer to that was. Go figure.

I had a nap in the chair after lunch today. Al and I had our nourishment same time. I had a burger, he did a tube feeding. he does not join me in eating, still just taking a bite here and there to see what his taste buds are doing. they are still rebelling at the moment, they were messed with big time, and are still insulted.

Nite nite, hugs and good wishes to each of you.
28/May/11 1:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We know Broni was having a BBQ and it looks as though everyone else also has a life. Looks like Laura will now be staying here overnight. She is having a few night accidents lately so I will have to watch how much she drinks tonight.
Looks like spaghetti bog. tonight. I already have some sauce made and in the freezer.
Just remembered washing on the line and it is now dark!!
28/May/11 5:33 PM
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