Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Be proud of who you are and what you believe in.
29/May/11 12:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK.... I just had an interesting phone call.
The nephew of IH's assistant called to tell me that IH and his assistant, Pam, are having an affair. It doesn't come as a surprise to me. I'm trying to decide if I should confront him with it or ignore it.
29/May/11 1:00 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Oh Heidi, what a predicament. Thinking of you honey {hugs}
29/May/11 1:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all,
Can't believe I haven't posted today. I've read all the posts more than once, must have just forgotten to say anything.

Tami, I hope filling the freezer didn't empty your wallet too much.

Cyn, that's an incredible history with scouts. Having girls I don't have any contact with them.

MizT, the puppy sounds gorgeous and I would take him in, but understand why you don't want to. Fences are definitely a necessity and Scooter seems too set in his ways to adjust.

Theresa, I love it when they do that grab around the leg thing. Dimitri does it all the time, though it's easy to miss because he is so small I barely feel it most of the time. He is growing though.

Heidi, as if MizT would be anything other than gentle with an animal!!

Tami, I hope your dinner was as much fun as you expected.

June, enjoy Mary Poppins!! I hope your friend has a fantastic time and you all create a wonderful memory together.... I would add to your saying 'and if you can't be proud, do something about it'.

Heidi, no matter how little you appear to think of IH that has to hurt. Hugs. Here to listen when you're ready...

29/May/11 1:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama,I have Benadrly brought over the counter. It was a little while ago I bought it. I do not think it has been changed to a prescription medication.

Just did a Web check, National Institute of Health says the problems associated with Benadryl the FDA has been addressing is combination medications containing Benadryl, not the drug alone. It should still be available over the counter.
29/May/11 1:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Forgot to say, Benadryl is the brand name, Diphenhydramine is the generic name.

29/May/11 1:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH Heidi, I am so sorry this is happening. Know a bit about a hubby having an affair, why I divorced. If you need to talk, give me a call.
29/May/11 1:45 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon my friends.
Have a major swelling of my gum, looks like the dentist for me tomorrow. Having a veg out day today, think I deserve it.
June, hope you have a great evening.
Mama, hope the itching subsides quickly.
Heidi, seems like IH does not have the commitment to his vows like you, big hugs winging there way to you.
29/May/11 2:35 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Funny stories from yesterday.
I may have told you Bella Basset is very timid with other people and little people scare her, well our friends Michael and Lynley there little girl Isabella who they call Bella(boy was that confusing!) She took a shine to BellaB and chased her around the side deck all afternoon giving her hugs and laying on her, poor BellaB is exhausted today.
Saylz story.
Turns out Janet is scared that dogs might bite her and has been know to jump on tables to get away from them, well David and Janet were the first to arrive and of course Bella was doing her brave impersonation of her deep hound bark while running away. Mind you David is a Dog Judge and they do have to small dogs at home.
Janet told me that she had asked David what I was like and he responded that I sounded a bit toffy, well soon sorted that out!
29/May/11 2:44 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Wonder how Gail is going with the painting today?
29/May/11 2:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bit toffy! You! hahahaha

Off to a Forever Archie gig..
29/May/11 2:50 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Zusy broke the site this time.
29/May/11 7:15 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all.

Oh Heidi, what a hurtful thing to hear. I am so sorry. Just know that we are all here for you, no matter what you decide. HUGS.
29/May/11 8:00 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June, I hope your night out to see Mary Poppins was enjoyable, you need all the joy you and the family can get at the moment. Give Laura a hug from me, it must be so unsettling for her and she has had so much going on in her short life. Take care of yourself too. ((hugs))

Heidi, I can't imagine what you are feeling at the moment but you know we are all here for you to talk/vent to.

Broni hope you feel better soon, it sounds as if you had a good meet yesterday.

I can't remember anything else I wanted to say but ((hugs)) to everyone.
29/May/11 8:27 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Goodnight my friends, catch you tomorrow.
29/May/11 9:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni says good night, and I say good morning and the world keeps turning.

Heidi, still thinking of you this morning, was thinking of you as I fell asleep last night. Even if it did not come as a surprise, that moment you know for sure is so hard. Big hugs dear, and wish I could do more.

Never could find a good definition of "a bit toffy", my australian slang needs an update methinks

June, waiting to hear about your night out at Mary Poppins. Hope all went well and was enjoyed by all.

Broni, I need to go see the photos once I post this. sounds like poor BellaB had a hard day. Hope the both of you enjoyed your rest.

Hugs to each of you, with extras today for June and for Heidi.

29/May/11 11:04 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Morning all. Dinner was as funny as expected. We were discussing their wedding and future adoption of a child. I am already a designated babysitter and it has been decided, if they get a girl, they may not get her back from me
Heidi, good thoughts going out to you. You have my support with whatever decision you make.
Glad to hear the party went well yesterday.
Mama, Benadryl is sold over-the-counter. Just don't use any other form of Benadryl at the same time (cream and oral tablet).
29/May/11 11:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not upset at all. This isn't the first time someone has told me about him having an affair. I was also told about him fooling around with someone involved with the plant. I've known for years that he has the integrity of a goat. I'm just trying to figure out how I should deal with it. Or if I should get some real proof before doing anything. The person who called me has a history of spiteful behavior. Not a reliable source to base any serious action on.
30/May/11 2:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, enjoyed our chat on Skype. I hope we can talk again soon.
Enjoying my three day weekend. Have sorted out all the papers I need to grade and will get the boys to help me grade the ones they can.
30/May/11 2:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, having proof would be best before you open up that can of worms.

SonIL is cutting the grass as we speak. He came to the door earlier and asked if there were any spots he should avoid because of my plants. I am glad to see that he is doing that chore because hubby just doesn't have time - he is working again today.

MizT, I took "a bit toffy" to mean a little bit nuts, but I could be wrong. Aren't we all a bit nuts on this site???
30/May/11 3:19 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I took it to be a bit 'toffee nosed' or snooty or posh.... we all know that Broni is wonderful, down to earth and full of fun.
Heidi, whatever you decide to do about IH it will be what will be best for you.
Theresa pleased you are getting your grass cut, it is the least SonIL could do for everything you and your husband do for them. It was nice of him to think about asking if there were any spots to be careful too.
30/May/11 3:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The Dandelion Festival continues and I have never seen so many people in our little town. They had bands playing all day yesterday just a few blocks from our house so I got to listen to some good music. Today there are gospel groups playing until around supper. Just all around small town fun.

This morning I was sitting outside with my coffee and spotted quite a few goldfinches at my feeder, and then spotted a hummingbird. Sometimes just something little like that can pick you up. I can see why you enjoy spending time in your sunroom Heidi, they are enjoyable to watch.
30/May/11 3:37 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Theresa you are so lucky to see the Hummingbird, I didn't think they went so far north. I too love watching the wild birds in my garden. I have a water feature which looks like an urn, the water comes out of the top and spills over the side. The birds love to use it as a bath, so I sit and watch them splashing around, sometimes there seems to be a queue to use it... bliss.
30/May/11 3:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I agree with others, get proof, no matter what you do. And think of what needs to be done to protect yourself financially from any other actions he might take. Just what an attorney told me back when.
30/May/11 3:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think what amuses me most is his hypocrisy. IH is an avid churchgoer who teaches Sunday School, and tells me that he's a better person than I am because he goes to church and I don't.
I know that he'll slip up someday, probably soon, and give me proof. He's not smart enough to hide a lie for too long.
30/May/11 4:00 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I know a lot of people with a "holier than thou" attitude. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
30/May/11 5:26 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Great show last night. My friend got very tired but Laura wanted to know when we could get tickets to go back again. ($110 each). Looked in wonder as Mary Poppins 'flew' out over the audience and disappeared into the ceiling. Then announced afterwards that she could see the wires! I took photos outside the theatre. Good memories to keep.
30/May/11 6:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, glad that you and Laura enjoyed the show. Mary Poppins would be a good show to see. I got the chance to see Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang when it played locally. My Sister-in-Law had tickets and was going to take one of my boys. We couldn't figure out how to pick one so hubby suggested she take me. We had a nice girls nite out.
30/May/11 6:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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"Hair" is playing now and I would love to go see it but it is not in the budget. Maybe someday.
30/May/11 6:35 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning my friends.
Just waiting to see if I can get into the dentist this morning, did I ever tell you I hate the dentist!
Isn't English a strange language? Then when you put the Aussie twist on it, can understand how I confused you and don't think my spelling was correct either. Yes Brenda was right, snobbish.
Brain has stopped working so love and hugs to you all.
30/May/11 7:22 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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What I can't understand, Broni, is why David would think you were snobbish and if you were why on earth would you have arranged a get together for someone you had never met before. I am pleased that you soon sorted that out and had a good time.
Hope you get to the dentists, even though you hate them.
30/May/11 7:57 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Well we have finally done it....Richard has listed our Lexus car for sale on EBay, we have got a few watchers on it already.
30/May/11 7:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Heidi, my grandfather was the same. He apparently got kicked out of the church where he was a lay preacher for it. He was even known to bring them home! They spent all of their time and money on an orphanage, but their own kids walked around barefoot and he was off having affairs etc etc..

30/May/11 8:15 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Broni - I assume you mean that David thought you were a bit toffy after speaking to you on the phone? Maybe you suffer from what I suffered for years - 'Receptionists speak' - ie answering the phone the way your employers expect Good morning, insert employer's name here, this is Broni speaking, how may I help you? etc etc. It takes a while to shake it off and can sound toffy over the phone.
30/May/11 8:39 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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June - pleased that Laura enjoyed Mary Poppins. I hope that your friend, even though she got tired, enjoyed it too. Some nice memories there for all.
30/May/11 8:41 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My world changed yesterday and we're all now heading into unchartered territoty.
My Grandson, Lachlan (12) had his first date! Well he took her to the movies. In the day time. His mother drove them there and picked them up. She's an older woman, she's 13.
Then he came home and persuaded his parents to let him sign up to Facebook, 6 months early (minimum is supposed to be 13) Slippery slope!
30/May/11 8:47 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Heidi...good advice from MzT as usual, please remember it as you sort out things to do...As for the rest of it, IH has really not been much of a help it seems,,, and we all know that one can do bad all by whatever decision you make, we are here to love and support...only you can decide what will make life work for you! XOXO'S

June, I'm so glad Mary Poppins was so well received by Laura, and enjoyed by the rest of you...and that you have added great new memories at a bittersweet time of life. May Peace continue to walk by your side.
All, thanks for the benadryl info...I now have some and will remember the cautions given. At the moment I've been hive free for most of the day, and hope it stays that way...but am now at least prepared with something soothing.
Continue to enjoy and appreciate all of the joys, and when the challenges come, as we know they must, look back on the joy as a sign that all things will change in due time! Walk with peace in your hearts and spread the love. I care, as do others. ♥
30/May/11 8:50 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well no dentist for me today cannot get in until tomorrow, so better go and get some more pain killers.
Brenda, think it was what Cyn said, that 'telephone voice' but it was funny at the time!
June, sounds like a good time even though you friend tired quickly.
Theresa it is the simple things that lift our spirits.
Heidi, like your common sense approach. Repeating what everyone else has said, we are here for you girl.
30/May/11 8:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Still laughing at the idea of Broni being a snob!

Tami, glad to hear the dinner was fun... I hope they get a girl so you can babysit. Fun to have for a while, but I'm thinking boys might have been easier.

Theresa, I'm so glad you SIL is doing something to help. I don't hear much of that. And I'm glad he asked about your plants.. My mother also lives in a small town (500 people in town, more on the farms) and everyone seems to get involved in everything that goes on. She is asked to donate paintings to almost everything - and does. It seems like a very inclusive community and Mum has never been happier.

June, so glad to hear the show was great! Sometimes even a great show can be a disappointment. I went to Phantom of the Opera and was disappointed. Thought it was just me being a cultural git, until a whole bunch of people left at intermission. Wonderful memories for all of you!

I loved Cats and Lion King.

Brenda, good luck selling the car for a good price!

Broni, bummed you can't get into a dentist. Hope the pain killers work!

30/May/11 9:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Send some strong thoughts Alie's way. She is breaking up with boof today. I am proud of her for doing it the hard way - face to face - but also know it will be hard on her. He's a very intense young man.
30/May/11 9:59 AM
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