Sudokuaholics Anonymous 3

The latest home for Sudokuaholics Anonymous.
UPDATE: After 10,000 comments on this thread, it is slowing down too! Time to begin a new thread, And here is the link.
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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hopefully Gath will be lucky with this new server. Maybe he will get next weekend off as a reward for his hard work this weekend
22/Jan/08 3:45 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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My post seems to have gone spinning off into the ether. Should have copied it first. Have a great day everyone.
22/Jan/08 4:59 AM
   Rena  From ChristinaLake,BC,Can
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That one worked.
22/Jan/08 5:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Rena have you tried logging in again. That seems to have worked for other people
22/Jan/08 5:16 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Maen all!
22/Jan/08 7:23 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi Suzy you are up and on here early
22/Jan/08 7:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm usually up early Brenda - 4am some days, though I am trying to train myself out of it...
22/Jan/08 7:42 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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.. Bryana ..
22/Jan/08 10:38 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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The Train Trip was WONDERFUL Both Peter and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
The Food delish, the Service great, The Scenery lovely.
Took heaps of photos - will put on page (when time permits), along with the holiday photos..
22/Jan/08 10:42 AM
   Mary  From Bibra Lake WA    Supporting Member
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hey Rolanda, glad you enjoyed the trip...don't wait another 25 years to have such a great time
22/Jan/08 11:08 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in - hello, Everyone! It seems that the site has been down for a while today - at least for me. Hope all is well, and will try to get here tomorrow.
22/Jan/08 5:25 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone. Just stopping by cause I told MizT
that I'd leave her a note if I could get through
on IE and into "Forum" which I couldn't on AOL.
Julie, you're up late, at least if you're still around.
I know I've been AWOL for awhile, but I promise I will try to get here tomorrow when everyone's here. Have a great day down under, and the rest of us here in the US should be sound asleep by now!
22/Jan/08 5:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Catch you later today.
Off to bed now, bye.
23/Jan/08 12:25 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU
Check out my page glad you found my marbles - guard them carefully. I'm on my way......
MizT - hehe - so glad I'm not the only one who didn't find time to do the puzzles while all this confusion has been in force..
Night all..
23/Jan/08 12:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BEAN, I did not find time to do a LOT of stuff during the connfusion!

Is it my imiganation, or did the site speed up after that 2 hour break it took last evening?? It seems to load faster and can move about page to page faster.

Cyndi, I could get through to forum on AOL just fine when the site came bck up again. I hope you are able to access it easily now.

23/Jan/08 12:46 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Hope you all are well! It is chilly this morning, but not as bad as yesterday, 18*F. We are supposed to get a little snow later on today. Since hubby is still in Florida (they're flying home this morning), I had to get up early and bring "Max" to school. He has two midterms this morning, math and history. Then have to go back down and pick him up and then go to the airport(which is only a couple of blocks away from "Max's" school.) and pick up hubby and Brendan. It would have been easier studying for the midterm exams if Max had remembered to bring his books home for the long weekend!! Lucky, the internet has a lot of useful information and I found the older kids notes on the same subject.
23/Jan/08 12:59 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Rolanda, Gail, Rena, Julie, Lynda, Becky, Ruby, Suzy, MizT and anyone else I might have missed, for your birthday wishes for Bryana! She was really thrilled to get them and she is the type that gestures like that make a difference in her day.
23/Jan/08 1:03 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Well, off to get some stuff done before the troops get home! Hope everyone has a great day!
23/Jan/08 1:04 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Meeting up with Susan from Ingham today. Can't stop now, chat to you later.
Wish me luck, I haven't driven in the city for ages!
23/Jan/08 8:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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If you don't like feel good stories, stop reading now....

From the BBC News... After her own children were grown, a Vietnamese woman decided to search for the father she had never known. She travelled to Taiwan to find him and took a job looking after a woman who was ill while there, I guess to support her while she searched. After 7 months the ill woman died, so the Vietnamese woman moved on to a new job in a different part of Taiwan. She realised she had left some cherished momentoes behind and got help to contact the husband of the ill woman and ask him to look for them and get them back to her. Turned out they were things he had given to her mother - he was her father!

Hope he was nice to her while she worked for him and his late wife!
23/Jan/08 11:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Often these stories turn out to be urban myths etc. but I like them anyway. We all need a bit of 'feel good' some days.....
23/Jan/08 11:23 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI SUZY, yes, it is a nice story, whether it is ture or not.

Gail, Hope you enjoyed your day with Susan. She had nice things to say about you, over on EASY. You pulled the wool over her eyes but good, didn't ya? Just how difficult was it for you to be on best behavior for that long??
23/Jan/08 8:33 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Yes Gail, how was your day? Have heard from Susan, sounds like it was fun !!!
23/Jan/08 8:52 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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OI, MizT, don't you go besmirching my good name! I is a mild mannered shy sweetie of a thing...oh, alright, I'll stop now!
I will get back to you tomorrow about today! Would have been here sooner but for some reason, I have been kept very busy elsewhere...not naming any names Rolanda!
Right now, I am too tired to tell you about the day Susan, I and our others shared, suffice it to say, it was BRILL. More tomorrow.
23/Jan/08 11:22 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Good night Gail!

I have a lot to do in the next couple of days. My sister called last night and her husband fractured his knee. He can't go skiing now so it looks like we'll be going with my sister. She's not comfortable enough to bring the her 3 girls skiing by herself. Bryana is coming home on Saturday and has to be back by Tuesday night. So we'll just go up for a couple of days starting on Sunday. I don't know if I can get everything ready in time.

Hope everyone has a great day!
BTW, when I picked up Max yesterday from his exams, he didn't have math. He read the schedule wrong! He had spanish! ugh! Boys!!
24/Jan/08 12:50 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Oh My, coffee is late getting made today! I slept in!

I actually slept for over 10 hours last night. . . well in 2 parts that is. I was up for a bit, most of you know why, and while up just had to check to see if my beloved Sudoluland was still there! Some unnamed person saw me. We had a wee hour chat till I was sleepy again and off for another five hours sleep. that is like TWO nights sleep for me, folks. I do think my latest bout of insomnia might be over, Ya think?
24/Jan/08 2:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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STELLA, how nice, an unexpected ski trip! Do you ski? or just the kiddies now? anyway, it sounds fun for you.

I still find it hard to associate the word SKI and snow! I grew up water skiiing. EVERY weekend from March or April till sometime in October. No such thing as wet suits for for my family, could not afford them, or I would have been out there longer! winters were colder back then too, come to think of it.

Now this is a long memory from my past, scroll on by is you choose, I will never know.

Siblings and I loved water skiing so much, and wanted to extend the season to early spring and late fall, when being WET and skiing (wind rushing over wet body lowers body temp way to fast) was more than uncomfortable. So, we learned to "come off the pier".

Skier sits on edge of a pier or floating dock of correct height, put skies in water, hold rope. Driver of boat backed up close to pier, rope slack,and then hit the accelerator! you were LAUNCHED onto the water, pulled from your sitting position, never getting anything but feet wet . . . If you did it correctly. OK, you gotta be proficient, and not fall while skiing or you are out for the day, sent to change into warm, dry clothes and set beside a fire to warm up!

Next we had to perfect the "dry landing". Driver drove Farrell to the shore. You started by swinging out away from the shore, crossed the wake of the boat, picking up speed, and at the closest point to shore, let go of the rope. Sailed into the shore, and if lucky stepped from your ski ( only worked if you on only one ski, I forgot that, and if you were on 2 skies, you "dropped a ski" and came in on one) into water no more than ankle deep.

You managed both flawlessly, you were rewarded with another chance to ski, go to the end of the line.

Now my brother, who was younger, stronger and a real ladies man, attracted the girls like flies, would not stoop to ski on TWO skies. At first he would start as we all did, sitting with 2 skies in the water,. For my brother, driver made a fast loop back to the landing area, and he dropped one ski. We always had friends with us, and someone would take a boat and pick up ski, so not to be a danger to others or to OURSELVES when coming in to land.

anyway, Brother watched the pro water skiers when they came to town once. they could come off the pier on one ski, standing UP! sort of yanked off, but required more speed than the sit and on two skies method. so, he spent one summer practicing that! got good at it also.

Oh my, what memories.

24/Jan/08 3:05 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Wonderful memories MizT! I only went water skiing once and it was too soon after facial reconstruction surgery - it felt like the water was breaking my face again. It wasn't of course.
24/Jan/08 7:00 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Stella, yes you can, you can do anything. I have always looked toward you as some kind of Supermum!
Have a wongerful time, and please do a schuss for me!
24/Jan/08 9:27 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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mmmm ummmm Gail and MizT.. dont know what you are talking about
am I being accused of something
been to curves. now off to do some weeding in the garden before the heat (exp 38C today) of the day sets in
24/Jan/08 9:38 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Rightio SA3ers, a rundown of yesterday's delightful meeting with Susan from Ingham.
After many text messages to and fro, we (D#3, Hannah and I) managed to meet up with Susan and her lovely family on the beach at St Kilda in Melbourne. Susan had always heard about this bayside suburb and was determined to see it. We walked along the foreshore to the famous pier, and just to say we had, we stopped at the kiosk for cuppas and nibblies. After much 'what shall we do now'ings, we regrouped at their apartment in the city for lunch, then headed off on the tram to the Melbourne Museum, where we spent a wongerful hour. Then back to the apartment where Hannah and I took our leave and headed home. We left home at 9.30am, an hour's drive to meet up and got home again at 7.30pm. A very long and thoroughly enjoyable day.
It was like meeting up with old friends and the parting was all kisses and hugs with invitations to Ingham being issued. Would love to get up there someday, for no other reason than to meet up with Susan and co again.
24/Jan/08 9:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Gail, sounds like you 2 had a wonderful day! How fun to meet cyber friends, I have always enjoyed doing that. sometimes just sitting and chatting and getting to know each other more is the best part!
24/Jan/08 3:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Everyone! Just have a minute to pop in and read a few comments, then off to bed for me. Gail, it sounds like your meet-up with Susan and co. was great! Lucky you!
I get here so rarely and so late that I usually miss everyone. Hope all of you are well and have a great day/night!
24/Jan/08 4:49 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie, even if you, or any of our other SA3ers don't get the chance to be here for a good ole chinwag like 'the old days', just a quick post to let us know how you are is more than enough between friends.
Take care,

24/Jan/08 7:47 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Sorry, wasn't meant to be overkill with the love! My smilies didn't appear to be showing up in the post!
Apparently they did.
24/Jan/08 7:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Gail, so glad you were able to meet up with Susan and had an enjoyable day. I am sorry I was not able to see you on the Friday but our trip to Bacchus Marsh was essentail that day. We then picked up our Grandsons from childcare and took then to the airport to meet their father.
All in all we had a good weekend but waiting in a pub in Williamstown for an hour for a meal with two very active boys (5 1/2 & 2 1/2)was not that great for us or other patrons.
I will make sure we meet up on one of our trips down.
24/Jan/08 7:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Has anyone seen or heard from Becky lately? I think the last time I saw her, was during the first troubles with the board when so many e-mails were going around.

Is anyone else MIA since the site crashed?
24/Jan/08 8:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, no need to apologise, it's just that the planets weren't in alignment that time but they will be next time! Waiting for an hour for a meal is disgusting, even without kids.
Well guess what folks? I am having another meet tomorrow! Hannah and I are driving down to see Bean at the place she is staying for a holiday. We're planning on getting there at in time for lunch and staying till the afternoon.
Imagine, if June and I had have met up, that would be three meets in the week!
24/Jan/08 10:11 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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MizT, in answer to your question re Becky, the last email I had from her was on the 17th and the last time she posted here was on the 10th.
Have you sent her an email?
24/Jan/08 10:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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At least we had a chat on the phone Gail.
Have just made 6 small jars of fig jam (fresh figs from a neighbour) so might just go to bed. Not going to wait for change over. Night All
24/Jan/08 11:23 PM
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