Sudokuaholics Anonymous 3

The latest home for Sudokuaholics Anonymous.
UPDATE: After 10,000 comments on this thread, it is slowing down too! Time to begin a new thread, And here is the link.
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   Becky  From Ohio
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Well, took us over to the next page and with a cp. With that, it's time for some shut-eye. See ya later.
11/Mar/08 3:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Bed time here, catch you in the AM.
11/Mar/08 3:03 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gail - thank you for the dates and times to change the clocks!!
Lynda - mine is German 'OKO'FAVORIT and I'm very happy with it, ditto my sister with her Miele.
Becky - can't imagine what it would be like to live with that amount of snow...brrrr!!!!
MizT - your 'cattery' sounds do you ever get anything done watching their antics. Phantom sounds cute.
Mama - how Irish is bringing the St Patricks day parade early because it clashed with easter! The 'irish' in me loves it. Still chuckling!
11/Mar/08 3:08 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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This dang machine just never gets the hang of typing, spelling....nah, couldn't possibly be moi!!
[its a short in the electrical synapses linking grey matter to fingers]
11/Mar/08 3:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just popping in to day Hello! Hope everyone has a great day/evening/night - wherever you are! Enjoyed reading about good things happening in some lives. Sorry, Becky, but 20 1/2 inches of snow is NOT a good thing. I'm sorry you had to deal with it, but glad that it missed us in IL. Congrats to Amber on her school work and Mamacita on her upcoming trip! Hope everyone is well! Maybe I'll have time to visit tomorrow.
11/Mar/08 4:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Had D#3 home today. She has had a sore throat for a couple of days which developed into a deep bark last night! I was going to pick her up early from school today as she had a podiatry appt this arvo so when I went to wake her this morning and she croaked at me, I said she could have the day off! She was one happy croaky camper!
11/Mar/08 4:59 PM
   Lynda  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Gail hope she is better very soon, did she catch it off Eve, she has had laryngitis all week! We ended up with another Dishlex, we were going to get a Miele until himself spotted a tv about the size of a door (on its side) and fell in love with it. "Great for sports" is his rathionale. Now we are poor, probably have to build a room for the tv. Perhaps he can put it in the barn.
11/Mar/08 5:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks Lynda, she'll be fine. 13 and fighting fit. In fact, with the TLC she has had today, she is already feeling better. It's all irrelevant anyway, she's going to school tomorrow!
Wish my little kitty Nibbles luck for tomorrow, she's going to have the big three-microchipping, vaccinating and...spaying!!! Hope she stays the same wacky kitty she is now.
11/Mar/08 8:33 PM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Good luck, Nibbles, and a soothing for Gail.
11/Mar/08 8:54 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Still chilly here. We still have snow on the ground. Overall, it doesn't seem that we got that much snow this winter. All the storms were little. We usually get a few like the one Becky got with 20 inches. Maybe this means we will have an early spring!

Just waiting for the two older ones to get up to see what, if anything, they want to do today on their spring break. Off to get stuff done in the meantime!
12/Mar/08 1:04 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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MizT, your kitty antics are so cute!

Gail, I hope d3 feels better soon and your beautiful kitty is ok.

Rena, tell Amber congrats for a job well done! Way to go completing a year in such a short time!

Becky, so nice of you to help your neighbors. Clearing snow can be so dangerous. Hopefully, the temps will go back up and it will all melt away!
12/Mar/08 1:09 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Forgot to mention that New York is in the middle of a huge scandal as of yesterday afternoon. The governor was caught in a prostitution ring sting. The irony is that before he was governor, he was the attorney general who was known for cleaning up crime and cracking down on prostitution and for his honest, no nonsense approach. All of these men politicians are so stupid. Their heads are so big that they think they can get away with anything!
12/Mar/08 3:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Gail - good to hear d3 is going to school tomorrow. I am astounded at how much school some kids miss. d1's boyfriend has missed at least one day a week since they started 'going out' (funny they call it that when they don't necessarily 'go' anywhere!) How do kids keep up when they miss that much work?????
12/Mar/08 6:01 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Stella, I have a friend who is in the process of trying to 'forgive' an affair, and it's just not as simple as it sounds. Mind you, friends husband didn't go to a prostitue! I feel for his the goernor's wife who has to make her decision in the public eye.
12/Mar/08 6:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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For all chocoholics - including me - d2 has come home from school telling me that we can no longer eat chocolate unless it has a 'fair trade' label. She says she has learned that cocoa farmers are not paid enough for their cocoa so they burn down forest to make more so they can make enough money to live (contributing to global warming). The fair trade chocolate is so called because they pay a fair price to the farmers. While walking along the chocolate aisle she added that one tree (??have to google that one) of beans makes ?? kg of beans which makes one kg of chocolate. Then I log on today and see a news story about 1000's of children working in cocoa fields...
12/Mar/08 6:18 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you Nibbles!
12/Mar/08 10:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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NIBBLES, Get Well Soon!

12/Mar/08 1:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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How do I ever get anything done and watch the kitties both? multitasking!

I have a sliding glass door from ,y eat in kitchen overlooking the back yard where they play. Like a Mom who checks on her kiddiewinks who are out playing in the yard, I check on my kitties. Since they are ALWAYS doing adorable things, I get to see something noteworthy every time I pass by the door doing my daily routien.

OH, does Miss scooter have that boy trained! she is OK with walking toward him, will walk up and rub noses, but he cannot walk toward her, she begins to get ansy, and if he gets in her space, she will raise one paw as if to swat him. Must have done this a LOT of times, I saw Phantom stop dead in his tracks when she lifter that front right paw only an inch off the ground. He stood very still till she walked up to him, rubbed nose again and passed on her way! Screech still just hisses at him if he gets too close and Screech will run away. She needs lessons from her Mom (Scooter) I think.
12/Mar/08 1:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, here it is, late again (past midnight here). A great big HELLO to all, and hope all are well! Maybe tomorrow I'll get here earlier. Take care, all!
12/Mar/08 4:19 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi all, I have missed a couple of days here and have had to catch up.
Well done to Amber for her progress with schooling.
Mama, hope the weather improves, over this side of the pond, for your trip to Paris. At the moment it is 51F there, warming up over the week but forecast to be rainy.
Gail, hope Nibbles is recovering now from her op. We are trying to decide whether or not to have Callie spayed, not that we want to breed from her but spaying can change the texture of her coat.
MizT, work does get in the way of SA3 doesn't it. I have this problem on a daily basis.
Lynda my husband did the same a couple of years ago, when the TV first came into the house it looked huge (and he watches lots of sport on it too) Now the thing doesn't look very big at all as we are that used to it.
12/Mar/08 9:02 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Another beautiful day! Hope all are well.
13/Mar/08 4:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Oh what a beautiful morning,
oh what a beautiful day!

It is sunny, VERY low humidity, bluest skies imagined, and breezy. could not ask for anything more!

My Bradford Pear tree is in full bud for first time ever, it will be LOADED with blooms, if we have no frost. thankfully none mentioned this week, so I hope, I hope I hope.

Now a unsuual thing. I planted 3 of those, and all Bradford pears are grafted, that makes them cloned, all geneticly the same tree. Bradford is an ornamental, tiny BB sized fruit, nonedible, that grows quickly to 30 or 40 feet and almost as wide. they are planted in a line, about 30 feet apart. The first of the trees is ready to pop, I can see the bud has cracked open and each bud has many flowerlets ready to unfurl. Second tree had buds that have swelled a little, but not opened a bit. third in the row, buds are there, but they are even further behind. Nothing shading any of them, they get dame amount of water, it must be soil conditions. Oh well, if they bloom in succession, I shall have blooms longer.

Speaking of water, I heard good news for the Birmingham Municiple Water Authority and all thier customers. this covers a 5 county area, reaching about 7 mines north and south and 50 east and west. Their Two main resivoirs are back to normal!! Lake purdy is 100% of capacity, and Inland lake is at 80% which is normal. YEAH, that should easy water restrictions for a few million people!

No, we do not get our water from either source, but another lake. we have never had a problem with low water levels, but our chilton county water authority has had pumping capacity limitations. More demand then they can pump. this was due, as I mentioned before, to catch ponds and streams drying up, and cattle, horses and smaller livestock being watered from the Municipal source. So , last summer and fall, we were on voluntary water restrictions, a request to conserve water. Well, ponds are filling, streams and even wet weather streams are running, so the demand on our pumping stations shold decrease considerably. YEAH for our recent rains! Nice to start spring with " full tanks"
13/Mar/08 6:33 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hello One and All....nice afternoon or rather early evening here. Hope its sunny where you least in your attitude. Debby, with all of that snow, my attitude wouldn't be too sunny. I don't like snow!
Brenda, thanks for the weather info...please keep me in the loop so that I can pack accordingly...I leave on the 5th...but will pack on the 4th of April. I will als be checking the weather from here. Sure hope its nice...but I'll just sing through the raindrops and still have a good time.
13/Mar/08 8:20 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Gail, Hope d#3 has recovered completely....and of
course wishing nibbles a speedy return to good health.
Becky, The yellow button on the quiz that you missed is at the bottom right mixed in the problem was a green button that said not to push, and then said push quickly...I kept missing the second part until Rena told me what to do....She was the first person to say that she had beaten it. With her help, I finally beat it too. Hope you try it again. Let me know.
Miz to hear the cat antics.....I love that Scooter and her keeping Phantom at! Keep enjoying and reporting so we too can enjoy.
13/Mar/08 8:34 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thanks all for your kind wishes for Nibbles. She was a little sad and sorry for herself last night but is well recovered now. I know I shouldn't have been such a sook, but she has entered our lives and entered our hearts. Having lost one girl kitty after a desexing op, I was awfully panicky this time.
In fact, Nibbles is the reason I am here at the pooter at this time. We are supposed to keep her quiet till the sutures come out, but apparently, she forgot to read the instructions! I knew that if I came in here, she would soon follow, and sure enough, she is here, quietly purring and drifting off to sleep, using my right arm as a pillow!
13/Mar/08 9:41 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Last night was wongerful. It really is like meeting up with old friends. Ian and Anne made a grand entrance...meaning they were the last to arrive! Beautiful people and the chat never stopped. I also met Kate from Melbourne for the first time last night, but it was like we'd known each other for years.
We truly are one big happy family.
13/Mar/08 10:18 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth, West Aust.    Supporting Member
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Mama... I would be packing assorted weather clothing (layers).. just in case the weather is warmer/cooler, dryer/wetter than expected..
Gail.. Glad Nibbles is 'behaving' herself!!!
Tricia.. the piccies of the Bradford Pears you showed me.. beautiful.
13/Mar/08 10:18 AM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Hello, all! Pictures, Gail, we want to see pictures!
13/Mar/08 12:40 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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My pearl bushes have begun to bloom. I'll try to get a picture up on my page.
13/Mar/08 12:42 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Gail, you may want to try a carrier to keep Nibbles still.

Rudy is in love. I've taken him to have him neutered three times and he's been too anemic. But he certainly has the energy to chase the girls.
13/Mar/08 12:47 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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This is post number 11111.
13/Mar/08 12:47 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Ruby...You have won the prize for not only posting #11111, but knowing that you were doing so. I just post and rarely know what number it is. There has really been a lot of good communication on these many pages. Congratulations to all of the contributors.
Rolanda, I do plan to pack in layers, but am trying to pack smart since the airlines are now charging as much as $25.00 to check a second bag these days. I'm working with things that can be dressed up/down as the occasion calls for...yet comfortable to wear. Having a last minute weather report of the expectations can only help.
13/Mar/08 3:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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coffee , Tea and Chocolate all available, have a cup with me today!

Maen Neighbors! It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood again today. Sunny, warm and getting warmer, blue skies. I should enjoy today, it will not last, according to forecast! Perhaps more severe weather , so will be doing the weather watch. I hate possibility of severe weather at night, somehow that is worse than storms that arrive daytime.

I am still waiting for my Bradford Pears to bloom! The pictues Rolandamentioned were just os someone's pear trees, somewhere, just to show her what they look like. My neighbors are blooming already, mine are in a little mocroclime that is cooler and so mine are later to bloom.
14/Mar/08 12:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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MAMA, I got a chuckle over your typo on easy yesterday, and the comments you were getting about it. Too cute, a classic typo to remember, one worthy of the TYPO QUEEN of the Week award hehehe. Since I have been recipient of that award, many times, on several different boards, I will dust it off pass the award on to you! ENJOY!
14/Mar/08 12:37 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi all, I've just picked my son up from his trip to New York. He has enjoyed every minute of the trip, apart from the hotel room. e was with a group of roughly 30 students and lecturers from his college. He had been allocated a room with two other lads (they are all 21. the room was supposed to have three beds. When they got there, at 4:30am as their flight was delayed by 6 hours, they find that there were two beds and a 'put you up' bed.
The shortest of these lads is 6ft, so you can imagine what the put you up bed was like for them. It took them a while but they eventually got sorted out with a different room so they could all have a proper bed. He did a load of sight seeing and enjoyed everything he saw, but described the American(New York) drivers as lunatics and suggested that some roundabouts (traffic circles)might ease the gridlock situation he saw.
All in all he loved New York though.
14/Mar/08 2:22 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Mama are you just going to Paris on your trip?
I will try and monitor the weather for you up to your departure
14/Mar/08 2:24 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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MizT I hope you don't get any frost in your severe weather, it would be a shame to have all that blossom spoilt. The severe winds we have had over the last few days seem to have abated, but it is still cold. I keep putting off planting my veg seeds in case we get some more frosts. I don't have enough window sill space in the house to start them off in the house.
14/Mar/08 2:31 AM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Lovely day here. 70's and sunny. Hope you are happy and well.
14/Mar/08 2:59 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Good Afternoon all...lovely day here and I've been enjoying it since it won't last.
Brenda,Glad your son had a fun and safe trip and is once again home.My trip will be a two parter,the first few days will be in Paris and then we will travel to London for the last 4 days.Thanks few the weather update.
Miz T..that typo was something else wasn't it. The funny part was that I didn't even realize how it looked until the comments started coming in....Thanks for the award. I accept with great humility...and have both my fingers and my keyboard to thank for all of their help in reaching this point! and
14/Mar/08 6:28 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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BRENDA, our severe weather this time of year is usually warm rains, we have the warm air, and cooler northern air comes down , causing T storms to form. So far, no cold air predicted for the next 7 days, so I am hopeful.

If we have cold, it is after the severe weather, usually, when the cold front (that collided with our warm moist air) comes through.

this week brings our " last frost " date, but Mother nture does not always look at the calendar hehehe.
14/Mar/08 8:01 AM
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