Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm gonna have to go back to the dentist. The apico I had a couple of months ago has failed. I've got another infection brewing in that side of the face again. The face is swelling, and there's a picket of infection coming out thru' the gum. I'm getting sick of this. It's also causing a nasty headache.
02/Aug/10 12:59 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I didn't mean to top the page with that.
02/Aug/10 1:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, I am so envious, sitting outside. I remember that. Actual temps throughout the state were above 101 in several locations today. Heat index 110 and up. Summer time.
02/Aug/10 1:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Gail, hope you and family get well soonest!

Rolanda, hap-y birthday to your uncle. I imagine Oom means uncle in Dutch?

Mama the quilt show sounds interesting. Let me know if you find information about it, please.

Heidi, sorry you have another abscess. think that is why you have felt draggy and nauseous lately?

Not sure how much longer my flowers will survive this heat. Even with a good watering they are getting very wilty. Yep, they close down, fold the leaves, to reduce the amount of water they loose through the leaves. but they can only do sever wilts a limited number of times fore going into a decline. Wish I were abler to bring them inside for a bit, temps have to get cooler sometime and hopefully soon.

Time for meds, snack and bed, today has been a long boring day, cause I got up so very early this morning (long) and staying inside to keep cool (boring).

02/Aug/10 1:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, MizT, I'm certain that's why I've been draggy and nauseous lately. I've been worshipping the porcelain god on almost a daily basis.
02/Aug/10 1:50 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Why do we always need out doctor or our dentist on their off day? Is yours still off on Monday? I hope you can get in soon and get some relief. Hugs and get well wishes being sent north to you.
02/Aug/10 2:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tomorrow I go for another BCC removal, this one from my back again. Al is going to drive me, in case I am not feeling too perky after. I do need to ask for a count, I am thinking somewhere about 10 in all. Hope to have time to say HI and BYE fore I go. nite all.
02/Aug/10 2:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics! I'm just getting here - nearly 11:00 p.m. and 4 pages to read!

Hi, June, Heidi, Suzy, Gail, Theresa, Tami, CynB, Broni, MizTricia, Brenda, Rolanda, and anyone I've missed!

Great idea, June, to start the page with wishes for a great day, good vibes and good news for all!

Heidi, I hope your tummy upset has improved by now (just reading page 292). Hopefully Robert will be able to get his gall bladder surgery soon!

I'm with you, Suzy, Gail, Theresa and CynB, MizT should tell Al that it's imperative that like items be grouped in the pantry. It would be much better for her hand/wrist so she wouldn't need to do a search each time she needs something. It's also necessary to "rotate the stock" and put newer BEHIND older of the same item!

Happy Birthday to Theresa's daughter! I'm afraid I have missed the actual day by being behind in my reading. I hope it was a wonderful birthday with necklaces and birthday cake made by her daughters and hubby!

Gail, so sorry to hear that you haven't had much of interest happening and therefore are bored! Is Beth home from Bali yet? That should help get things more interesting!

Tami, sorry about the accidents/injuries at camp! You have been VERY busy and will stay busy with only a weekend to rest between camp and school! Congrats to Mitchell for being asked to be part of the service and read from the Torah! What an honor that he has been asked to read during the big holidays! I'm so sorry to hear that something has been bothering you. You know you have friends here, and if the time comes that you want to share specifics, we'll still be here. We can help provide support and encouragement whether we know specifics or not! Sending hugs and positive vibes! {{{{Tami}}}}

Broni, I know work keeps you busy, but we're always delighted to have a visit from you! It's especially good to hear that you're less tired now - SO glad you are no longer helping D, D & D!

Suzy, what a relief to know that the 2 ladies you helped didn't steal anything! You're so right to think about the scam artists and being careful!

Heidi, I think we all suspected that the pepper was put on the food purposely! I agree with Suzy - what a jerk!

MizT, I hope you were able to sleep through the night after your long afternoon nap! It seems your body needs to readjust to each new medication! What a nice way to wake up - to the smell of food cooking (even if Al was just reheating what you had made in the morning)!

June, I like the idea of a practice cake for Laura! I hope the bowls for 4 went well!

Heidi, so sorry to hear that predators got your Tom turkey that you were going to enter in the state fair! Congrats on winning first place for your painted egg! I hope they remember next year to have a category for carved eggs!

MizT, I'm glad you were able to make some avatars for Theresa! Heidi, I think you're right about possibly no limits on number of avatars. I'm sure I have mor
02/Aug/10 2:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's the rest of that post:

Heidi, I think you're right about possibly no limits on number of avatars. I'm sure I have more than 100. STILL wish Gath could make a folder system for them - would make it MUCH easier to sort and choose!

MizT, what a cute story about Screech and Scooter! BTW, I'm enjoying your bright avatar!

Heidi, I enjoyed your story about Brat the cat and the calves! That must have been one hum-dinger of a storm that went through to move the table and umbrella!

Theresa, that's a great avatar! Your change in weather sounds wonderful! I, too, like the weather that is more common for this part of the northern hemisphere in September and October!

Tami, I'm glad you were able to go for coffee with your friend and have a good laugh!

Speaking of laugh, we went to see a movie - first in probably over a year - and really enjoyed it. It's called Dinner with Schmucks (or possibly Dinner for Schmucks). It's a comedy with a message.

You're welcome, Theresa! I don't even remember what avatars I sent to you. I find it really amazing that so many have switched to avatars made for them by MizT. I did the same thing before I started reading page 292, and here are so many of her avatars on page 293.

I'm going to post before I lose this! Hugs to all!
02/Aug/10 2:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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On to page 294!

I see we have been joined by V VIv, Nola and Mamacita on this page, besides those I mentioned from the previous 2 pages!

Suzy, one of "our" cats (actually our D's) likes water. She used to walk along the edge of the tub when D was taking a shower - and fell in more than once. Now that she is with us, she still walks along the edge of the tub, but we have a glass-enclosed shower, so she is safe. However, she prefers to get a drink from a running faucet. We even got a "fountain" which recirculates water so that a small steady stream is always coming out. She will get a drink there or from a bowl of water, but her favorite is still the water running at the sink. (We switched vets this year, and one of her cats actually jumped up to a sink and turned on the water to get a drink while we were there.)

"Zusy," I don't remember ever having seen that avatar before, either!

I will soon join in the fin - hope to change to the other avatar MizT made for me soon.

CynB, I hope you will post a picture of the new mosaic tables as you get them made!

June, congrats to you and Ken for doing so well at bowls!

Heidi, why are we not surprised that it took so long for someone to notice the budgies?

Tami, you may have hit the nail on the head about why we feel the temperature differently - maybe it was because we're remembering the way things were when we were younger. Could it be that part of the difference is our age? True confession - I feel the same way. MOST days would cool off somewhat in the evening and a good rain seemed to cause a drop in the humidity.

Suzy, I'm glad only one piece of laundry landed on the ground due to the wind!!

Nola, I hope your psoriasis is doing better - and hope your online course went well!

Theresa, so sorry to hear that your daughter has eczema! I hope it's not acting up too much now!

Gail, I hope you, Hannah and your hubby will all be feeling much better SOON! You're right - you really need to be careful!

Happy Birthday to Rolanda's Oom Piet!
02/Aug/10 3:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My "Heidi" one was not made by MizT.
02/Aug/10 3:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Continuing with the "fin" here and using my other avatar from MizT.

Looks like just Heidi, MizT, and I on page 295 so far. Hi to everyone!

Heidi, so sorry about the return of dental troubles! It would be so nice if that could be taken care of more permanently!! Yep, an infection brewing in your system could be the culprit causing nausea, exhaustion and general yucky feeling!

MizT, I'm glad you are following up with skin checks and BCC removal!

It's past midnight here, so I'm going to call it a night! Heidi, I hope there are no storms tonight and you can get a good sleep!

Good Night, Everyone! Hugs and positive vibes coming from here!
02/Aug/10 3:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, my apologies! I think you made your "Heidi" avatar from a picture of the book cover, didn't you?

And now, Nighty-Night!
02/Aug/10 3:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I did. How astute of you.
02/Aug/10 3:45 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all.
Happy birthday to Rolanda's Oom Piet!
Heidi - sorry you've got more trouble with your teeth.
Gail - hope you all get better quickly and that your hubby doesn't get it!
02/Aug/10 4:26 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Beautiful fine day here in Brissie but we have returned to cooler weather and it's windy - but what can we expect, we always get the westerlies when our show (Ekka) is on and it starts on Thursday.
02/Aug/10 4:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
Cold and windy here still, but that's August around here. The clouds have come back over again, sigh.

Julie, I can't seem to stay awake until midnight anymore - unless there is something worrying me, then sleep likes to hide.

MizT, good luck with your BCC removal. I have something on my face that needs checking. If it is something I will having matching scars along my jaw line!
02/Aug/10 4:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's been quiet here for hours!

I hope everything goes better than expected, MizT. Good Luck.
03/Aug/10 12:52 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Oh no, Heidi, not again!!! So sorry for the pain you're going through.

MizT, good luck with the BCC removal. All good thoughts headed your way. BTW, my flowers have not had a successful summer thusfar. Way too much heat for long stretches of time. Oh well, there's always next year????

Julie, the avatars you sent me were wave petunias and turkeys (my nickname). I have added them and hope to switch avatars now and again. Thanks again.

The Heidi story was always one of my favourites. When I was a kid I think I must have watched the Shirley Temple version a dozen times.

The weather is nice right now, but there's a 60% chance of rain and thunderstorms this afternoon and tomorrow. I have been lollygagging outside ... I can do the indoor chores when the rain comes.
03/Aug/10 12:58 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Gail, I hope your hubby doesn't get too severe a dose of the bug going through your family, that is the last thing he needs.
Everyone else feeling a bit under the weather hope you feel better soon.
Happy belated birthday to Theresa's daughter.
Happy birthday to Rolanda's uncle, Richard and I share a celebration on his day too. Today is our 11th wedding anniversary.
03/Aug/10 1:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Theresa.... There's only a little pain involved in the mouth itself. Mostly it's discomfort, sinus headache and nausea. I've been feeling so queazy for so long that I've gone down one clothing size. I'll take weight loss any way I can get it.
03/Aug/10 1:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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03/Aug/10 1:27 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Morning all.
Heidi, hope you can get the problem fixed once and for all.I suppose losing weight is 1 consolation.
Brenda, Happy 11th anniversary and congratulations to you both.
Gail,lets hope the antibiotics work quickly and Hubby doesn't get it.Wishing him well.
MizT,do you have the Bcc's frozen or cut out?
Tami..just thinking of you.
Rolanda Happy Birthday to Oom Piet.

Our on-line lesson yesterday was marred by the moderators computer playing up.She kept breaking up and having to log out and in all the time.Gave up in the end so she gave us reading as homework.
Hope today is much more productive.
Enjoy your day all.
03/Aug/10 4:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Anniversary Brenda and Richard! I hope you have a great one!!!
03/Aug/10 6:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Nola, my doc does what he calls a scrape and burn. scoops out the spot and margins, then cauterizes to be sure that there are no more cancer cells. This was a little one today.

Very fast trip today. My appointment was for 1:15. We got there a bit early. we were finished, back out to the car and on the way home at 1:15!!

Lovely surprise when we got home. A neighbor and good friend was mowing our grass! He had bought a new zero turning mower, the kind without a steering wheel, just the 2 " joy strics" thingies. He was looking for lawns that needed mowing, he needed practice. Just like a kid with a new toy.

No wonder hubby puts off cutting grass so long, he has been " rewarded" with someone else doing it for him a few times too many.

I think a nap is in order. the Novocaine has worn off, this is under my bra and stinging a bit, must put on something comfy and might as well nap a bit. Catch you later, hugs to all.
03/Aug/10 6:30 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Glad it was only a little one MizT.
What a lovely neighbor you have to do your lawn as practice.
Catch you all later.
03/Aug/10 6:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I hope you got some sleep last night Nola.

MizT, that is definitely the definition of a good friend.
03/Aug/10 7:20 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good morning everyone! Haven't posted here for a while ... yes I'm still alive!

Another rainy day, and I'm not complaining. :)

Heidi, you poor thing, the infection sounds awful! Hope you feel better very soon.

Gail, sending good vibes for you and your family. ♥

Hubby's just gone to Alice Springs for almost a week! Someone's bright idea of a good place for a conference ...

Nothing much happening here - D1, D2 and husband, and their friends, are still in America. They seem to be having fun. :D

Sending good vibes to all who need them. Hope you all have a good day/night. :)
03/Aug/10 7:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Judy, does that mean you have an empty house?! Rainy day here too.

I was seeing headlines about wind damage across NSW and was surprised. After checking out the overnight conditions I see we got winds up to 85kph, and I slept through the lot of them!
03/Aug/10 8:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Judy... Where in America are they? Anywhere near Kentucky?
03/Aug/10 8:51 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all
Brenda & Richard.
MizT - glad it was over quickly.
Windy and cold here again today - but still fine. Hope that rain doesn't head north.
03/Aug/10 9:20 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Brenda, Happy Anniversary to you and Richard. Hope you have many more happy years together.
Tricia, glad the BCC was not too bad.
Heidi, hope you are feeling better soon. It stinks having to have more dental work.
03/Aug/10 9:38 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Suzy, yes I DO have an empty house! woo-hoo!

Heidi, no, I don't think they'll be near Kentucky - they seem to have a very haphazard schedule, visiting friends of friends, etc. but the main plan is to attend a Sci-Fi Convention (can't find the list, but it could be one in Los Vegas ... !) There's quite a large group of friends going, and some of them know people in America, so I'm hoping they'll have a great time! So far so good, I think ... :D
03/Aug/10 10:33 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
Thank you for the Birthday Wishes for my Uncle.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to Brenda and Richard.
Tricia glad the Scrape and Burn was over and done quickly.
The weather here in Perth, is very springlike Winter's Day. it reached 24C yesterday, today heading for 23C.
#1 boy is to Melbourne today, home again on Friday,for work commitments.
03/Aug/10 10:47 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sigh, I think we have sold une boop boop. She has been a good car and a part of our family. She is so old that we thought we would have to take her to the recyclers, but someone offered to buy her - brave of him because she will have to go over the pits - and we preferred the idea of her living on...
03/Aug/10 11:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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She sounds like an old friend, Suzy.
03/Aug/10 11:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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She is Heidi, never let us down - well there was that one time when the battery went flat...
03/Aug/10 12:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Lovely long nap this afternoon, with thunder boomers in the distance. When I pried myself out of bed long enough to turn off my puter,I found out, there were two pop up t storms, one east a few miles, one west a few miles. We got a sprinkle and lower temps.

Suzy said " but someone offered to buy her - brave of him because she will have to go over the pits -" not sure I understand the go over the pits part there, has to be an Aussie thing. Anyway, happy that you are happy that the old auto will have a new home.

Rolanda, hope son is having a productive week in Melbourne. wishing safe travels.

Judy, wasn't there a big si fi con last week? I kept seeing stories about one in CA. I just did a fast search. Seems there are a LOT of different sci fi cons, did not know it was such big business.

Happy Anniversary to Brenda and Richard. Hope you have something special planned.

Nola, forgot to say, his other method he calls the cut and stitch. That is for larger BCC or for areas that show, like face. I had the first one cut and stitch, do not ever want one like that again, thank you please. Find them early and scoop them out.

Heidi, will you be able to call tomorrow about an appointment with dentist ??

Think I will go read a bit till bedtime, hugs to all. Catch you tomorrow.

03/Aug/10 12:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I don't know what it's like in Alabama but in CA cars had to pass a smog test for registration. Any defects like broken tail lights etc were picked up by the police. Here your car is checked for defects and has to get a 'pink slip' to pass registration. The police can ticket for defects in between. When a car goes over the pits they check every single little tiny detail, even the rubber around the doors. It can be a long, frustrating and expensive process.
03/Aug/10 12:27 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Evening all.

Brenda, hope your anniversary was terrific.

MizT, glad the removal of the BCC was not too difficult and that you were in and out quickly. I have had two or three removed with the cut and stitch method. The last one got infected and took quite some time to heal. That was over 20 years ago and I haven't had any since.

We are under a severe thunder storm watch here, with the possibility of tornadoes. We had a bit of a storm earlier, but it was way off in the distance, with just a smattering of rain. In fact the grandies and I were out in the rain.

I too shall soon call it a night; it's almost 10:30 PM. I might be back if I can't sleep. The mugginess has come back a bit, so it's time to turn on the A/C, which has been turned off for more than three days now.
03/Aug/10 12:28 PM
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