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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Small Town Canada
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Another storm has passed, this one quite close. You can tell it's close when the thunder and lightning happen at the same time! Quite the light show.
MizT, we get all kinds of American channels, as well as our Canadian ones. We can get 60 Minutes here, but quite truthfully I watch very little TV. However, if I had to go without a radio I would do some major whining. We are probably about 50 kilometres from the bridge to the U.S. at Prescott, Ontario.
I too cannot understand about the toddler's death from heat exhaustion in the vehicle. You never leave a toddler out of your sight. I have never heard of a 19 month old who can open a car door and get in by themselves. Something definitely sounds suspicious.
Suzy, I quite frankly can't really remember how I got the nickname Turkey. It means the same over here by the way. I've had it for 40 years almost. I probably did something dumb and somebody said, "You turkey," and the name stuck. But you are correct, young lady, I am nobody's fool.
Glad you're feeling better, Gail, and happy to hear your hubby seems to have avoided it. Just know that I have typed this entire message quietly so as not to wake him up.
Heidi, hope you felt well enough to take IH up on his offer.
04/Aug/10 11:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gail.... I'm delighted that you're feeling better, and that your hubby hasn't gotten the Lurgy.
Funny story... for me. We went to the local restaurant for supper. Nothing fancy, just good home cooking. After the meal, we went up to the checkout counter and IH was asked for his ID for a senior discount. He turned white. This was the first time (in a restaurant) that someone has looked at him and immediately assumed that he was over 60. Which he is. He commented "But I'm middle aged... I'm not a senior!"
04/Aug/10 11:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa... I have 2 Turkey avatars that you can have if you like.
04/Aug/10 11:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What do you think? I love Turkeys, BTW. A few years ago one of my birds won Grand Champion Turkey at the Kentucky State Fair. I have a huge rosette and trophy to prove it.
04/Aug/10 11:24 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Just got back from picking Hannah up, she went downhill at recess time, so the school nurse rang me. Her temp is back up a little bit, so this seems like it might be an up and down thingy. Feeling a bit blah myself, so another round of tablets then s snooze is in store for this arvo. Catch you all later, and thanks for the good wishes, they definitely lifted my spirits ♥
04/Aug/10 12:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It sounds like you and Toy Elephant need more good wishes, so...
04/Aug/10 12:32 PM
Alabama, USA
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After a web search, I found a bit more about the heat related death. One article said " The child may have been playing in the car while her older siblings were removing items Friday afternoon, Baker said. She may have been in the car for about an hour, he said." No mention of the ages of the children who were supposedly watching the child.Another article mentioned parents were grocery shopping.
"The 19-month-old's siblings may have been playing in the car with her while parents got groceries, but parents later noticed she was not with her siblings, according to The Tuscaloosa News report. Her father searched the house and eventually found her on the floorboard by the front passenger seat, Capt. Loyd Baker, commander of the Tuscaloosa County Homicide Unit, told The Tuscaloosa News."
An investigation is ongoing.
04/Aug/10 1:31 PM
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Afternoon all!
Gail, I hope you were just overtired from not sleeping properly and not having a relapse. Glad your hubby missed it!
Heidi, hubby was asked at 50 - he was horrified! It doesn't help that he went grey in his 30's....
MizT, that makes a little more sense, depending on how old the siblings were. If you thought they were playing with her you might miss her for a while. Add to that the searching the house time... And opening the car door would be pretty much impossible for her. For the sake of their future sanity I hope none of the siblings shut her in the car as a prank!
04/Aug/10 1:45 PM
Alabama, USA
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It is soooo humid tonight. I have mentioned ( oh, whinned about it) before, but this is serious humidity. the dew point, the temperature where the air cannot hold any more moisture, is 78, that is extremely high. Walking outside is like walking into a sauna. There is water condensing on the outside of my sliding glass door, you know, like water on the outside of an iced beverage glass.
I am so very thankful that we were able to get that new AC unit. We have been able to keep the house reasonably cool, and cool off quickly once the sun goes down.
04/Aug/10 1:45 PM
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Theresa, mean people! You would never have done anything foolish! [big grin] That was a test by the way, to see if I can type the smilies in...
04/Aug/10 1:57 PM
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Helps if you spell it right
04/Aug/10 2:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You accidently left a space between the words, Suzy. Try it again. It does work.
04/Aug/10 2:08 PM
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Woo hoo! It worked!
04/Aug/10 2:08 PM
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Thanks Heidi, I felt silly when I checked
04/Aug/10 2:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You are most entirely welcome, Suzy.
04/Aug/10 2:15 PM
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Good Evening, SA9A!
Hi, Rolanda, Suzy, Judy, CynB, Theresa, June, Heidi, MizTricia, Tami, Gail,
Rolanda, I'm glad S#1 landed safely in Melbourne! I hope all of his work there goes well this week! Seems like he will be busy!
Suzy, I like your new avatar!
Judy, I didn't realize there was a Sci-Fi Con in Indianapolis - hope they enjoy it. Cathie will be tired when she gets home, as she's covering a lot of territory! Will Rachel and Wayne only be in Indiana? (I think that's about 4.5 or 5 hours from me.
Cyn, I like your new avatar also! Sounds like you have a great approach to cooking for one! When I'm alone, I usually opt for something fast and easy - maybe a sandwich or a yogurt and string cheese.
Suzy, seems like 2 young budding musicians have taken on quite a challenge. I wish them luck!
Theresa, I hope the rain brings cooler temperatures with it! Hopefully the storms won't last all day! I'm amazed that your grandies sleep in until nearly 8 a.m. It must be hard to get them out the door on time on school days!
Heidi, how awful that you now need to deal with gout as well as the infection! Of all times for your dentist's office to be closed for vacation! Will you be able to get an antibiotic for the infection and something to relieve the gout?
We have auto inspections here every other year - basically for emissions. I wish I could smell/see some "cleaner" air as a result.
June, seems like "your" old clothes must have been passed on from previous generations of your family, if they go back to 1880! What a great idea to celebrate the anniversary of the school! Will you be able to take pictures of the display when it is done?
Tami, it's always good to see you, even if it's briefly! I hope camp went well today! Take care of yourself!
Theresa, I hope the severe thunderstorm and hail didn't materialize tonight!
MizT, I hope the heat in your area subsides soon! Probably in Heidi's area, as well! What a shame about the 19-month-old! (I had the same thoughts that you did.)
Gail, you have quite a husband there! How nice that he was able to pick up Beth from the airport and save you the trip when you were feeling so miserable! (Of course, it also kept him out of the house and away from the germs for a while!) I am trying to type quietly!
Heidi, I'm glad the medicine and the nap improved your gout flare-up! It's nice that you were you able to accept the offer of dinner out - and funny that IH was offered the senior discount! We have found that the senior discount in our area can start as young as 60 (rarely) up to age 65. Hubby is more likely to get it, as he's balding, graying, and his beard is now white.
Gail, I'm sorry to hear that you and Hannah took a bit of a turn and felt less well! I hope the nap helps! Take care of yourselves!
The clock has now passed the midnight point, and I must get ready for bed! Sorry to stop so abruptly, but I'm nearly falling asleep here at the pooter. Good
04/Aug/10 3:05 PM
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(Almost all of the post fit on one tonight!) Here's the rest:
Good Night and sleep well, Everyone!
04/Aug/10 3:06 PM
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Did I tell you nomnom likes coffee? I had a cup sitting beside me. It had cooled a fair bit. Because I go away and do things and come back I sometimes forget to finish my coffee first. nomnom was asleep on the table beside me. She did a big stretch, ambled over to the coffee cup and took a drink! I should never drink coffee left unattended again! Of course I will forget. I always do.
04/Aug/10 3:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I can call my GP for antibiotics if I can't wait for the dentist to return from vacation.
I should take some more meds, then go to bed. I'm so glad that the Gout has improved to the point where I can walk again.
04/Aug/10 4:02 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Just calling in quickly without reading to let you all know more sad news, and so soon after Vi.
My dear Mother-in-Law has passed away at 1pm today. As you know she's been very ill and on 24hr oxygen for nearly 2 years now but she gave up her struggle peacefully in her chair with her husband and 2 daughters by her side. Will let you know more when I have time and as I hear it.
RIP Jean - you're free to fly with the angels! xx
04/Aug/10 4:37 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Oh Cyn, I am so very sorry. Love and best wishes to you all ♥
RIP Jean
04/Aug/10 5:08 PM
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Cyn, I'm so sorry.
Sending hugs to you and hubby.
04/Aug/10 6:28 PM
Small Town Canada
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Cyn, deepest sympathies for your loss. I am also sending hugs to you and your hubby. Hopefully with the passing of time your sorrow will be replaced with all the good memories of the past.
04/Aug/10 6:56 PM
Perth W Aust
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Cynthia and Colin, deepest sympathies for your loss.
RIP Jean
04/Aug/10 7:05 PM
NW Brisbane
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Cynthia and Col, I'm sending my condolences on the loss of Jean. RIP
04/Aug/10 10:23 PM
Stevenage UK
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Cyn, sending our sympathy to your family on your loss. ((hugs)) to Col and you.
04/Aug/10 11:16 PM
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Cyn,Sending hugs to you and Col.RIP Jean.
04/Aug/10 11:22 PM
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My Mum and her friends started putting on "old fashion parades back in the 1950's and acquired a large collection. I have just a part of it. They are too fragile to be worn by theatre groups but I did do a parade about 4 years ago. I have a video but the photos are on film and a lot of work scanning etc to put on my page. I will not be going to the school exhibition as Laura will be having her birthday party that day and at least 1 1/2 hours drive away from that school. I ended up going shopping today so did not get much done with the clothes!
04/Aug/10 11:28 PM
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Awful story about the toddler Tricia.
Take care Gail and I hope you and Hannah are soon feeling much better.
My turn at the dentist tomorrow as I have lost two fillings in the last week or so. At the back and not much of the teeth left back there!!! Hope you are able to see your dentist soon Heidi and get things fixed properly this time.
04/Aug/10 11:32 PM
Alabama, USA
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Cyn, so sorry to hear of your MIL's passing. May good memories of the years you shared help you and Col through this sad time. Hugs, thoughts and prayers winging their way to you and yours.
04/Aug/10 11:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, hope your trip to dentist goes well, and teeth repaired with no pain, and minimal pain in the wallet!
Heidi, if your face is swollen and there is a pocket of "stuff" on your gum, perhaps you should go ahead and call the GP for antibiotics. I know you are focused on the more acute problem of the gout but please do not let this tooth infection go untreated so long.
Suzy, I had forgotten we could type in smilies, thanks for reminding me. Has been easier lately to click than type so I forgot
Had a very good night's sleep last night. I woke once because I could not find a comfy place for my thumb, so put on the splint, which solved that problem. I have recently hurt thumb a couple times in my sleep, maybe splint at night might be a good idea for a while??
Coffee is terrible again today, I should make a trip to town for that half and half. I need new library books also, I see a road trip in my future.
Time for breakfast, and make me some TEA,
05/Aug/10 12:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, no Cyn... So soon after Aunt Vi's passing. My deepest sympathies to you and Col and the rest of the family.
At least Jean is resting in peace now.
((She had to be a special person to produce your wonderful Colin.))
05/Aug/10 12:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The Gout is almost cleared up this morning. The attacks may be intense, but they're short with the help of anti-inflammatories. There are meds specifically designed as treatments for Gout, but my Doc doesn't want to risk them. You see, my brother also has Gout, and they started him on one of the Gout meds. Within minutes he was in the E.R., and he spent several days in the I.C.U. due to an extreme reaction to the Gout meds. They don't want to risk that with me.
05/Aug/10 12:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH did a new one.
Instead of forgetting to pay the phone/ computer bill or the electric bill, he forgot to pay the water bill. We only use city water for 2 of the water tanks for the cattle, but those are the tanks that the cattle are watering out of now. In this heat, they drink 25 gallons of water a day EACH. I now have to drive an hour each way to get the bill straightened out before they turn it off in a few hours.
05/Aug/10 1:45 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, any way you can set up automatic pay for those utilities? From Hubby's account of course. I know that is an option for our small water authority, and certainly with the larger utilities here. Did we ask you this before? If so, never mind
As usual, you have to clean up his mistakes. Hope you have a safe trip.
05/Aug/10 2:01 AM
Stevenage UK
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We have had an exciting (not) hour. Elaine had the dogs out for a walk, it started raining, she asked me to go pick them up. When she was changing Indi's long lead for a short one Indi bolted. Once she gets into the bushes you cannot get her back. She disappeared from sight quite quickly. The scary thing was we were near the motorway and from some fields the fences are not secure. Fortunately she went the other direction, after spotting her it still took us an hour to catch her. She turns her hearing off when she is having fun. Once we got her home she had to have a bath, so did Callie who helped find her, she didn't enjoy that one bit. Indi is now sulking up in Elaine's room.
05/Aug/10 3:32 AM
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Morning all!
Brenda, I'm glad you got her back safely, but I bet you were tired and annoyed! Oh, and wet!
June, good luck at the dentist.
MizT, we can't get half and half here. I sometimes buy cream and make my own, but mostly made do with my 2% milk.
05/Aug/10 4:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Does anyone know a good way to kill IH, without me having to go to prison? IH handed me the bill, and told me I could pay them by check. I drove down there (1 hour) only to find out that I had to pay cash. So I drove back home to my bank (1 hour) and got the cash, then back to the water company (1 hour). By this time, I was swearing at IH over the cell phone. I then drove to a garden center and bought myself some more orchid pots, plant stands and a palm tree. Total trip... 5 1/2 hours.
05/Aug/10 6:40 AM
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Morning All.
Brenda, how awful.It is annoying when dogs will not come when called.
I have that cough back. Woke me during the night. Despite the medication from the Doc. (otherwise I feel OK). It is just annoying!!!
05/Aug/10 6:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've heard that some of those coughs can take months to clear up, even with a doctor's help.
05/Aug/10 7:09 AM
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