Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Change of plan. We decided to postpone work until tomorrow. Robert overslept and got here 2 1/2 hours late. He needs to get cleaned up to go to the fair, and I need to get cleaned up to go to a banquet in Louisville with IH. It's gonna be a real yawner, but he really, really wants me to go with him. I think it has something to do with the State Department of Agriculture, but I won't swear to that.
20/Aug/10 2:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another surprise TOPP!
20/Aug/10 2:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, is the banquet going to be a long drawn out affair?

So much for getting much of a nap. Last week a house three down and across the road was torn down and today they decide to get in with the heavy equipment to clean up the site. Maybe I'll end up swearing today (in more ways than one).
20/Aug/10 2:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings Sudoluland. I was up and out before breakfast to visit the vampire lady who resides at my doc office. They wanted fasting blood work, and today was first day it was convenient to do that. Just routien stuff, so I did not bother about hurrying to get it done. This is supposed to be a fast in and out. Key word is supposed to be. They never seem to be able to find my order in the lab, have to hunt down my chart, and usually it has not made it back to file after a visit, most times still with the transcriptionist who has not put in the dictated doctors notes.

I made a sugestion, that they give patient a copy of the lab work order to bring back with them. The office manager said that was a good idea, but most of their patients would not make it back with it. she did tell me I could ask for a copy to bring back to save all that hunting and waiting. Said I was a responsible patient. If I am responsible, they must really have some basket cases hehehe.

I cannot get enough to drink since returning home. I did take a huge cup of coffee and a muffin with me, cause I had some of those 'while you are out" errands to do.

More later, a big glass if iced tea would be good about now. Hugs to all and extras.

20/Aug/10 3:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Broni, you are doing flybys! How are things in your part of the world?

Viv, that is an amazing order. You must be working your tail off!

MizT, I've got a referral somewhere for one of those fasting tests - I just keep forgetting to fast!

Theresa, bummer about the heavy machinery. I am hoping for a breakdown so you get some sleep. I'm sure you need it right now.
20/Aug/10 6:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, a thunder storm just finished rolling through and that's the only reason the heavy machinery stopped. Oh well, I will probably make it an early night.

I too am supposed to go for fasting blood tests but keep forgetting. I sometimes remember while I'm drinking my first coffee in the morning. There has to be an easier way to do these things!!!
20/Aug/10 6:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm all dressed up and ready to go. I'm even wearing 2" heels!!!
20/Aug/10 6:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I wonder if they will start up again now that the storm has gone?

One more day, one more day, one more day.... who else doesn't like elections? Dumb question that one!
20/Aug/10 6:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Don't fall off Heidi!!!
20/Aug/10 6:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hope you're having a good time, Heidi.

Suzy, they didn't start back up. The huge shovel is off the site, so maybe tomorrow will be a bit quieter.
20/Aug/10 8:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning All. Slept fairly well but not used to having a pup on the bed with me.
D#1 likes me staying here as I get her house cleaned up for her. I have also brought up the material to cut out the 21 aprons she wants made for school. A busy day awaits. After I have fed the horses this afternoon I will head home and probably pick up Laura from daycare.
20/Aug/10 9:54 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning all.

Me Zusy.. I don't like elections either.. one more day, one more day, one more day....

Theresa.. Dutch Soup - Groentje Soep, Basically Beef and Vegetables, Finely Diced, cooked in Beef Stock, bought to the boil, and simmered allll day long. Add Vermicelli Noodles towards the end, and little bite size meatballs.
20/Aug/10 9:58 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Tricia, we are given the paperwork for the blood tests and bring it with us to the Vampire Room.

June, come and stay at my house, I like to have my house cleaned too!!!
Thoughts for your friend
20/Aug/10 10:00 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Got to Rock and Roll, Said I would be at the Hospital at 10 this Morn to pick up Mum ( unless they change their minds again). Yesterday Mum wasnt feeling too good, and had breathing probs again. She really is sooo much better, the best in months. The week and a half respite has done her good.
I personally am feeling soo much better too, the best since the Thyoid Op. And the looking after mum the next few days is not 'alarming' me as much as it would have a month ago. It is my decision to have her here. and our roles are reversed.. I am the parent, she is the daughter so to speak.. what I say goes.. and she follows. I am the only one that can get away with that. My sister can't, my Aunty can't.
20/Aug/10 10:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, you are doing a good job of taking care of your mom. My dad is like that. Won't listen to anyone. He will listen to my older brother. Mom, bro and I usually have to gang up on him to get him to listen.
Suzy, glad to hear that Ebob seems to be a little better.
Heidi, hope you enjoy the dinner.

Don't remember anything else I have read. I will be back tomorrow.
20/Aug/10 11:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I like your new avatar. Good news about the big shovel moving. Let's hope they don't bring it back on Monday!!

June, do you want to babysit my house and animals? The house needs a bit of a clean up... glad you got a fairly good sleep. I don't know how people (especially Heidi) sleep with animals, I have enough trouble with another person there let alone creatures who don't respect my space rights!!

Rolanda, I'm so glad you are feeling better. That definitely sounds more like the Rolanda we know and love! I hope your mum gets to come home with you today.

20/Aug/10 12:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I don't think there is anyone my mother will listen to, ganged up on or not... The closest we'd get is for her to pretend to agree while we were there.
20/Aug/10 1:17 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I paid to have my house vacuumed yesterday and now I am about to do my daughters!! Go figure!!
Cut out the aprons and have made one up so that she can tell me if the size is right. I have used an adult size and these are for high school children (in a dance routine)
20/Aug/10 1:51 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy it is a small dog and does move when pushed. At least the cats did not join us!
20/Aug/10 1:53 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy I hope Ebob is over the concussion. My son used to get it with the slightest bump. The funniest time was when I was called to pick him up at high school. My son played lots of sport and when I asked what happened he answered that 'he had tripped over on his way to choir practice'
Another time he fell when at my inlaws and I said he would be OK if just left to rest and he was not to have anything to eat. MIL knew better and gave him jelly and icecream, then got upset when he brought it back up.
20/Aug/10 1:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A new page with lots of good news, I hope.
20/Aug/10 1:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Think I had better learn to be a bit more observant! any way it is now a CP.
20/Aug/10 2:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from dinner. It was the most elegant affair I've ever been to. Six courses, each one a work of art. The second course was OUR leg of lamb, served with corn rolls, tobacco onions and a black currant reduction. The meal took forever, it seemed, since the Commissioner of Agriculture had to make a speech, and each chef had to describe his dishes. ALL foods, as well as the 6 different wines served, were produced locally.... including the paddlefish caviar! It ended up being 40 minutes between courses. We sat with the people who provided the mushrooms for the Mushroom Ragout (served with bourbon smoked Bison ribeye, Bison short ribs, blackberry glacé and beets).
20/Aug/10 2:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Voted twice for each. 6th/2 and 23rd/10
20/Aug/10 2:13 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Mother is out of Hospital, and now holidaying at Hotel Rolanda.
20/Aug/10 2:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds like good news, Rolanda.

I voted again, too. Now to feed the poor, neglected dogs.
20/Aug/10 2:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Hope you're all having or have had a great day! I think my comments will be brief tonight, as we need to get up around 5 in the morning. Friday through Sunday are the wood turning symposium, located about 45 minutes drive away. Hubby and I have each volunteered to video one demonstration each day. (Actually it's not being taped, just providing video to a large monitor to make it easier for participants to view demonstrations.)

Hi, CynB, Suzy, Broni, Theresa, June, Rolanda, V Viv, Heidi, MizTricia and Tami! Hello to anyone else who may pop in, like Nola and Mamacita!

CynB, your hair looks beautiful! I hope you are feeling better and hope your son is healing! Maybe you can help to remind each other to take pain medication!

Suzy, I hope Ebob and Ally/Alie are both feeling better! Seems to me that new art materials would be "just what the doctor ordered" for them to stay busy but quietly so. I can't imagine the mess and smell of the burst eggs! I'm so sorry that happened, and poor Nomnom! I hope she will recover and not be frightened of doors, dogs and wind. Suzy, your explanation makes me feel quite a bit better about supervision at the girls' school. I'm still quite upset about a couple of the teachers, though!

Theresa, what an awful way to start the day! I hope the rest of the day was all uphill from there! I was also thinking the happy troubadour in the truck might have been lubricated. Apparently the police didn't.

June, no wonder you were frightened when the police came to the farm! What a relief that it was a wrong address! Thinking of your friend and hoping things are improving! Sending positive thoughts and prayers!

Rolanda, I hope you were able to make the most of the extra day before bringing your Mum home! We all know you are an organized person and can get a lot done. Sounds like you're going to be mighty busy, but please don't over-do! Remember to take care of yourself, as well as the others!

V VIv, another GREAT Avon order! You certainly have a lot you're keeping going right now!

Heidi, I hope you and Robert will be able to accomplish a lot on another cooler day! Hopefully he enjoyed the fair and you enjoyed the dinner!

Theresa, I hope you will sleep longer and better tonight and can even get a nap tomorrow if you'd like one. Perhaps they are finished working with the heavy equipment for now!

Good for you for visiting the vampire this morning, MizT! I hope the others who need to do the same will soon remember! Sometimes when I forget such things, I think perhaps I want to forget.

Broni, you came and went so quickly that if we blinked we wouldn't realize you had been here. I hope all is going well with work, including the new system that was being worked on that would make less work for you!

June, sounds like you have another busy day ahead! Sending hugs and positive vibes for you and your friend!

Rolanda, it is SO reassuring to hear that you are finally feeling better since
20/Aug/10 2:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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WOW, Heidi, that sounds like some banquet you attended. Much more interesting food than the usual dried chicken and peas What did you wear with those 2 inch heels?

June, glad you got a better night's sleep. I do not like animals in my bed either, but one of my cats will sneak up on the bed after I am asleep, especially in winter. It is when she either gets her whiskers in my face, or tries to lie on me that she gets invited off.

Rolanda, glad you are feeling better. Did Mum get to come home? I am glad she will listen to you and " mind". Your talk of lasagan made me hungry enough to want to make some. I have stuff for a vegetable lasagan, using eggplant instead of noodles, might make that tomorrow if the weather stays cloudy and cooler.

I had a lovely nap today. T showers rolled through while I was sleeping. Woke me long enough to step over to puter and shut it down. Do NOt need lightning into my puter again.

I am tired even after my nap today, so time to close down once again and head for bed. Hugs to alll and extras.

20/Aug/10 2:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, the dinner sounds amazing!! I'm so glad you were able to go!
20/Aug/10 2:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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HI to everyone who posted while I was reading and typing!!
20/Aug/10 2:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JULIE, I think part of your long post was cut off.
20/Aug/10 2:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just lost a long post and don't have time to recreate it. Maybe later tonight...

Thoughts, wishes and vibes to everyone!!!!
20/Aug/10 2:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sending many special thoughts, wishes, hugs, prayers and positive vibes to N TD W RM JD GH TP CG T TG CS H C T R RD J JH S SF D A !!

There are plenty of additional {{{HUGS}}} and positive warm thought for everyone! There are extras, so feel free to take as many as you'd like!

Sending thanks to those who are able to vote, even if only once a day!

Here are the links again for voting for the Pepsi grants:

Miz T's request is

My request is

The grant requests are for different amounts, so you can vote for each of them without impacting the other! Thanks to everyone who is voting!
20/Aug/10 2:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks, MizT, for noticing that I lost part of a post. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't realize it was that long. Though I saved before submitting, I forgot to check that it was all there. Now I have gone on and saved other posts, so can no longer access the save from that post. (Does that make sense?)

I know I was commenting on how glad Rolanda is feeling better and much more like herself. I hope that continues! Rolanda, enjoy the next few days of preparations while your Mum is visiting!

Wow! I lost a lot. MizT, I'm glad you remembered to make your visit to the vampire! Seems like a few others need to do the same. I know I tend to forget to make that follow-up appointment for some reason.

Tami, I hope your Dad and Mom are doing well. We miss Bobbi, but know she will return when she has time! I hope you're nearly ready for the return of students! I'm SO glad your school is air conditioned!

Suzy, I'm SO sorry you lost a long post! I guess it's your turn today, but that doesn't make it any better. We know you're thinking of everyone, as we're thinking especially of you and your girls. I hope the day is going better and the string of accidents is finished!

OK, I REALLY need to get going if I'm to be in bed by midnight! 5:00 is going to get here much too soon.

I may not have much time to post over the next few days. I'll be thinking of all of you! Good Night!
20/Aug/10 2:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The heels were more like 2 1/2 inches. I wore my favorite summer dress. Sleeveless with a navy and white zebra stripe pattern and scarf hem, and a few scattered navy sequins on it. I also wore a blue and white hat with it and black and white feathered earrings with turquoise stones. I looked GOOD.
20/Aug/10 3:19 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The funny part of the whole event was the end of it. IH had begged and begged me to come to it. He was assuming that we were invited guests and didn't have to pay, why I don't know. At the end, he was presented with a bill of $150.00 (AU $168.00) for the two of us. He turned white as a sheet.
20/Aug/10 3:29 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning everyone.

June, I'm not used to NOT having a cat sleep with me. I don't know if I could sleep well without one.

Heidi, what a fancy affair. That's too funny that IH had to pay. Wish you had taken a picture of yourself that you could post ... sounds like you were dressed to the nines.

Rolanda, thanks for the Dutch soup info. I remember that soup now from when my mom used to make it ... must try it soon. Take care of yourself too while taking care of your mom.

Good luck with the video presentation, Julie.

Must get a start on this day before my daughter phones. Take care all ... positive vibes out to all who need it.
20/Aug/10 9:37 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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BTW, this avatar is one that MizT gave me. I love it.
20/Aug/10 9:38 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Good Morning Theresa. Nearly time for me to go to bed here.
Had a lovely day at the Avon banquet today.
I have put up some pics on my page.
Yes I did have an impressive order that is for sure.
Very funny IH had to pay. Would have loved a pic of his face Heidi when he found that out.
20/Aug/10 9:52 PM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Julie, you are our version of The Phantom from Easy pages I think.
Hotel Rolanda is operational again I see.
Hope all goes well Rolanda.
Speaking of voting, a different kind here tomorrow than what you are all voting for.
I will be glad when it is over.
21 aprons June? Sheesh, One would be enough for me.Big Hugs coming your way.
Speaking of blood tests, Monday morning at 7am I am having a blood test for the thryroid again.

20/Aug/10 10:00 PM
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