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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Magnolia, KY
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I just made Robert very happy. Our State Fair starts tomorrow, and I have a bunch of exhibitor's passes. They cover admission and parking, a $16 value. Robert is a MAJOR Joan Jett fan, and she's having a free (with admission) concert tomorrow. I just gave him some passes to go.
19/Aug/10 2:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Surprise TOPP!!
19/Aug/10 2:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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19/Aug/10 4:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Please vote. We're back down to #7 again.
19/Aug/10 4:34 AM
Small Town Canada
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It would only let me vote once yesterday, and so far today I've only been able to vote once. I will keep trying.
19/Aug/10 4:53 AM
Mamacita 2
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Back from voting and sharing on face book too....
Cynthia, I'm so glad that your son's injuries, while painful are not more serious. It's hard being a mother when the children are grown and you have no control. The only thing that we do is worry ourselves sick until we know that they will survive. Your actions spelled relief!
Tricia, I'm going to make note of how you went about using google so that I can do it too. Cyn, You saved me time I know that I can download the music from there. You guys are wonderful.
Hugs and happy, healing vibes being sent to all ...Have a great day. Peace.
19/Aug/10 5:09 AM
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Hi all, did not get on here yesterday.I had Laura and I have also been a bit 'down'.
Mamacita, I have sung that song many times. Until recently it used to be sung as the bride and groom left the reception for their honeymoon. Everyone would be around in a circle holding hands and at a certain part you would change hands by crossing your arms across your body.
Rolanda, Belated birthday wishes to Robert.
Ken is off to Singapore today and D#1 has to go away for a couple of days with the school so I have to go stay at her 'farm' to feed the animals.
I did put a photo of Laura's 'farm' birthday cake on my page.
Vacuuming Lady comes this morning and I have stuff everywhere to be picked catch you all later.
19/Aug/10 7:19 AM
Alabama, USA
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Mamacita, those quote marks around the words of the song you knew tell the computer you are looking for those exact words in that order only. It can be very helpful when doing a search.
Cloudy and rainy here again today. good nap weather so I think I shall.
19/Aug/10 7:19 AM
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Morning all!
June, I love the birthday cake! How did you make it so big?? No wonder you were able to fit all of the strawberries around the outside. For a part time worker Ken sure works a lot!
MizT, I love being able to find that stuff with google. I keep hearing that companies are upset with google about copyright infringement and yet without it we wouldn't be able to find them! How is your hand today? It has been a few days since the shot and I'm wondering how it is changing.
Off to log into facebook so I can vote...
19/Aug/10 7:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's been raining all day here, too. At least it's cooled off considerably.
19/Aug/10 8:28 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Cyn glad your son is doing ok. It is hard to get cut up like that.
Heidi, glad to hear the antibiotics are starting to work. Here's hoping that you won't need surgery.
My three beastie boys came to school today to help me get set up. Have almost all the posters up. Just a few more. I just can't decide where to put them. I want to buy some new posters. I actually put up less this year. I spread them out a little more than usual so it still takes up the wall space. I actually have big room with lots of wall space.
19/Aug/10 8:45 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have also been voting as many times as possible.
19/Aug/10 8:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Good news! IH just announced that he's going to the plant in under an hour. Another night alone here!!!
19/Aug/10 10:04 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, I know you are just so upset.
19/Aug/10 10:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just stopping in to say goodnight. Had a nice chat with Heidi on Skype.
19/Aug/10 11:12 AM
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3Suzy, I bought a commercial size chocolate slab cake at Sara Lee. Cost about $18. i put green icing over the chocolate icing and jelly for the pond. It made it all very easy and plenty of cake for every one.
Cyn, hope your son is soon OK. Things tend to happen in threes so you should be OK now.
Will vote again then I had better put some overnight things in a bag.
19/Aug/10 12:21 PM
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June, now I wish we had a Sara Lee down here! You make it sound easy but it was very creative.
Tami, your 3 beastie boys - does that mean hubby helped too? Another winner...
Heidi, how did your alfalfa go? Did I remember the right crop?
19/Aug/10 12:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You remembered the right crop. I haven't looked at it yet, but from the downpour we had, I'm guessing that it's borderline salvageable. It would have been our best cutting of the year, but not any more.
19/Aug/10 1:22 PM
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Sigh. Off to pick up Ebob from school. She has been 'accidentally hit in the head by a friend' and has all the symptoms of a mild concussion. Hmmm.
19/Aug/10 2:15 PM
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ARRRGH! I just lost my connection and a really long post I was almost ready to submit. It's past midnight; I'm exhausted; I don't think I'm even going to try to go back and reproduce any of my comments.
It's after midnight. Hello, Sudoku! Hi, CynB, Gail, Suzy, Broni, Heidi, Rolanda, and MizTricia (on page 313)!
Cyn, I'm glad your son's leg injury wasn't terribly serious!
Gail, sounds like a great reunion and hubby birthday all rolled into one!
Heidi, I'm sorry the heavy rain came just after the alfalfa mowing. I hope the crop isn't a complete loss!
Did some "Hmmm"-ing along with Suzy and Broni about Mohawk and Three's female parent. Curious and curiouser!
19/Aug/10 3:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed as soon as my dogs finish eating. Tomorrow Robert and I are burying some insulated fence wire to allow us to take down some busted fence (I dropped 3 hay rolls on it) and connect up the new fence we built.
19/Aug/10 3:36 PM
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Hi to Theresa, Mamacita, June and Tami, who have joined us on page 314!
Oh, dear, another "Hmmm" from Suzy! I hope Ebob is all right. Be sure you keep an eye on her if there's any possibility of a concussion! I'm beginning to have concerns about the school; is supervision an issue? Did this happen during a class or a free time? When Ally/Alie and friends were making their youtube video, was there supervision, or were they in a classroom without an adult? I'm just thinking of any possible repercussions.
It's past 12:30 a.m. and I really should head off to bed. I apologize for not commenting on much of what I have read!!
19/Aug/10 3:39 PM
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I hope this is the most up-to-date listing of those for whom we are sharing special thoughts, wishes, hugs, prayers and positive vibes: N TD W RM JD GH TP CG T TG CS H C T R RD J S SF !!
Of course, there are plenty of {{{HUGS}}} for everyone and positive warm thoughts! Please feel free to take as many as you'd like!
19/Aug/10 3:43 PM
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Here are the links again for voting for the Pepsi grants:
Miz T's request is
My request is
The grant requests are for different amounts, so you can vote for each of them without impacting the other! Thanks to everyone who is voting!
19/Aug/10 3:46 PM
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Good Afternoon, Evening and Night to Everyone! Enjoy!
19/Aug/10 3:47 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good afternoon all - back from making my hair beautiful (haha!).
Spoke to my son earlier today and he was surprised at how much trouble he had just driving Emily to school this morning (about 5kms). It's his right foot/leg. He's got a mate coming around this afternoon to take him back to pick up Emily. He said it's still sore but like me, he keeps forgetting to take pain-killers.
19/Aug/10 3:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - I hope Ebob is OK and her 'mild concussion' wears off quickly.
19/Aug/10 3:54 PM
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Do you know what happens when you forget to turn off the eggs you are boiling when you go to pick up your concussed child? They explode and spread about 5 feet. They also make the house smell reeeeaaaallllly bad. And then when you open the doors to get some of the smell out, the wind might just close one - on the cat talking to the dogs through the screen door....
Our girls have new art stuff that I shouldn't have bought, but did... They are resting and drawing while they recover from their injuries.
19/Aug/10 4:24 PM
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Ebob was apparently messing around with some friends in between school and TAFE. They got tangled up and fell into a heap with a knee getting Ebob fair in the temple. She was dizzy, but it wasn't until she got to TAFE that the 'headache the size of Kentucky' and nausea had set in. Often I am the one driving her from one to the other but today she happened to get a lift with someone else.
Ally was in the music room with a bunch of kids but no teacher during lunch time. They were practicing for the fund raiser at the time. Teachers are close by and one came in right at the end of the song that made it onto youtube. The girl who was doing the videoing apparently videos every time someone sings but is rarely given permission to put them on youtube. For some reason they all agreed this time. A couple of kids in the room were either 18 or close to.
19/Aug/10 4:34 PM
Qld, Australia
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Oh dear Zusy, you have been in the wars.
Cyn, sounds like you are feeling a bit better, now don't either your son or you forget your tablets.
Love and Hugs to everyone else.
19/Aug/10 4:35 PM
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Cyn, your son has a good mate. Was that the same one who drove him to the doctor/hospital? I just went to add him to my wishes list but he was already there.
Julie, sorry about your post - I hate it when that happens!
Sending thoughts, wishes, vibes and hugs to everyone, especially N TD W RM JD GH TP CG T TG CS H C T R RD J JH S SF D A
19/Aug/10 4:47 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good early morning for me. I was awakened at 3:30 by a pickup truck parked across the street playing really loud country music that he was singing along to at the top of his lungs. Let's just say he didn't have a singing voice and he made up the words as he went along and filled in all the gaps with the "F" word. I called the police and they got him to leave.
Then I realized one of our cats had gotten stuck in our porch probably since I went to bed last night. I accidentally stepped in a pile of smelly stuff that he had left as a gift for me. Do you get the feeling that maybe today is not going to be a stellar day for me???? After that I decided I would not be going back to bed ... maybe a nana nap later.
As I'm typing this I'm sitting here chuckling ... pardon the pun but it's just might be a yttihs day.
19/Aug/10 6:25 PM
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Now at D#1's farm. Got an awful scare earlier. As I stepped out the door to check the horses there was a police van and three police officers about to open the gate. My daughter is in a small bus with school children travelling 5-6 hours into the country. You can imagine what I thought. It turned out the police had come to the wrong address.(I think the address they were looking for is the house next door that was burnt down several years ago)
19/Aug/10 6:46 PM
Small Town Canada
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Oh June, that would be a scare! We always imagine the worst in such situations. As always my thoughts are with you and your friend.
19/Aug/10 6:51 PM
Perth W Aust
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Good Afternoon/Almost Evening
My mother is still in Hospital, they decided to keep her another day. I am going in for 10.00am in the morning to pick her up.
I will probably take her home with me for a few days. Easier for me, then having to go up and down like a yoyo. Specially with all the stuff I will be doing over the next couple of days ie cleaning, cooking....
This Sunday we have a family Late Lunch/Early Dinner for Robert and Mum's Birthday. Will be cooking Dutch Soup, Lasagne with Salad and Garlic Bread, Lemon Meringue Pie. ( Robert's fav Birthday Meal )
About to go and fling this eve's meal.. she says with enthusiasm !!
and cook the meat sauce for the Lasagne at the same time..
Tomorrow will make the Lasange up and freeze, defrost Overnight Sat ready for the oven mid Sunday Afternoon.
Tootle Pip
19/Aug/10 6:54 PM
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Yikes June! That would have a scary couple of minutes! Thank goodness it was just a scare and not the real thing...
Rolanda, they keep keeping your mother for extra days. It doesn't sound good. I hope it is not too stressful having her underfoot while you are preparing for the birthday celebration. I agree with you that it will probably be less stressful than having to yoyo, but not no stress... It sounds like you're super organised anyway.
Theresa, not a good start to your day! I hope it is improving!!! I'm sure it improved for your neighbours who probably got to go back to sleep after your intervention. I'm wondering if the police allowed him to drive away as it sounds like he was well lubricated?
My day improved. The injuries meant my usual Thursday runaround was trucated and moved to earlier in the day so it has been a relatively relaxing evening. Ebob says her nausea is gone, the headache is back to head size and no longer the size of Kentucky. I meant to ask her how the dizziness was after she stood up, but I guess the fact she didn't come and tell me about it means it was gone.
19/Aug/10 7:51 PM
Small Town Canada
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Rolanda, what is Dutch soup?
Suzy, the police let him drive away, so I guess he wasn't drunk. Glad Ebob is feeling better. My brother was in an accident when I was younger; he had a concussion and we all had to take turns keeping him awake for the night. I don't remember why he had to stay awake.
19/Aug/10 8:00 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
CynB. Glad your sons accident was not worse.
Anything with glass is a worry.
I took John to visit his sister today.
On the way we put some flowers on FIL grave.
Tomorrow is my Avon banquet in Coffs Harbour.
Last night I logged in orders that totalled $1,792. The hard work is paying off at last.
Hi June. Still a busy lady helping out I see.
Thinking of you.
Nice to hear your weather is a bit cooler for you Heidi.
19/Aug/10 8:17 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Suzy, hope Ebob is okay, never a dull moment in your house girl.
Off to bed now for an early night.
19/Aug/10 8:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Another cloudy, cooler day (so far). Good weather to get some outside work done. Robert will be here in about an hour, then we can get going.
Viv.... your sales are SO impressive!
19/Aug/10 11:51 PM
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