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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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I just got lucky number 13000. Who is going to get 13013???
31/Aug/10 8:28 AM
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Suzy, it may be a detacked retina. GET TO SEE SOMEONE TODAY.
31/Aug/10 8:35 AM
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In the meantime do not do any heavy lifting or anything in anyway strenuous. I had flshing lights after I helped my daughter move house!
31/Aug/10 8:55 AM
Small Town Canada
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Are you listening to us, Suzy? I'm pretty good at nagging. I think you should probably avoid bending over as well.
31/Aug/10 9:05 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Listen to them Suzy!! Please!
31/Aug/10 9:18 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, yes, beans would freeze, and if Hubby has not finished them off in a reasonable time ( they keep well in fridge) rest will go to freezer.
Theresa I just refrain from using my oven when it is that hot, really can heat up a kitchen. That is one thing I have enjoyed about the cooler weather, being able to bake again. Hubby has enjoyed too, getting his biscuits and muffins.
Tami, I had one of those close drying racks when I had small children, before I had a dryer. I loved in an apartment with a floor furnace, mine fit right over it and clothes dried quickly. Apartment had outside clothes lines, but in winter mine was shaded most of the day. around the corner of the building were lines in the sun all day. Had to get up early to gat space on those lines in winter. Bad weather, I would load up child and laundry and go to Mom's house, Noone home during the day, I had a key and could wash and dry as many loads as I needed. Of course grandma had a high chair and crib to make visiting easy.
Now in bad weather if I do not want to use the dryer, I put clothes on hangers hanging over the shower curtain rod in bathroom. They usually dry over night.
OK, posting this fore turning the page to 326
31/Aug/10 9:45 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning All.
Hi Tricia.. Raining here, Good thing too, my garden is screaming for some moisture.
Theresa, I have a dryer, but very very very rarely use it, I hang all my clothes on the line out side, which is under cover.
June ♥ HB to your Mum.
Suzy, get your eyes checked out sooner than later please.
Heidi, nice that you had a great visit with the Grasshoppers.
Breakfast time for me.
later aligaters
31/Aug/10 9:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, here is my nag, get thee to have this checked, asap. your eyesight is too valuable. you would not have mentioned it to us if you were not concerned about it and you have reason to be concerned. This is not normal, and a doc needs to tell you if it is OK or not. NOW GO!
31/Aug/10 9:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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HI ROLANDA, by Rolanda, enjoy your breakfast.
31/Aug/10 9:50 AM
Small Town Canada
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One time I said to my grandie, "See you later alligator," and she said, "See you soon you big babboon." I laughed until I almost cried. She was only 4 at the time and it was unexpected.
31/Aug/10 11:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Just woke up from a nice nap. Don't have to cook supper for IH 'cause he's fasting.
Suzy.... I'm having the opposite problem with my right eye. When the light is dim, my vision in the right eye goes black. I've read that it's a form of night blindness. It started a few months ago. It doesn't bother me when I'm driving at night because of the brightness of the headlights.
31/Aug/10 11:22 AM
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Okay I was a little freaked and now I am a lot freaked! I took your advice and have an appointment with an optometrist at 12.40. He can refer me on if he finds anything.
It is nice to have an excuse not to hang the clothes on the line though!!
31/Aug/10 11:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, when my machine broke I loaded up laundry and baby (Mitchell) and went to mom to do wash. My mom moved the bed in my old room and put in a crib and changing table. She built a nursery for her first grandchild. Even better, I called her at 1:00 am to say I was on way to hospital. She met us at hospital and at a reasonable hour she called her boss and said she was officially on a 2 week maternity leave. She actually got away with it. She came home and spent the first few nights at my house taking care of me and the new baby. When Mitchell was first born hubby had a job that took him out of town. Many weekends I would pack up baby and dog and go to mom for a mini vacation. I could sleep all day and she would take care of baby (and me). Not that I am spoiled or anything.
31/Aug/10 11:25 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, please post and let us know what happened. Also, send me a pm. I can't access this when I am at school but I can check my email. This way I won't worry about you all day. Thank you for making an appointment so quickly. I hope it is nothing serious but you do not want to take a chance.
31/Aug/10 11:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy..... I think June's diagnosis is the one you should listen to. GO TO THE DOCTOR OR E.R. RIGHT AWAY!!!! Especially since there's pain and discomfort. That's always a warning sign.
31/Aug/10 11:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Good girl!!!! You posted while I was slowly typing. I know you'll let us know what's up as soon as you can.
31/Aug/10 11:30 AM
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I will Tami, but don't freak if it takes a while for me to get home again. You know these places are always running late! I am still hoping for something in my eye....
31/Aug/10 11:31 AM
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Heidi, you posted while I was typing too!
31/Aug/10 11:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Is the eye showing any discoloration such as blood? Or does it look normal?
31/Aug/10 11:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh.... forgot to mention it. Grass-hopper gave me a Koala and some TimTams!!! They are GOOOOOOOD! I gave them some gourmet coffee blends (Cherry Supreme and Irish Creme) made in Louisville. They tried some here and fell in love.
31/Aug/10 11:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, remember I am on the other side of the world. You are going to the doctor and I am going to bed. By the time you post, I will be getting up and at school. I just don't want to wait til tomorrow night to know that you are ok. I will be thinking of you.
31/Aug/10 11:42 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, you can buy TimTams in the grocery store. Pepperidge Farms came out with them last year. It says on the package "Australia's favorite cookie"
31/Aug/10 11:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, the cherry supreme coffee sounds good. I like flavored coffees. Barnie's used to have one called "sweetheart blend" It tasted like a chocolate covered cherry. There are no Barnie's near me anymore.
31/Aug/10 11:45 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - pleased you have an appointment - waiting now for you to get back with diagnosis.
Tami - the original TimTams are Arnotts brand - I think others make similar but original is best!
Also Tami - when I had Andrew, his father worked odd shifts and often he would just drop us off at Mums place on his way to work where I would rest while Mum looked after the baby, fed us, fussed around etc until hubby came back to collect us. Heaven wasn't it? Didn't happen when I had Karin.
31/Aug/10 12:22 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I paid it forward and spent a lot of time fussing around over Karin and Lachlan when he was new born. I enjoyed it!
31/Aug/10 12:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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These are the Arnott's.... Classic Dark.
I'm saving most of them for tomorrow morning. I'm gonna try them with coffee.
31/Aug/10 1:45 PM
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Pleased Suzy got an appointment. Off to feed the horses so will check back from Daughter's place.
Our team won at bowls and I won a frozen chicken. I did not play very well though.
31/Aug/10 2:03 PM
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Afternoon all!
I'm back with good news - no detachment! I have a floater. Just in case you're like me and have no idea what that is... a bit of the jelly-like stuff in my eye has pulled away from the retina - that was what happened when I saw fireworks. Sometimes that can tear the retina but most often it just does what it has done with me - created an opaque bit that floats around in the jelly. Occasionally it will be in a place that obscures my vision, but it will move again. No need to treat, no hassles unless I see fireworks again.
All that is left to do is to name it. Then when I see it I can say hello! Any ideas?
31/Aug/10 2:16 PM
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My eye was dilated so it's a bit hard to read right now. I'll come back later..
31/Aug/10 2:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Hmmmmm.... a name for the floater. How about Fred? Or Fluffy? Or just Flo?
31/Aug/10 2:48 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, so glad it was just a floater and nothing serious. thanks for checking back in to let us know.
OK, I am off to bed, it is late here. Hubby's rescheduled doc appointment is tomorrrow afternoon, and he has a few errands to run " while we are out" so I best get to sleep.
Hugs to all [[[[[everyone]]]]]
31/Aug/10 3:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT got the palindrome #13031.
31/Aug/10 3:04 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good news, Suzy!
I like Heidi's ideas of Fluffy or Flo. If the PM of the UK can call his new daughter Florence, you can call your floater Flo!
What an old-fashioned name - Florence! That was my late MIL's 2nd name.
31/Aug/10 3:51 PM
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I'm back. I broke the news to Mum about my floater. She'd never heard of them but was a bit freaked. She's especially worried about me driving as I am effectively blind in my right eye when it moves into position. I reassured her that now I know what is happening I can pull over and wait for it to move on.
I thought of Fred or Frank first, but Fluffy sounds like a good name! That's sort of what it looked like - white fluff covering my whole eye! We have a leading contender - any other suggestions?
Tami and Cyn, you were spoiled! I was in CA and Mum was in Australia so hubby and I went it alone. He took a couple of weeks off work though so it worked out fine - until Ebob got colic.
June, the doc said to come back if I have any more flashing lights. You should probably get checked too... I was lucky and got in on a cancellation. A woman came in to make an appointment and had to wait 2 weeks. Congrats on your wins!
Tim Tams are the best!! I very rarely buy them because there's no way the packet would make it to the morning to have with coffee. Once a packet is opened, it is gone. Everyone loves them!
31/Aug/10 4:01 PM
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Hi Cyn, I was typing while you were posting. Hmm, naming my floater after a PMs daughter? Interesting...
31/Aug/10 4:05 PM
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Suzy, he called mine an aqua detachment but I only had flashing lights. I was when Belinda moved in here. Not sure where Ken was and we were moving the heavy furniture, I went outside in the evening and was asking what the flashing lights were, I think they thought I was crazy. The worry was when I started to drive home and the flashing lights came with me. I was told not to do anything too physical for a few weeks and come back if I had more problems.That was over 10 years ago. Occasionally if I have been overdoing things I might get one or two flashes when it is dark but not enough to anything about it. I always thought the floaties were the dark spots that float in your vision, I do have a few of those and have had them for many years.
31/Aug/10 6:35 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Where is everybody - awfully quiet in here today.
31/Aug/10 8:58 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I always knew you were weird Suzy! How about calling it Pie, you know, Pie Floater! d=57&Itemid=202
31/Aug/10 9:10 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi Cyn, been on the puter on and off today. Hubby and I have been at it again...ewewewewew, no, lunch and gardening!
31/Aug/10 9:11 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Heidi, so glad you had a wonderful time with Grasshopper and her hubby. What a lovely exchange of gifts.
31/Aug/10 9:12 PM
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