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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Alabama, USA
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Rolanda, will be thinking of your niece who is pregnant and sending healthy wishes too, with hopes she can carry that baby as long as possible. Every day is good, but I think she should be in the viable zone now. If they can get her to 36 weeks it is all a bonus after that. Enjoy your trip and yes, did enjoy our chat, sorry we had to ring off cause of my chiro appointment.
TAMI, so glad the second dinner went so well, I know you worked hard to get everything just right.
your story about the hand inside the chicken making your first chicken soup, reminds me of my first turkey for my family dinner. I did not get my hand inside every place i should have, removed only one packet that was packed with the bird, left the neck wrapped in waxed paper in the neck cavity. My Dad laughed at me a long time over that.
Did I tell you that Al helped me tackle my "horizontal files" that were scattered all over the table? Together we made quick work of it and things are much easier to find now. He has been doing lots of nice things lately.
We will be out again much of the day tomorrow, I will check in when I can. I need a day at home.
10/Sep/10 1:00 PM
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A whole country, especially soldiers in harms way, stereotyped and put at risk by a fool.
10/Sep/10 1:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yep... That's it, Suzy. It will definitely increase the acts of terrorism committed in this country, too, if that fool and his supporters have their way.
10/Sep/10 1:21 PM
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I think this one would mostly be a risk in offices.
10/Sep/10 2:12 PM
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Internet 1 Pastor 0
10/Sep/10 2:19 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi everybody...
wow...i'm up to date with at least one page in SA...LOL p341
Suzi I don't know if I told you this on the other place but check out this little toe-rag!! He has caused so much grief to so many people. I wonder how many times a kid has to be expelled or how many chances can a kid be given? lton-holt/story-e6frf7kx-1225900925463
My contempt for this offender has prompted me to post, uncharacteristicly, a link to a a somewhat inflammatory report... There are plenty that are on the web without the spin...
No I wasn't surprised to hear / see this on the news. Nothing can undo the damage he has caused his victims... and in turn any that they have lashed out at in retaliation... does every bully spawn a bully? A truly awful thought. Which makes me wonder whether I should be more charitable. Don't seem to have any left in me in this instance.
Then I am left like you wondering where on earth it has all come from!! Totally unbelievable. your girls realise how lucky they are? If you ever want a reference I'll send you one LOL
btw..if the link doesn't work all you have to do is google his name... I am sure he is crowing and very proud about how big an entry he has and how many hits they receive...
Saking my head in diesbelief right now at what I have just written... I know it to be true... no such word as contrition here...
10/Sep/10 2:22 PM
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Bean, might go for that reference....
10/Sep/10 2:27 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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oops saking=shaking...
Good grief... it is raining again!!
Good news... the back door now opens easily.
Everything is moving in this old house as the reactive clay soils drink up all this wetstuff. I am so GLAD I hadn't had all the cracks in the walls repaired or the settling of the foundations would be expelling all the compound filling dem cracks! Procrastination sometimes does reward those of us that have mastered the art!!
Ciao for now.
10/Sep/10 2:29 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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anytime Suzy.. anytime
10/Sep/10 2:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Please send that rain over here, Bean. We desperately need it.
10/Sep/10 2:32 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Heidi we have been in the grip of drought for so long I am still in a state of disbelief and have no intention of sharing. Not yet. All the flooding around the state is sparking some interesting reactions.
I had wondered if the mighty Murray and our other inland rivers would ever flood again... if our wonderful forrests of river red gum would all weaken and die for want of a good soaking.
A friend was missing from singing on Monday night... she was gallivanting off to fly over Lake Eyre. I think I should be doing that as well. Once in a lifetime opportunity.
"Lake Eyre has only completely filled three times in recorded white history – the last time occurred in 1974-75."
You might find this interesting Heidi.. to-lake-eyre/
Also if you google 'Lake Eyre images' you will find some magnificent shots.
10/Sep/10 2:52 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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it is quite obvious that today is the day i set aside to create order is this chaos that i call 'home'.
Perhaps I should just admit defeat, forget it and get back to doing something constructive! That does not involve the internet!!
10/Sep/10 2:55 PM
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Oh, dear! It is later than I thought (now after midnight) and 3 pages to read! Good Evening, Sudokuland!
Hi, MizTricia, V Viv, Suzy, CynB, Theresa, Brenda, Heidi, Gail, Tami, June, Bean and Rolanda!
I hope MizT, V Viv, Suzy, Heidi, Theresa, and all in need of a good night's sleep either had one last night or will have one tonight!
Yep, Suzy, you have a great hubby to be sure you got your pain meds quickly! Sorry you need to deal with the itch!
Cyn, while hubbies can be exasperating, they can also be lovable. "You can't live with them and you can't live without them."
Suzy, my first thought was also that the poor woman was being accosted by con men, not people working for a charity. I hope the people in the bank were able to come to her rescue and not facilitate a withdrawal!
Theresa, I hope your daughter can get to the heart of the problem that is making your grandie dislike school so much! As Cyn says, it's easier to determine why Emily reacts the way she does. Speaking of Emily, I'm astonished that her mother thinks Andrew should teach Emily some manners. What did the mother teach her, other than that she can't trust all of the adults she loves? What does the mother expect? Keeping Andrew and all of the girls in my prayers!
Heidi, I'm so glad your back is better today! What wonderful news about Cole! I hope the appointments for Lady and Lucy tomorrow go just as well!
MizT, I'm glad you got some good advice from everyone! I'm also glad one of the pharmacists was willing to listen to you and see what could be done about the foul-smelling and -tasting medication! Hopefully the same med from a different bottle will be from a different manufacturing lot and the problem will be eliminated!
Tami, congrats on two nights of major dinner preparations that pleased everyone! Also, congrats to Mitchell for his part in the services this morning!
Theresa, so glad you had such a great nap! Hope it doesn't cause problems for your sleep tonight!
June, I hope your back improved enough that you could enjoy the bowls today! Thinking of you and your friend and sending prayers and positive vibes! How nice that you could enjoy a meal and pleasant evening last night with your sister and BIL!
Praying that the Florida minister finally will understand why he should NOT burn the Koran on the 11th! He claims to be surprised that this has stirred up so much attention world-wide. I'm thinking un-Christian thoughts that he knew what he was doing and wanted to get attention. Still praying that he will not go through with the burning and propaganda and bloodshed can be avoided!
Rolanda, thinking positive thoughts for your niece and the little one. Hoping they can lower her blood pressure and give the little one a bit more time!
10/Sep/10 3:03 PM
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MizT, I'm glad you got some relief from your chiropractor appointment. I hope next week's appointment also does the trick!
Suzy, thanks for the links!
Hi, Bean! It's so good to see you here! Your link says the person involved is 19. He would have been tried and sentenced as an adult here (18, or sometimes a bit younger, depending on the severity of the crime). It's amazing how many people there are now who think they can do whatever they want to whomever they want and not be held responsible! Is it more prevalent now - or just reported more now? Is the media part of the problem? (Also thinking about the Florida minister now.)
Bean, I'm so glad you're getting the rain and Lake Eyre is filling! I hope the rest of your day is productive! Going to go check out your link about the lake.
Good Night to Everyone! <3 Love and hugs to all!
10/Sep/10 3:23 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hello my friends, cannot believe I had 8 pages to read to catch up. Was sure life would settle a bit with my visitor gone but has still been a hetic week. I have thought of you all as I read and thank you once again Julie for your summaries as I still seemed to have missed some news.
All is good here, have been spending time with Bella the last few days since she has been 'home alone' now that Maggie has gone, think I will have to hide her squeeky toy soon!
Zusy and Heidi glad you both seem to be on the mend. Sending {{{Hugs}}} to all my friends, two and four legged and feathered (hope that covers it).
10/Sep/10 5:03 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi Bean and Broni, glad to see you stopping in for a visit.
I also agree that we have not heard the last of the fool. And speaking of the fool, he is on the news right now. He is saying that the burning is back on and that a local Imam lied to him about moving the mosque. The Imam says that he only said he would talk to the people planning the mosque in New York. I think we are being polite calling him a fool but if I say what I want to call him, I would get kicked off here.
10/Sep/10 8:07 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Rolanda, thinking good thoughts for your niece and her baby.
Suzy, you do have a nice hubby to leave work and get your medicine. Hope you are feeling better soon. I understand the itch as I am also allergic to adhesive.
I will be back tonight. This is getting to be a habit. Sneaking on to the computer after I take Mitchell to the bus. Everyone else is sleeping. It is 6:10 am where I am.
10/Sep/10 8:10 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning everyone.
Tami, hope you have a good day.
The "fool" is not a man of God. A man of God would not put his own personal agenda (which might be as simple as wanting his 15 minutes of fame) ahead of the good of mankind. He should crawl back under the rock from which he came. I consider his actions to be a form of terrorism in itself. Okay, rant over for now (I think).
10/Sep/10 8:20 PM
Small Town Canada
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I've been up since 3:45 AM - I guess I shouldn't have had that nap yesterday. Another rainy day here.
Hope you have a great weekend Rolanda. I too am sending positive thoughts for your niece and the baby.
Well, I'm off to feed the outside feral cats and grab another coffee. I've only had two so far, but as MizT says, who's counting when it comes to coffee? TTFN.
10/Sep/10 8:25 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, hope your day goes smoothly. I agree. That idiot is not a man of g-d. His last church asked him to leave. Not sure where it is though. I wish the media would start ignoring him. If it does not get in the news, it will not make as much of an impact.
10/Sep/10 8:27 PM
Small Town Canada
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I agree with you Tami, the media should have ignored him and given him the attention he deserved.
10/Sep/10 8:31 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, I am assuming you mean no attention at all!!!
10/Sep/10 8:45 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just made brekkie and about to have my first cup. My SIL made mandel bread, it is a twice-baked cookie similar to a biscotti. She brought it over last night for dessert. I can't wait to have one dipped into my morning cup. YUMMY!!!!!
10/Sep/10 8:47 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, thank you for the wish for a good sleep, I have now had 2 very good nights, although not as long as I would have liked. AND I had naps to make up the difference, so I am much better in sleep department now.
Oh dear, I did not finish the page and my timer just went off. time to wake hubby, as we are up and out early today. hugs to all and extras till I can get back again.
10/Sep/10 9:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That was quick service! It's RAINING here!!!!
10/Sep/10 10:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa... I agree 100% with your assessment of the "fool". And if he followed the teachings of the Bible, especially those of Jesus, he would realize that they all worship the same god, just differently, and their holy book should be shown the same respect.
10/Sep/10 10:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Well, must get going. I have to hook up my 16' trailer and meet Robert at the farm store. I'll need his help loading up cattle panels for the replacement fence in the woods that he's working on. I did say "he" instead of "we" because I've been unable to do much this week.
10/Sep/10 11:01 PM
Small Town Canada
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Take it easy, Heidi. I seem to remember you need a few days of no heavy lifting after the epidural. Yes, I'm a mother, I know how to nag. Don't make me come there .........
10/Sep/10 11:10 PM
Small Town Canada
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Off to grab a nap. Grandies were both crying when the school bus came. I had to chase the older a bit as she was refusing to get on the bus. They are both having a bit of a hard time - I think it's because their mom wasn't working most of the summer and they were home with her all the time. My daughter was almost in tears watching them cry. It's hard. Catch you all later.
10/Sep/10 11:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Change of plans. We aren't going to work on that fence until Monday. It's raining, and Robert could only work a half day today anyway. My contribution to the work today was only going to be to hammer in some fence staples to attach the metal cattle panels to the wooden posts that Robert has set up. I was not planning on doing any lifting.
10/Sep/10 11:41 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Remembering ♥
11/Sep/10 12:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Arrrrr... I be remindin' ye that Sept. 19th be "International Talk Like A Pirate Day". Be ye all agettin' sails unfurled after ye swabs the decks.
We be lookin' fer treasure ships on the Main, me hearties!
11/Sep/10 12:19 AM
Small Town Canada
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I guess I'll have to dig out my English-to-Pirate dictionary.
11/Sep/10 3:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Everything went well at the Vet's with Lady and Lucy. Lady has arthritis (as well as a pinched nerve in her back which the Vet manipulated and helped), a bacterial infection in one ear and she had impacted anal glands. That is one job that I'll always leave to a Vet. It has a really nasty stench. Lady left the Vet Clinic feeling MUCH better. My Vet was astonished at the good condition she is in. Her teeth are in excellent condition for her age, and she's in perfect weight for her age. She also charmed everybody there.
Lucy has arthritis in her shoulder, and is starting to have an incontinence problem. We've started her on meds for both. She, too, was on best behavior at the Vet's.
My back is a bit sore from lifting them in and out of my truck so I'm gonna lay down for a while.
11/Sep/10 6:56 AM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, glad to hear the girls feel better and that what they have is treatable. Sorry about your back ... hope you have a good rest.
Off to fling food.
11/Sep/10 7:29 AM
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Remembering too Gail
11/Sep/10 8:03 AM
Small Town Canada
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Please don't think me ignorant, but my mind is totally blank right now. What is it you are remembering?
11/Sep/10 9:06 AM
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Theresa, it is now Sept 11 in Australia. We were actually in Canada when the towers came down. Also remembering that day and wondering if it was the start of WW3 and if we would have trouble getting back home.
Lost both games of bowls yesterday but still enjoyed the day. Off to see the auction of our old home. catch up later.
11/Sep/10 9:27 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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to the Daggiest Dag who ever dagged
11/Sep/10 9:47 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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to you
to you
dear Broni
to you.
11/Sep/10 9:55 AM
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