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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Snap Theresa - our Emily has epilepsy as well, maybe it is Epilepsy related. Emily is certainly harder to control than any of the other 4, but it's hard to tell whether it's her circumstances or the epilepsy - probably a combination.
09/Sep/10 10:23 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Well, I was going to bed but topped unexpectedly instead - this time I'm off, really.
09/Sep/10 10:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm up and the back is feeling better today. Of course, I had a quiet night. IH went out of town for 2 1/2 days as soon as I got back to the hospital. Cole's appointment is in just over 2 hours. He's doing better than he was, but he still is weak. I'm suspecting a combination of age and bone spurs. I'm hoping it's not bone cancer.
09/Sep/10 10:25 PM
Small Town Canada
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Street people are not allowed to ask for money here. They can have a container out for money, but they're not supposed to ask.
Anecdote from 10 years ago. I used to knit hats for the homeless and give them to a mission every year (back when I had time). One time we were headed to the mission in Ottawa to drop some off. I happened to be between jobs at the time and was seriously looking for work. We were accosted by a female asking for money and she got downright nasty. So I lost my temper and said I was unemployed but at least looking for work, was she? I told her I wasn't looking for handouts from strangers. She stalked off and called me a bi*ch.
I was watching a documentary one time about homeless people where they were interviewing people on the street. One of the street people suggested that instead of giving money, go to a restaurant and get a sandwich and drink and give it to the homeless person. If they accept it you know they need it and are not drinking your money away.
09/Sep/10 10:25 PM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, I'm on my third cup. I usually only have two, but today I wanted more and there was some left in the pot, so .......
Good luck with Cole, Heidi. Glad your back is better.
09/Sep/10 10:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Or using it for drugs, Theresa.
09/Sep/10 10:28 PM
Small Town Canada
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Too true, Heidi, too true.
09/Sep/10 10:33 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Nite all.
09/Sep/10 11:00 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH, I missed out again on visiting with Theresa and Heidi. I had ffuts to do, sorting and feeding the sloshy thing. Was getting low of certain necessary items hehehe.
I think this is my second cup this morning, Theresa, but who is counting???
09/Sep/10 11:04 PM
Small Town Canada
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Right MizT, who's counting? How are you feeling today?
09/Sep/10 11:07 PM
Alabama, USA
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I need some advice. I had a strange thing happen. Need a bit to explain it, but it concerns one of my medications.
I fill my weekly pill box, if you do not know what one of those is, I hope you never have to learn hehehe. I filled the morning one, with Blood Sugar medication from an almost empty prescription bottle. I filled the evening pill box using the NEW blood sugar medication.
I have about 5 meds and suplements at night. First night after filling my box, did my usual thing and tossed the handful into my mouth, and picked up my water. Before I could get water to my mouth, the most HORRIBLE TASTE, like mold or mildew smells, horrible, I had to remove all pills from my mouth, and find something to try to wash away the taste.
I tried them one at a time, and yep, it was the new blood sugar medication, that taste was unbearable, out it comes again!
I phoned the pharmacy next day, she had me check to see if I had correct medication, yes, it was I had already compared markings with the old. Past that, she was not helpful, except to say she had had no other complints.
Next morning, old pill, no problem. That night, same problem again, even though I carefully avoided having pill in mouth till I had water to swallow uickly. got the pill down, but as I swallowed, again that smell, this time, instead of perceiving it as a taste, it was a smell, horrid. It also made me nauseated.
Now, 2 problems, I cannot get a new perscription of this untill a certain date, insurance will not pay for another till you have used up current prescription.
Second problem, I do not want to get it from same pharmacy even if I could, it would perhaps come from the same larger bottle there, and have this happen again.
What to do?? It is rather expensive and I do not see myself buying it again, but do not want my BS getting out of control.
09/Sep/10 11:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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Theresa, feeling better today, thank you! Of course back is behaving, I have an appointment to go to chiropractor hehehe
09/Sep/10 11:16 PM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, if you take it back to the same pharmacy and insist they check them, maybe that would help. Or you could go to a different pharmacy and explain the problem and explain that your pharmacy says they have had no complaints, maybe they would check it out for you (thinking perhaps that you will take your business to them if they are helpful). Or what about contacting your doctor?
Well, I think I'm going for a nap. If I go early enough maybe it won't interfere with tonight's sleep. Daughter won't need me since her hubby is home today. Now, if only the rain would go away and the sun would peek through ....
09/Sep/10 11:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I think the same as Theresa. Take the bottle back to your pharmacy, and ask for pills from a different bottle or from a generic substitute. The difference may be in the coating, which has no effect on the meds themselves. The company which produces your meds may have changed their coating. If it continues to be a problem, buy some empty gelatin capsules and put the BS pills inside. You'll be able to swallow them without tasting them that way.
10/Sep/10 12:13 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I'd definitely be having it checked out MizT, either by that pharmacy or another. It sounds like a faulty batch to me.
10/Sep/10 12:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Good news for Cole!! He had a badly pinched nerve in his back. Besides putting him on antiinflammatories, he manipulated the back like a chiropractor and gave Cole dramatic relief! He's running, bouncing and playing like a youngster right now.
10/Sep/10 2:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Lady... the newest Rescue (14 years old) and Lucy (one of the 10 year old sisters I recently got) both have an appointment with the Vet tomorrow. It's primarily for Arthur, but Lady has an ear infection and impacted anal glands as well, and Lucy is having incontinence problems. I've had to shave her butt to keep it clean.
10/Sep/10 3:03 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone.
Tricia, I would definitely take the medicine back to the pharmacy. Let them check it out and tell you that it is safe.
Heidi, good to hear the good news about Cole. Glad the vet was able to help.
Suzy, I don't think it was a charity but a con. The person was abusing an elderly person by forcing her into the bank. I would have gone in and spoken to the manager or called the police.
Theresa, sorry you are having trouble with the grandkids and school. I think when they grow up they will remember what a loving grandmother you were and how much you helped their mother when she needed it. Unfortunately they won't appreciate you for years.
Hope all who needed a good night sleep got one.
10/Sep/10 3:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am enjoying an afternoon cup of coffee. Services were beautiful this morning and Mitchell did very well. I am now getting some of the cooking done for tonight. What can be cooked early and reheated is in the oven. I will cook my chickens next. The roast was cooked and sliced yesterday and just has to be reheated also. Will clean potatoes later and roast them so they will finish just about the time dinner is to be served. Frozen veggie will cook in microwave. Sorry about all the swearing. I hope everyone forgives me.
10/Sep/10 3:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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But then I do have to live up to my reputation as a troublemaker.
10/Sep/10 3:34 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Got your email. Thank you. It was beautiful.
10/Sep/10 3:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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TAMI, glad you got it, and enjoyed. I was kind of trusting the card site to have appropriate greetings, as I have never before chosen a card for your New Year. Your dinner again sounds wonderful!
Back is better, but chiro said I need to come back first of week, it was really out, especially my tail bone! Causing some embarrassing problems, but he said those should clear up once it is all back in place.
Talked with my favorite pharmacist by phone today, and he is gonna solve the problem. He is ordering a new bottle of the meds, and will change them for me tomorrow. To get the other pharmacist to do anything is like pulling teeth. she kept trying to make it my fault, do you keep them in the bathroom or kitchen? They need to be stored away from moisture. IN ALABAMA, in the summer, store them away from moisture and humidity, that is a JOKE.
Anyway, tomorrow I should get my pills from a new bottle and hope this is not a problem. I think I will have them give me just one first and take it there to be sure not a problem.
Thanks for the help and the opinions. I took a whole bottle of the Tylenol that was later recalled, cause no one but me was smelling the bad smell. Am not gonna do it again!!
10/Sep/10 4:00 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good news about Cole, Heidi. I'm so glad. My daughter's dog has impacted anal glands and every so often when it really bothers her they have to take her to the vet and get something done. I'm not sure what it is the vet does, but apparently when the technique is performed it smells really really bad. If I remember correctly it's something like squeezing the gland, if that makes sense.
Tami, I hope the kids remember me as helping rather than the nagging grandma.
I had a three hour nap!!! I wasn't wanting to sleep that long, it just happened. I was having a good dream that left me feeling warm and fuzzy when I woke up. I can't for the life of me remember what it was. I wanted to go back to sleep to carry on with the dream, but that seldom happens. Sigh .....
10/Sep/10 4:04 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good for you, MizT!!! Why won't they just believe us??
10/Sep/10 4:06 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, it won't happen for a long time but eventually they will realize what a caring grandmother you are. It may take them having kids of their own. I did not appreciate all that my grandmother did till long after she passed on. I now have nothing but good memories of her (mom's mom. Funny story for you. Tradition is important in Jewish, and probably all, families. I started cooking for the holidays years ago mostly because I am a better cook than my mom and the boys have all their toys here to keep them busy. The first time I was cooking, Mitchell was about 9 months old. I was getting ready to make my first pot of chicken soup. I was on the phone with my mom as she was talking me through the best way to clean a raw, whole chicken. I am standing at the sink with my hand in the chicken telling her this is gross. All of a sudden I started laughing. I told my mom that I just had a vision of my grandmother watching what was going on. If my grandmother had been alive she would have been hysterically laughing at me. But then, if my grandmother had been alive, she would be the one making the chicken soup. She would have been 88 when Mitchell was born.
10/Sep/10 4:12 AM
Alabama, USA
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Very good news about Cole, so happy for you and him Heidi. Doesn't it do your heart good to see your pet so much better ??
10/Sep/10 4:20 AM
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Good news about Cole.
MizT glad your pharmacist will exchange the pills. Sounds like some thing go onto the coating.
I will not be about today. Playing bowls at another club in a competition. Two games and my back was playing up last night so will be interesting.
My sister and husband came for dinner last night and we had a lovely evening.
You all enjoy your day or sleep well if at night.
10/Sep/10 5:32 AM
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Morning all!
MizT, your problem was solved over-my-night - I'm so glad! It helps to talk to someone who listens...
Theresa, I started having trouble getting Ebob to school when she was in kindergarten. She went from loving it to hating it. In her case it was kids biting and hitting her. It was months before I found that out. In Em's case I have another theory and it's not a good one. If Em is hard to handle, I suspect the teacher. When they have a room full of kids they don't have a lot of time to deal with stubborness and some of them can be incredibly mean! Not all, just the odd one.
Heidi, yay! Good news!
10/Sep/10 6:45 AM
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June, I hope your back eases up so you can enjoy your games. Your dinner sounds fun!
Tami, I know what you mean about grandmothers. I want mine back. You are so organised! No wonder you can get all of that done while working full time! I was thinking about the Avon and you have a school full of people who might order from you and you could deliver without actually going anywhere! Get hubby to sort them into the piles...
10/Sep/10 6:52 AM
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The charity people, there were more than one of them - covering both corners - were carrying ID, which I think is pretty much the only restriction here. I did mention them to one of the Rangers hoping he would make a call and get them checked out. I don't mind tin rattling, but this guy was over the top!
10/Sep/10 6:57 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, because of the grandie's epilepsy, she had a teacher's assistant with her a lot of the time, one on one, for junior and senior K and grade 1. This is her first year without one, so who knows, maybe that will actually make things better for her. I'm sure other kids must have wondered how come she had the extra help.
Hope you have fun at bowls, June, and that your back didn't interfere too much.
Time to fling food. See you all later hopefully.
10/Sep/10 7:01 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks...
just passing through and saw the light on...
It is probably good that there is no-one about ... i don't really have timt to stay and natter.
Hope you are all well.
Looking forward to catching up with some of the crowd tomorrow for lunch. Ciao.
10/Sep/10 7:21 AM
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I hope it is a better year for her Theresa. I know things didn't pick up for Ally until she changed schools. She took the opportunity to change too.
Speaking of which. Ally has been in high school for a year and 3 terms. One of the girls who bullied her in primary school is STILL talking about her behind her back. The same old same old, including the 'fact' that I used to call her mother and scream down the phone about the stuff this kid was doing. It never happened!! Where is this stuff coming from???
10/Sep/10 7:26 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Quick visit - back later - Mummy/daughter day today, have things to do before Karin gets here.
Heidi - so pleased you got a good result for Cole!! I had tears in my eyes.
MizT - also pleased your pharmacist is sorting out your medication problem - I can't think of anything worse than having to take pills that made me nauseous.
Ciao for now!
10/Sep/10 7:58 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone. Just stopping in for a minute. Dinner tonight was just as good as last night. Hubby's sister is a fabulous cook and she raved about my food. Made me feel good. She even loved one of the side dishes, which was made from a recipe she gave me. I can go to sleep happy.
Suzy, there are a couple of people at my school who sell Avon so I don't want to step on any toes. I do have a lot of friends who might switch to me. Not sure who orders Avon from whom.
10/Sep/10 11:00 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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The Florida minister who wants to burn the Koran on Sept. 11 is not going to, for now. He has said he will not burn it on Saturday IF the intended mosque that is supposed to be built near ground zero (twin towers) is moved. It is going to be interesting to see how this turns out. I wish the media would stop reporting about this so maybe the guy will just go away.
10/Sep/10 11:32 AM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, I have this awful feeling that we haven't heard the last of this yet.
10/Sep/10 11:47 AM
Small Town Canada
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Well, I think I'm off to bed as it is almost 10:00. Good night/evening/day all!
10/Sep/10 11:49 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
♫♪♫ My bags are packed, I am ready to go.....♪♫♪
I had a noice chat with Tricia before I went to zzz last night on the MSN.
My niece who is expecting #4 early Oct, was not too good yesterday, vewy high blood pressure, and spent some time at the Maternity Ward ..
Me thinks that maybe I will be Gr Aunt of 7 sooner rather than later.
10/Sep/10 12:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa.... unfortunately, I agree with you. We haven't heard the last of that fool.
10/Sep/10 12:37 PM
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