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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Suzy - I don't know how good your sense of humour is today but I thought of you when I read this in Saylz's medical quotes on page 3 Easy -
26. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities
And I just loved this one, but don't know where to use it -
21 Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.
(I just about fell off my chair!!)
16/Sep/10 1:26 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh whoops - MizT slipped in there and pushed me over the top.
16/Sep/10 1:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That was a great post to TOPP the page, CynB.
BTW.... Love that avatar, too.
16/Sep/10 1:45 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi everyone! I think the worst is over and I'm heading back to normal - if there is such a thing. The show on the weekend was ok but it has left me very busy at work all week. I've finished my part of it and so work will slow down again and I can visit here.
I'm even having the day off tomorrow and will go and visit my mother. I'm going to have lunch with some of my "old" school friends on Sunday - one of the "girls" has just moved house and we are invading her at lunch time.
#1 son will be getting a new/ish car next week. A friend of ours has bought a new car and we are getting the wife's car. It is a 2006 Mazda3 that has done less than 20,000 kms - it really is a car that Grandma only drives to church on Sunday. We are buying it for the price he was offered as a trade in - it's a bargain. #1 son can't wait.
The apprentice started work yesterday after an 8 week layoff. He had become so bored and is glad to be back working again. At least he will have some spending money.
#1's girl pulled out of her final uni prac and will have to do it next semester. That lead to all sorts of problems with immigration. She was suffering from depression (caused by the prac) but a doctors certificate helped with Uni and Immigration. She can now stay in Aus until she has finished the course - her visa is extended until Sept 2011.
16/Sep/10 1:47 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I have been reading but haven't had the time to respond.
A question for Tami - What time does Mitchell start school if he is on the bus at 6am? Or does it take quite a while for the bus to get him to school.
Here the schools start around 8:30 - 9am and finish around 3pm.
16/Sep/10 1:50 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone needing them.
For everyone who is/has been sick - Get well soon.
If I've missed any special days - birthdays or anniversaries, please accept my best wishes for the day.
16/Sep/10 1:52 PM
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Hello and Good Evening from here! I hope all of you have had a good day/afternoon/evening/night!
Hi, Broni, Gail, CynB, Judy, June, Suzy, Heidi, MizTricia, Nola, Tami the T, Rolanda,
Broni, great TOPP - and a great way to start the page! Dinner sounded delicious!
Seems there's a great deal of restless leg sydrome going around! I don't remember hubby having it before he was on dialysis, but we're going back quite a few years here - I think about 15. He also used to get terribly leg cramps/charley horses, probably because fluid intake was so severely cut back at that time (less than 1 liter a day, including from food). My sleep doctor told me there's a medication you can take. Heidi, thanks for mentioning increased calcium. Both hubby and I have increased for other reasons, and it has reduced the restless legs. I also was told that a bar of soap under the sheets helps reduce leg cramps. (We use one of the little bars provided in hotels.)
Judy, I'm so sorry the home/assisted living you looked at today was unpleasant. How well hubby and I know the feeling! When his Mom was looking, we had taken her to a lovely place about .5 miles from us, another place about half-way between where we lived and she lived (converted hotel with a marvelous chef), and one she wanted to look at about a mile from where she was then living. Yep, you guessed it; she chose the one near her - built in the late 40's, I believe, rather dark and needing updating - and the predictable odor which seemed to permeate everything. Her main reason for choosing it: it was in the same town where she was living, and the town had a "free bus." Of course, it was nearly one hour away from us, and she hadn't been able to use the free bus for over a year. Here's hoping you find a "just-right" facility that is more pleasant than the one you saw!
June, such wonderful news that your friend's situation has shown some improvement! Loved your description of the "pile-up" in Laura's physical culture class!
Suzy, keeping busy and being somewhat irritated about it can help occupy your mind. So can trying to keep your hands off the steri-strips! Take up the challenge! You can do it! Let us know if you are able to keep them on until lunch on Saturday! Then, perhaps, you could treat yourself in some way! BTW, I'm glad Ally is able to talk with a friend in addition to you and hubby! I hope you and hubby also have someone to confide in! Sending lots of love and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} your way!
Gail, I have never heard of Mylanta to relieve itching! It's certainly worth a try, Suzy! I'll try to remember to mention this to family members!
June, I can picture Laura's headband from your excellent description. Crossing fingers and sending positive vibes that it will be found and returned to its owner! (Just in case, I found some online. The dolls are called "worry dolls."
16/Sep/10 3:21 PM
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Here's another website for a headband:
and one more:
16/Sep/10 3:23 PM
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Heidi, we'll help you count the days until the lovebird eggs are due to hatch!
Nola, what great news that the current assignment has been finished and the previous one on diabetes returned completed! I hope Greg gets back good results on his health issues! So glad to hear that your son is doing better since his separation!
Heidi, I hope you are now feeling much better since you quit working and decided to rest today! Do you usually get that kind of reaction if you over-do after an epidural?
MizT, I'm glad you had prepared "planned-overs" for your busy day!
Heidi, does your hubby usually travel between home and the plant during a meal time? Pizza on the road is a pretty good idea, unless it's covered with everything!
Tami, I hope you have a good day Thursday - and a great Open House with many parents in attendance! Do they follow their child's schedule - or just go from room to room to meet with teachers?
Rolanda, I hope your dermatologist is right! Sending positive vibes & prayers for your cut and stitch in a few weeks! I like the wall hanging saying you saw! I've never heard that before!
CynB, I hope your sister's doc is RIGHT this time! Sending positive vibes and prayers! I like your advice to Judy to try to follow relatives out to the parking lot of a home/assisted living! That would be a great way to try to get an honest assessment!
BTW, Judy, I mentioned earlier about the assisted living facility my MIL chose. In all honesty, she seemed to be as happy there as she could be, the smell improved, and several years later they did SOME updating of the facilty, primarily in the "public areas" like reception, dining room, etc.
16/Sep/10 3:39 PM
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Cyn, I got a "kick" out of your quotes that TOPPed the page! Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Victoria! You found us on this page! Great news that things will be slowing down a bit and returning to normal for you - even a day off tomorrow to spend with your Mum! Enjoy your lunch with the "girls" on Sunday! The "newish" car for S#1 sounds ideal! Good luck to his girl! Hopefully some time away from the prac will help her to work through the depression it caused! Will she need to be enrolled in a class until she can try the prac again? I imagine you're glad the apprentice returned to work and will have some disposable income! Hopefully he is happy and feeling less bored!
It's nearly 1 a.m. here, and I really must get some sleep. Good Night to all who are sleeping or hope to be soon! To others, enjoy the rest of your day! Sending positive vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to each and everyone of you! Good Night!
16/Sep/10 3:51 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Julie, I think immigration requires students on a visa to attend lectures etc for 20 hours per week. The prac was the very last subject in the course and cannot be redone until next year. There was a very real concern that she would have to return to Japan until next year.
Immigration has now extended her visa and she can stay without the mandatory uni hours until she completes the final prac next year. She and #1 son are very happy with the outcome.
Until Uni starts again she will do some volountary work at the school and also try to get work in child care - it will all help her confidence.
16/Sep/10 4:00 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Dear friends, just a short note to let you know of the sad news that Bean's MIL has passed away. I think Bean has too much on her plate to get here for a while, but I know she will appreciate any loving thoughts and vibes right about now.
Tami, I know she asked you to make mention of it, and I hope you don't mind me raining on your parade, but I thought you might still be abed, and it is still our day time atm.
16/Sep/10 6:52 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Bean, my dear,
We care, and are thinking of you.
Gail... it doesn't matter who tells us, it only matters that we're told by someone who cares and understands the bond we feel here. We are family.
16/Sep/10 8:25 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, I appreciate your taking care of it for me. You did get here first.
Julie, the parents follow the students schedule, usually. They do come out of order especially if they have more than one kid in the school.
Victoria, Mitchell goes to school from 7:45 to 2:45. His bus is early because he is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) from his school. He is in an International Baccalaureate program.
16/Sep/10 8:25 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning everyone. Just about to make the morning pot and some brekkie. Anyone want a cup???? I can always make a bigger pot.
Heidi, you are up early.
16/Sep/10 8:27 PM
Perth W Aust
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a Cup of Tea would be noice thanks Tami
16/Sep/10 8:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm up ridiculously early because of a thunderstorm.
Lots of thunder, lightning and freaked out dogs, but no rain. From the looks of the radar, it's passing 1/2 mile to the south of us.... which means the next door neighbors are getting lots of rain.
16/Sep/10 8:29 PM
Perth W Aust
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Bean (((( Hugs))))
16/Sep/10 8:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'll take a cup of tea, too, please. Blueberry, if you've got it.
16/Sep/10 8:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie.... To answer your question... No, I've never had a reaction to overdoing it too soon after the epidural like I did yesterday. I didn't know what was happening to me for a while. I felt very sick and shaky, but with cramps and pains shooting down my legs. It wasn't until I'd laid down for a while that the back started hurting. The area around the epidural is now a little swollen. I'm taking pain pills and antiinflammatories. I'm also gonna take it easier for a few more days.
16/Sep/10 8:39 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Take care of yourself Heidi. Sorry I don't have blueberry tea but I do have raspberry.
Rolanda, would love to have you and Heidi join me. It would be my pleasure to make some tea. Would you like one lump, or two???
16/Sep/10 8:51 PM
Small Town Canada
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Thinking of you, Bean.
16/Sep/10 8:52 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Time to get ready for krow. I will try to come back tonight. I hope the day is wonderful for everyone out there.
16/Sep/10 8:52 PM
Perth W Aust
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I'm sweet enough Tami.. so No to lumps Thanks.
16/Sep/10 8:56 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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No hot drink for me thanks Tami, wont go with the Toblerone c*cktail I just had...
16/Sep/10 9:31 PM
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No wonder Melbourne has a water problem!
"Melburnians recorded an average daily water consumption of 990 million litres per person, compared with one billion litres in 2008/09."
Who needs 990 million litres a day???
I think there might be a proof reading problem. I keep re-reading it to see if it's me....
16/Sep/10 9:52 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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...we like to have long showers Suzy...
16/Sep/10 10:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It does look like a proofreading problem, doesn't it? Or a reporter who needs to go into another line of work. Fast.
17/Sep/10 1:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Home again, home again, jig a jig jig. I do hope I have a few days at home now, whew!
Suzy, too funny, has to be some misprint surely.
Heidi, with the thunder and the dogs up, you at least should have got some rain, not fair. I do hope the back gets better. that was a strange thing to happen, but then you do strange things, medically.
Gail, what is a Toblerone c*cktail/ Is that unique to Oz? How is hubby doing, how are the treatments going? Buz-click easier to cohabit with now?
All the talk of tea and coffee made me thirsty. I think I will have a cup of coffee now, even if it is to late to join the morning coffee club.
I will check in later, hugs to all with extras
17/Sep/10 3:30 AM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, thinking of you at this sad time. wishes that your extended family will be comforted by good memories. Hugs.
17/Sep/10 6:27 AM
Qld, Australia
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Only popping in for a minute.
Bean love and hugs to you girl, thinking of you.
Love and hugs to everyone else.
Have a good day/evening. Catch you later today.
17/Sep/10 6:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Bean.... more
to you, my friend. You can use all that you can get right about now.
17/Sep/10 8:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've got a cattlemen's meeting in an hour and a half. I need to hop in the shower soon.
17/Sep/10 8:01 AM
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Hi everyone! :)
Just dropping in for a minute -
Saw the sad news about Bean's MIL on the other site - sending more hugs to her, and to anyone else who needs them.
Julie, thanks for the kind thoughts - yes, that smell is hard to take - though Mum no longer has any sense of smell, so maybe it wouldn't worry her? One thing we're finding (and I can't remember if I already mentioned it ... ?) - the house prices in the city are 2 or 3 times as much as the country prices, which means that their home isn't going to bring much when they have to sell ... this gets more complicated all the time! Ah well, I think we've seen the best and (hopefully!) the worst that's on offer, so maybe something in between ...? (Though I'd quite happily move into the first place ... !)
Gail - Toblerone c?cktail? Surely you're not polluting lovely, yummy, delicious chocolate with inkahol? Oh, the humanity!!
June, sometimes the Oxfam shop, or similar, have those Guatemalan "rainbow" worry dolls - might be worth a try if all else fails?
Well, hope you all have a good day - catch you next time. :)
17/Sep/10 10:52 AM
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I went back to all the shops yesterday but could not find the head band. My sister will get her another won when she goes back to Guatemala sometime next year. (Her husband has some business connections and my sister sponsors some children and their families there). Thanks for the links Julie but it would cost more in postage than the value of the hairband.
While at the shops I bought two pair of very expensive shoes for summer and our holiday. I do need shoes with arch support so that is why I have to pay so much. Better one expensive pair than two cheap pairs I throw out because they hurt my feet.
17/Sep/10 10:56 AM
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Judy I did look in the Oxfam shop yesterday but the dolls were much bigger than the ones on the hairband. She still does have a doll on a keyring and a purse covered in the traditional fabric.
Bean, big {{{HUGS}}}. As Laura tells me "When somebody dies, you can still love them with your heart"
17/Sep/10 11:01 AM
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Well that certainly puts any other problems into perspective.
17/Sep/10 11:21 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all.
Sorry the headband wasn't found.
Toblerone c--ktail sounds wonderful. Would love to know what is in it.
Shoes that fit well are worth the extra money.
As you can tell, I read the posts but don't remember most of what I have read.
17/Sep/10 11:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Open house went well. Had a big turn out of parents. Wonder if that is because I told my students I would give bonus points if their parents came???? I am tired and going to bed. I will try to come back in the morning if not I may not be back until later in the weekend. It is another holiday tomorrow/saturday. Have 10 coming for dinner saturday night.
17/Sep/10 11:25 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Might as well post one more time for good luck.
Nite, Nite.
17/Sep/10 11:25 AM
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