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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Magnolia, KY
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Now that several loads of hay have been moved, I need to fling food. A light meal.... Roast Beef Au Jus, on whole wheat ciabatta rolls, and fruit salad. Then.... I HOPE
... IH leaves town. He's going to the plant, giving a talk in Ohio, then flying to Minnesota for a research study. He stays busy, but brings in so little money. I've suggested he gets a job at McDonald's to pay the bills.
11/Oct/10 8:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, of course I would bring brownies. I guess I can say my brownies are famous world-wide.
11/Oct/10 8:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH isn't leaving 'til tomorrow. What did I do to deserve this?
11/Oct/10 9:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm famous for my leg of lamb. But I think my baked chicken dish is better. Should I bring both?
11/Oct/10 9:40 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, yes, please. I have never eaten lamb, so I can have a taste and then chicken if I do not care for lamb hehehe.
I would bring pumpkin muffins, or my day after Thanksgiving turkey wild rice soup.
11/Oct/10 9:48 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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11/Oct/10 9:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Who wants to report the spammer to Gath?
11/Oct/10 10:01 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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done :)
11/Oct/10 10:02 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hopefully it should be gone soon
11/Oct/10 10:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I did it, too.
11/Oct/10 10:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Ooooh... he's FAST. It's already gone.
11/Oct/10 10:07 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I reported it through the abuse link, I think it's fairly automatic
11/Oct/10 10:11 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely people - it's not lovely here at the moment. It's wet, wet and more wet. It rained constantly overnight. There's flooding (not here), major roads are blocked by traffic and accidents, all the dams in the region are full and the flood-gates have been opened. And a long-range weather forecaster said we can expect more of the same (on and off, of course) until the end of March 2011. The dog is bored. I can't get washing dry or the enthusiasm to do anything and hubby is out driving a bloody great semi-trailer on those roads!
11/Oct/10 10:25 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - so pleased you are getting something positive out of Dino's book!
I missed the spam - was it interesting?
11/Oct/10 10:27 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Andrew rang me this morning to tell me that Emily had an epileptic seizure last night. The first in a long time. She has spent the weekend with her Mum and he's waiting for a call back from her to see if she might have an idea of what triggered it (eg forgot to give medication or something). Poor little thing, I can't bear to think of her distressed, which she apparently was after it happened.
11/Oct/10 10:30 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I'll probably head back to bed soon (good day for it) - when Col left at 4am. I awoke with a massive headache which kept me awake since. It's all but cleared now, but I'm exhausted to say the least. Just a quick trip across to FB, then off for a morning nanny nap! Ciao for now!
11/Oct/10 10:33 AM
qld, australia
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Good Morning my Friends.
Boy am I thick, head is still not functioning when I saw Gail's post about Spam I thought that was what she was going to bring to the cyber meeting.
Cyn, Bella is bored too!
11/Oct/10 11:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gail will HAVE to bring a Pavlova. I really want to taste one.
11/Oct/10 11:20 AM
qld, australia
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She makes the best Heidi!
11/Oct/10 11:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That's what I've heard.
11/Oct/10 11:50 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning.. I'll bring the mini Quiches!
11/Oct/10 11:54 AM
Fernlands Qld
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I'll do a cheesecake -choc/orange or white chocolate/raspberry or both.
Good morning all - it still is in Brisbane anyway - even if it's miserable and dark and wet.
We've had about 200mls (8 inches)rain at our place since yesterday morning. My drive to work was very careful this morning - rain over the roads, flooded creeks etc. The dog off-leash park at Ferny Grove was covered by at least a metre of water. It will be a very slow, careful drive home this afternoon as well.
11/Oct/10 12:05 PM
qld, australia
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Hey Dag, there is a Gail warning up here!
11/Oct/10 12:06 PM
qld, australia
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Hope you are feeling less Blah today Dag. What is the name of the winery? sounds great, looking forward to catching up with everyone.
I will bring my seafood coctail with my homemade mayoniase.
11/Oct/10 12:10 PM
Fernlands Qld
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My sister was in a car accident on Friday. She was stopped and waiting to turn across the traffic into a car park to take the dog for a walk. A young driver was distracted and ploughed into the back of her - no skidmarks - so he was travelling at least 60ks per hour. Fortunately no one was injured - just shocked. She is bruised though and probably stiff and sore.
11/Oct/10 12:11 PM
qld, australia
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Drive safely Vici, glad I am not out in that today.
11/Oct/10 12:12 PM
qld, australia
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Glad to hear you sister is OK Vici, how did the dog cope?
11/Oct/10 12:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It sounds like a stressful accident. I'm glad nobody was hurt.
I see Gath removed kingdon from the membership list for the spam.
11/Oct/10 12:45 PM
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Hi everyone! :)
Just catching up on the reading -
I was going to say what a BEAUTIFUL day it is in old Melbourne today ... then I read the reports from other places ... oh dear! Hope you are all safe and well wherever you are, and not getting too wet.
11/Oct/10 1:05 PM
Small Town Canada
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I'll bring my appetite!!!!
11/Oct/10 1:22 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Broni, the dog is ok. Everyone who was there kept asking if the dog was ok - even the policeman.
Sis lost it when the dog started to shake but he was ok soon after. He got to spend the afternoon playing with the neighbours dogs while she sorted out the mess.
She's just emailed me some photos. Her car looks like it's missing the boot/trunk. The panel beater asked her if she had been hit by a Mack truck - her reply - no, just a Ford Laser.
11/Oct/10 1:26 PM
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Good Evening, Dear Friends!
Hi, Suzanne, Tami the T, Trouble's Mom (Bobbi), Heidi, Theresa, V Viv, Suzy, CynB, MizTricia, Broni, Gail, Rolanda, Victoria and Judy! I apologize if I missed anyone!
Tami, I'm glad that Mitchell is doing better! Good prediction that your Mom would be reading your comment.
Tami, I liked your EXCELLENT question to Heidi about why, if it was so important to IH to get the water tank, he didn't just get it himself!
Viv, good luck to Ethan as he heads back to school! Good luck to you and your Avon work!
Cyn, I hope the weather (rain) has abated!
Theresa, it's good to hear that Snowball/Gasbag appears to be doing better and eating, even if it isn't the food prescribed by the vet.
MizT, I hope you will soon be feeling better and get caught up on your sleep! I think we've all dealt with that blah feeling - just kind of foggy and unfocused. It's been visiting me recently, too. I hope it goes away soon - for everyone!
Broni, I hope the cup of caffeine helps! Don't over-do, though, because that can be nearly as bad. At least you have something to look forward to!
Gail, you're right, the blah feeling seems to be going around. Perhaps it has something to do with change of season? The generator sounds like a great idea! On wheels is even better! Hubby has talked about getting one here - I'm not sure what size - and was talking about putting it on a concrete pad for it to sit on.
Tami, I wish I could join you and your family at the house of mouse!
Heidi, I'm glad to hear that you and the tank both got home safely! Too bad the trailer's tire didn't fare as well, but at least you don't need to replace it AND buy a spare!
Suzy, I love your description of Dino's book! I need to make time to read it!
I love the idea of a "beam me up" lunch each week! Yes, Gail, alternating homes and "bringing a plate" should do the trick! When shall we start?
Oh, Heidi, I'm SO sorry IH doesn't leave until tomorrow! Just one more night though!
Broni, my first reaction to Gail's post, "Spam!" was the same as yours. I thought that perhaps it is better liked/more appreciated by DUGs. THEN I realized that she was reacting to a post.
Cyn, it seems that maybe you've had enough rain for a bit. I'm sending you some dry thoughts! Poor Emily! My first reaction was that the female adult might have forgotten to give her the medicine.
Victoria, it sounds like you could also use a bit less rain! Drive safely! I'm sorry to hear of your sister's accident! What a relief that she and her dog are OK!
Judy, you're allowed to say what a beautiful day it is in Melbourne. That way we won't think that all of Australia is under water. Please enjoy your day!
Sending warm thoughts, positive and healing vibes, prayers, love <3 and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you and your loved ones! I'm going to check email, then try to pop back in before heading to bed.
11/Oct/10 1:38 PM
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Afternoon all
Alie is safely at music camp - thank goodness we ignored the GPS, the first time it was worse than having nothing! I don't know where it wanted to go, but it definitely wasn't going to music camp! When I say safely, I think she's a little intimidated. When we left we were waiting for her turn to audition to see if she'll be alto or soprano. At the moment with her throat probs I'd say alto.
Vicki, I'm glad your sister and her dog are okay. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't start to really ache in a day or two. Sending hugs and SA vibes from down here!
Cyn, I'm so sorry to hear about Emily. Is it likely that her mother would have forgotten to give her the meds? Or own up to it if she had?
All Queenslanders I hope you make it safely through this rainy season. So many years on water restrictions and now you have too much! Weather control would be a wonderful thing..
Because I love you all and want you to stay well, I will take me to a pot luck and no food that has been prepared by me...
11/Oct/10 1:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, a Ford driver. That explains everything.
11/Oct/10 1:44 PM
qld, australia
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Judy keep that weather for next week when I am down there!
Heidi, know you will be jealous...Possum is heading down to Victoria this afternoon with a couple of buddies to see the MotoGP(bike race) at Phillip Island so I am home alone until I fly down to Melbourne on Saturday.
3 guys, 3 bikes one car and trailer should I be worried?
11/Oct/10 1:46 PM
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Forgot to tell you, Alie says I am to invite everyone to the performance on Thursday night. There are children there from schools all over the state and the ACT. It will probably be incredible! Now that beam-me-up Scotty thing would help here...
11/Oct/10 1:46 PM
qld, australia
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Hi Julie,
Hehe Zusy!
11/Oct/10 1:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I didn't think that Emily's female parent would take responsibility to give her the epilepsy meds. My guess is that she would make Emily responsible for remembering to take it herself. And NO child is that responsible.
11/Oct/10 1:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, we need Scotty to beam us over there for Alie's performance.
11/Oct/10 1:52 PM
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Broni, yep, definitely worry! On the other hand, no news is good news....
Just to turn your brains inside out - you are celebrating time alone, I am celebrating time with just hubby. Go figure.
11/Oct/10 2:05 PM
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