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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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I had to look up Joan Sutherland. Sorry to hear of her passing.
I was sad when Tony Curtis passed away. This weekend one of our movie channels (TCM--Turner Classic Movies) ran a bunch of his movies back to back. He was a great actor.
12/Oct/10 9:30 AM
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I got another TOPP!!
Did I scare everyone away??????
12/Oct/10 9:32 AM
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Hey, I'm still here Suzanne! :)
12/Oct/10 9:35 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Good Morning all!
I woke to rain this morning (what a suprise) and then drove to work in some sunshine.
It's raining again though.
My suburb has had nearly 250mls since Sunday with most of it falling Sunday night and another 75mls yesterday.
I left the dog outside this morning. He was happily barking at the passing dogs. Hubby will be going to buy new batteries for his anti-bark collar this afternoon before we start to get complaints from the neighbourhood.
#2 son arrived home from work last night at midnight - 17 hour day - and started again at 6am. I spoke to him this morning and he sounds so tired. He said he probably won't see me this afternoon - he'll be in bed sleeping.
Poor Baby!!
12/Oct/10 10:23 AM
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Hi Victoria. :)
Sounds like a really hard day for your hubby.
12/Oct/10 10:26 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Just stopping in before bedtime. Had to use the hot slidy thing for Mitchell (note to self, teach Mitchell to use it). He is going on a field trip tomorrow and has to wear business clothes. At least he does not have to wear a tie. Had a busy day. I am trying to get everything done before we leave thursday after school. I am taking Mitchell's laptop, but probably won't have much time. Might be able to say hello. Hope to be back tomorrow morning for a chat. Hope all is well with everyone.
12/Oct/10 11:57 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all - some patches of sunlight interspersed with showers this morning - woo hoo!! Vicki - we got about 200mls so far.
Heidi - I did smile about your 88yo naked neighbour but underneath I feel so sad for him and his family. Did you say that they sent him home instead of medicating him after the attack - and how did he get a knife??
12/Oct/10 12:10 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - it takes some time to get used to being empty nesters, even under the best of circumstances and then the freedom to do whatever, whenever is great.
12/Oct/10 12:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I told you everything that I know. I have a lot of questions, but nothing surprises me in this county. Our jail has had so many escapes that it had to be taken over by the state. One time, the jailer let a prisoner take a car for a test drive... it was for a birthday present for his mother... and the deputy who went with him left him alone in the car when he went in to use a rest room. The prisoner was picked up in Louisville robbing a bank a few days later. Another tome, the jailer took 10 prisoners to church one Sunday morning. One prisoner asked if he could go outside to smoke a cigarette. The jailer said "sure". He stole a car and was caught in an armed robbery in Milwaukee a few days later. Many prisoners just walk out of the jail and disappear. The last one, a few weeks ago, walked out an open door and stole a car belonging to the jail, that had the keys in it. They didn't notice he was gone for 3 days!
12/Oct/10 12:24 PM
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Hi, Heidi, Broni, Gail, CynB, Suzy, Victoria, Tami, Theresa, Suzy, Suzanne, and anyone I have missed!
Broni, I'm glad you have been able to identify the source of your blah-feeling. Yep, preservatives could do it! I hope you're feeling MUCH better now!
Cyn, good for Col for getting home safely! I'm sorry there's no work, and therefore no pay, for him tomorrow. I hope the rain soon moves on so that he can get back to work! Good news that Emily is feeling better! (Were many of us too harsh in our thoughts regarding the female parent?) Hopefully she will not soon have another episode!
Suzy, the news story about paramedics giving CPR on a roof and saving that man was amazing! Thank you for sharing! BTW, yes, you spelled nephrologist right, hubby received a positive report and made an appointment for next year. Just to let you know what kind of person she is, a few years ago SHE donated a kidney to one of her patients. She's a tiny woman, probably not more than 56 or 58 inches (142 - 147 centimeters) tall.
Suzy, an excellent use of lottery winnings: margarita mixings! (I live a very sheltered life and have never had one.) I hope you and hubby enjoyed them!
Victoria, (sorry, I keep forgetting how to spell your Vicky) I hope the rain soon moves on for you, as well! Is there a reason you are getting more than Cyn? Is it a usual pattern in your area?
Heidi, we have had very little rain and none recently, so I have none to send you. I hope you and Robert can find where the cows are getting out to on their search for greener grass! I enjoyed your story about the elderly man taking a bath in the goat water tank. (Hopefully it's smaller than the tanks you've recently purchased for the cows!) I guess he doesn't prefer warm water and soap. Yes, the story was sad, especially when family had to be searching for him, but there's humor in it, once he was found safely.
Suzy, Petula Clark was born 15 November 1932, so she will be 78 in November. I had to look it up, as it didn't seem she would be that old.
RIP Dame Joan Sutherland! I enjoyed reading Dame Kiri Te Kanawa's comments in the link. I actually have some of Kiri's recordings, but assume she has retired, as I haven't heard of her singing in quite some time. I had forgotten that she was from New Zealand.
Suzy, thank you so much for providing links on such a regular basis to things we find of interest! It's SO much easier than asking Mr. Google to help!
Judy, I enjoyed watching your related youtube. Quite amazing, I'd say! Thanks for sharing!
Great TOPP, Suzanne! BTW, I can understand your meals of crackers and cheese when your hubby isn't home for dinner! I think I'd do the same.
Victoria, I'm so glad you had some sunshine, if only briefly! Your son must be exhausted! I can't imagine working 17 hours, then going back to work 6 hours later! It's a good thing he's young!
Hi, Tami! Sorry about the gninori! Where is Mitchell going for a field t
12/Oct/10 1:34 PM
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Here's the rest:
Hi, Tami! Sorry about the gninori! Where is Mitchell going for a field trip - since he needs to wear business attire? I hope you're able to get everything done so that your visit to the mouse house can be enjoyable!
Heidi, the stories about your county's jail and officers could be made into a TV show, but audiences would probably think it was so impossible that they would want more "realism." It IS kind of hard to believe.
I hope to be back in a while, but have email to check.
12/Oct/10 1:35 PM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning SAers.
12/Oct/10 1:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... If you don't believe those stories, ask Jay Leno. He has repeatedly told stories about our incompetent jailer.... I think he has a staff member just to cover our county. You can't make this stuff up. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the insanity has come to an end. After 20+ years of incompetence, the state has relieved our jailer of all duties (tho' he's still being paid his $76,000.00 salary) and a new jailer will be elected in 3 weeks.
12/Oct/10 2:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Morning Rolanda, good day all the other DUGS and good night to Julie and Heidi.
I have read the last couple pages and i remember a bit of it.
Heidi, is the jail running better now the state has taken it over? Is part of the problem that every prisoner is kin to at least one of the guards? Or went to school with them?
While reading SUZY's link about Dame Joan, I did a bit of surfing. they had articles about the flooding, with tourists and motorists stranded. Wish we could borrow a bit of that excess rain. Slim chance we could get some tomorrow or Wednesday, keeping my fingers crossed.
Heidi, were you present when the old neighbor was found in your barn? Guess he thought that was a bathtub??
Time for bed here, I had a long day. Appointment with chiropractor (one leg was shorter than the other before treatment) , stop at the grocery, where I found fruit and veggies in the mark down bin. Tomorrow I have to stew plums for hubby, he does not like them fresh.
Everyone take care, I'm sending hugs with extras.
12/Oct/10 2:39 PM
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Good Morning to you, Rolanda!
Heidi, I believe the stories, though the incompetence is legendary! Do you suppose I could get elected? For $76,000 I could do as good a job from home! BTW, my highest salary as a teacher was less than $18,000, and I bet I did a bit more work than your county's jailer.
And now, I must head to bed. It seems that no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still tired, so I keep going to bed earlier each night. I ought to get caught up eventually. Good Night to everyone!
Sending lots of love, {{{{HUGS}}}}, prayers and positive vibes for good health, good weather, loving family, etc., etc.
12/Oct/10 2:40 PM
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Oops, I missed MizT as I was typing! Good evening, MizT! Good Night; sleep tight!
12/Oct/10 2:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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There haven't been any escapes in nearly 3 weeks, but they discovered last week that a bunch of the prisoners had a hidden meth lab at the recycling center (where they work). I love the supervision.
12/Oct/10 3:11 PM
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Afternoon all
Heidi that is crazy. I also believe that should not be an elected position. People should be hired based on qualifications. Then they can fire them for incompetence or corruption. I can't believe they can't do that with an elected jailor, though it might be called something different. Here's a thought - how do you get elected into a position for 20 years??? MizT might be right about the kin thing...
Julie, I hope you just need to catch up on your sleep and don't have any other sort of blaa going on.
MizT, imagining what the chiropractor did to work on your short/long leg makes me ache for you. I hope you get some sleep tonight and wake up feeling good.
12/Oct/10 3:26 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Heidi, I can't believe that a jailers position is elected. Here you get a position like that by being the best applicant i.e. experience or knowledge etc.
Julie, when my son becomes a teacher next year I think the base salary is around $50000 and more if you work in the country. As a child care teacher he is being paid $27 per hour as a casual(he has just had a payrise). The state govt has decreed that child care/kindergarten workers should be at least diploma educated (preferably uni educated with a degree).
Education and Health in Aus are state run but look like being taken over by the Federal govt. Even private schools must meet the state govt curriculum - eg in year 2 they teach a term on conservation etc.
Qld is moving in line with the other states and has now introduced prep so kids now go to school for 13 years. They cannot begin prep unless they turn 5 by June of that year. Kids will now be 18 by the time they finish their education - can't leave school before 16 and only then if they have a job.
12/Oct/10 3:27 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, obviously we think the same way or maybe it's an Australian way of doing things.
You are only elected to Parliament in Aus.
12/Oct/10 3:31 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Listen to we Aussies, I too had the same thought as Suzy and Vicki - I can't imagine electing someone for that position. Do they have to have some sort of qualifications before they stand for election?
RIP Dame Joan - La Stupenda! She was my introduction to opera as a child, I think in Lucia de Lammermoor - my Mum adored her and would be upset, if she could understand.
12/Oct/10 3:40 PM
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Suzanne, when you say 50 young people have been the victim of bullying in NY alone, what kind of bullyiing do you mean? I wouldn't be surprised to find that 50 young people are bullied a day in just one school here. I'm thinking that the story you saw must be about the more severe forms. It totally sucks!!
12/Oct/10 3:41 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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We've had Chloe here since yesterday afternoon, the mother had no babysitter for today, she does Kindy every other day, so we took her - what can you do? We've had a lovely day with her and she's been so well behaved.
12/Oct/10 3:43 PM
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There's the school bus - but there won't be anybody on it for me...
Cyn, I think it's nice to have the others every now and then too. As long as it isn't all the time and a 'use'.
Vicki and Cyn, Sheriffs are elected too!
12/Oct/10 4:30 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - I didn't mind doing it today because I had each of the other 4 over the recent school hols but not Chloe. I expect I may have her again on Tuesdays if there's no-one else available - her Mum has gone to work full-time, which is better than raking in the money from Centrelink and boosted her self-esteem. Next year chloe will be in Prep, so they will all be in school or at Vacation care. If they're sick I may have to take them. I don't want to be used by her but I was in the same position as her once and I appreciated my parent's and my ex's parents help in time of need. It's a one situation at a time thing.
12/Oct/10 4:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I just put 2 nice photos on my page taken today, one of Chloe and one of her with Col - they are on FB but I thought I'd put them on here as well.
12/Oct/10 5:12 PM
qld, australia
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Good Afternoon my friends. Feeling a bit better today but had a bad night, think I was running a fever.
Vicki, just realised I was spelling your name wrong sorry.
Goodnight to all the topsiders.
12/Oct/10 5:18 PM
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Are you sure Broni, it could be me spelling it wrong?
There are so many bugs going around now and a lot of them are the type which leave you wondering if you really are sick or just sick-and-tired. I hope you feel better soon.
12/Oct/10 5:31 PM
qld, australia
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Better before Saturday, no bugs are coming to Melbourne with me. Yep sick and tired of being sick and tired Zusy.
12/Oct/10 5:35 PM
qld, australia
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Slow tonight, better go and do some flinging for me and Bella.
12/Oct/10 8:05 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hope you've bought tickets you can cancel Broni because you are NOT bringing any germs here! Take care honey, hope it's just lack of sleep or the preservatives.
12/Oct/10 8:17 PM
qld, australia
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Preservatives Dag! Will I ever learn?
12/Oct/10 8:25 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning all. Hope everyone is feeling better out there.
Heidi, unfortunately I do believe the stories coming out of your area. I agree with the others, the jailer should be hired because of expeience, not elected.
Broni, hope you have a great trip. Wish I could travel with you.
Julie, Mitchell is going on a "junior achievement" field trip. They are given a budget and have to run their own business, or something like that. It is a chance to expose them to the real world and hopefully encourage them to stay in school.
Don't remember much else. I will be back later. Have to go make the morning pot in a few minutes.
12/Oct/10 9:13 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Night all, going to have an early one for a change. Last night was after 1, others have been close to 2, tonight it's just past 9, so on average that's ok...isn't it?
12/Oct/10 9:15 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Hope the rain has abated for you people up North.
We got to see some sunshine today which was nice but it was windy.
12/Oct/10 9:18 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi Tami.
Nite Gail. Sounds okay to me. Sweet dreams.
You will need your energy for Broni's visit.
12/Oct/10 9:20 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all, off to take care of getting the girls ready for school in about half an hour. Please let them be in good moods!!!!
I agree that people in law enforcement should be hired on qualifications. That's the way we have it. Mind you, living in a small town, when we first moved here the police chief was not qualified and he lasted a good number of years. Sometimes it's a question of who you know, not what you know, especially in a small town.
Tami, we have a programmable coffee maker, so it's ready when we get up. I have already had two cups. I'll have a third (shame, shame) after the bus picks up the kids. I think I'll bundle up and have it outside. It's sunny, but very cool. I'll take what I can get though, I'm not complaining. I'll have enough months when I'm hibernating in the house - I'm not a winter person any more.
12/Oct/10 10:12 PM
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Theresa, I saw a part of a TV program a couple of days ago and I remember almost nothing about it except that the people had two different lives - winter and summer. Hibernation is probably a good word for it.
It is harder to fire people these days than it used to be too. The stories I have heard about the new boss of the .... better not say, but they do parking tickets among other things... and yet he is still there a few years later. All the work I did was thrown in the trash - bugger workcover, who cares about them!!
Sleep well Gail. I'd love to sleep for more than 5 hours at a stretch... it will happen again, I know it will. At least you have an excuse, mine is all in my head!
Tami, I think that encouragement to stay in school is probably the last thing Mitchell needs. But you never know, he's about to enter the danger years...
12/Oct/10 10:27 PM
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I forget who was talking about school years etc in Queensland.
In NSW you can start school if you turn 5 by June 30. We kept Ally back another year. They have just changed the law and you can't leave school until you are 17 unless you have a full time job or an apprenticeship. Of course you can do what Three's mother did and fake one. He never worked a day but by the time they challenged it, it was too late. The other side is that Year 11 has a whole bunch of kids in it who are just waiting for their 17th birthday so they can leave. I see their comments on facebook. Yay, it's my birthday! I'm outta here! That kind of stuff.
12/Oct/10 10:35 PM
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Broni, I have a friend down here going through heck right now. She has problems that were mostly fixed by going to a naturopath and restricting her diet - kinda like you. Her daughter is turning out to be the same. Right now she is going through a bad patch because she broke her diet a bit and because she owns a shop and was working alone a lot. She is trying to have a colonoscopy but so far can't get it done. They are saying try to eat 6 small meals a day (she eats mostly fresh fruit), but she finds that 2 small meals is about all she can handle. She feels best if she doesn't eat at all - full of energy and feeling healthy. She has dropped from 65kg to 50kg and is still losing. She knows that organ failure will follow if she doesn't eat so she accepts feeling bad, but ....
12/Oct/10 10:41 PM
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