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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Perth W Aust
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#33 on his way up !
14/Oct/10 11:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The last miner is on his way up!
14/Oct/10 11:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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HE'S UP!!!!!!!!
14/Oct/10 11:56 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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He's there!
14/Oct/10 11:56 AM
Perth W Aust
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Woo HOO !!
now the 3 rescue workers...
14/Oct/10 11:59 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Yes, I won't rest until they're up. I hate watching the hole, waiting for the capsule.
14/Oct/10 12:01 PM
Perth W Aust
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Same here Cynthia, unfortunately I cant stay and watch , I have to go and take Mum to her appt, leaving fairly soonish.
Have a great day/evening/night..
catch you all later, on this great day in history!
14/Oct/10 12:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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There are still 5 rescue workers to get up, but they haven't been down there for over 2 months. They'll be OK.
14/Oct/10 12:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Correction... 6 rescue workers. They lowered another one towards the end of the rescue.
14/Oct/10 12:21 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I'll still be happy to know they are all up and safe!
14/Oct/10 12:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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So will I. I'm still watching to make sure those brave men are OK as well.
14/Oct/10 12:44 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. I am also ecstatic that the miners are all above ground. I am watching the news but not sure about the rescue workers. It has been amazing to watch all the effort put into saving these men.
14/Oct/10 1:06 PM
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Good maEn everyone!! Saw on the news all the miners got out safely, HOWEVER, one of them is in deep you-know-what with his wife!! She found out he had a mistress!! YIKES! God Bless them & the rescuers.
MizT: I am taking my camera tomorrow to Park City. I will post photos (promise!!)
Not much else happening.
I missed 3 pages, not going to try to catch up. Sending love & hugs for all. TTFN
14/Oct/10 1:06 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Won't be around much this weekend. We are going away. I am taking a laptop but don't think I will be on it too much. Just to check email and hopefully to say a quick hello. Hope all is well with everyone and I will catch up when I return.
14/Oct/10 1:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The last rescue worker is in the capsule and nearing the top. As soon as he's out they'll be sealing the tunnel.
14/Oct/10 2:32 PM
Magnolia, KY
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14/Oct/10 2:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's over. What a relief.
14/Oct/10 2:42 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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I echo your last comment Heidi.
That statement also applies to the fact that Ethan got his P plates this morning.
Yeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
No more picking him up, dropping his mates off etc.
Cause for celebration for me.
14/Oct/10 2:49 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le
14/Oct/10 2:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's REALLY good news, Viv. Now I just hope that he leaves your vehicle alone.
14/Oct/10 2:54 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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ummm, great news VV...I think! ;)
14/Oct/10 3:46 PM
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Hello, Everyone! I'm sorry I didn't get here yesterday. We had many errands to run, followed by a meeting that ran late. We were finally home by 11 p.m. By the time I checked email, I was ready to head to bed.
Hi, Heidi, Suzy, Victoria, CynB, Broni, Gail, Tami, V Viv, Theresa, and all I've missed (especially since I have 3 more pages to read)!
Heidi, I just read that there hasn't been a jail escape in 3 weeks. (I hope that's not a record.) I don't understand how the prisoners had a meth lab without outside help. I wouldn't think they could get all of the materials they need while in jail. Don' we all wish that more jobs were filled by qualified applicants!
Vicki, that's great compensation that your son will get when he begins teaching. When hubby and I began teaching in the early 70's, beginning teachers started at about $7,000. The reason I never made more than about $17,000 was because I was hired as a "teaching assistant," though I had most of the same responsibilities and more education than the teachers I worked with. I stayed in the assistant position because I needed to have some flexibility to be able to take time off when our family needed it, and wasn't comfortable having to call in sick when I wasn't the one who was sick.
I think both Vicki and Suzy mentioned that students there will be 18 by the time they finish their education. That is when most students here finish high school. A difference here is that students can leave school at 16, but are NOT required to have a job. That might make a big difference - making kids have a job! Kindergarten (5 days per week) is required (at least in Illinois). Children must be 5 by Sept. 1 (used to be Dec. 1 back when I started school, and it wasn't required then, so some kids waited to start school at age 6 in first grade.
CynB, it sounds like you had a good day with Chloe! I'll go check your pictures in a few minutes.
Broni, I hope you are feeling completely well now! Are you ready for your trip? I hope you have a great time! (Remember to avoid foods with preservatives!)
Tami, we all have Junior Achievement here. I have only seen it at the primary grades personally - more like learning about your family, your neighborhood, your community at that age. I'm not sure when they start running a business, but have heard about that level. I hope Mitchell enjoyed his field trip!
Gail, I hope your early night to bed helped make up for a couple of late nights. It sounds like they way I've been functioning lately, but don''t ever seem to get "caught up" on my sleep. I hope it works for you!
Viv, I'm glad you had some sunshine and hope CynB, Vicki, Theresa and anyone else who hasn't seen it in a while were all able to enjoy it. Meanwhile, I'd like to send some rain to Heidi and MizT!
Suzy, sending prayers and positive vibes for improved health for your friend who has difficulty eating! I could say something about if only that were me, I might actually be able
14/Oct/10 3:50 PM
Stevenage UK
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Just finished doing the gninori for this week. Still feeling a little under the weather and trying to get a large coldsore to heal. Hope everyone is getting the weather they would like, it is cold and dull here at the moment but not raining.
14/Oct/10 9:11 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Morning all.
Julie, school ages are the same here. When I started it was also Dec 1 to turn 5 so I actually started at 4 and graduated High School at 17. I did not turn 18 until October. My kids had to wait, the age was switched to 5 by Sept. 1. Kindergarten is also required. I also understand how you feel about taking time off. I rarely take time off, but I need the mental health day and we are actually doing this weekend very cheaply. My principal/assistant principal understand that sometimes family needs to come first and don't mind if you need to take a day occasionally. I left early Friday when Mitchell got hurt and my AP made arrangements to cover my classes the rest of the day. She also made me call her after I took him to the doctor.
Glad all the miners have been rescued. I am really glad that it did not take until Dec. like they originally anticipated.
I am packed and almost ready to go. We are leaving right after school ends.
14/Oct/10 9:39 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Coffee is brewing and I need to make brekkie. Hope all is well with everyone and I will try to say hello over the weekend. If not, I will be back on Sunday.
14/Oct/10 9:40 PM
Stevenage UK
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Tami, hope you have a really enjoyable time away with the family. You all deserve the break away together.
14/Oct/10 10:18 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all,
Tami, I also hope you enjoy your weekend away. Take care of yourself, girl!
Spent most of yesterday glued to the TV, have to make up for lost time today. SIL is home today, so I won't have to get the grandies ready for school, etc.
Julie, you left us hanging! Hope most of your running around is done and you can relax a bit.
Brenda, our weather is cool and damp. The weekend is supposed to be cool and dry for us, but I noticed on the long range forecast they are predicting the possibility of seirrulf. That is definitely a swear word for me at this time of year!
Off to have another coffee - I am still on a high from yesterday's rescues of the miners ... still feeling warm and fuzzy and I refuse to let anyone bring me down today.
14/Oct/10 10:49 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Good evening to you all.
I have just returned from seeing the Titanic Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum. The 'rooms' they have set up are great to see and compare, I would have loved to have seen more of that sort of thing. I took my two daughters with me, and the 20yo said she wished it was more personal, more about the people rather than the technical info about the boat.
Oh, and they let too many people in at a time!
14/Oct/10 10:50 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Take time to smell the roses, Tami, or whatever flowers are in bloom there at the moment.
14/Oct/10 10:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Have a wonderful weekend, Tami. You need it.
I'm still floating on warm fuzzies from yesterday, too. I haven't been using the word "miracle" loosely, no matter what HalT says, if you think about the miners survival from the time of the cave in. They survived. They were found, against all odds. Survival supplies were gotten to them. And they were all gotten out alive and healthy. Yes, there was a LOT of work, skill and technology involved, but if that's all it took, all trapped miners everywhere would be saved.
15/Oct/10 12:26 AM
Alabama, USA
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Good Morning Friends. I had a good nights sleep last night, needed it after not so good night before. I did have a bit of "intermission" and was up in the middle of the night a bit, but total sleep was still good.
I have read, and thought of all the appropriate comments to each post, but no time to type them in this morning. We have another busy day today, this is day 2 of 3, and yesterday was not supposed to be that busy. It just unfolded that way.
I must get breakfast done, and pack us picnic lunch, put away clean dishes, and hang out yrdnual.
Hugs to all with extras. Hope to be back tonight.
15/Oct/10 1:22 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It never ends. The fence that Robert and I repaired 2 days ago was torn down again by the cows... before we could get it electrified. So we just had to fix it again, but this time we got it hot as well..... only to discover that there were so many weeds on the fence leading up to it that there wasn't even a tingle when you touched it. So Robert went out with his weed whacker to cut down the weeds, only to discover that it has a crack in the gas tank. So he's off at the repair shop with it.
15/Oct/10 5:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hmmmm... The miner with the wife and mistress must have been shocked yesterday. He's Johnny Barrios. If you remember, he was greeted at the top of the mineshaft by a large boned blond woman who was delighted to see him. He looked a little taken aback when he saw her, and now I understand. That was his mistress. He was probably expecting to see his wife when he first emerged.
15/Oct/10 7:00 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all! If my memory had served me better in just the time it takes getting from Easy to here yesterday Heidi, I would have said this. If the prayers of help and hope for the miners from a large part of the worlds's population were not a miracle or a show of God's hand, what is? I am in no way a religious person, but this was enough to restore faith. Hal got it wrong!
15/Oct/10 8:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am not a religious person either, but the survival of all those miners was enough to make a person believe. The papers say that nobody has ever survived that amount of time trapped underground.
15/Oct/10 8:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The people of Chile were amazed that so many people from all around the world truly cared. This brought out the best in people.
15/Oct/10 8:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I had read that Johnny Barrios had asked both his wife and his mistress to greet him when he came out of the mine. His wife told reporters NO, she would not do that, he had to choose, me or her.
15/Oct/10 9:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Did Johnny Barrios have a death wish? I'm kinda surprised that his wife didn't send her lawyer to greet him.
15/Oct/10 10:17 AM
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Afternoon all,
Heidi and MizT, it could be that he is just so convinced at how irresistable he is he honestly believed they'd both come. Or he's just dumb. Having said that someone else commented on the other page that they had read somewhere that he had already left his wife before all of this and was living with the mistress. We may never know the truth! And for a sticky beak like me that is enough to make me sulk.
15/Oct/10 12:08 PM
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I have just had the (word I can't use in here) couple of days. My mother has been talking me through it and she made the best suggestion - get a haircut and colour, the works. Don't worry about the cost, you do without and look what it gets you.. bla bla nag nag... loving mummy stuff.
So I now have super short hair died just a fraction darker than my natural colour with blonde highlights. Right now it looks horrible though because the stylist filled it full of about 7 different varieties of leave in conditioners and wax. When I wash all of that out I think I will be happy with what I have.
I took the precaution of taking some photos from 25 years ago and told her not to panic, I wasn't after the same style I just wanted her to know what length I was looking for. She told me that she wouldn't have done it if she hadn't seen the photos because she wouldn't have believed how short I meant, and she was really glad I had brought them because she loved it.
15/Oct/10 12:14 PM
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