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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Happy Friday.
22/Oct/10 10:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami... They seem to have no interest in getting Don and Barb's property back. Or arresting the thieves. All they've said is that the only thing they can prove is a misdemeanor from selling stolen merchandise (the bell). To me, breaking and entering and stealing over $6,000 worth of possessions is NOT a misdemeanor.
22/Oct/10 10:26 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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The state police sound like a bunch of good ol' boys.
22/Oct/10 10:44 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Night all. See you in the morning.
22/Oct/10 12:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good night, all.
22/Oct/10 3:36 PM
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Good very early morning to all!
Hi, Theresa, Suzy, Gail, Brenda, Tami, CynB, Broni, June, Heidi, Nola,
Theresa, I hope you sleep better tonight! I guess if you are able to sleep at all, that would be better than last night!
Suzy, very clever Ally/Alie to use phone numbers for a musical composition!
June, what a busy day with beautician and dentist - and a good idea to leave the dentist for last.
My, what a lot of miscarriages and still births in this group. Sending positive vibes and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you! I'm sure it's far easier to rationalize for someone who hasn't experienced it. I am thinking of all of you today!
Good question, Gail - first phase of what, Suzy?
Theresa, Tami, and Heidi, I hope you will all be feeling much better tomorrow. Hopefully a good night's sleep tonight will help! Heidi, my acupuncturist suggested I take a magnesium/potassium supplement to help ward off headaches. She also reminds me each time about drinking enough water!
Nola, I hope being back at work today was a good thing!
Heidi, I'm glad IH and George didn't do anything foolhardy and attempt to take the stolen property from the thugs! I hope the state police step up and do their job!
It's now past 12:30 here, so I need to head to bed. Good Night, Tami, Good Night Heidi, and Good Night, everyone else! Sending positive vibes, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
22/Oct/10 4:38 PM
Small Town Canada
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Aw shucks, who needs sleep anyway?
22/Oct/10 6:39 PM
qld, australia
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Good Afternoon my friends, have spent all day at Chez Cockatoo being a pyromaniac, smell like a bonfire.
22/Oct/10 6:55 PM
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Evening all,
Careful Broni, they're talking about putting GPS things on pyromaniacs...
Ally story: A boy in her class doesn't have any friends, other than Ally and one of her friends. Apparently he answers questions in class without waiting to be called on and doesn't give anyone else a chance even when they have their hand raised etc etc etc. The sad part was that she told me he is really really thin because his family doesn't have much money for food and he has to ride his bicycle everywhere which works off the little he has to eat. He went on and on about it one day when he was really mad... Anyone else feel powerless right now?
22/Oct/10 7:19 PM
Small Town Canada
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Yes, Suzy, if only we could fix everyone's problems. I see you inviting him for supper, with Ally's permission of course.
22/Oct/10 9:12 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, unfortunately I see kids like that all the time. The area I teach in is a very low income neighborhood. You can only do so much. You won't be able to do everything for him but just letting Alie be his friend can make the world of difference. Like Theresa said, I also have a feeling he will be sharing a few meals with your family.
22/Oct/10 9:17 PM
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Theresa and Tami, I don't think they have the kind of friendship where inviting him over is possible. Not at the moment anyway. Maybe it will develop over time. I take heart from the fact he is smart. Hopefully he will be able to do something with his life that will mean he and his children will not need to be hungry. Now if he ends up dropping out of school I'll be really depressed, but I know that what you say is true - we can't fix the world, just touch little bits of it.
22/Oct/10 9:38 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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May I say that my houseguest has gone above and beyond the call of duty! We are having a BBQ party on Sunday as a celebration for Beth's 21st (BTW Beth informed us of this all about a week ago...) so at the last minute we are trying to get the place spruced up a bit for public display. When I mentioned the 'list' of things to do to Broni, one of the things was burning off the piles in the front yard, but I really didn't think we would have the time. Silly me, Broni is as much a pyromaniac as I am! Hubby hates the job, has a fear of fires going wrong, so the possibilty was there for the job to be done. This morning I put the burning job into Broni's lap (figuratively) and she took it and ran! The front yard has come up a treat, and no leaf dares fall again while she is here!
Sadly, her visit has come to an end. Tonight is our last opportunity for dueling computers, and we are all very tired and going to bed earlyish. Tomorrow I will be driving Broni over to the West side of town for the school reunion she is here for, and she flies out on Sunday... We have had a great time, and one day I will stop apologising for my family's behaviour!
22/Oct/10 9:40 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, good friends don't need to apologize for the family's behavior. In most cases, a good friend fits right in
22/Oct/10 9:54 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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A good friend knows how you take your coffee, a great friend adds the booze.
22/Oct/10 9:55 PM
qld, australia
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With you on the booze bit Tami.
Have felt right at home here, laughed until I cried, relaxed and had a great time. Don't mind earning my board and keep, a good hot shower and now ready for bed. Will really miss all the family and Dag. Thank you for your hospitality and making me feel like part of the family.
22/Oct/10 10:01 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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nawwwwwwwwww ;-)
22/Oct/10 10:24 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Gail,with Broni's help,it sounds like a lot was achieved.Hope Beth has a great bbq and 21st celebration.
Broni, so glad you had such a good time with a wonderful host and family.
I hope Tami, Theresa and Heidi are feeling better now.
Suzy,Ally is kind to befriend that boy.It might make all the difference to his life when looking back at school.
I have had 2 nights of 8 hrs sleep each time,nothing beats your own bed and not worrying about something.
23/Oct/10 1:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Woke up without the headache this morning. I wonder how long that will last?
Broni..... It sounds like the visit to Chez Cockatoo couldn't have been better. I'm something of a pyromaniac as well.
23/Oct/10 2:02 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I am glad you are feeling a bit better Heidi.
23/Oct/10 3:15 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Bye all. Catch you another day.
23/Oct/10 4:38 AM
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Yes Gail, Broni does make a wonderful house guest. So pleased you have had a great time together. We are not allowed to do any burning of rubbish, leaves etc in our yards anymore.
I did some gardening yesterday and had a nice nanny nap. Not all the things I should have done. First day I relaxed since we got home a week ago.
23/Oct/10 4:43 AM
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Guess you are off to work Nola? Have a great day.
23/Oct/10 4:44 AM
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Hmmm. You guys have made me laugh more. Maybe it's starting to read with high expectations.
23/Oct/10 7:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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No, Suzy.... They just aren't all that funny. The only one that even made me smile was #4.
23/Oct/10 7:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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4. 'A young blonde woman is distraught because she fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun. The next day she comes home to find her husband in bed with a beautiful redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head. The husband jumps out of bed, begging and pleading with her not to shoot herself. Hysterically the blonde responds to the husband, "Shut're next!" '.
23/Oct/10 7:38 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I just read all the jokes and I agree. If those are the 50 funniest, we must be absolutely brilliant on this site. I am sorry I wasted my time on them.
23/Oct/10 10:29 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just told the boys about what happened to their aunt. They took it well and did not ask a lot of questions. Mitchell may ask more questions privately as he knows there are still some things Dylan doesn't need to know. My SIL and BIL are having a memorial service on Wednesday.
23/Oct/10 10:31 AM
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Tami, I know you did a good job telling them. I never doubted that they would take it well with you doing the telling. Having said that I think you're right about it not being over yet. What a great idea to have a memorial service! The doctors wouldn't even let Mum see my baby sister and she was buried while Mum was still in hospital. Months later, when Mum was still upset, my father told her what the doctors told him never to tell her, which was that Janet was severely deformed. He couldn't understand why she became hysterical.
23/Oct/10 10:57 AM
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I forgot, after that you would definitely need some hugs {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
23/Oct/10 11:02 AM
Stevenage UK
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Those jokes looked as if they were from England and the sense of humour here is different from USA. There was an interview on TV yesterday with an American who is a stand up comedian here in England. He said he isn't known at all in America and Americans wouldn't understand the humour
23/Oct/10 11:32 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, thanks for the hugs. I can understand what your mom went through. I know other people who have lost babies and it is never easy. I don't think you ever forget.
Theresa, I actually understood the jokes, they just didn't make me laugh. #4 was kind of cute.
23/Oct/10 11:35 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have a small, squeezy toy on my desk. It is in the shape of a human brain. It is supposed to be for stress relief. I take it out when one of my students is acting really goofy and I ask them if they need to borrow my brain since they seem to have left theirs at home. I know, I shouldn't mess with the kids, but it is fun
23/Oct/10 11:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Still not feeling myself so I am going to say good night and go to sleep early. Talk to you all tomorrow.
23/Oct/10 11:49 AM
Small Town Canada
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Those weren't my jokes, Tami. Hope you're feeling better soon.
It's not quite 9:30, but I too am heading off to bed shortly. Grandies are settled for the night (hopefully). Good night all.
23/Oct/10 12:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Love the brain giggle, Tami. And laughter is always great at dissipating stress.
23/Oct/10 12:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Those so-called jokes sound like one liners collected from stand up comics. I understood them all, but I just thought they were lame. I prefer British humor to American humor, but these sounded generic. British humor is generally silly and American humor tends towards vulgarity.
23/Oct/10 12:45 PM
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Well that was interesting... We had a bright sunny day. A few clouds, but nothing much. All of a sudden it hailed! Then it rained huge, hard drops. There was a little boy, probably year 1, at the front door selling hubby chocolate chip cookies. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boardies and a baseball cap. There's no cover at our front door so hubby brought him inside. I came out and said 'are you here alone', thinking it was unlikely at his age. He said his sister was at the end of the driveway waiting for him! I ran to the door to check on her but she was gone. Hubby had to convince the youngun that there was no way he could walk home in that, even 2 doors down, and was starting to drive him home when his mother came running down their driveway. They are new here and wouldn't know us from Adam. She must have been having a panic attack! Just about then the thunder started, in the middle of the rain storm (???), still some rumbling. Weird!
23/Oct/10 12:51 PM
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Everyone! I hope you are all having or have had a wonderful day!
Hi, Theresa, Broni, Suzy, Tami, Gail, Nola, Heidi, June, and anyone I may have missed!
Theresa, does your comment mean that you had another sleepless in Small Town Canada night?
Broni, you are an exemplary guest! Wow, bonfires to burn off debris! Of course, in our area that would be prohibited. The forest preserve near us even had to get special permission for a burn, then went door to door to personally notify those who live in the area.
Suzy, I read your Ally story! You and your family all have such big hearts. Unfortunately, you cannot save everyone. Fortunately, since Ally and her friend have befriended the boy and he is smart, perhaps they can help him realize that blurting out answers in class without being called on may be helping to alienate him from his other classmates. Maybe some gentle coaching will help him in that area. Also, does the school provide reduced-cost meals for those in need? If he can get a good solid meal at lunch, it could do wonders for him. Of course, I anticipate Ally, her friend, and your family will think of other ways to help! Good luck! {{{{HUGS}}}}
Gail, no need to apologize for your family! We all do what we can. When we run out of time for the remaining errands, we make the most of it. Good for you for allowing Broni to feel a part of the family and pitch in! Good for Broni for pitching in and doing her impersonation of a pyromaniac! What can get done before the party will get done. I hope you enjoyed the last evening before she leaves for the reunion! It certainly sounds like you've both had a fabulous time! Gail, you've been a remarkable hostess!
Broni, I hope your school reunion was wonderful and that you saw all those you hoped to see! I'm so glad you've enjoyed your time at Chez Cockatoo! You have been an outstanding guest!
Nola, good for you for getting 2 consecutive nights of 8 hours of sleep! I hope you're feeling rested and restored after some very stressful months! Sending positive vibes, prayers and {{{{HUGS}}}} for you and hubby as you await his doctor appointment!
Heidi, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and less troubled by a headache today!
Theresa and Tami, I hope you are both feeling better as well!
Hooray, June! You got a chance to work in the garden for a while - and a chance for a nanny nap! Here's hoping you have a great night's sleep tonight and feel completely restored in the morning!
Suzy, thank you for posting the 50 funniest jokes. I must agree with you, Heidi, and Tami, though! Nope, they're not all that great, though # 4 elicited a smile.
Tami, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you, to the Beasties, and your SIL and family. I knew you'd find just the right way to tell the boys. I'm glad they're dealing with it well. No doubt you are right that there will be questions in the coming days.
Suzy, undoubtedly your father thought that by telling your mother it would help her acc
23/Oct/10 12:55 PM
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Here's the rest of the comment, Suzy!
Suzy, undoubtedly your father thought that by telling your mother it would help her accept what happened at grieve less. Unfortunately, he guessed wrong. I can't imagine going through it, but it certainly seems that it happens more often than I thought.
I guess I forgot to refresh the page. Hi, Brenda, Tami, Theresa, Heidi and Suzy!
Brenda, you are undoubtedly correct about the difference between the sense of humor in England and the US. It must also be true for Oz, as Suzy didn't find them all that funny.
Oh, Suzy, imagine what the boy's mother must have thought! I bet his sister ran home, told her what happened, then the Mum came running to check on her son. You must admit, that's some crazy weather!
23/Oct/10 1:03 PM
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