Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Night, Tami and Theresa! I hope you both feel better in the morning! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

I have some ffuts to do, but hope to check back in here later!
23/Oct/10 1:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I bet that mother was spooked. New in the area, and her child was taken into a stranger's house suddenly. I hope you used the opportunity to make new friends.
23/Oct/10 1:11 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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...and she is gone
23/Oct/10 1:54 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Had a great day with Darrell in Provo yesterday. Went shopping for some ffuts for the house (new bath mats--THRILLING!)
TTT: Prayers, love & hugs to your in-laws. Card on the way to your folks!! It may be late, just mailed today. Will call them on their anniversary.
Broni/Gail: Glad you had a noice time together, wish I could have been a fly on the wall. LOL!!!
Hello to Heidi, June, and anyone else I missed.
23/Oct/10 1:55 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good Night friends. Not sure how long I can keep my eyes open, or type so you can read ( 5 typos already) but maybe a few comments.

Suzy, come back and tell us what happened when the child's Mom got there. Was she angry you took the child in or happy he was out of the weather?

NOLA, I have not said congrats on your scores on exams. that 100% on Medications was great, proud of you, I know how hard that is to do.

Gotta tell you this, Nola, I almost failed my medications dosages test, where passing was 85 or higher. All my answers were just a tad off from the teachers answers, but way out in the decimals. They could not figure out what I had done, my math was not the math they taught. So, they took my test to the head of the math department to ask, can she do this this way and be accurate? He told them Yes, my method was perfectly correct, and less likely to have errors than the way they taught. I passed, with 100% but it took some negotiating hehehe

Gail, Broni, sorry your visit has come to an end, but know you both will have things to remember and things to talk about for a long time to come. Broni, safe trip home. Gail, hope the party is a hit with the birthday girl.

Already forgot what was on the previous page, cause i got interrupted here at puter. so sending hugs to all and I am going to call it a night.

nite nite friends.
23/Oct/10 2:41 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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nitey nite MizT!! sleep well my dear friend!
23/Oct/10 3:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, apparently the mum waited in her driveway - in the rain - and was grateful for the safe return of her son. Those types of storm are usually short lived, but I can imagine her panic if we'd kept him at our place until it was over!

Ally is singing again, but not much. I think this is her third round with a bug of some kind. She has a lot of rehearsing to do as she has several solos at this year's Carols in the Park. It's hard to tell exactly how many so far as the younger coordinator seemed to think different songs to the older coordinator and I think there was some checking to see how she would do going on. Silver Bells in particular seemed challenging...
23/Oct/10 5:41 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Neighbour story: A while ago our neighbour started complaining about our bathroom light keeping her awake at night - it lights up her room like day time by reflecting off the glass doors of her wardrobe. I was very good and didn't say anything about turning the vertical blinds in the other direction, I just nagged and nagged the kids about turning the light off. It's better for the electricity bill anyway. Since then she has started little comments about hearing Ally 'bellowing' when she is practicing her singing. The latest is our kitchen light. Apparently her guest room is lit up like daytime. I want to know if she wants us to walk around in the dark and talk in whispers???? For christmas I am going to give her a sleeping mask and ear muffs. Done with lots of jokes about her inconsiderate neighbours of course...
23/Oct/10 9:06 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yahoo, I got almost 7 hours sleep last night!

Suzy, sounds like the neighbours from hell. I don't think anything would please them. Maybe you could slip them some real estate brochures for other neighbourhoods?
23/Oct/10 9:22 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Busy day today. Splotch goes for his booster shot this morning, have to get the groceries, look after the grandies so their parents can get some groceries, and on and on and on.
23/Oct/10 9:23 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Just how close is this neighbour to your house? You must be using very large bulbs to light her rooms up like daylight Suzy. As you say why doesn't she either close blinds or curtains
23/Oct/10 10:50 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all.
I only had 4 hours sleep,so far anyway.Will try again later but now I have had a few coffee's, it may take awhile.
Suppose Beth is having a great BBQ.
Suzy,all of our neighbors are very understanding with noise.They usually warn us of any big event that might disturb and we make allowances for that. As for complaining about singing, I think they must be very intolerant.The same goes for light coming into windows.Gee,you have to be comfortable in your own place.
I agree Brenda.
Busy day ahead for you Theresa.Hope you are feeling better now.
MizT, good on you too for getting 100% in medications.Thank goodness I could use a calculator,but you still need to know the formula.
Next term,we do drip rates which seem beyond my comprehension at this time.
Hi to Gail,Suzanne, Julie, Tami and Heidi.
23/Oct/10 11:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Not yet Nola, that will be from noon tomorrow...

Talk about social events all happening at once, tomorrow is also my niece's daughter's Christening, so I will not be here at the start of the party, and must do what I can before leaving in the morning at about 9am! I should be home at 12, so cutting it fine.
Hubby just needs to run the ride-on over the front yard, which looks a treat BTW, thanks again Broni :) The house is tidy(ish), salads to be whipped up, Beth is making one and I am doing the potato salad. Hopefully the rain will hold off because Beth would like it all to be outside. Fingers crossed!
Now I should get to sleep, because I need to get my act together sharply in the morning.
24/Oct/10 12:29 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Another BTW, brilliant results Nola.
24/Oct/10 12:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy.... A very unpleasant neighbor, alright. Acquiescing to her first complaint apparently didn't help. Now she thinks all demands will be complied with. Any demands interfering with your normal life are totally unreasonable. You and your family have the same rights that she has.
Some neighbors with adjoining land (~half a mile away) have a rock & roll/ country band (Diamondback). They practice a LOT, with amps turned way up. As long as it doesn't interfere with our sleeping, I won't complain. If I keep my windows shut when they have late night practice, it doesn't bother me, but mostly they practice during the day. I'd love to see your neighbor cope with THAT.
24/Oct/10 12:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Headache is back.
24/Oct/10 12:43 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Sorry Gail, I think I presumed it would be Sat night.Yep, hope it doesn't rain and it can be outside.Enjoy the christening.
Heidi...relief is short lived.Wasn't it not long ago you had the injection?
24/Oct/10 12:48 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Heidi....I must be getting tired. I read BACKACHE not headache.
24/Oct/10 12:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Go back to bed, Nola. Your brain says it needs more sleep.
24/Oct/10 12:56 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Will do Heidi.Goodnight.
24/Oct/10 12:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, I had a lovely night's sleep. Woke to a cool house again, so snuggled in for a bit extra. We need to get the central heat working again. Something about a wire that was moved when the 220 line was put in for the new AC last summer. AAAAAAAGGHHHH

I imagine winter and heat was not on anyone's mind when it was near 100 degrees, but it has been my experience that fall and winter follow summer EVERY year!

At least it is warm outside by mid morning, and I open the doors to let the warm in hehehe.

Heidi, sorry the headache came back. I am glad your noisy neighbors with the band are 1/2 mile away. You are a good neighbor to tolerate it, imagine you can hear them when you are outside working.

Nola, I have forgotten every thing I knew about drip rates, it has been that long. NOW, here, every IV is set up on a machine, and the nurse just programs it for how many cc per hour. It beeps if the flow rate is obstructed, to notify the nurse to come find out why.

So many things done by computer and machine now, it is very different. Those pesky every 15 minute blood pressure checks are now done by computer. Once they are over, the nurse tears off a strip printout and puts it on the chart. No more running from room to room when you have 3 new post op admissions at one time!! Hook em up and let them alone. It too will beep if vitals go to high or too low.

Gail, you do have a busy busy Sunday. I hope you find time to relax and enjoy both events.

Suzy, I do not think you can please this neighbor, she sounds like she just likes to complain It seems the more you do, the more she expects you to do, a very controlling behavior. Good luck dealing with her.

Time for my breakfast, hugs with extras to all.

24/Oct/10 1:30 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hope you got to sleep Nola. My turn to be awake. Theresa, I wish things would ease up for you soon.
Heidi, hope that you can get rid of the headache. I seldom get them but a brandy and dry usually is the answer.(I think it is just enough to make me relax)
Enjoy the Christening and the party Gail.
Suzy, I did complain to the council when the training lights at a nearby oval got left on all night. That did light up our bedroom.
Suzy, Next time tell her she is lucky. You are saving on her electricity bill!
24/Oct/10 1:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June... You were doing them a favor, helping them save electricity.
I wish I could have a little brandy, but I am not allowed to have any alcohol. There's too big a risk with the meds I'm on.
24/Oct/10 2:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Hope everyone is feeling better. I just found out that the memorial service will be wednesday at 10 am. I just made a few phone calls and got a sub booked. The boys are asking about going but not sure if they need to miss school. Thursday is an early release day, 2 hours early, and Friday is a teacher planning (pupil-free) day.
24/Oct/10 3:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Theresa, glad you had a better night's sleep. I know those jokes weren't yours. I meant to address that comment to Brenda and just had a mental lapse.
I also like British humor, just did not find those funny.
Heidi, hope your head is feeling better.
24/Oct/10 3:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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My parent's anniversary is this Tuesday, October 26. They are celebrating 53 years. My mom was a child bride They are coming over next Sunday for a barbeque. I was going to have it tomorrow but I have cold and don't want my dad to get sick.
24/Oct/10 3:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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CONGRATS to Bobbie and hubby on 56 years wed. Yes, Tami, she was a child bride

Heidi, I understand about any alcohol not mixing with some meds. I too hope the headaches subside soon.

Off to our little town, I must go to pharmacist and to grocery (need my half and half for coffee, I am so spoiled). I hope grocery is not tooo crowded on a Saturday afternoon, I try to avoid that if possible.

I hope to be back later, till then leaving hugs for all.
24/Oct/10 5:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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too funny, had to share. I had been hearing Screech meowing for some time, asking to come in. I am about to leave, and there she is LYING in front of the slider screen door, and meowing at top of her lungs. I guess it took too much energy to stand and meow. What a cat hehehe.
24/Oct/10 5:14 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
LOL MizT! That is definitely cat-like!

My neighbour is unfortunately involved with Pride so I have to be nice. When I told hubby about the kitchen light and the singing he immediately went to Ally and asked if she'd like to learn the saxophone - we've heard they are the loudest.. hehe. Although only in her mid 60's, this neighbour is very large and can't get around much anymore. I think being stuck at home so much is giving her too much time to think. If her husband hears her he'll give her an ear full.

Nola, congratulations! All that worry and now it's done! Do you have more study to do?

Congratulations Bobbi! You must have been married preteen!!

Tami, I hope your cold is a mild one. That is a dilemma about the memorial. I don't know what I would do. Ally wanted to go to her teacher's funeral a few years ago and I was thinking about it until I realised she mostly wanted to know what a funeral was like.

Gail, a busy day for you but I know you have it all sorted already. I hope the weather holds out so Beth gets to have it outside.

June, training lights would definitely light up the house! I'm not sure how our low wattage eco-friendly lights can do the same, but apparently they do.
24/Oct/10 8:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I wouldn't mind the band rehearsing if they were good. If they were terrible on the other hand...

It is raining and miserable here this morning. I think I might go and snuggle up in my nice warm bed for a while.
24/Oct/10 9:01 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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We have already decided that if they ask, we will let them go. We are not going to tell them that. We already said they are going to school so I don't know if they will ask or not.
Both boys had baseball games today and both teams lost. Oh well, you can't win them all. Just got home and about to fling food.
Suzy, I think the drums might be a better choice for Ally. You can't sing when you are playing the saxaphone. {biggrin]
24/Oct/10 9:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By Jove, I think you've got it, Tami!!!
24/Oct/10 10:19 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Busy as usual here.
I try to keep up with the reading.
Had a phone call about midnight last night.
Hate it when that happens.
It was the Newcastle Police. Someone had handed in Ethans wallet and it had his licence in it.
They were wanting his mobile number so they could get him to call this morning and collect it.
He is in Newcastle with his 3 mates for the FAT AS BUTTER concert.
His first drive out of Port of course on his P Plates.
Of course I thought the worst when I realised it was the police.
24/Oct/10 11:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Midnight calls from the police are always scary. At least Ethan will get his license back.
24/Oct/10 11:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Midnight calls from anyone can be scary. Glad that it was nothing more serious than a lost wallet.
24/Oct/10 11:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yikes Viv! That would have been very scary for a few moments!

Tami, why didn't I think of drums?? I'll tell hubby, he'll like that!

24/Oct/10 12:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, good folks! I hope you are all well and rested!

Hi, Heidi, Gail, Suzanne, MizTricia, Suzy, Theresa, Brenda, Nola, June, Tami, and V Viv!

Gail, you and Broni have made some amazing memories during her visit! I'm so happy for both of you! (It probably feels like her visit was WAY too short!) I hope all goes well for Beth's BBQ Birthday and the rain stays away, at least during the designated hours. Seems like you have everything in control! Enjoy your niece's daughter's christening!

Suzy, your neighbor sounds like she has too much time on her hands! The complaint about your kitchen light shining in her guest room is puzzling, unless she has endless lines of guests coming to her house. Perhaps she's just going around her house to see where light comes in. As to Ally/Alie's "bellowing," I'm guessing your windows have been closed until recently. And, as Heidi pointed out, it's NOT a rock band with amps turned up, just a young girl! BTW, did Ally enjoy music camp? If you've mentioned, I missed it. Sorry.

Theresa, with your busy day, I'm so glad you had a good night's sleep!

Suzanne, I'm glad your shopping trip to Provo with Darrell was productive! You certainly need something soft and absorbent after a bath or shower! Did you choose a neutral color, thinking ahead to a different house?

Nola, I hope you sleep better tonight! I hope you don't start worrying about next term's classes already - just enjoy that you did so well on this term's!

Heidi, I'm so sorry your headache returned! They can be so debilitating! Is there anything you can take for it? Do you drink enough water?

MizT, I'm glad you also slept well last night! Here's hoping for the same for tonight! Hopefully, the wayward wire can be fixed soon and you will have some warmth in your house these cool evenings! We're waiting to turn our furnace on until it has been checked by the professionals - so we have had some pretty chilly mornings in the house. It isn't warming up enough during the day for us to benefit by opening windows, though.

Nola and June, I hope you will both sleep better tonight! June, is the nearby oval you mentioned a race track?

Tami, how wonderful that your parents will be celebrating 53 years together on Tuesday! That is such an accomplishment! Happy Anniversary, Bobbi and Bernie - and many more! It's a milestone to be proud of!

Tami, I'll be thinking of your SIL, her family and you and your family on Wednesday!

MizT, the image of screech lying in front of the slider and meowing loudly is funny!

Suzy, so sorry it's wet and miserable there! Snuggling in a warm bed seems like an excellent alternative!

Tami, learning to lose graciously builds strength of character, but I hope your boys' teams win at least occasionally!

Viv, you're so right - a phone call after midnight can start the heart racing! I'm so glad that it was because Ethan's wallet had been turned in!

Tami, drums is a GREAT idea!
24/Oct/10 12:59 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I need to get some ffuts done, but hope to check back later!
24/Oct/10 1:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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good night friends. At last I got to the end of the ffuts I needed to do today. Lovely fall day again, but above average temps for this time of year. we made 82 today. Julie, I open the doors whenever the outside temp is higher than the inside temp in the mornings. the air warms up quickly once the sun is up, from mid 40's to seventies by 8 or 9 am and at that time it is warmer out than in. The 82 comes late afternoon and keep the house warm well past bedtime.

They say we will have rain Sunday night, monday morning, and we have to be out and about early Monday. I hate driving in the rain!

Suzy, drums are a good choice, I would mention that Allie is considering them to neighbor
hehehe. Like Julie, I was wondering earlier today if Ally enjoyed her music camp. We would like to hear all about it if you can share.

VIV, hope son has a good safe trip to his concert. I know how disturbing a midnight call can be, especially if it wakes you. I am glad it was a missing wallet.

TAMI, sorry the boys both lost their games tonight. Better luck next game.

Off to the land of nod, see you all on the flip side. Hugs aplenty being sent out tonight.
24/Oct/10 2:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to feed dogs, then go to bed. I have a district Lion's Club board meeting tomorrow, then a Local Lion's Club meeting the next day.
24/Oct/10 2:49 PM
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