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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Alabama, USA
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Tami Said: Haven't told the boys yet that they won't be having a new cousin soon. Don't know how to tell them. She was due on Mitchell's birthday.
Tami, being an old OB nurse, I have had a bit of experience with sharing the news with older siblings in the hospital, being with the families when this was done. What I have learned is, be honest and state it as simple as possible, then answer any questions they have, If they are old enough to ask the question, they are old enough to hear the answer.
I might start out like this.
Aunt ___ had a sad thing happen. Her baby was born early and it was not able to live on it's own. Sometimes something like this can happen.
Then see where it goes with them. Hugs to you and your sister, loosing a baby at 7 months is so very hard.
Too sleepy to comment more, hugs to all with extras.
21/Oct/10 3:56 PM
Alabama, USA
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Ohhh, not a good post for a TOPP, I had no idea we were that close.
21/Oct/10 3:56 PM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, so sorry to hear of your SIL's miscarriage - especially difficult at such a late stage. My thoughts are with her and her family, and with you.
21/Oct/10 4:01 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - so sad to hear about your SIL. It will be hard to tell the boys and you'll be in my thoughts. Big hugs to you all.
Broni and Gail - glad your lunch with Dino was enjoyable! That sounds silly, of course it would have been! We just wish we could have been there.
21/Oct/10 4:16 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I made it here 12 hours ago - right around our lunch time. Finally, I've made it back!
Hi, Theresa, Heidi, Suzy, Nola, June, Brenda, CynB, Tami, Vicki, Suzanne, Broni, Gail, and anyone I may have missed.
Theresa, you SIL's shift work will be hard on all involved, but, as Gail would remind us, "It is what it is." You will all cope and be stronger for it!
Heidi, congrats to you and Robert for fixing the fence again! I hope removing all of the weeds along the fence row will solve any further problems!
Nola, it is so good to "see" you here again! That's GREAT news about your exams! We knew you could do it! Well done! Wow! 100% on the Medications exam! Crossing my fingers that you and Greg will soon know the outcome on his cyst! Something of relatively small concern to others can lead to lost sleep for you. Sending lots of positive vibes, prayers and {{{HUGS}}} to both of you! Thanks for keeping us posted!
WOW, June, another busy day for you! Well, it keeps you out of trouble, doesn't it?
Theresa, that was a clever comment about condiments.
Vicki, I hope your S#1 enjoys his visit with his uncle and his cousin. Even more, I hope you and hubby enjoy dinner out!
Tami, I'm so sorry to hear about your SisIL! That is never easy, but especially when she had made it to seven months! When members of my family have had miscarriages, we have tried to look at it as a better alternative than a stillborn child or a child born with life-threatening medical issues. (It doesn't really make it any easier to deal with, though.)
It's so good to hear that Broni, Gail, and Dino enjoyed lunch together today! How wonderful that you're able to make these gatherings work!
It's now past 1 a.m. and I must head to bed. I am thinking of all of you, whether I mentioned your name or not. Feel free to take as many positive vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}} and prayers as you want or need! There are always plenty for friends! Enjoy the rest of your day! Good Night!
21/Oct/10 5:09 PM
Small Town Canada
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Still can't sleep. So I'm doing yrdnual!
21/Oct/10 5:43 PM
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Afternoon all,
Tami, I'm so sorry. I know you will do a great job telling the boys and am sending hugs, thoughts, wishes and SA vibes over the cyber waves to you...
Nola, I knew you could do it!! Congratulations!! Now for the next challenge... sending hugs, thoughts, wishes and SA vibes over the cyber waves to you and Greg too. Love these cyber waves!
June, I hope your hair looks beautiful, your teeth are healthy, and you are not absolutely exhausted...
Vicki, enjoy your dinner out! Does this mean kid free or just one gone?
Cyn, I agree with you about that creep. Wonder why he chose Australia to do it???? (Rhetorical question there - he obviously knew out legal system).
I hope I haven't got any names wrong there. The page has come up with no names (slow connection thing) so I'm guessing from avatars and content...
21/Oct/10 6:22 PM
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Theresa, what time was it when you were swearing? I think I'd be doing a different type of swearing at the time of night your post implied.
Ally anecdote: She is working in a group in music class (nothing to do with her singing, a school thing) and they have to compose something on the piano. Ally uses phone numbers, assigns numbers to the keys (A=1 etc) and plays them. They like the way it sounds and so that is their composition....
21/Oct/10 6:40 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Suzy, first phase of WHAT!
21/Oct/10 6:45 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I've been up since about 12:30 AM our time. It's now 3:52 AM and I still can't sleep.
21/Oct/10 6:52 PM
Stevenage UK
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Tami so sorry to hear the sad news, sending (((HUGS))) to all your family.
Theresa, I would never have thought to do any swearing when I can't sleep.
Gail and Broni seem to be having a wonderful time, and Broni is getting to meet friends she has never met before.
21/Oct/10 7:39 PM
Stevenage UK
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Come on Suzy spill the beans on what you are doing
21/Oct/10 7:40 PM
Small Town Canada
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It's almost time for hubby to get up, so I think I'll try and get some sleep. Wish me luck!
21/Oct/10 8:12 PM
Stevenage UK
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Good luck with getting to sleep Theresa, hope you get a few hours.
21/Oct/10 8:20 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Thanks everyone. I appreciate all the hugs. I may wait until Friday to tell the boys so at least they don't have to think about it at school. I also had a miscarriage, before Mitchell, but was only about 3 weeks along. I did not let it bother me, I just took it as news that I could get pregnant and tried again. At the time a friend of mine had already tried IV fertilization 3 times with no success. My sis-in-law is a strong woman and I am sure she will be fine but I know it is going to be a hard adjustment.
21/Oct/10 9:10 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, I see you haven't been here for an hour so I hope that means you are sleeping. It is 6:10 am my time and I think Theresa is in the same time zone. That means she was up until at least 5:12 am, which is when I get up.
21/Oct/10 9:11 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Please don't say anything on FB about my SIL. My brother in has not posted the news yet and I don't want to say anything until he does.
21/Oct/10 9:53 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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No worries Tami, not a word shall be spoken.
Like you, I also had a mis, my first pregnancy, but I was only 7 weeks, and was very pragmatic about it. I figured there must have been something wrong for it to have happened, and didn't dwell on it too much. I had friends who went through the same thing around that time, and it devastated them, so to each their own.
21/Oct/10 10:12 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Add me to the list, but I was 4 months along and the baby died but didn't miscarry. They put me in for a D&C and couldn't do that either, can't remember why, something about damaging my cervix, so had to wait another 6 weeks for it to abort itself. The day that happened was the day my sister had a healthy son. It was an awful time for me, for that reason and because my Mum had lost 3 babies before she had us (and 2 after), I felt I was jinxed. I fell pregnant with Andrew the very next cycle but it was a stressful pregnancy because I was worried I'd lose him.
Karin was a breeze, start to finish in pregnancy, and a breeze ever since!
21/Oct/10 10:40 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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This was 1970 and the attitude in those days was 'just get over it' - which I had to. I always tell myself that if I'd had that child I wouldn't have had Andrew. That kept me focussed.
I do wonder abou the child though sometimes. Was it a boy or a girl etc?
21/Oct/10 10:44 PM
Stevenage UK
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Add me to the list, I was 45 and lost a baby at 12weeks. Found out that it had died at a 12 week scan. It's something you always remember but life goes on. I never expected to have a baby with Richard because of my age, it would have been wonderful but we have the kids and a good life.
21/Oct/10 11:11 PM
Small Town Canada
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Well, I had a nap, but not a long one. I was hoping to sleep the entire morning.
I too had a miscarriage at 4 weeks. That would have been my second child, and I was never able to get pregnant again. I could have gone for all the tests and procedures, etc., but I sort of felt it was meant to be. It is what it is.
21/Oct/10 11:32 PM
qld, australia
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Yes, it is what it is.
Goodnight my friends.
21/Oct/10 11:35 PM
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Hallo to all my lovely friends.
Loving thoughts and hugs for your SIL Tami.Not easy at that late stage.
Older daughter had car problems tonight so now has Hubbies car. He needs a car tomorrow so looks as though I stay at home and catch up with some swearing!
Short hair and three old fillings replaced. One needs a crown so another appointment in 6 weeks (and a big hole in the credit card!)
'Nite all, now off to bed.
22/Oct/10 12:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've been dealing with a headache for days now. It doesn't want to respond to any aspirin or sinus meds. I figure it COULD be worse. At least it's nor a migraine.
22/Oct/10 2:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm also dealing with a lot of nausea.
At least everything is staying down. I don't know if that's good or bad. Add to all that a mild fever, and I feel cruddy.
22/Oct/10 2:17 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hope you're soon feeling better, Heidi. That sounds kind of like what I've had the last week or so, except for the fever. I've just felt really blah.
22/Oct/10 4:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope you feel better soon, too, Theresa. This is unpleasant.
22/Oct/10 5:01 AM
Small Town Canada
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I was attributing it maybe to the change in seasons. It has turned quite cool here. I partly feel blah because most of the leaves are off the trees and I know what's coming next. I too have had a headache for a while, but just a little one. Tylenol dulls it, but doesn't take it completely away. As far as the nausea it comes and goes. I guess I just feel yucky enough that I don't feel like doing anything.
22/Oct/10 5:05 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Ditto, except that the headache never completely goes.
22/Oct/10 5:24 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hello everyone.
Tami, such sad news about the baby.Really awful to get that far.Hope the boys take it well.
Heidi and Theresa, get well.Hope you can have a good rest and get rid of the yucky feeling.
Broni,lovely to hear you are having a good time with Gail and catching up with others.
Gee, so many of us have lost babies.I had an ectopic pregnancy but it didn't worry me because I didn't know at the time.Just wanted the pain to stop.
Back to work today,hope you all have a good one.
22/Oct/10 5:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I won't go into any details, but I lost my only child, a boy, at nearly 7 months along in the pregnancy. This was back in '76. You all have my sympathy. I know what you felt and still feel.
22/Oct/10 5:59 AM
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Morning all,
I am lucky enough to have never had a miscarriage. Mum and MIL both had a still born child. One brother had a boy with hydrocephalus and the other a girl Pierre Robins syndrome.
Feel better those who are cruddy.
June, you could catch up on puzzles instead! Or do nothing for a day. You've earned it!!
22/Oct/10 6:03 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all
Heidi and Theresa - feel better soon.
June - Suzy's right - have a rest, do nothing!
22/Oct/10 9:46 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone. Thanks for all the support. It really does help to know you have friends who care. We will tell the boys tomorrow night so they don't have to think about it at school.
Tricia, I (almost) always answer the questions the boys ask truthfully. Mitchell is starting to ask questions that he should not be asking his mother. I simply tell him that it is none of his business. The other day he asked if I ever skipped school. I told him I could not answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself. He laughed and told me that if I refused to answer, I must have skipped a class. (Don't tell my mom
22/Oct/10 9:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH has just surprised me. Big time. George thinks he discovered where the thief has hidden all of Don's stuff, so he and Gil have just gone to get it back!!! The state police don't seem to be interested enough to do anything.
22/Oct/10 9:54 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi,keep us posted. Hope they get the stuff back and no one gets hurt.
22/Oct/10 10:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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They're back already. They'd gotten an anonymous lead as to the whereabouts of Don's things, drove over there, and drove away quickly. There was a group of tough looking guys hanging around the barn where the stuff is supposed to be. The state police are being called right now.
22/Oct/10 10:08 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am glad they did it safely and did not try to take on the other guys. I hope the state police listen this time and go over there.
22/Oct/10 10:10 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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The three boys went out for batting practice so I am home all alone. Have some ffuts to do and I think I am coming down with a cold.
22/Oct/10 10:13 AM
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