Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh Tami - what a day! It is good that the schools have measures in place, even though it gives me horrors that my innocent little grandchildren, out of necessity, have had to learn lockdown procedures. It hasn't happened here in Oz - yet!
But, what gets me in your case is that it was a hoax. (Could not access that link.) I hope they catch the woman and prosecute. Those kids must have been scared - for no reason!
11/Nov/10 1:15 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Oh well, off to visit my Mum!
11/Nov/10 1:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just had a little excitement. One of my finches (my only black headed female) got out of her cage somehow, and was flying around the house. Fortunately I caught her before she was injured or eaten.
11/Nov/10 1:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, I hope they arrested the lunatic and she gets more than a mandatory 72 hours in hospital.

Ebob has been in lockdown and her class was terrified. Her teacher was one of the designated responders and he didn't know what was going on before he had to leave the room. It was for people on the grounds armed with knives. Apparently it was supposed to be a lock out rather than a lock down, but the lock out procedure was only a couple of months old, they didn't have fences before then so there was some confusion.
11/Nov/10 1:49 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well I think I am officially a superwoman. Stoke on Sunday, shopping on Thursday. I'm tired and my legs are achey, but I have packets of pills to fill my tummy with, I gave away the doughnuts that came with my coffee, and we put the kids' chrissie present on layby./lay away.

11/Nov/10 1:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone! Long time, no see! I can blame computer issues, travel, over-full schedule, etc., for my absence. I have missed all of you and can't wait to get caught up. Unfortunately, that's going to take some time due to large responsibilities that have come with my appointment as membership chairperson for our wood turning club - such as reworking/updating the database of about 200+ members. Not to worry: I'll get here as often as I can!
11/Nov/10 2:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Have just read the comments on this page. Looks like I need to get to work on catching up REALLY quickly! I hope everything is OK now, Suzy!
11/Nov/10 2:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good to see you back, Julie.
11/Nov/10 2:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks, Heidi! I'm delighted to be back! I feel completely out of the loop and need to get caught up!
11/Nov/10 2:40 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Hi everyone, Checking in without reading all the posts, just missed too many today.

there is a stranger in Al's bed at the hospital. Looks that way anyway. Al got the hair clippers and did a buzz cut, ALL the hair off his head and face. I had never seen him without a mustache, this will take some getting used to. His hair was falling out, and even though we had already cut it short, it was leaving a mess in his bed and on his jammies. I must now find him a cap that covers down to his ears, for cold weather. He is still wearing his baseball cap now.

Sleepies hitting me, need my jammies and my bed. Hugs to all. I do hope fore long I get to read and comment on posts, I feel sort of selfish with all the posts about me and AL.
11/Nov/10 3:48 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... You're not being selfish at all. We want to hear how you and Al are doing.
11/Nov/10 3:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I adore mustaches. Al must look very strange.
11/Nov/10 3:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I have another 10 pages of reading, but an early morning tomorrow, so I must call it a night.

Bean, thinking of you and your brother and hoping for the best - as few symptoms and as slow progression as possible. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and positive vibes and prayers for both of you!

MizT and Al, thinking of both of you and sending positive vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you as well!

Suzy, I'm sending prayers, positive vibes and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you!

For each of you special friends and your loved ones, I'm sending all the , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive vibes and prayers that you can use! Please feel free to share them with those who can use them! I'm hoping to have a bit more time to read tomorrow! Sleep well when the time comes! Good Night!
11/Nov/10 4:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A dear friend of mine just called me. Her 92 year old mother passed away a couple of hours ago, after having a terrible fight with her other daughter. My friend's mother had been a survivor of Auschwitz and had a lifetime of health problems from her treatment there.
11/Nov/10 4:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Heidi, my deepest sympathy to you and your friend and her family. What a sad thing to happen after a fight. That other daughter will live with that memory. If the mother has had many health problems, it would seem that she will now be in a much happier place.

And now, I am really calling it a night!
11/Nov/10 4:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, so sorry about your friend's mother, I hope she can forgive her sister as that kind of blame would be hard to live with.

Julie, it's great to see you even for a little while.

MizT, what Heidi said. We want to know and would be disappointed if you didn't let us know how things were going.
11/Nov/10 5:05 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Yeah and we want to know about you too Zusy!
Heidi, so sad about your friend's mother and hope her sister can live with it.
Julie, just love to see you here, no need to catch up, just need to know you are OK.
11/Nov/10 5:36 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vent: I have just spent 3 days in hospital in a ward that specialises in diagnosing and treating stroke patients. My brother with his years and years of medical training and experience with strokes (none of either) called my mother last night and told her I was protecting my left side. So she has called me and given me instructions for exercises I need to start doing! I've told hubby to tell her if she asks that I'm squeezing balls like mad!
11/Nov/10 5:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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MizT and everyone else, you are always in my thoughts.
11/Nov/10 5:46 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Well BALLS to your brother Zusy!
11/Nov/10 5:50 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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hehe what Broni said!

Heidi, such sad news, may she Rest in Peace, she has deserved it ♥

MizT, I would think it more selfish if you didn't tell us the latest. Best wishes xoxo
11/Nov/10 6:35 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ally is watching how clean is your house and is using one of the things she learned from it to clean the oven door. She says ours is much easier because it wasnt' as dirty as the one on the show.
11/Nov/10 8:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hugs to you all. my comments crashed.
11/Nov/10 9:13 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Am Home.. Boy am I tired!!
Mum had Cataract Surgery on her R eye today.. She will be staying at Hotel Rolanda for a few days to recuperate. Arrived at the Hospital 11.00am left 5.45pm.
11/Nov/10 9:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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What was the tip, Suzy?
11/Nov/10 9:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Yeah, I want to know too!
11/Nov/10 9:58 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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When I went to see Mum today she was in her room watching Oprah. It was a show on 'S ex Addiction' and she was riveted. Could barely acknowledge me. Wonder what she got out of it. I was so amused, I sent a text to my sister.
11/Nov/10 10:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A paste of baking soda and dishwashing liquid, rubbed over the glass to soften the greae, then rub or scrape it off. She nearly finished off my supplies of both because she doesn't like using elbow grease.
11/Nov/10 10:17 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just got a call from a friend in Bathurst that was lovely.
11/Nov/10 10:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, your mother was wishing for a partner maybe..
11/Nov/10 10:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Rolanda, hugs to you and your Mum <3

MizT, more hugs to you and Al <3

And whoever wants more they're all yours...
11/Nov/10 10:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Kmart had a minute's silence today - i thought that was pretty cool.
11/Nov/10 11:23 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I've been in Target (other years, not today) and they've had a minute's silence. I was impressed.
I had my own minute today - alone here at home. I was worried I'd get engrossed and forget the time so I set the oven timer to go off at 11 and had my silence.
12/Nov/10 12:37 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Good thoughts going out to everyone.
I have the day off school today but have a few doctor appts. to take care of. Me for my thyroid and the boys go to the orthodontist. They are on opposite sides of me so I will be in the car a good part of the day. Have a few errands also.
12/Nov/10 1:05 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, my thoughts and prayers go out to you, your friend, and her family.
12/Nov/10 1:06 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Who remembers the toy "lite-brite" If you remember it, you need to watch this video. -with-lite/

A band made a video using stop motion technology and a lite-brite. It took them over 2000 hours. The video is amazing, can't tell you much about the song I was paying too much attention to the video.
12/Nov/10 1:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I about choked on my coffee when you said you were squeezing balls. BAD TRICIA, but what a mental picture.

ROLANDA, hugs to your Mom and especially to you. Being a care giver is a full time job, says one who knows

Heidi, how sad for your friend and her family. Thoughts and prayers for them.

Remembering our Veterals and your Anzac Day today. School is out , there is a huge parade in Birmingham, (big city just north) who has the longest running Vetrans Day Parade in th states. Looks like a lovely day for it today.

I am off to shower and back to hospital. Al having another test, a cat scan of the abdomen. Ab out time, he has complained of pain in abdomen for 3 weeks, with all going on with him, when he asks for pain meds, it for pain in left abdomen.

There was talk last night with his infection specialist about sending him home on IV antibiotics. Not sure how that is going to happen. We will see.
12/Nov/10 1:42 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning all,

At 2:10 this afternoon it will be exactly 11 years since my mom passed away. I miss her terribly. She was always the one to comfort me as a child through the bad times. She held me as I cried, and sometimes she cried with me. Life was not easy for this wonderful lady, but I am sure that her "life" is much better now. She deserves nothing but the best. I miss you, mommy, and I just wish we could hug one more time ......
12/Nov/10 2:19 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Lest we forget ...........

My daughter reminded me this morning that next year's remembrance services will be held on: 11-11-11-11.
12/Nov/10 2:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi everybody. I'm still in shock over Florence's passing last night. I know that she was up there in years, but I'm really worried about how my friend is going to hold up. She was having a breakdown when I talked to her last night.
12/Nov/10 4:11 AM
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