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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Broni, I am so tired I can barely walk let alone think. I've had 2 naps and my brain is still not working right!
16/Nov/10 7:27 PM
Small Town Canada
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Take care, Suzy. Rest is good for the body, gives it time to recuperate.
Heidi, I think I've mentioned before that hubby has a back problem that affects his stomach and intestinal tract. Something to do with a nerve that is pinched I think. He goes to a physiotherapist when it starts to act up and then feels a whole lot better. He now only goes every three months or so.
I was so tired last night, but had a very restless night for some reason. I woke up just before 4:00 this morning and I'm now working on my first cup of coffee. The cats are staring at me as if to say, "Where's our breakfast?"
16/Nov/10 8:16 PM
qld, australia
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Zusy, that is what you, it heals the body and mind.
You don't need to feel like you should be doing something because you already are, looking after yourself! You are no good to anyone if you are not good within yourself.
16/Nov/10 8:23 PM
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My mother gave me the exact opposite advice. Do more so you build up your ability to do more. I nearly snarled at her today, but just said 'but not today'..
16/Nov/10 8:48 PM
Small Town Canada
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Not all advice from our parents is good advice!
16/Nov/10 9:22 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, I don't usually wear green (or yellow). They are not good colors on me. I wear a lot of black and bright colors. Red is a good color for me.
Suzy, mothers can sometimes drive you crazy. Your body is saying rest, listen to it. There is time to build up your body, but not yet.
Heidi, hope you enjoy the red angus show. Tell us about it later. Thank you for the Al updates.
Theresa, I am joining you for coffee. Would you like some brownies to go with???
16/Nov/10 10:08 PM
Small Town Canada
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Brownies for breakfast? Sure, breakfast is only a word. Could I have two? Have a good day, Tami.
16/Nov/10 10:49 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, you can have two, or even three if you want. You are old enough to make your own decisions.
Bye all. I have to get ready for school. Play time is over.
16/Nov/10 11:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's a cold, rainy day here. A good day to go to the N.A.I.L.E.. Robert wants to go, too, so I'm picking him up in 40 minutes.
See ya'll later.
17/Nov/10 2:19 AM
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Morning all,
Cool today here too. Noice.
I'll have one of those brownies for breakfast, but you had better send it over this way before hubby wakes up because he won't let me eat it!
17/Nov/10 6:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, they don't call me a troublemaker for nothing
I do have to live up to my name.
17/Nov/10 8:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Warning, sad news.
My dog Rachel crossed over the rainbow bridge today. She had not been doing good recently and my hubby was going to take her to the vet today and talk about making her comfortable. He put her big pillow in the car and came back inside for her. She was laying in her bed and just looked up at him. He sat down with her and started talking to her and rubbing her back. She put her head down and peacefully went to sleep. She waited until she knew we would be ok without her. The boys took it well. We are going to wait for a while before getting another dog.
17/Nov/10 9:13 AM
Stevenage UK
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So sorry to hear of your loss Tami, Rachel Had a good life with you and seemed to leave you peacefully ((HUGS))
17/Nov/10 9:39 AM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, sorry for your loss. Animals are a part of our family. It was nice that she was able to pass over at home in familiar surroundings. {{HUGS}}
17/Nov/10 10:06 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Tami, I'm so sorry to hear about Rachel but I'm sure she had a wonderful life with your family. It was lovely that your hubby was with her as she went to sleep for the last time. Dogs really are the reflection of unconditional love.
Blessings and special thoughts to you and your family.
17/Nov/10 10:15 AM
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Tami, I was so sorry to hear about Rachel. Hugs to you all!
17/Nov/10 10:24 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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What a sweet way for Rachel to cross the bridge. My love to you all Tami xoxo
17/Nov/10 11:28 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Tami - sorry about Rachel, but that was so lovely that she went with your hubby talking to her and stroking her - how peaceful for her! Hugs to you all!
17/Nov/10 11:38 AM
Perth W Aust
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Tami, Sorry to hear about Rachel. ♥
17/Nov/10 11:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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First.... an update from MizTricia's sister....
They just took Al down for the procedure. Tricia says he'll be down there 2 to 2 1/2 hours. I'll let you know when she calls back to tell me what they ended up doing.
Then a second one 2 1/2 hours later....
He's out. The stomach tube was in the wrong place. They took it out & put another in. Maybe now he'll quit having such pain in his side. More later.
17/Nov/10 12:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami... you had good years with Rachel, and she went so very peacefully. I know you'll miss her, but
17/Nov/10 12:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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There's another update as well......
Al's back in his room. He's had something for pain & he & Tricia are going to try to take a nap. More later.
17/Nov/10 12:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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BTW.... CynB, that's a gorgeous avatar!!!
17/Nov/10 1:46 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Thanks everyone for your support. Having so many wonderful friends really does help. The boys are taking it well. It is just strange not having her get under our feet.
17/Nov/10 1:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I had a fun time at the North American International Livestock Exhibition. The Red Angus
Show was incredible! Over a hundred of the best cattle I, or anyone there, had ever seen in one place. I would have hated to be the judge, because the quality was so exceptional throughout every class.
I was also able to get the cow and calf silhouettes I wanted for the side of my new barn. All I have to do is paint them the color of the Red Angus, and bolt them on.
17/Nov/10 1:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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One funny bit was watching Robert's impressions of the bulls. He pointed out one bull, and said "That looks just like Rede!". I looked in the catalog, and it was a cousin of Rede's. Another bull (The Grand Champion) got both of us commenting on how much it looked like Yahtzee. It was his half brother. Robert surprised me at how good he was at evaluating the cattle.
17/Nov/10 2:00 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, glad you had a great day at the show.
17/Nov/10 2:16 PM
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This headline sounds like the first line in a joke, but again it's a real event...
17/Nov/10 2:43 PM
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Good news - I've lost a kg since I got out of hospital, only another 10 or so to go and the doc should be happy.
17/Nov/10 2:51 PM
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Good maEn everyone!
TTT: Sorry about Rachel...My sympathy to you, Andy & the boys.
Suzy: Glad you are here posting BUT you need to take care of yourself.
I got a call from my friend Debbie (who I've known since I was 12)today. Her father Gene had a mild heart attack a couple of weeks ago. He's stubborn as a donkey, but to make a long story short, he's getting better. Please say a prayer for him.
My friend George's mom is still in the hospital after her car accident last week. Please keep her in your prayers. George is not on FB anymore, his boss snooped & he had a choice, quit or be fired. We have been keeping in touch thru personal e-mails.
Hugs, love & prayers to all who need them. That's all I can remember, being I missed 4 pages again. Take care all. TTFN
17/Nov/10 3:14 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed now. I'm tired and need some sleep. I just hope I can get some.
17/Nov/10 4:07 PM
qld, australia
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Good Afternoon my friends.
Tami, Rachel will always be a part of your family, love and hugs.
Thanks for the update on MizT and Al, Heidi. Sounds like a great day at NAILE, Robert is a good and smart friend, how is he going since his op?
Suzanne, Sudoku vibes to your friends.
Zusy, we had a Koala walk into the local bar near my place a year or so ago too. Hope you are feeling more comfortable with yourself.
Thinking of you all and all your friends and family.
17/Nov/10 5:09 PM
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Hello, Everyone! I hope all is well here in Sudokuland - and with your family and friends!
No time to read, but just a quick update:
Hubby's routine Dr. appt. this morning ran late, and we were driving from there to visit my nephew in the hospital (about 1.5 hours away) when we received a phone call from my sister. My nephew didn't do well overnight. By 5 a.m. they sent him for a CAT scan. He was continuing to decline and another CAT scan was done at 9. My sister called around 10:35 as he was being taken down to surgery so they could open his skull and relieve the building pressure. The doctor said it wasn't like a heavy bleed, more like oozing. They also found he has a skull fracture. The good news is that prior to surgery he had movement in all extremities. When they took him off the respirator Monday he was able to talk. When we saw him after surgery this afternoon, he appeared to be resting peacefully finally, so we didn't disturb him. His immediate family was told that the first 72 hours after such an accident are critical, so he still isn't out of the woods, but the doctor appeared to be positive. Prayers and positive thoughts are appreciated! Thanks!
Sending love, positive vibes, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you. We are so blessed to have this SA9A community! You're all in my thoughts and prayers!
Off to bed now! Good Night!
17/Nov/10 6:26 PM
qld, australia
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Oh Julie, hope that all goes the best way possible, hugs and positive healing Sudoku vibes for your newphew and all the family.
17/Nov/10 7:03 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Big sighs Julie. Mustering all the positive vibes I can right now. Come on nephew, it's all up to you now ♥
17/Nov/10 9:43 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Julie, remember, Marines are tough guys. He sounds like a fighter and I am sure he is going to fight with all his strength and be ok. I will be keeping him in my prayers.
Hugs and prayers going out to all who need them.
17/Nov/10 10:05 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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My boys realized last night that today will be the first day of their lives that they have not had a pet in the house. It is also the first time in almost 20 years that I did not have a pet. The house seems kind of quiet this morning.
17/Nov/10 10:06 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
Julie, sending positive thoughts your nephew's way.
Heidi, thanks for the updates about Al and MizT. Glad you enjoyed the exhibition.
Suzy, woohoo. I need to lose weight ... if only I didn't like food so much.
Suzanne, sending positive thoughts to Debbie's father and George's mom.
Off to have my second cup of coffee. Help yourself ......
17/Nov/10 10:21 PM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, I still think about my dog Princess, who died in 1996. She used to follow me around everywhere. It took a long time to get used to not having her there. I am thinking that maybe when I retire I might get a smallish dog, one that gets along with cats. With the arthritis in the low back and hips, it wouldn't be fair to get a large dog that I might not be able to walk every day. Time will tell.
17/Nov/10 10:24 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Thanks for the coffee Theresa. I am enjoying it with my bagel. Exciting breakfast.
17/Nov/10 10:51 PM
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