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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Cockatoo Vic AU
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Wonderful news about Al, he will be so relieved.
June, I'll pass that hug on to hubby when he eventually gets up. And now, to get dressed and take Hannah to school.
Catch you all later xoxo
18/Nov/10 8:22 AM
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Wonderful news for Al. And Tricia. I imagine he will keep her busy but so much easier than travelling to the hospital.
18/Nov/10 8:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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This is a day for major good news, all right. First Julie's nephew, then Al. Let's hope we get another, since good things come in threes.
18/Nov/10 8:30 AM
Small Town Canada
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Definitely good news today! June is right, MizT's work will still be cut out for her, but at least there is a lot less running around. I find that it's the running around that tires me out.
Just got home from my daughter's about 15 minutes ago. I guess the grandies have been told about KitKat because I hear a lot of crying. Hubby will dig a grave after supper and we will have a burial ceremony in our back yard then. We are not supposed to bury animals in our yards, but the vet let my daughter take KitKat home. Unfortunately it's raining and quite windy. The heavens opened up when I was waiting for the school bus.
Time to fling food. Hugs to every one.
18/Nov/10 8:46 AM
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Hello everyone, hope you're all well.
Sending hugs to all who need them. ♥
Good news from Julie and Al - how wonderful!
Last few days I've had a bad back that has left me teary and pathetic. Yesterday I braved the new train station and took myself off to the City (Melbourne). Had lunch with Rob and my sister, then sister and I went to a movie - haven't laughed so much in ages! A very dark comedy "Wild Target", but so much better than I expected - we came away smiling, which is always good. :)
And that's all fom me ... :)
18/Nov/10 9:01 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Gosh, you've been a chatty lot overnight!! Now where to start?
Suzy has lost 1kg -that's great (I'm going to have to address that issue myself!)
Al's going home - wonderful news for both him and MizT, woohoo!
Julie's nephew is conscious and even walking - more woohoo!!
Gail's hubby has hayfever - I feel for him, I don't suffer much these days but the high school I went to had jacarandas all around and I would suffer every year and it would always be exam time!
Big hugs to those who've lost animals, have sick animals or are remembering ones that have gone.
Thursday today - off to visit Mum.
18/Nov/10 9:19 AM
Small Town Canada
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KitKat's ceremony has been postponed to the weekend. Too much rain tonight. The grandies are also drawing pictures and gathering little treasures that they want to include in the grave.
I think it will be an early night for me. Did a lot of running around for my daughter today and my back is aching. She is really sore ... I wish they would hurry up with the surgery - still no word. She could barely walk today.
Let's hear some more good news, people!
18/Nov/10 10:03 AM
Stevenage UK
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Theresa, the Royal wedding may not be a public holiday as prince William is not the heir to the throne, he is second in line to the throne. As such they can choose to have whatever they want.
18/Nov/10 10:50 AM
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MizT, great news about Al, with your beckground I'm sure you'll have no trouble with the IV, especially the newer ones.
June, I caught a sideways glimpse of the tree on Sunday night but didn't have time to go in for a proper look. It sounds magnificent!
18/Nov/10 11:16 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning all.
Good News I see.. Trica's Al, Julie's Nephew..
Bad News.. KitKat :(
Continuing Hugs to all and Sundry. ♥
18/Nov/10 11:24 AM
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Theresa, I wish quality of life was a consideration when scheduling so-called elective surgery.
18/Nov/10 11:33 AM
Small Town Canada
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It's true, Suzy. It's so hard to see my daughter today in total pain and there's nothing I can do about it.
18/Nov/10 11:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa... Is she at least going to a Pain Management clinic while waiting for surgery? I swear by Pain Management clinics. Before I ever went to one, I thought "I don't want to manage the pain, I want to get rid of it", but since then realized that this is the best answer until they can figure out how to get rid of it.
18/Nov/10 1:24 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone.
Tricia, I am glad that Al is coming home and in less pain. My thoughts are continuing for him and you.
Heidi, enjoy your quiet time and thanks for the updates.
Theresa, my thoughts are with you. Even thought KitKat did not live in your house, he became yours. It is a hard decision to make but I am sure it was the right one.
18/Nov/10 2:18 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Mitchell and Dylan both won their first playoff game. Mitchell plays in the championship game tomorrow night. Dylan plays on Friday night and if he wins there is another game Saturday. There are only 4 teams in Mitchell's division and they are playing a single-game elimination tournament. His team will be either first or second. Dylan had a lot more teams so more games are needed.
18/Nov/10 2:20 PM
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Good maEn everyone!!
TTT: I wish we could have talked longer today...glad you called. So sorry to hear about Rachel...she was a good girl!
Theresa: Sorry to hear about Kit Kat...
Sending continuing prayers for all who need them.
That's all I can remember for now, TTFN
18/Nov/10 2:31 PM
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TTt: congrats to the boys for winning their games!
18/Nov/10 2:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off to bed early. My back is feeling a LOT better now, and I think that I'll get a good night's sleep tonight. Finally.
18/Nov/10 3:05 PM
qld, australia
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Good Afternoon my friends.
Glad to hear some good news from Zusy, MizT, Julie and Heidi.
Theresa thinking of you and your family.
18/Nov/10 5:50 PM
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Good Evening, All - I'm starting my reading at page 431 to try to get caught up.
Update on my nephew: they had him walk a bit more today. He had a little bit of Pepsi and a few bites of REAL food, but said he didn't feel hungry. My sister says he's having some problems thinking of words and stringing words together - called aphasia.
Hi, Suzy, Theresa, Broni, Tami, Heidi, Brenda, Vicki, Gail, CynB, Rolanda, Suzanne, Nola, June and Judy!
Suzanne, sending positive vibes and prayers for your friend Debbie's father and your friend George's Mom!
Heidi (and MizT's sister, of course), thank you for the continued updates on Al and MizT! I'm SO glad they finally got the feeding tube out and replaced with one that is hopefully now positioned correctly!
MizT, I hope Al is soon feeling better and both of you are getting enough rest! I can hardly believe that he's coming home - probably already home and sleeping in his own bed! With the decision being made so quickly, I hope you had everything ready for his return home!
June, sending positive vibes and prayers for your friend and hope that the treatments continue to work as they're supposed to! You and Laura had a very exciting but long and tiring day! WOW, what a price for one apricot!
Suzy, listen to your body, not your Mum! You need your rest and you need to take care of you! Congratulations on the weight loss!
Theresa, I hope you will soon be able to get a full and restful night of sleep without the arthritis pain interrupting!
Heidi, I'm so glad you and Robert were able to get to the Red Angus show! It sounds like it was just what you needed! I hope you are now feeling better and sleeping better!
Tami, you and your family must have had an amazing relationship with Rachel! I'm so glad she was able to be at home listening to your hubby's kind words and feeling his caresses when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge!
Theresa, such sad news about KitKat, who has lived a good long cat life! I can't imagine having to give a cat medication twice a day! Certainly hope it was easier than with our cats, who have only needed occasional medication. I was just thinking of KitKat crossing the Rainbow Bridge and meeting Rachel. Imagine that our 4-legged family members get to meet before we do.
Gail, I hope your hubby's hay fever subsides and he doesn't have another night like he had! Thinking of him and hoping his seasonal allergies will soon improve!
Judy, I'm so glad you had a fun day in the city with Rob and your sister! The movie sounds interesting! I hope your back will soon be feeling better!
Cyn, I hope your visit with your Mum was enjoyable for both of you!
Theresa, sending hugs for your D and hope for her to experience less pain soon!
Heidi, I hope you enjoy the peace and quiet while IH is away! With the meds helping out, I hope you will soon be sleeping through the night!
Tami, congratulations to Dylan and Mitchell and their baseball teams! Great night for them!
18/Nov/10 6:04 PM
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This is what was left off the previous post - and a good way to start a new one!
Sending positive vibes, prayers, love and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for everyone and extras for all who could use the extras! You're all the best! Blessings to all of you!
It's after 1 a.m. and I really need to get some sleep. Good Night!
18/Nov/10 6:06 PM
qld, australia
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Tami, how are the boys coping without Rachael?
Dag, can empathise with hubby. Do you want me to burn off the pollens for him?
Hope you back is feeling better Judy, the day out should have at least taken your mind off it for a while.
June, you deserve a medal or at least a good rest, you are so busy.
Suzanne, you have not told us how you are.
18/Nov/10 6:06 PM
qld, australia
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Hi Julie, Bye Julie! So how are you???
18/Nov/10 6:09 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Julie - thanks, my visit to Mum today was good, she was happy and chatty with us - my sister went too. But she looked at the new top I was wearing and said 'That's nice, did your mother make it for you?' I said 'You're my mother!' - to which she looked puzzled. I'd worry but she was delighted, as usual, to see me, so she hasn't really forgotten me.
18/Nov/10 6:48 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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My son is a free man - his divorce was granted yesterday. Normally that should not be reason for celebration, certainly not for their girls, but for me I am delighted to be rid of her!
Does anyone else have a daughter-in-law that doesn't like them? I've told him, next time to make sure that she likes me. I don't know what I did to make this one hate me. My son-in-law loves me.
18/Nov/10 6:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hubby started working at 4AM this morning and it's now 6PM and he's still going! I've had to rethink dinner, was going to get him to barbecue some steak but know he won't feel like it now so I'll do something different. Maybe a quiche.
18/Nov/10 6:56 PM
qld, australia
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She just has no taste Cyn.
18/Nov/10 9:06 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all ... coffee is brewing. Off to feed the cats and then grab a coffee so I can read the posts.
18/Nov/10 9:08 PM
Small Town Canada
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Heidi, no, my daughter is not going to a pain management clinic at the moment. She is on painkillers which make her groggy.
Tami, congrats to the boys!
Julie, good news about your nephew! How are you doing?
Cyn, I remember when my mom used to forget who I was. It was a bit disconcerting to say the least, especially those times when I was my brother or her mother! I don't have a DIL, but my SIL is super and I think he likes me (or at least he pretends to). I personally think your ex-DIL (woohoo) has missed out on getting to know a great person - YOU. As Broni said, she has no taste.
Gail, hope your hubby got a good night's sleep!
There, I have finished the reading. It's amazing how that first cup of coffee in the morning tastes sooooooo good.
18/Nov/10 9:28 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, the boys are coping well. We could see that the end was near and told them Monday we didn't think she would make it through the week. My hubby just had a feeling. This is the first time in their lives they have not had a pet.
Julie, glad to hear nephew is walking a little and eating a little. That seems like really good news.
Cyn, I have known several people who have not got along with their in-laws. I don't think it is anything you did, it sounds like her loss.
18/Nov/10 10:06 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, the first cup always tastes the best. Mine is set up and I will turn on the coffee maker in a few minutes.
18/Nov/10 10:07 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning Tami. Have a great day today!
Hope Heidi is sleeping well .... finally.
18/Nov/10 10:11 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, I hope your day goes well also. I am now enjoying the first cup.
18/Nov/10 10:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Everybody!!! I had a wonderful nights sleep.... laid down and was out like a light. Methadone is definitely a miracle med.
18/Nov/10 11:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa.... Why don't you have her look into it with her doctor? Before I started at Pain Management, I was on loads of painkillers which made me groggy, but only took the edge off the pain (at high dosages). It was no way to live, and I was seriously thinking about suicide. At one point, I couldn't get out of bed for a month. I told my GP that unless we found another way to go, I was going to end it. That's when she sent me to Pain Management. Now I go through the epidurals, and get meds that most doctors cannot prescribe, but don't have the groggy side effects. I have my life back. I am still in some pain, but it's bearable after what I've been through. Unless I run out of meds.
19/Nov/10 12:03 AM
Alabama, USA
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HI, popping in without reading. I did see that Heidi and my sister got the good news to you, AL IS HOME! One correction on the post, it is the dressing on the PICC line that must be changed in one week. it is fiddly with a lot of parts, including an antibiotic " button" that goes around the site of insertion. I am not good at fiddly hehehe.
I had to give the antibiotics at 10 pm and again at 6 am before I got my instruction from home health. Nurse at hospital showed me how to do, and I only have one question for the nurse coming out. I have antibiotics, saline flush and heparin flush to give, would like to make sure I am doing in the correct order. I know the heparin goes last, to keep the line free of clots. Good thing I remember the check your order, check your medication twice to be sure it is correct. Pharmacy had the dose wrong.
Al and I do dressing changes daily on the old feeding tube site, more often if it leaks. The new one is not leaking, all is well there.
I would love to go back to bed, but since I do not know when the nurse is coming, best stay awake. Maybe dose in my recliner??
I should hunt up summer clothes, Al is cold and has the heat up so high I am sweating. I checked him for fever, nope, just cold.
Hope to get back to read later, hugs to all,
19/Nov/10 12:43 AM
Small Town Canada
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Yay, MizT and Al are home, and Heidi got a good night's sleep. I love good news.
Heidi, I will mention it to my daughter, but I don't know how she would get there (Ottawa). Her hubby cannot take time off to drive her there and back. But it is definitely worth looking into.
19/Nov/10 12:55 AM
Stevenage UK
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Great to see MizT back, hope Al feels a lot better in his own bed.
Theresa I hope your daughter can get some proper pain management, either that or her op brought forward.
Hope everyone else on the sick list makes rapid recoveries.
19/Nov/10 1:20 AM
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Good Maen everyone!
Good news about everyone healing...Thanks for the positive thoughts for George's mom & Debbie's dad Gene. Gene is getting better. Not sure about George's mom, haven't heard from him in a few days.
I am doing fine. Tired tho. Darrell had a tooth extracted yesterday, slept terribly (me too) but we're getting by.
I sent a request (on FB) to my friend Nancy (who I worked with in California at Prudential) and she e-mailed me back this morning. So good to hear from her. She was a lot of fun to work with (and hang out with).
Not much else going on here. Looking forward to the week away next week. We both need it.
That's it for now, TTFN
19/Nov/10 2:39 AM
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Hi Suzanne, enjoy your week away.
How wonderful that Al is back home. And Tricia, heed the advice you give others and take care of yourself. Al will need you fit and well.
Went to my sisters for dinner last night. We had a lovely dinner but I did not sleep well. Woke up hot and achy. Then dreamt rubbish. Most annoying!
19/Nov/10 5:39 AM
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