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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Good morning. I will turn the page with the wish that it will be a happy page with lots of love and friendship.
14/Dec/10 5:35 AM
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Morning all,
I had a good day yesterday!! Lunch with friends, a visit from another friend who came bearing flowers and a healthy food cook book. Then dinner and dominos with family..
14/Dec/10 7:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It sounds like just the perfect day for you, Suzy. Just what you needed.
14/Dec/10 7:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I had a nice nap.... I was exhausted after yesterday's exertions. I'll have to go back outside to check the water for the horses and birds, hook up my livestock trailer
, then I'll probably go back to sleep. I'm SO glad that everything was cancelled for today. I have to be up very early to load up the steer at 7 am, and take him to the custom butcher
. The roads will be in good shape by then.
14/Dec/10 7:39 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, your birthday sounds perfect. Lots of fun, lots of easy time and plenty of love and laughter.
Was the dominos the game or the pizza?
14/Dec/10 10:00 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Gail, have a wonderful time in Adelaide. S is in good hands with Hannah at the helm.
14/Dec/10 10:01 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone. Mitchell says thank you for all the birthday greetings. He enjoyed his dinner at Hooter's. I have a batch of brownies in the oven for him right now. That is his choice of birthday cake. Tomorrow is supposed to be really cold. There is supposed to be a low of 34 degrees (1.1 c) That is cold for South Florida. Only 4 more days and I get a 2 week vacation.
14/Dec/10 10:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My friend called me this afternoon. We may not be friends for much longer. She started freaking out about her missing daughter again, and I told her that I'd received an email from her (not divulging anything important), and that she said that she was OK for the time being, and sounded calm. My friends started screaming that the email wasn't from her daughter, but from my friends estranged sister who is holding her daughter prisoner! Then she demanded that I sign up for Facebook so I can spy on her daughter! I said no, politely, and she hung up on me. I don't know how much more I can take of her behavior. She's never been very stable, but she's lost it now.
14/Dec/10 11:36 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, how is your friend going to react if her daughter comes to live with you?
14/Dec/10 11:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Not well, but I think the daughter needs me more. A LOT more.
14/Dec/10 12:12 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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It sounds like she does. How old is the daughter?
14/Dec/10 12:23 PM
Magnolia, KY
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She just turned 18, officially. In reality, she's about a year younger. She came from a Russian orphanage with horrible records. Nobody knows her background or actual birthdate, and they go by the guessed age on her paperwork. The doctor who first checked her out here figured she was a year younger than the orphanage said she was.
14/Dec/10 12:36 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi,If she is 18, she can do what she wants as she is a legal adult. It is good to know that she has a friend like you to turn to for support. You have one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know of.
14/Dec/10 12:38 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Night all. See you all in the morning.
14/Dec/10 12:49 PM
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Heidi, I have to give a bit of a mother's perspective, I was frantic! A friend of mine said her daughter did the same thing and she just pulled her car over to the side of the road and screamed... We all go a little nuts even when we try not to show it. And facebook is often the only way we know what is going on in Ebob's life. It's how we found out that she had broken up with Three and was moving out, for example. Without it we would have assumed that she was still living with him because nobody would have told us any different. We didn't have to ask anyone to sign up though as my mother and Ally are still her friends. In fact, some of my sudoku friends are probably still her friend from when she used to farm.
Depending on how she has her privacy settings one of us may even be able to see her page without being her friend. Young people whose parents don't know much about the privacy settings often have their pages set so that anyone can see them...
14/Dec/10 1:19 PM
Perth W Aust
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Suzy, Ebob has her Privacy set to 'Friends only'! I cant see her wall!!
14/Dec/10 1:50 PM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
Mum went home yesterday afternoon.. she is soso.
Tomorrow she has another appt with the eye surgeon.
On Thursday Br Clinic Appt, it has been 12 months since that op!
and Yes, I am taking her to both appts.
This eve Hubby and I, are out to dinner, and a cruise on the canals in Mandurah, and view the Chrissy lights on the houses. Going with my sister's travel club group.
Friday eve, Sister's 40th Wed Anniv. Dinner at a Winery in the Swan Valley.
Today, catch up on things that have been neglected but are in desperate need of being done.
14/Dec/10 1:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... I understand what you're saying, but the circumstances are quite different here. The mother has never been emotionally stable and should never have been allowed to adopt. I tried to talk her out of it at the time. She wanted an idealized version of a mother-daughter relationship, and couldn't handle it when reality happened. The girl has been subjected to years of emotional abuse, and my relationship with the mother has become quite strained as I've tried to talk to her about it. The mother has deeply regretted adopting her, and has voiced it repeatedly. The daughter has had a lifetime of behavioral problems because of it, but I don't think they're deeply ingrained from the way that she's responded to kind words and hugs from me. If it would make you feel better, I can PM you her name so you can look on Facebook.
14/Dec/10 2:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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BTW... my friend does not know who a single one of her daughters friends are! She has NEVER known who any of her friends are. Does that sound right to you?
14/Dec/10 2:08 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Heidi, how terribly sad for that young girl. Unfortunately that idealised mother-daughter relationship mostly only happens on tv. I don't have that sort of relationship with my mother - never have and never will.
14/Dec/10 4:00 PM
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Rolanda, have a fantastic time tonight, I'm a bit green because it sounds wonderful! The next couple of days sound a bit hectic though... hugs <3
Heidi, I could have a look and see what her settings are. Did the mother say she regretted adopting her daughter in front of her? If she did I'm surprised she hung around this long.. A young boy next door, being raised by his grandmother, is hated by his aunt and treated badly by his cousins, aunt has never hesitated to say what she thinks within his hearing. It's starting to show now as he rebels a little. He was always a sweet kid to me..
14/Dec/10 4:03 PM
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BTW, his aunt and cousins live in the same house, he and his grandmother are in the granny flat.
14/Dec/10 4:05 PM
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Forgot to answer your friends question - I don't know how that could even be possible when you live in the same house as someone and have even one conversation a week...
14/Dec/10 4:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I just sent you her name. And yes, the mother HAS told her that she wishes that she'd never been adopted. Having been unwanted myself, I really feel for the daughter. I hope she gets back with me and we can have a heart-to-heart. She did say that it will be a few days before she contacts me again.
14/Dec/10 4:15 PM
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I'm exhausted and aching.Getting a bit old to dance around doing YMCA and In The Navy. Went over well though.
Ken went out to lunch with some ex work mates. Home he is home in time to drive and pick up Laura. I keep going to sleep in front of the pooter.
14/Dec/10 4:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Thanks, Suzy. I'm glad that she has good privacy settings.
14/Dec/10 4:26 PM
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June, I hope you have pictures or videos!! I hope he's home in time too, a little nag over the phone maybe?
14/Dec/10 4:26 PM
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Vicki, dominoes the game, no pizza for me anymore, well maybe as an occasional treat, we played Texas 42 as well as regular dominoes...
14/Dec/10 4:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Everybody. I've been playing at the computer too much this evening and have to do a few quick chores before going to bed. I need to be up in 6 hours.
14/Dec/10 5:00 PM
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Good Evening, Everyone!
Happy Birthay,
Mitchell! Hope it's a great day and you have cake
to follow your wings dinner! Happy Birthay!
Hi, CynB, Gail, June, Theresa, Suzy, Brenda, Rolanda, Broni, Tami, MizTricia, Heidi and Vicki!
Gail, thank you for letting us know about Mikayla! RIP, Mikayla!
We all saw the CEO of Hooters on Undercover Boss. I agree that the manager should have been fired, not just sent to a class. On the other hand, how many millions of people saw what a jerk he was!
MizT, I'm glad your D had a chance to see/feel snow again! Keep up the good work with Al. Making sure he gets some nourishment and plenty of sleep will no doubt help him on his road to recovery!
Heidi, what a special person you are to offer your friend's D an opportunity to stay with you! I don't want to seem too surprised, but the same goes for IH in this instance!
Suzy, your birthday celebration sounds perfect! I hope it was a happy one!
Tami, Mitchell has a good idea - brownies instead of birthday cake! I hope he enjoyed the day! Woo Hoo! Winter break is almost here for you and the boys! I hope the weather warms up!
Heidi, I wish you, your friend, and your friend's D all the best and hope there is a way to sort it all out! I'm concerned for all of you. Is your friend open to getting some help? It seems like she needs to get herself together if there is any hope of her D going back.
Rolanda, I'm glad you and hubby will be doing something for yourselves! Good luck to your Mum with her upcoming appointments!
June, I'm so glad your entertainment went over so well at the party! Yes, that would be tiring! I hope Ken got home on time to pick up Laura!
Looks like I need to head off to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day, as we haven't had a moment to buy the supplies or get ready for the party. If I make it here tomorrow, it will be late, and I'll probably be quite tired. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night, Everyone!
Sending some prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
for everyone! Good Night!
14/Dec/10 5:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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No, Julie, she isn't open to help. At all. Of any kind. She screamed at me, saying it was impossible, when I brought up the subject.
14/Dec/10 5:22 PM
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Heidi, ask her if she wants a stroke like me..
14/Dec/10 5:35 PM
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I wish I knew the right word to describe this - Nestle is buying Jenny Craig...
14/Dec/10 6:49 PM
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I broke the site! I'm exhausted and achey tonight too, though not from dancing around. I had been talking to my friends about the stuff Mum is saying over the phone, including how much I need to do housework for exercise... one of my wonderful friends came over and spent the day with me helping me clean my house. I couldn't sit while she was working so here I sit tired and sore. The new swishy thing hasn't stopped today either. Off to veg I think.
14/Dec/10 6:54 PM
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You've seen the email with the dueling church signs, well there's dueling posts going on over on facebook - the girl's excuse is she is a child, but the other is a mother defending her daughter, never a good idea..
14/Dec/10 7:51 PM
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I had a bit of a nap before hubby came home. Have Laura and we just had a walk down the street to look at a couple of houses with some lights up. A bit hot and steamy.
I have put up a photo of the Village People. A little bit big but I will remove it in a couple of days!
14/Dec/10 9:13 PM
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Great photo June!
14/Dec/10 9:52 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Enjoyed the photo June. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
Good morning all. It is cold here. It is 38 (3 c). Mitchell is on his bus and he dressed warm. Layered his shirts and wore his baseball socks. They are the only socks he owns that go above his ankles. It will help protect his legs. Dylan has a concert tonight. He is in the school recorder club and loves it. I will try to get back later.
14/Dec/10 10:06 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Suzy - Nescafe/Jenny Craig - doesn't sit right does it??
June - loved the pics! You all looked like you were having fun. I must admit that whilst I could do all the actions for YMCA when it came out in the 70's, I'd just get mixed up these days!!
14/Dec/10 10:16 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I live in South Florida where it is not supposed to get cold. There are record lows all over the area and the wind chill is in the 20's (-1 to -2) That is not Florida weather!!!!!
14/Dec/10 10:20 PM
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