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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - I'm so pleased that you've had a good week and, better than that, to hear you talking positively again. Big hugs that things continue to get better and better! WooHoo!! xoxo
Maddie and I are off to do some shopping. Ciao!!
17/Dec/10 12:10 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Sounds like a lot of people are having fun and celebrating. I have less than 24 hours until I am free for 2 weeks. I guarantee tomorrow will be a crazy day at school.
17/Dec/10 12:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good luck at the meat draw. May your good week continue.
17/Dec/10 12:38 PM
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You guys are great!
Tami, I wish you were getting 6 weeks off like the teachers are here - but then you wouldn't get your long summer break.
17/Dec/10 12:42 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Suzy, it sounds like you are having a wonderful week and it's well deserved after the last few months. Enjoy your dinner out with your hubby!
17/Dec/10 3:01 PM
Fernlands Qld
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After work this afternoon I have to get myself organised. Pack some clothes, organise sheets and towels, see what I need to take from the kitchen, grab some champagne and then I'm ready.
Beach here I come!
17/Dec/10 3:02 PM
Fernlands Qld
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I'll take this opportunity to say -
Merry Christmas Everyone
I hope you have a wonderful day with lots of love, fun, friends and family.
I wish all my friends a happy and healthy 2011.
17/Dec/10 3:05 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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May the sun shine on you Vicki
17/Dec/10 3:33 PM
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Sunshine and cool breezes your way Vicki!
17/Dec/10 4:15 PM
Fernlands Qld
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Thank you all for your best wishes and I'll catch up again in 2011 (unless I get one of those dongle thingies for my laptop).
17/Dec/10 5:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Have a great time, Vicki. Just think of us in the Northern Hemisphere, suffering with all this cold, snow and ice, and you'll appreciate the beach even more.
17/Dec/10 5:28 PM
qld, australia
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Have a great time Vicki, opps Heidi just said that but have a great time anyway.
WB Dag, missed ya smiling face.
Zusy, you go girl, time to kick your heals up and celebrate life.
MizT, sorry for swearing, should I go to the naughty corner?
Another hot humid day but now the week is over whoo hoo!
17/Dec/10 5:48 PM
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Good Very Early Morning, Everyone!
It's nearly 1 a.m. and I'm fading fast. MizT did a great summary of page 471, so I'm just going to agree with her!
WOW! Some pretty amazing storms for many of the DUGs yesterday/today, except Rolanda who is expecting very warm temperatures.
Broni, I hope the storm abated and you didn't need to make contact with a mop!
June, I hope your tooth is feeling "rich!"
Gas prices in the US are also jumping higher! We'll see if they drop back after the start of the New Year!
Rolanda, I hope you get some rest and enjoy dinner out celebrating the anniversary of your Sis and BIL!
Brenda, I hope you dodge the winter storms again. Still keeping fingers crossed that your hubby's phone will be found and returned!
Tami, I hope you enjoy your last day before break! Do the Beasties have the same school calendar as you?
Theresa, is tomorrow also your grandies' last day?
MizT, boiled cookies are new to me as well! From what you say, Al's daughter might be congratulated after being consoled - for shedding her ex-boyfriend. Kind of like our D2 last year! So glad that episode is over! Hope she enJOYs her visit! I know, groan!
Heading to page 472.
17/Dec/10 6:07 PM
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Suzy, sounds like you have had another fantastic day! What a way to lead into the holidays! SO pleased for you! Enjoy your dinner and good luck in the meat drawing!
Vicki, I hope you have a wonderful beach holiday! Enjoy a hopefully sunny and pleasant Christmas. Wishing you a healthy Happy New Year, as well!
We're glad you're back, Gail!
Sorry, Folks, but I need to give in to slumber.
positive thoughts, prayers and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you! Good Night!
17/Dec/10 6:13 PM
qld, australia
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Goodnight Julie, sleep well.
17/Dec/10 6:20 PM
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Hello friends! Are you all ready for Christmas? :)
We just had a big storm - I was leaving the shops and got soaked to the skin ... at least it isn't cold! Also just found out I bought a book instead of a DVD ... people really should be more specific! (Ok, Rob says I should have read the list better ...) :D
17/Dec/10 7:15 PM
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Rob offered take-aways for dinner, and asked what I'd like ... I said "surprise me!" A few seconds later he said "Boo!!" very loudly ... and I nearly fell over ... hysterical laughter for 5 minutes ... wonder what we're having. Ah, the fun never stops here! :)
17/Dec/10 7:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Judy... The books are always better than the movie, anyways.
17/Dec/10 7:30 PM
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Heidi, that IS usually true - unfortunately I think he already has the book ... ah well, some lucky kid will get it for Christmas! :)
17/Dec/10 8:11 PM
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Yesterday I had to head off to the toy-shop to look at ... yep, you guessed it, toys! Rob needed a present for a kiddies charity gift - it's been a while, so I needed help from the young man on the counter. I was quite pleased when he looked at the trendy doll I'd picked, shook his head and pointed to a cheaper one, saying "this is better for that age". Then another mum pointed out another toy that "the kids really love!" and bingo, task complete! Hey, I wish all shopping was that much fun. :)
17/Dec/10 8:24 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
Victoria - hope you have a great time on the beach. (Says I as I sit here shivering in the cold weather!)
Julie, the grandies' last day of school is Dec. 23. This is the first time school has gone that long. Then they go back on Jan. 14 I believe.
17/Dec/10 8:39 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Vicki, I may have missed you but I hope you have a wonderful time at the beach. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.
Julie, yes the beasties have the same break I do.
Theresa, our school break is usually closer to Christmas than today. I guess the school board did not want to end in the middle of a week. We go back on Jan. 3.
17/Dec/10 10:02 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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aaargh! just lost long post...synopsis coming up!
17/Dec/10 10:44 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Got back early yesterday morning, long drive home due to traffic, lunch out with Scott, Beth and Hannah, then treatment time again!
Scott said Hannah did brilliantly, which came as no surprise, and all went well.
Was lovely spending time with my sis, and great to see Bill.
Met his friend, Val, and instantly fell in love. She and I had many chances for a quiet one to one chat and it couldn't be sweeter.
Sorry that is so shortened, the first one was more embellished, but I am fading fast. Love to all, catch you soon xoxo
17/Dec/10 11:16 PM
Alabama, USA
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Food Morning friends. I need coffee, anyone have a pot on already?
Daughter #2 was here again yesterday. We went out to do a touch of shopping and brought home BBQ plates for lunch. It was yummy, and I did not have to cook.
Weather was wet and warn yesterday, grey and cloudy all day. Cooler today, but I do hope the rain is gone.
ALs appetite has returned, but he still has trouble chewing some foods, his mouth is still unwell. He thinks he will be able to go to family christmas tomorrow, I do hope he can make it. At least he is well enough I could leave him if he chooses not to go, so I do not have to miss.
Today is finish wrapping a few things, and fling some food for tomorrow. My contribution is to be the green bean casserole and perhaps another vegetable, cause hubby will not eat green beans now. In hospital he was served green beans once and sometimes twice a day.
Sloshy thing is sloshing, hope I can hang the majority out, if not, they go in the second bathroom on the shower rod, hanging on hangers. I prefer outside in sun though. We will see.
Yes, you guessed right about Joy's fiance, I do not think anyone was thrilled with that. He was not working, and then did not do even his share at home, let alone taking up some of the slack cause he was home all day. Pretty much a leach, and keeping Joy in debt. But she loved him, so it is hard for her still. OH, she also stopped smoking! We are so proud of her, 47 days smoke free now!
Off to make me some coffee, hugs to al with extras.
18/Dec/10 1:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gail.... that's such good news about Bill. I'm glad he has found such a sweet companion. My FIL has also found a wonderful companion and I couldn't be happier for him.
18/Dec/10 1:43 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Merry Christmas all.I have just been so busy that I don't know if I am Arthur or Martha.
It was nice to read some pleasant posts from you guys.
So sorry that I missed your birthday Suzy,you sound really happy with your past weeks events.
Gail..pity your Adel.trip couldn't be longer.Glad you had a good time catching up with everyone and all went well at home
MizT..I also haven't heard of boiled cookies.Hope Al makes it to the family get-together with a good appetite.
Heidi..b***er about the water leak.Hope no structural damage is done.Bet the baby birds are gorgeous.
Judy..had to laugh at hubby scaring you.
Victoria...have a wonderful holiday at the beach.They are predicting more rain and storms,hope you see lots of sunshine.
Tami...Enjoy your 2 week school break.I'm sure you will.
Broni & are you coping with all this rain? I couldn't believe the size of the hail stones down at Logan.Already our rainfall average for summer is a record high but at least a lot of dams are full.
Rolanda & Theresa..your busy lives must give you a lot of pleasure knowing you are helping others.
Julie..hope all is good at your place and that goes for all who visit here!!
Catch you later.
18/Dec/10 4:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Please don't faint, anybody, but I just got the Christmas tree up!!! It hasn't been decorated yet, but this is a great start.
18/Dec/10 5:19 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, if I were closer I would come help you decorate your tree. I just love Christmas trees!
18/Dec/10 6:54 AM
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Morning all,
Another good day yesterday. I wore the shirt my friend nagged me into accepting as a gift and everyone commented!
Ally got her hair cut, only a week late, but it's done now, we didn't win anything last night, but it was good to get out.
MizT, I hope Al makes it to the family christmas thing tomorrow. I'm glad his appetite is back. That was one thing the nurses talked about in hospital, many of the older stroke patients won't eat and so don't have enough energy to do the getting better stuff they need to do.
Gail, three cheers and hugs to Hannah!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn um, Nomnom says hi.
Judy, that sounds like a fun shopping trip! I used to love taking the kids toy shopping and watching what grabbed their attention... I like the sound of your hubby!
Tami, have a great break!! Hope you catch up on your 'Tami' time.
Heidi, great news about your tree, will you decorate it on Xmas eve?
Nola, have missed you! I hope things settle down a little for you until after the new year...
18/Dec/10 9:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm STILL on cloud 9 over the baby lovebirds
and Budgies
18/Dec/10 10:08 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Morning all.
Suzy - glad things are still on the up!
MizT - I, too, hope Al will be well enough to go to the party.
Heidi - glad those baby birds are giving you so much joy.
Nola - 3 storms, 3 days in a row. We live very close to Logan but only got a few big hailstones, must have petered out by the time it got to us. A young friend of my son's was driving onto the M1 and got hit by large hailstones. She said it was scary, but less damage to the car than she thought while sitting inside listening to it.
18/Dec/10 11:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm going to bed very early tonight. I'm really tired. I'll decorate the tree tomorrow.
18/Dec/10 1:34 PM
qld, australia
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Good Afternoon All.
Nola, you will always be Nola to me, don't think either Arthur or Martha really suit you hehe!
Zusy, things are look up whoo hoo!
Another whoo hoo for Heidi's baby birds.
Glad you are back safe and sound Gail.
MizT, hoping Al continues to improve.
Hi Judy, Theresa and TTT.
18/Dec/10 1:48 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Where is it that Vicki is holidaying?
18/Dec/10 2:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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All she said was to the beach. She didn't specify which one.
18/Dec/10 3:09 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks Heidi
18/Dec/10 3:40 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Just checking in briefly after a very busy day. Tomorrow will be a very busy long day! Wouldn't it be great if I had started writing Christmas cards, bought all of my Christmas gifts and wrapped them? Unfortunately, I haven't done any of those things. Oh, well!
Hi, Broni, Judy, Heidi, Theresa, Tami, Gail, MizTricia, Nola, Suzy, CynB, and all others I've missed or who haven't posted a comment on this page!
Judy, so sorry you got soaked, but as you said, at least it was warm! The shopping for toys sounded like it went well! Too bad about the book instead of the DVD! Great surprise from your hubby!
Heidi, I hope the baby birds are doing well and the sunroom has stopped leaking. With luck, it will be an easy fix once the snow is gone!
Theresa, Dec. 23 IS late for the last day of school, though it happened here occasionally. For parents, it might be good to have time to do things without their little ones under foot. I hope all is well there, and you're getting enough rest!
Welcome home, Gail! So nice you had an enjoyable visit with your Sis, Bill and his friend Val! So glad Bill is doing well! Congrats to Hannah for being such a wonderful substitute nurse!
MizT, I'm glad Al's appetite is improving, though his mouth is still sore! Hopefully there will be some improvement each day! Congrats to Joy for 47 days smoke-free! I hope you have a wonderful and enJOYable Christmas with your family! It might be a good diversion for Al!
So good to see you here, Nola! We have missed you! I really don't know how you find the time to do what you do and still read and post here! Hope all is well with your family!
Hooray! Heidi has her Christmas tree up! I'm sure it will look beautiful when you decorate it tomorrow!
Suzy, I'm so glad you accepted the blouse as a gift, especially since you've had so many complements! I'm glad you were able to get out last night, even if you didn't win any meat! You needed the time out of the house with hubby!
And now, I must head to bed. The next week or so will be "iffy" for my getting here to read and post, but I'll do my best!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and
to all of you! Good Night!
18/Dec/10 4:57 PM
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Has anyone heard from Viv?
18/Dec/10 4:57 PM
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Just in case some of you will be away from the page for a bit, I'd like to wish everyone a wonderfully Merry Christmas
and a prosperous, healthy and Happy New Year!
Blessings of the season to all of you!
18/Dec/10 4:59 PM
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