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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Small Town Canada
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And you've got a freezer full of meat, Heidi.
Thanks for checking on MizT. The weather hopefully didn't turn out to be as bad as predicted and Al was able to go for his treatment.
I have the youngest grandie here for a few hours - she now has that flu. It has worked through their family, she is the last. Hopefully I can avoid it. It's a different strain than what I had.
12/Jan/11 6:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I feel so much nicer after that shower. I don't have to go outside for a while (Cattlemen's meeting), and I don't HAVE to go there, either. The weather isn't bad enough to have the meeting canceled, but I'm not crazy about taking our long icy driveway in my 2WD truck. If IH makes it home in time, he can drive because his truck is 4WD. Otherwise, we'll have beef here.
12/Jan/11 7:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I tried her number again, after double checking it with information (to make sure I had the right number). There is still no answer there. I'll try again this evening.
12/Jan/11 7:37 AM
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Morning all,
Glad to come in this morning and see the northerners have been posting up a storm. Glad your mum got a bed Vicki, haven't heard that your hubby came home safely yet.
Cyn, glad you heard from your brother!!
Heidi, thank you for checking on MizT for us.
12/Jan/11 8:56 AM
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We took the dogs with us on our walk last night. We don't usually walk them, we go out to the back paddock and they run ahead, then back to us etc and so on. The lead experience is therefore a rare one for them. My legs are aching today! Hubby and I think we should take them with us all the time - we get a better workout, they get attention and exercise and it's win win all round.
12/Jan/11 9:01 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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We have one happy puppy today! She is lying in the squatters chair in the sun, her favourite morning pastime, unaware of the human tragedy unfolding around her.
Oh, to live a dog's life sometimes and be happy with the simple things like a sunny day, a full tummy, something to bark at and assert yourself over and some humans to toss a ball or two or give you a pat.
12/Jan/11 9:26 AM
Small Town Canada
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Cyn, sounds like the dog is giving you a bit of normalcy with all the chaos around you. Maybe doggie has forgiven you for bringing her all that rain!
Grandie went home and then I picked up the oldest from the bus stop. I am currently flinging food. Time got away from me this afternoon when I suddenly realized hubby will be home in half an hour and I hadn't started supper yet. My bad!
12/Jan/11 9:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Still keeping my thoughts and prayers with the people of Australia.
I have a busy night. It is my girls night out. Mitchell has Hebrew school from 7-9 so I meet a couple of the moms for coffee or some such. I am about to go pick up pizza for dinner. Don't know if I will be back tonight but I will see you all in the morning.
12/Jan/11 9:35 AM
qld, australia
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I have one happy puppy too, I get to stay home with her today, so no money for mummy. Oh well what joy, I get to start cleaning all the mould that is growing as I speak.
Opps good morning all.
12/Jan/11 9:40 AM
Small Town Canada
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Have fun, Tami! It's good for moms to get together now and then.
Good luck with the cleaning, Broni. A day without pay is not a good thing.
Suzy, glad you all had a nice walk last night.
12/Jan/11 9:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH called. He's on his way home and will be here in time for us to go to the Cattlemen's meeting. That means leaving in 15 minutes. I'm not dressing up, just dressing warm. It's snowing harder than before, and the roads could be treacherous. I'm dressing for the off chance we could get stranded.
12/Jan/11 9:44 AM
qld, australia
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Stay safe Heidi.
Shouldn't you be flinging food Theresa?
Enjoy your girls night out Tami.
Zusy, sun is shining here so will be a very humid day today.
12/Jan/11 9:55 AM
NW Brisbane
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Good morning all! Hubby is home and currently in bed asleep. You can read his exploits on easy.
#1 son went to work but there were 4 children and 3 child care workers so he came home again.
I've spoken to mum and she is ok (actually because her house is safe at the moment she sounded quite excited). Obviously she is concerned that she will get water into the house but at the moment it is still needs to rise a few metres before she has any concerns.
12/Jan/11 10:36 AM
Small Town Canada
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Broni, the food was cooking during my last post. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Just had a long talk with my daughter - they need financial help. I have been unable to find part-time work, so I will have to go to Ottawa to find full-time work through a temp agency. First I have to buy a few clothes - since I quit my last full time job in 2009 I've lost about 40 pounds and my "office" clothes from before are too big now. So I have to spend money (which I don't have) to make money. Does anyone see a vicious circle here? My daughter admitted that starting the beginning of February they either need financial help or they will have to declare bankruptcy. NOT GOOD. Our finances are tied to theirs because their names are on our house too. We can't afford to go into debt to help them out. It is what it is, but why can't it be something else this once?
12/Jan/11 10:38 AM
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An interesting site with satellite images of stuff going on around the world.
12/Jan/11 11:22 AM
Small Town Canada
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The waiting time for my daughter's surgery was 6-9 months ... it is now 9-12 months. My day is just getting better and better. Towards the end of this month will be the 6 month mark. To think I had been planning on taking early retirement this year!
12/Jan/11 11:27 AM
Small Town Canada
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Still thinking about my friends down-under. Whoever said that it puts our problems into perspective (I think it was Suzy) was right. So I have to go back to work again. It will all work out in the end.
I think I just talked myself out of a down in the dumps kind of time.
12/Jan/11 11:28 AM
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Good maEn everyone!!
Saying prayers for the down under folks!! PLEASE stay safe!! We topsiders care & worry!!
Broni: For mold (when I lived in Florida) we cleaned it with bleach solution & kept a product called "Damp-Rid" in the closets. It absorbs any excess moisture in the air & keeps the yucky stuff at bay.
Hope we get some news from MizT!!! I don't have contact info for her. Heidi: Let us know when you get in touch with her, I know you will.
Cold here, looking forward to spring!!
That's all from here, stay safe & well everyone!
12/Jan/11 12:13 PM
Alabama, USA
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HI EVERYONE, since Heidi phoned me (As evidenced by my caller ID) I am assuming you sent out the search party. We have been snowed in at the hospital and I did not have access to a computer. Somehow Heidi's name slipped off the "Al updates" list my sister does. HEIDI I must find said address and send to my sister, to get you back on it.
Nothing major with AL it looks now, but he was throwing up all day Sunday, and 2 hours before the roads got impassable with ice, he spikes a temp of 101.4. We have to phone the doc if a temp over 101, and she pretty much has to say, go to ER since she is not in her office to see him. Joy was here with us, she drove us up there. You should have seen us packing for 2 days for 3 people in less than 20 min. I did pretty good, remembered my cell phone charger, Joy did not and she LIVES to text. hehehe We took the other 140 minutes to slowly and carefully drive a normally 45 min trip.
I think we were one of the last private autos to bring a patient to ER, all I saw after that were ambulance gurneys bringing in sick people, no wheel chairs. The ER doc said he had pneumonia, and would be admitted. I was glad they kept him, good palace to be iced in with a sickie.
He is much better now, no more Nausea and vomiting, no more temp, blood work is looking good. His doctor has not seen him yet, she was checking on him via computer and phone to his floor nurses. She was Iced/snowed in at home and still is. Her PA, made rounds today for her today.
He is bored silly, and irritable. He has what could be normal post chemo inconveniences now, maybe that big bad bug going around. Just not sure, may never be, just treating it and he is feeling better.
OK< you know they chemo caused complaints are more than inconvenient, some of them hurt, but whatever they are, his doc has more than one thing to use to fix it. This is what we do to kill cancer.
I have not been worried, seem to know somehow he will be OK again this time, and the odds are heavy in his favor it is not what he had last time, with temp being down to normal in 24 hours. As long as it does not go up again. Not sure what he has, or when he gets to start radiation, we got to get him over this first, and I do not know definition of "over this".
OK, Honest this is the short version,
NOW I gonna go read and try to relax, I am beyond tired.
Hugs and love to all of you. Probably see you tomorrow.
BTW, same website if you want to send cards, same everything except room number and that is room 122. Do not make it a chore. Suzy or Heidi or Julie, could you or someone make that available again to anyone on here who did not save it?
12/Jan/11 12:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back from the meeting. There weren't many people there because of the weather. That and tonight was when the new club officers were nominated. That tends to scare away a lot of people.
12/Jan/11 12:39 PM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks for the update, MizT. We were worried about you!
12/Jan/11 12:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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SO glad you checked in, MizT. I was going to call you in a few minutes if you hadn't. At least I was right that you were at the the Hospital. I'll go look thru' my old PMs to find the hospital info.
12/Jan/11 12:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I did some searching. The link to send the cards to Al at the hospital is:
Sign it like we do here.... such as "Heidi from Magnolia, KY". You will need Al's last name (available via PM from me or one of many members) and Al's room number: 122.
12/Jan/11 1:05 PM
Alabama, USA
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Hunting a Julie summary, NO way I can read all pages tonight.
How are the Aussie floods?
Cyn, did you get water in your house? Is that the mold came from?
Anybody have news, hopefully good, or in need of support?
Who is sick with that big bad bug now?
I see why I did not get heidi, just her answering machine, she is at cattlemans over bad roads. Take special care, Heidi. Did you have snow, and not freezing rain I hope?
Suzanne, I am here, and if you PM me , I can later get info to you, or Heidi can share same. My sister really tried to find her addy on internet, could not sign in as me to post cause I forgot my password, or she miss tiped it, or did not capatilize ( is it case sensetive?)
I was soo glad I had 5 ready to go outfits hanging in my closet, picked the 3 best for lounging and sleeping in, took them coat hangers and all to suitcase. NEVER coat hangers in a hospital, know that from patient and staff side.
Teresa, even though it does not matter to AL, the treatment center was closed for 2 days, they not sure about tomorrow when the PA made rounds/ Teresa, " that flu" is which one, please? Just interested in flues that go through families, 4 of the 7 who caught the flu at our cheistmas party are have a second go round of it here 3 have been to doc twice. It leaves you exhausted for weeks, and that is one reason I am beyond tired from just 2 nights at Hospital.
OK< kind of read this page, HI to everyone else. and BIG HUGS.
HEIDI, I left a message on your machine, number you phoned from. I need to send you my cell phone, now that I keep it with me. well, if you have caller ID, cell is what I phoned from.
Hope no one worried much, but just a bit is nice, thank you
12/Jan/11 1:22 PM
qld, australia
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MizT, all us Queenslanders are safe as far as I know, the Brisbane river will rise to 4.5m this afternoon and 5.5m tomorrow morning and afternoon so we just have to wait and see. Vicki is probably closest to the river and she is OK.
Good to hear from you, have sent a card to Al.
12/Jan/11 1:42 PM
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MizT: Glad to hear all is well with you & Al...Sorry to hear he's been so sick with the nausea & fever. Saying prayers for him. BTW, with Darrell doing laptop work, I know that e-mail names & such ARE case-sensitive. I will PM you tomorrow or Thursday. I've got lunch/shopping plans with my friend Janet tomorrow, may not get on in the a.m.
TO ALL: Please stay safe, wherever you are!! Prayers & love for those who've lost friends/loved ones in the tsunami/floods...Also praying for those left behind in the devistating shooting in Tuscon, Arizona. The youngest victim was only 9 years old!! Please keep those folks in your prayers. TTFN everyone!!
12/Jan/11 1:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm tired and can't keep my eyes open. Off to bed.
12/Jan/11 1:58 PM
Alabama, USA
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WHAT tsunami? I am really out of touch!!
Nite nite Heidi, I did answer your PM, twice. first time, operator error, I am as tired as you! I now have your number in my cell. Will try to call you soon.
12/Jan/11 2:41 PM
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Theresa, {{{{hugs}}}}
MizT, glad you checked in! Passwords are definitely case sensitive - sticking a capital letter in the middle somewhere is one way to increase a password's security.
12/Jan/11 3:55 PM
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Our Christmas tree is finally down and all the knick knacks packed away. Only thing left to do is take it all out the back...
12/Jan/11 3:58 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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MizT - glad you checked in. Will try to send a card to Al later today.
The 'Tsunami' as our Emergency people called it was a torrential downpour that deposited so much water in the city of Toowoomba that it gathered in the central culvert/creek in the town, picked up speed, picked up all in it's way incl. cars/trucks/tanks until an 8 metre (25') wave of water and debris crashed down the mountain streams and flooded the valley below - killing many people, washing away houses, livestock, vehicles, roads, bridges - something absolutely unseen and unheard of in our history. That flood, combined with what has to be let out of the dam floodgates is now encroaching on Ipswich and Brisbane - causing the worst flood since 1974.
12/Jan/11 4:40 PM
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Hello and Good Morning! (Well, it's 1:30 a.m.) Thinking of everyone in areas that are flooded and praying for receding waters and relief!
Only going to take a few minutes to read page 501. The rest will need to wait until tomorrow.
Hi, Broni, Heidi, Suzy, CynB and Vicki!
Broni, thanks for letting us know you are OK!
CynB, also good to know that you are safe!
Vicki, so glad you're safe and your Mum has been moved to safety
Keeping all of Queensland - and NSW - in my thoughts and prayers! The extent of the flooding and devastation is amazing. Heidi is right; it's mind-numbing! Positive thoughts and prayers to all!
I hope MizT and Al are OK and not snowed in, but it's too late now to read the next 2 pages to find out.
I hope everyone awakes tomorrow to better news and weather reports!
12/Jan/11 6:33 PM
qld, australia
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Well high tide has come through Brisbane, not much real news and a lot of the mobile networks are down, power has been cut to Brisbane and a lot is under water, not much news about down river. River rose to 4.6m high tide was 1.8m, it is supposed to reach 5.5m tomorrow (3.2feet per m) Don't think Vicki will be able to contact us.
12/Jan/11 7:16 PM
qld, australia
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Count is now 12 deceased and 67 missing. Boats and pontoons have been ripped from their moorings and are crashing down the river damaging bridges, one of the ferries they are talking about sinking unless they can secure it. I cannot contact my friends and family due to the mobile network being down.
12/Jan/11 7:22 PM
qld, australia
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Posting from Easy
Hello all.
Here we go, Linda is fine and thanks all those who were worried about her.
On arriving back in QLD from the funeral she was unable to get home as we are totally cut off. She is staying at Caloundra with her mum and sister and BIL as they are stranded as well. Mum is in her 80's and has no internet so Linda is internetless and unable to post.
We are fine here although we have regular power outages and the local shop is out of a lot of staples like bread,potatoes,eggs and milk.
Linda and I wish to thank you all for your concern and she will be back home if all goes well on Sunday. Thanks and god bless.
12/Jan/11 7:27 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Mr. Grass Hopper, thank you for posting and letting us know that Linda is OK. There are a lot of people up here that are praying for the well being of all the Australians affected by the flood.
12/Jan/11 10:12 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, thank you for sharing the messages. I hope your family is OK and I know what it is to worry and not be able to contact them. My continued good thoughts going out to you and yours.
12/Jan/11 10:13 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Coffee is ready, Tami.
12/Jan/11 10:24 PM
Alabama, USA
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SUZI and Suzanne, thanks for the case sensitive info, that is why she did not get in here as me. and my From info was off a bit too. Sat at the computer tonight, had to sign on first time in forever and my fingers remembered where to go. Sis and I both should know that, we Do know that. but that bug we have had sucks out your brain cells when are tired.
Cyn, I found one news article, where official called it an "inland tsunami", instantly understood that with no further info. Same difference in use of language as the " inland hurricane" or " snow hurricane", describes it quickly. I feared Australia was hit by something like the Dec 26 tsunami and almost panicked till I found out. Thank heavens it was not something of that magnitude, although that is no consultation for those hit by this tragedy, and I do not make light of their needs and their suffering. They all will be in our prayers. We been doing a lot of praying here.
In my lifetime, to see two cities so well known world wide they can go by one name and be instantly recognized, New Orleans, Brisbane, well, I would not have believed it if someone told me as a child that was gonna happen. I do think the outcome will be so different in loss of lives, though, cause when the Aussies were told to evacuate, I am certain they did not sit and say I will go when the government comes takes me out. Neither did they wait for the government to find them a place to stay, Aussies are taking them in, family, friends, something the USA has somehow lost and Australia still has. Wonder if I am hardy enough to be an Australian in my next life???
OK, my intermission is over, back to bed for me. I am sleepy again. and for all the Aussies, may the greater power of your choice be with you to comfort and protect you as much as mine has comforted and protected me and AL. Huge Hugs to all with extras.
12/Jan/11 11:02 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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I have been glued with horror to the 24hr flood coverage ... mind boggling and totally incomprehensible. It is at times like this that I am so proud to be Australian.. the attitudes and the community spirit demonstrated by those facing this disaster is truly inspiring. There is no other way than to all bog in and work and care for each other... Then one has a reality check.. looters are creeping out of the woodwork.
It is good to see that you have all been checking in with updates and supporting one another in a way that is exemplary but oh so typical of this wonderful family of ours.
I'll be back with more personal news after this crisis abates.
Love you all heart]
Take care everyone. Big hugs.
12/Jan/11 11:16 PM
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