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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, Target is along the lines of Wal-Mart and K-Mart but a little nicer. I prefer Target. There is one near me and they have good prices.
Miz Tricia, I am sorry to disappoint you but I am a New Yorker by birth. Were I live in Florida is more North than South. You have to drive about 2-3 hours North to get South. I know that does not make sense but South Florida is really more Northern than Southern.
14/Jan/11 10:42 AM
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I thought so since I didn't save my post - I lost it!
Morning all,
I think of Target as a step up from KMart, but in our small town we only have Target Country which only carried clothing with some linen down the back so it's actually more like a step up from Best and Less.
I have 'liked' Queensland Police Service on the other page and their updates are great...
14/Jan/11 11:07 AM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks for the info, Heidi and Tami. I haven't gone to a Zellers in probably a few decades. BTW, the Walmart coming to our town will open on Jan. 28. We do go to Walmart in Ottawa or Brockville for kids' clothes, toys and pet supplies, so it will be nice to have one so close to home. My daughter doesn't get the kids' clothes at Walmart much, but I do because they're cheaper and not too badly made. The kids grow out of them before they wear them out.
14/Jan/11 11:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Shame on you! Were instead of Where!!!
14/Jan/11 11:15 AM
Small Town Canada
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Oh no, not the dreaded rolling pin. Run, Tami, run.
14/Jan/11 11:17 AM
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Bloody hell - I just read that Tasmania is flooding! Will it never end??
14/Jan/11 11:26 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, you and your rolling pin don't scare me. I have Harley and the Beastie Boys to protect me.
14/Jan/11 12:02 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, the news talks about some central Victoria towns being evacuated due to flooding. Do any of our Sudoku friends live in that area? When will this stop ..........
14/Jan/11 12:16 PM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, Harley could play "go fetch" with the rolling pin.
14/Jan/11 12:17 PM
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It's so humid all of our bread has gone moldy! We even have it in sealed containers to try to stop that..
14/Jan/11 12:19 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, Harley likes when we throw things for him, he just hasn't mastered the bring back part. He looks at us with a face that says, "you threw it, you get it."
14/Jan/11 12:22 PM
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Theresa, I'm doing a google map search to find out the names of the 2 rivers that go by my mother - she insists her area is fine, but she would say that as she still 'protects' me.
14/Jan/11 12:23 PM
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Okay, she is right near the intersection of the Edwards River and Billabong Creek, neither of which have been mentioned in any news stories I have seen. The towns mentioned are south of her so she might be telling the truth.
14/Jan/11 12:33 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Rosemary (Wangaratta) said on FB that it's heading their way - again. She's already been flooded twice in recent months.
But, did anyone see about Brazil?? 400 dead from landslides due to heavy rain. OMG!
14/Jan/11 12:35 PM
Small Town Canada
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Tami, I have a cat (Niles) that plays fetch, but only with a certain type of toy.
Suzy, one area tries to recuperate and then it hits another one. Mother Nature can be a cruel, cruel woman.
14/Jan/11 12:36 PM
Small Town Canada
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I was just reading about that, Cyn. 10 inches of rain in 24 hours and more rain through the weekend coming, heavy at times. The morgue is full and they have bodies covered lining the street. How sad, how sad.
14/Jan/11 12:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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These disasters have hit nightmarish proportions! What else can happen?
14/Jan/11 12:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm already falling asleep and it's only 9 pm. It's quiet without IH here tonight. He just called and said he won't be home 'til late tomorrow night.
14/Jan/11 1:04 PM
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Cyn, Queensland Police Service says resupply taking place across Brisbane today - I hope your son is on the list!! you could post under their post to make sure...
14/Jan/11 1:19 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, go to bed early and enjoy. I will be heading to bed soon. Hope the world is in a little better shape tomorrow.
14/Jan/11 1:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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One last thing before I go to sleep.... I tried to talk to IH about the flooding in Queensland, yesterday. He was totally uninterested, and got annoyed at me because I was upset about it. He figured that it didn't affect him, so it wasn't important. He is such a PIG. A MORONIC pig.
14/Jan/11 2:20 PM
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Had to change my avatar as I finally realised mine was almost the same as Colo Jim's - wonder how long he has had his?
14/Jan/11 2:35 PM
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Good maeN everyone!! 10 p.m. here, tired but wanted to check in & make sure things are getting better. I've been watching the news about Australia, Brazil (flooding there too), Mt. Etna erupted again...If memory serves, that is in Italy. Am I the only one who thinks Nostradamus may be correct??!! YIKES!!!! So much natural destruction, scary!!!! I just said to Darrell, what's next, an earthquake?? I shouldn't even SAY that!!! Heidi might get the rolling pin for me!!
TTT: Heidi (our dog) doesn't fetch either!!! She does the same as Harley!! Too funny!
That's all from Utah. Stay safe all!! TTFN
14/Jan/11 4:10 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, Yes I am back up at midnight, monitoring Al's temp. Temp is 100.9F. It has been in the 100's since 7 pm. I am desperate for ideas on reducing fever and prayers and good wishes are requested.
Posting without reading. Tricia and Al
14/Jan/11 5:18 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Suzy - it wasn't my son - he's high and dry and has been all along, it was my brother and members of his family. They got their food drop yesterday. My niece said they polished off the last of the wine last night - they need a wine drop!!! Jokes aside, they are OK but may not make it out until they stop releasing water from the dam which could be another 7 days, they have to get the level down to 100% in case of more rain.
14/Jan/11 5:40 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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My brother's 2nd daughter has had a worrying week, she let her 6 yo son go home with his grandparents (bro & wife) on Sunday and, of course, now he's stuck there - and for a few days their safety was unknown. Bet he'll get plenty of hugs as soon as she sees him.
She was lucky in another way as she moved last week from a house in an area that went under to a new place that is fine!
14/Jan/11 5:45 PM
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Good Night/Morning to all of you! It's past midnight. I've been working on the membership database of our club for over 4 hours and need a break!
I see we're up to page 506, but I need to start reading on page 503. I may only make it through 1 page again tonight.
Hi, Theresa, Heidi, Suzy, CynB, Tami, Broni, Vicki, Suzanne, MizTricia and Bean! (Keep in mind, I'm still reading 12 Jan., so if it sounds like I'm in the past, I guess I am.)
Theresa, I hope your younger grandie is feeling better and she doesn't share her flu with you!
Heidi, thank you so much for checking on MizT and Al! It's reassuring to know that someone has a way to contact her! I'm wondering if IH got home and the two of you went to the Cattlemen's meeting.
I'm glad that your mum found a safe haven, Vicki! What a relief to have your hubby safely at home and in bed after being called out to work a couple of nights ago!
Cyn, I'm so glad that you heard from your brother and all was well!
Suzy, what a good idea to take the dogs for a walk with you! It's good for you and good for them!
Cyn and Broni have happy dogs with better weather and human companionship! Too bad it came at a price of a missed day of work, Broni!
Tami, I hope you had a fun girls' night out while Mitchell had Hebrew School!
Theresa, what discouraging news you received from your D about finances! Are there any organizations in your area that collect gently used "professional" type clothing to be given to those in need? If so, that would at least help a little. How far is Ottawa from you if you will need to commute for work? Will your SonIL's mother be able to help out more with the grandies if you find a full-time job? Sending positive thoughts, prayers and {{{HUGS}}} your way for all to work out favorably! At least with the changing wait-time for your D's surgery, she's half-way through the estimated wait! Will she be able to get reduced rates for her surgery and related expenses?
What a relief to hear from MizT! And what a sweetie! MizT also send me a PM - must have read that I've been inundated with "work" and haven't had time to keep up-to-date myself! MizT, I hope Al is feeling much better! THANK YOU for the update that reached me via email! Life is crazy!
Heidi, I'm so glad you found the contact information! I haven't even had a minute to look! What would we do without the wonderful caring people on this site?
Broni, thanks so much for sharing Mr. Grasshopper's update! At least it sounds like things are OK. I wish you had a way to make contact with your family! Keeping everything crossed! Sending positive thoughts and prayers to everyone dealing with the weather, flooding and bushfires in Australia!
It was nice to see posts from Suzanne and Bean today - well, my today, but the end of Bean's 12 Jan.
It's getting close to 1 a.m. and I'm struggling to stay awake! I had really hoped to get through 2 pages tonight, but not going to make it. Well, only
14/Jan/11 5:49 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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There is something to be said for talkback radio. While I was out earlier, I heard a man ring in to say that his Bowls Club had gone under and they needed volunteers to help clean out all the silt, especially on the green, before it was ruined. Before he was finished talking, another man phoned in from a sports club in an un affected area and it was all organised - 15 able bodied men on their way. Hearing stories like that all over.
As Anna Bligh said - we get knocked down and we get up again - go Queenslanders!!
14/Jan/11 5:50 PM
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Well, surprise, I ran over again:
It's getting close to 1 a.m. and I'm struggling to stay awake! I had really hoped to get through 2 pages tonight, but not going to make it. Well, only 3 more pages to go right now, but certain it will be at least 4 by the time I get back here.
positive thoughts, prayers and {{{{HUGS}}}} to all of you and your friends and families! I am truly impressed by the Aussie spirit and know that you will all find a way to survive! Thinking of everyone who is a Sudoku regular! Good Night to everyone!
14/Jan/11 5:51 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Col is hopng to get out on the weekend with our gurney to assist but it might not be until Sunday because tomorrow is Andrew's (now depleted numbers) 40th birthday party. Not actually 40 until 18/1 though.
14/Jan/11 5:53 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi Julie, goodnight Julie!
14/Jan/11 5:53 PM
Alabama, USA
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Cyn and others with amily in need, I am keeping you in my constant prayers and wishes to all of you.
Al is feeling better, looking better, but that temp is 100.9. If It goes to 101, we will e back to hospital.
I feel so guilty. He came home at 8 pm, and I did not get his first " gold plated" antibiotic. I cannot see the gold but at the price, surely it is.
Apologies for not knowing and commenting on your individual concerns, but I am kinda up to my a $$ in alligators here. How I want to return to our little community, things a bit more normal.
14/Jan/11 6:06 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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MizT - you've got enough to worry about. You look after Al and don't worry about us, we know you care even if you're too busy to get here. Big hugs to you and Al.
14/Jan/11 6:38 PM
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MizT, updates about you and Al are all I need to here, though I am curious as to whether Joy is still there giving you a hand.
14/Jan/11 6:49 PM
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Before Heidi says anything, I know, wrong 'here'
Cyn, they should ask if a couple of goonies could be dropped in, they'd survive a drop!
Julie, I'm a bit worried about how hard you are working and how tired you are. Please tell me you are not going to volunteer for the same position when your time is up.
14/Jan/11 6:52 PM
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Cyn, that should be the theme song for the floods! We get knocked down, but we get up again!
14/Jan/11 6:59 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I think it will be, Suzy! It's usually the theme song for the State of Origin, I think! [
YS:2058_ys_131.jpg] Our city will look like this again soon!
14/Jan/11 7:10 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh bummer - didn't work!! I'll try again....
This is what we'll look like again!
14/Jan/11 7:11 PM
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Great smilie Cyn! Wonder if the topsiders know the song - I should look for a youtube link for them. I thought it was weird the first time I heard it but it made perfect sense once I knew it was a theme song.
14/Jan/11 7:42 PM
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I'm decluttering! How many boxes does a cupboard count as? I took a pile of jackets for my friend to give to family services today, and I'm loading up another bag for Vinnies - or I was until I came to say hi to you guys...
14/Jan/11 7:47 PM
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