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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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There you go, but make sure you listen past the first 8 seconds..
14/Jan/11 7:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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at 3:22 AM my my time, Temp normal at the moment, but took work to get it there. I am asleep on my feet, but so tired I cannot sleep. And we have not got to the hard part yet. may I screem? AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH
Joy is here, learning quickly how to help handle him when the CCR Monster comes out in him. not the music group, the Cancer, Chemo and Radiation Monster. I had to give a name to the unusual behavior he is exhibiting , that is not my sweet husband, something sneaked in when he got cancer, and it is rude, angry, it lashes out. CCR doe not want to eat, drink, or be disturbed for anythink. He does not stay long a visit, hope we can loosr him somewhere along the way.
Cyn, hope it looks that good and better.
Suzy, may I adopt your theme song. Fits us at the moment.
BTW, thanks for the cards that did get through, and hugs to those whose card could not get through.
14/Jan/11 8:27 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Here's another community spirit story! My niece, amongst the stranded group, has just posted on FB that they've had 3 helicopter drops today - a private helicopter, pilot paying for fuel himself, bringing food from donations given to Bendigo Bank after their appeal to the public. They now have enough food to keep them going until the flood subsides in several days. (No wine though!) My parents would be thrilled, they invested in BB when it was first floated on the Stock Exchange.
14/Jan/11 8:53 PM
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MizT, please feel free to take on the theme song. I hope the CCR monster leaves with the end of the treatment if not before.
Cyn, so many feel good stories in the midst of the sadness!!!
14/Jan/11 9:45 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, what are "goonies?" Inquiring minds want to know.
14/Jan/11 10:06 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning all. Harley has a new trick, try to trip mommy. He likes to grab my leg with his two front legs and then chew on my pants or leg while I am walking. He is a big puppy. 50 lbs (22 Kilos) He gets those legs wrapped around and does not want to get off. Down is going to have to be the next command he learns. He is starting to recognize sit.
14/Jan/11 10:11 PM
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Boxes of wine Tami, not first choice, but if you're isolated and desperate...
14/Jan/11 10:12 PM
Stevenage UK
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Tami in that situation the command OFF would be better than down. DOWN should be used after sit to get the dog to lie down and stay where he/she is put.
14/Jan/11 10:29 PM
Stevenage UK
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I guessed correctly what a 'goonie' was.
I had a message from step daughter from Mermaid Waters to say they were still ok.
14/Jan/11 10:34 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Brenda, thanks for the advice. I was thinking of something completely different for "goonies."
14/Jan/11 10:38 PM
Alabama, USA
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UPDATE: Temp still normal, no CCR Monster in the house, he is drinking ( no wine here either though, Cyn) drinking diet cola and ginger ale. Came so close to having to go again, 0.1 degree F. Our doc's protocal, and he stuck to the letter of the law, not the spirit. Worked cause the $20 each antibotic pills caught up with the bug, this mutated bug that is not responding to much at all. I politely asked if there was some other choice, and ws told by the PA who is on the third round of antibiotics that this is the only one that is working. Lucky for us, the PA being sick and trying the anti's probably saved us big bucks not haing to test them on him. Sometimes being a procrastinator as he is pays off hehehehe.
Suzy, CCR Monster was turned on the germ/bug/pathogen, Al used that energy to help the antibiotics. Believe it or not, he can do something like that, He is an amazing man.
TAMI, did my kitties come teach Harley his new trick?? Yours bites pants, mine climbs up pants legs. They have been clingy and acting so strange lately. I hope it is because they missed us, and not a forecast of that earthquake someone mentioned in the same breath with Nostradamus. Tami, it seems we do indeed live in interesting times. Give Harley a scratch in his favorite spot.
With every story of community I shed another tearm of joy, Wonderful stories, keep them up, the stories and the actions. I still want to be Australian, can someone adopt me and AL.
14/Jan/11 10:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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I had no idea on goonies. thanks for asking Tami
14/Jan/11 10:53 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, you know you and Al are in my thoughts and prayers. Tell kitty I said to get down. I will definitely give Harley a scratch on the top of the head, or his belly.
14/Jan/11 10:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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BRENDA, I would like to give thanks for the safety of your daughter, not sure of her problem but so glad she is safe.
14/Jan/11 10:55 PM
Alabama, USA
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Tami, belly please. I do tell her, sometimes she minds even, marginally amazing for a cat.
BTW, do not worry about seeing me on here odd hours. Al and I are going on a different schedule, I sleep when he is asleep. If he needs more sleep than I can get, I eill sneek on here for a bit of normalcy. Cause he has fallen through the cracks, He and I at home are practicing third world medicine , make do with what you got.
14/Jan/11 10:59 PM
qld, australia
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MizT, all my energy going to you, we have survived.
14/Jan/11 11:25 PM
Alabama, USA
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Broni, thanks, I really could use a top off of energy at the moment.
We do feel the love and energy of people AL has befriended, of all his accumulated random acts of kindness, returning 10 fold from unexpected places. We are so very grateful, it is mind boggling, our priority needs are being met.
14/Jan/11 11:42 PM
Alabama, USA
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A CAT STORY: 1 14 11
It seems I have a new cat, at least a temp. Would make 4, I cannot do 4 cats! He is a beauty, markings of a seal point Siamese, voice of a Siamese too, and smart. A bit retatrted in the choosing a mate, he is courting my two girls, buth spayed. Maybe he has been fixed and doesn't know what mating is? He does not trust me enough to let me pick him up yet.
Night fore last, he was out on deck, but he ws not calling my cats, different voice all together. Soft, begging, uncertain. I go to deck to see what cat, and he does not run away as usual, but starts, supper alert. and waits. I understand a bit of " cateese" and more of " meow". Body language, loaf cat, told me he was cold. his continuing pleas told me he really needed food. He belongs to someone, too good looking not too, but that someone did not bring in their animals on that brutally cold, high wind chill factor night. He needed food to stay warm, it was a survival thing. I had to feed him. fed him half a cup of the girls dry food, he attacked it, watching over his shoulder for anything that might take it away. When he finished, the started the kitty dance, tail high ( strange to see a tail on a cat) pacing 3 steps right, turn and a graceful 3 steps left, rub on the glass. NO I was not outside with him, windchill was at or below 0, and Pretty Boy was asking for more food. I had left over beans, gave it a try, he vacuumed those down. He got into a cooler, Igloo, that I had left out for Phantom, the other outside cat, but Phantom must have had reservations elsewhere.
Just now, Pretty Boy came calling me, meowing as he came up the ramp. Most insistent when he saw me, started at first, but as I talked, came on right up to me. I went out this time prepared, first time, for a 2 course meal. Instead of beans, there was chilli on the menu this morning. I put the dry in a bowl, he starts to it, abrupt stop, look over his brown shoulder, and said as plain as day, " You expect me to eat DRY food when you have MEAT in that bowl???? Gave him the chill, he dove in head first, only occasionally. Asked him if he could say THANK YOU and got that cat look. He had no more use for me, I had fulfilled his immediate needs.
Only been able to feed him 2 times and he is telling me what he wants?
My cats are not soiled.
Yes, I realize he is now mine, I named him. He can stay outside with Phantom. Sorry boys, the dainty little southern belle kitties own the house.
15/Jan/11 12:09 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Big Happy Birthday to our June! Have a great day!
15/Jan/11 12:09 AM
Alabama, USA
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Broni, forgot to say, so glad you and others have survived.
Will think of each of you and send cyber hugs as I go back to bed now. Had my breakfast with you, and enjoyed. yogurt and toast, sat well today, yummy.
15/Jan/11 12:12 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Happy Birthday June, may the sun shine on you today ♥
15/Jan/11 12:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT..... I enjoyed the "Pretty Boy" story. He sounds like a real character!
15/Jan/11 3:13 AM
Stevenage UK
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MizT our step daughter (daughter of Richard's first wife) lives just south of Brisbane, which was why she let us know she was ok.
15/Jan/11 3:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back to sleep.
15/Jan/11 5:11 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
MizT,glad that Al's temp has come down and I hope you can get some much needed rest.
Theresa..fantastic news about the scheduled surgery.Good luck finding that job,got my fingers crossed.
It has been nice to watch some of the clean up where strangers are pitching in to help the flood victims.It is hard to imagine the vastness and loss of so much.Bundaberg flooded again in town but not as bad as the 1st time.I hope nobody loses their lives as it continues to affect other states.
Take care everyone.
15/Jan/11 5:22 AM
Small Town Canada
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Afternoon all - I have just gotten up from a nap as I did not sleep well last night. Head is pounding.
Hi Nola. Thanks for crossing your fingers for me. At my age I might need it.
MizT, how worrisome about the fever. I hope Joy is still with you to help out. Congratulations on the addition to your family (Pretty Boy). You're right, if you name them, they're yours. I have more cats than that, but then I'm a glutton for punishment!
I see I have a lot to read ..........
15/Jan/11 5:33 AM
Alabama, USA
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Joy is not at my house today, but will be back, probably by late supper. In case you forgot, Joy is Al's Daughter, came into my life at age 3, I helped raise her, so she is also mine. Never mention it unless we would confuse everyone beyond confused. That said, Joy has gone with her good friend to visit her Mom, in a nursing home.
15/Jan/11 6:24 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, sounds like Joy is a God send right now. {{{HUGS}}}
15/Jan/11 6:35 AM
Alabama, USA
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I talked at length to AL's doc's nurse today. She was helpful with suggestions to get him to compli, reminded me it is not AL who is being so difficult, and really had a good laugh at the CCR Monster, knew just what it meant hehehe. Took AL a while to warm up to that idea.
Got through to him on a couple points when I pointed out that what he must do is counter-intuitive, but like steering into a skid, it has been proved to be effective. Whatever works. .
15/Jan/11 7:48 AM
Alabama, USA
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Brenda, We may have something in common. our family tree must have almost as many split branches as yours. I can try to explaine and get myself so confused. Gave up to use " a connection" instead.
15/Jan/11 8:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's 4:30 PM and I finally got dressed. I really enjoyed all the sleep that I got. Now I'm off to get the mail and check the cow's water.
15/Jan/11 8:33 AM
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Morning all,
MizT, I think from 3yo counts as daughter, even if you have to share her. My niece is my brothers step daughter and we regularly forget.
I'm glad you have a nurse to talk to for advice and that it seems to be working.
Pretty Boy sounds gorgeous. Some cats have a wonderful personality - others are just lazy lie arounds.
Nola, thoughts to the people of Bundaberg, hopefully they hadn't got too much of their cleanup already done. Did you hear Kevin Rudd got an infection after helping in the floods? I bet he isn't the only one.
Theresa, maybe a box for you today - a feeling of accomplishment might help you sleep better tonight. I'm glad your stepD is well and safe.
Brenda, we've messed up with our dogs. They tend to jump up and we say DOWN. I'm glad
15/Jan/11 8:40 AM
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June, I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
15/Jan/11 8:50 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Glad to hear all seems to be going well. I have been having a very interesting email exchange with a woman in Australia. I posted a message on a Jewish Genealogy site. This woman replied and we have been emailing for a week or so. There is a common last name, and several common first names. We are both trying to talk to various relatives to see if any of gaps of the story could be filled in. I may have found a missing branch on my family tree. I will share more details when I find out if it is true or not. I may have cousins in Australia. Who would have thunk it.
15/Jan/11 8:55 AM
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Oops, the stepD comment was supposed to with Brenda, sorry.
15/Jan/11 8:58 AM
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Tami, an excuse to come for a visit!!
15/Jan/11 9:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... The cows are watered and, since they were about out of hay, moved into the calving pasture. We're due to start calving in a few weeks. And calves can come up to 10 days early.
15/Jan/11 9:13 AM
qld, australia
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Good Morning my Friends.
Seems all is well on the site.
Love and hugs to all.
15/Jan/11 9:34 AM
Small Town Canada
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Thanks for clarifying the stepD thingie, Suzy. I know I'm getting old and forgetful, but I didn't remember having a stepD.
15/Jan/11 9:40 AM
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Grasshopper is home!
15/Jan/11 9:45 AM
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