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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Alabama, USA
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Neighbors from H3LL, we have some again. It has been too peaceful the last 9 months or so.
Has to do with All Terrain Vehicles, 4 wheelers, or ATVs and some 17 to mid 20's year old neighbors. I knew there was gonna be trouble when I saw 2 of them trailered in 2 houses down. They are joined by about 2 more and a couple of dirt bikes. The short version is, they drive on roads (not allowed) tearing up our gravel road with doing 360 turns, run across a drainage area beside road and up a bank, getting stuck and spinning wheels so THAT is now gonna wash across the road instead of flow away.
They are disturbing the peace, trespassing on private property, destroying public property, destroying private property, endangering a minor child ( age 4 left on a running machine) riding without helmets, Drunk driving. Probably a bunch more. both ends of our road looks plowed!
One neighbor drove out and confronted them, they calmed down somewhat, but this just the start of summer.
County Sherrif will not respond to complaints, as our road is considered a private road. HECK it is used by 25 families, sounds kind of public to me!
22/May/09 10:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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For those of you who are counting.... The eggs should (fingers crossed) hatch around the 28th..... that's 6 more days.
22/May/09 10:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The Sheriff won't respond to destroying private property? Public property? Endangering a minor child? Have you considered writing a letter to the editor in your local paper? Tell EVERYONE about the problem, and tell them that the Sheriff won't respond to protect a 4 year old child, or to trespassing, and property damage. They will HAVE to do something, then. Especially if it's signed by the rest of the neighbors as well. Or go to a town council meeting, and bring up the problem. Town council members love to be officious. Protecting a small child is always good for their popularity.
22/May/09 10:53 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good ideas for some parts of the world, but we are not in a town. Remember my tale of the flooded road and comparison to "Deliverance"? This county is run by the good ole boy system and we are not included.
23/May/09 12:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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I got my hour of sewing in, now I need breakfast and do a little ffuts, and I might go back again. it is taking longer than I thought to sew these strips together, but I am having FUN!
23/May/09 12:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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And I bet that the "neighbors from h3ll are good ol' boys. Do you at least have a county newspaper?
23/May/09 12:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Another option.... If the Sheriff refuses to protect your rights, you can always try the State police. There's nothing to lose.
23/May/09 12:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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ONE newspaper each total for the county we live in, and the county north of us. NO town or city newspapers colser till you bet to Birmingham. ONLy time our county gets a mention in Birmingham papers or TV is when a late frost threatens the peach crops. they never even follow up to say they did not freeze, that is not sensational. hehehe
23/May/09 1:26 AM
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Just a pop-in to say Good MORNING, SA8! (Well, it's nearly noon, but who's counting?
I agree about the sensibility of the burning off. That's what kept US prairies so healthy back in the day. If all that dry vegetation is allowed to accumulate, it's just kindling for the fires that come eventually, even if only because of lightning strike. (Broni, you were great on your soapbox!)
Hooray, Heidi, that your day looks like it will be a better one!
MizT, your logic is impressive! Unfortunately, store owners and managers don't always use logic when they decide what they should stock. THREE shelves of quilt batting? Do that many people still quilt? How many packages do you need to make a quilt for a queen size bed? (Hint, hint, did I mention that I have a queen size bed?)
23/May/09 2:40 AM
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Sorry, gotta run and do some ffuts and possibly do a little flinging in the K room. I hope/plan to pop in again later. Sleep well, DUGs! Hopefully all the topsiders are off to a great start on their day.
Just a thought for Rolanda, when you get up, has your Mum been for a check-up with the doctor lately? We're all concerned for her health.
23/May/09 2:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The Vet is done with the heartworm checks on the dogs.
And Robert found the ramps. IH had left them in a field in some tall grass.
Definitely a better day today.
23/May/09 5:43 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Morning all.
Great news that the ramps were found Heidi.There is $500 that you dont have to find.
MizT..and what will the authorities do if someone gets hurt?
23/May/09 6:13 AM
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Morning all!
I came online hopeful that there would be a message that baseball is cancelled for today. It doesn't look like I'm going to be that lucky...
MizT, who maintains the road? They might help you.
Glad you are having a better day Heidi.
23/May/09 6:29 AM
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Julie, want to fling some stuff this way - I don't feel like flinging today.
Hi Nola!
23/May/09 6:31 AM
Perth W Aust
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♪♪♪It's Raining, It's Pouring, ............♪♪♪
Good morning everyone. Busy day today.
Hubby is outside digging, Soak Wells, for the new downposts for the Patio extensions etc... For those that dont know.. we are in the midst of the Patio Garden makeover!!
I will be doing the usual.. feed the machine, use the hot slidy thingymejiggy, become Ms Seamstress, assist the worker outside, feed the worker outside...
This afternoon, my siblings are coming for Afternoon Tea (made Date Loaf yesterday) to discuss Mum's Party in August.
23/May/09 9:17 AM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, when sewing a queen size quilt, you need one package of queen sized batting. It is in a sheet just a bit larger than a quilt for that size. But when using a quilt as you go method where you assemble and quilt smaller sections, then sew them together and add more sections. if you need to cut up a queen sized batting , it will then not fit, seams you know. Besides, my queen sized comforter is larger than a queen sized quilt. So I had to buy more batting, and needed another queen for the length. There will be leftovers.
Wal mart sells crib, single, double, queen and King size batting, in 2 thicknesses, so if just one each, that is a dozen bundles about as large as a .... ym ... bed roll maybe? Lots of space.
OK Julie, you also want a quilt? everyone on here who is willing to pay postage on a quilt, enter your names into a drawing. I will leave instructions for a quilt to be shipped to you once I am gone. But you gonna have to wait a long time!
23/May/09 9:27 AM
Dizzy Lizzy
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It's raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and he
Bumped his head
And he couldn't get up in the morning.
23/May/09 9:28 AM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi everyone
hope you are all well
Have a great weekend
23/May/09 9:30 AM
Perth W Aust
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hehehe Lizzy
Your singing is bootifol !!!
23/May/09 9:47 AM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Thanks Rolanda
Not long to go now hey
Good luck with the reno's and gardening
too cold here but am off to the lake in Lilydale for a walk with a friend at 2 pm,
we plan on two laps and that will be 6 kl
23/May/09 9:51 AM
Perth W Aust
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Countdown : 4 weeks 6 days
Liz enjoy the walk.
23/May/09 10:13 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good evening all. It is offically the start of a holiday weekend. 3 days off, yeah!!! When I go back on Tuesday, there are only 8 more days of school for students and 1 extra day for teacher. (Not that I'm counting)
I also watch American Idols and thought that Adam would win. Kris won because of Danny getting voted off. Kris is more mainstream and Adam more outlandish. It has been said that it is a blessing for Adam as now he won't have to sing the song Kara wrote. Kris gets that honor.
MizTricia, several of the Wal-Marts down here also stopped carrying fabric and thread.
Forgot what else I was going to say. Have some ffuts to do on the pooter, I will try to come back later.
23/May/09 10:26 AM
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Good morning everyone! :)
Hope everyone is well: hi Rolanda, MizT, Dizzy Lizzy and anyone else that's still around.
I've just skimmed through the last few pages - Miz T and Suzanne - have to say I was amazed I was amazed by the American Idol result! Adam had so much style and personality as well as a great voice. The winner didn't just look surprised, he looked totally shocked - he couldn't believe that the other guy hadn't won! Ah well, I guess they'll both do well in future.
23/May/09 10:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Do a little dance
THE CASE WAS SETTLED!!! I don't have to serve on a jury this time!
23/May/09 10:42 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Judy, they will both do well in the future. Clay Aiken was number 2 and has done much better than number 1 Ruben Studdard. Jennifer Hudson was elimaneted about 5 or 6 and went on to win an Oscar. If you are in the top 10, you have a good shot at a career.
23/May/09 10:44 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good for you Heidi, I know you are happy.
23/May/09 10:44 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Quite. It was a good day for me.
Now, if Becky would only turn up. Does anybody have her contact info?
23/May/09 11:10 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, Did you post a message on her page? Maybe she has been around and just has not been posting. If you post on her page, it should send her an email.
23/May/09 11:26 AM
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Dancing with you Heidi! :) (Any excuse!)
Tami - in America the finalists all seem to get a chance to make a good career for themselves. In Australia it is less certain - the ones that usually do well are the ones that have been around for quite a long time anyway. Some of the young ones make it on the Pop scene, but many just disappear. We just don't have the population numbers to guarentee their success.
23/May/09 11:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, I posted a message on her page earlier this evening. We haven't heard from her in a while. I keep thinking about Ruby.
23/May/09 11:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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We will just have to hope for the best.
23/May/09 11:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am going to go to sleep early. Catch you all on the flip side.
23/May/09 11:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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23/May/09 11:52 AM
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Good night Tami, sleep well.
23/May/09 12:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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Nola, do not know what they would do if someone was injured. I think the one time someone was severely injured, sheriff did get here eventually and make a report. Medics and firemen were here first.
Susan, the road is privately semi-maintained by the landlord of the rental properties. When it is too rutted and washed for her to show her rentals, she will send out her husband with a tractor and box blade to scrape it again. But she will not " get involved with tenants disputes" here. AND I think these people are kin to her, it seems half the county is
23/May/09 12:29 PM
Alabama, USA
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Al decided today was a day to stimulate the economy. I got my stimulus check (for us oldsters on SS) today. He got an antenna to get his digital TV back working, I bought a new purse.
Today was my lucky day also, Heidi. I have carried the same purse for 15 years, cause I could never find a replacement I liked. fore I went shopping, I thought about what a new purse must have. First one I picked was the only one to fit the criteria. It had more than my asking list even, all I had to do was decide which color. I got a sage green fabric print with brown leather accents. I am
23/May/09 12:38 PM
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Hello, All! Gosh, where did my day go? It's 10:30 pm and I'm waiting for the hot spinny thing to finish the umpteenth load of the day. (We had unexpected guests last week and wanted to get all blankets cleaned and put away as summer approaches.)
Hello, MIzT, Heidi, Nola, Suzy, Rolanda, DizzyLIzzy (long time, no see), Tami the T, Judy and all others I missed!
Heidi, seems like your day has turned out well on several counts - ramps found, vet finished with dogs, no jury duty coming up - yay! Keeping fingers crossed for baby finches next week!
Good for you, MizT and Al. Sounds like good use of your stimulus check. I know the feeling about finding the RIGHT purse - must have all the right thingie-ma-jingies! Congrats on finding yours AND having a choice of colors!
Oh, dear, CRAFTs, don't you know! Plus a bit of exhaustion, as I spent several hours awake and tossing last night. As we have an early get-up tomorrow, I must bid you farewell for the night. Good Night, SA8 Friends. Must let you know that for the next week, my visits here will be spotty at best. Please take care of yourselves, stay healthy and happy! I'll check in as I can. I hope Becky, Mariana and others who haven't been able to visit much recently can be found!
23/May/09 1:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I bought a new purse 2 days ago, MizT. My previous one fell apart in pieces on the morning I went to Churchill Downs. My back up purse was starting to fall apart, too. I got a big brown leather one with a patchwork panel of different colors of leather on the front. It's actually quite attractive, tho' I had a limited selection to chose from. And it's big enough to hold the unusual assortment of items I carry (hammer, pliers, screwdriver set, binoculars + the more normal junk.).
23/May/09 3:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's after 1 am, so I'm heading off to bed now.
23/May/09 3:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Well, why not do 2 more, for old times sake.
23/May/09 3:07 PM
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