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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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It has rained most of the night. Finished the puzzles so back to bed.
22/May/09 4:55 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Tricia..glad the sugar level is now good,Have fun sewing.
Vici.I hope the trench & sprinklers go in without too much trouble and you can sit back and relax very soon.Is it getting hot over there now? you made it to the game and concert!!
Great that Bryana won the last game.
22/May/09 4:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Done mowing the lawn. Now Robert wants to borrow the mower to mow his sisters lawn.
I'm gonna rest for a half hour or so, then give Chili a bath. What's left of her coat feels and looks really greasy. Poor thing.
22/May/09 6:11 AM
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Morning all!
I couldn't get onto the internet at all last night - I wonder if it was the rain? And I will be out all day today too.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day, sickies get well, celebraters are happy, wet people get dry etc etc!
22/May/09 6:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH is in the doghouse again. He lost the ramps for my big trailer. Heavy duty ones for loading a tractor on it to be hauled in for servicing. Then he lied to me about using the trailer. You may hear about another funeral soon.
22/May/09 7:08 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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IH gets himself into trouble a lot.Did he drive off without them,maybe he could back track to where he has been.
Greg has just left and will travel about half way before stopping for the night.
As we are getting the kitchen benches resurfaced soon,we thought a new sink would be good.A quote for a new one was $744.What a shock.Apparently they only make 1 that size anymore that will fit into the existing hole.Now I think I might google on how to polish it up like new.Dont like my chances though.
22/May/09 8:13 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy..isn't it a b***er when you can't get on the net.I never know what to do with myself when it happens.There is always plenty to do but I don't feel like doing it.
22/May/09 8:17 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I am off to get some wrapping paper for the twins 6th Birthday presents.I will be glad when May is over and I don't have to worry about what to get the 8 relies that have special days in this month.
Catch you all later.
22/May/09 9:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I don't know what he did with the ramps. He's still at the lying to me stage. He denies using the trailer lately, when I know he used it a few days ago. Robert helped him unload it. Despite that, he's still lying. The lying makes me a LOT madder than just losing the $500 ramps.
22/May/09 9:26 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope soon Gil remembers just when he had the trailer and where the ramps are. Happy for you that your mowing is done, that is something I need to do.
Nola, lots of your family birthdays in May, hope you enjoyed them all.
Suzy, we gonna miss you while gone today. Hope it is an enjoyable kind of day out.
June, any flooding with your rain?
Vici, you have an excused absence for 2 weeks, but we do need you in for roll call occasionally, then back to your irrigation system. Know it will make things easier for you and save water also. is this drip irrigation?
22/May/09 10:14 AM
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Sydney has just had good heavy rain. No flooding. We live on the top of a ridge and there is no way we would get flooded.
I have just made a big pot of soup for lunch, using a ham bone left over from the Christmas ham.
22/May/09 11:05 AM
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Heidi, I hope those ramps turn up! Nola, enjoy all the family birthdays. (April and October are our B'day months). Hope you are enjoying your day out Suzy.
22/May/09 11:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Today just gets better and better. A weld holding the mower deck on snapped. My lawn mower is now unusable.
I'll have to find time to take it in tomorrow. And I'm gonna have a busy day. I have a dental appointment in the morning, and the Vet is coming here in the afternoon to do heartworm tests on the dogs. I will also have to find time to butcher 3 chooks, for company on Sunday (tho' 2 of them are vegetarians).
22/May/09 11:52 AM
Magnolia, KY
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And my big tractor
has a dead battery.
22/May/09 11:54 AM
Perth W Aust
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Well, that was exciting!! NOT!!!
Just drove thru, Lightening, Thunder, Hail, Squally Winds, Pouring Rain ( couldnt see where I was driving almost) !!!
22/May/09 12:27 PM
Perth W Aust
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I have this morning, cleaned the wet areas ( toilets, bathrooms etc, not the floors)
Made Dinner: Dutch Soup which is simmering on the stove.
And taken my Mum home, she is still not well, my Brother and SIL will come by this afternoon, and pick her up and take her back to their place for a couple of days.
It was on the way home, that the Storm hit !!
22/May/09 12:29 PM
Perth W Aust
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Closing down the pooter, dont like it on with Thunder and Lightening !!
Later Aligater
22/May/09 12:30 PM
Alabama, USA
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Yes, Rolanda, protect yourself from the lightning, by all means. Hope squally storm is filling your catchement, and soon just a nice rain.
Heidi, this is NOT Friday 13, but think you should have just stayed in bed! OK, who left the tractor lights on??
June happy you are safe from flooding.
22/May/09 1:18 PM
Alabama, USA
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Who'd-a-thunk-it??? Wal'Mart no longer carries embroidery floss. Closest source is about 35 miles or more. Not a great choice of thread colors either, but I got one that is close for the machine applique.
On a happy note, I did get bobbins for machine, and a fray check product I need. the dark blue print fabric, one I looked through 40 bolts to find, is raveling just when sitting in a baggie. Will be using this product to keep it from ravel. I had to do a repair to the strip I just finished and it is muslin, blue, muslin. I had it wrong in a post and, ready for this, in the real world also, rip it out, ripp it, rippit ribbit, dancing with a frog.
UNsewing is not my favorite part. The good part is, I had only done ONE of the sides, not all, when I figured it out.
22/May/09 1:20 PM
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How annoying when you cannot get craft, thread and things close by because so many people no longer sew etc.
22/May/09 1:22 PM
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Rolanda, it is not fun driving through that weather. Hope your Mum soon starts to feel much better.
Heidi, hope your luck starts to change real soon. Sounds like you ahve had three things happen and they say things happen in threes!
22/May/09 1:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Rolanda.... That sounds like the drive from h*ll. I'm glad you got home safely.
22/May/09 1:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm getting very sleepy, so I need to give Survivor his last bucket of milk for the night, then off to bed.
22/May/09 2:24 PM
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(or should it be
), SA8! Almost 11:30 p.m. here. It has been a day here, too!
Nope, no rain, wind, squall, hail, thunder & lightning, June, Suzy and Rolanda!
Didn't go looking for embroidery floss at Walmart and NOT find it like MizT.
Didn't have a hubby lose the ramps for the trailer and lie about using the trailer - or have the weld holding the lawnmower deck fail - or have the big tractor's battery die. Also, no dogs to bathe, like Heidi. Wow! The vet comes to the dogs for heartworm tests!
No presents for twins to wrap with no wrapping paper - OR presents for 8 relatives in one month. Wow, $744 for a sink?, like Nola. (But I could beat you with just sibling, niece and nephew birthdays in November.)
No digging of trenches and laying of irrigation lines over the next couple of weeks, like Vici.
Sorry, that's about all I can do, because of CRAFTs!
(I hope you don't mind a different format for a quick review!)
22/May/09 2:40 PM
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Good Night, Heidi! Sleep well!
22/May/09 2:40 PM
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Rolanda, hope your Mum is soon better!
22/May/09 2:41 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Yes, so do I hope your mother is better soon Rolanda. I am getting quite concerned.
fellow SA8ers
Have spent the whole day burning off yet another pile. So satisfying!
22/May/09 5:10 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I loved your different format Julie..I can never think of anything out of the usual.I am boring but thats me!
Gail ..we aren't allowed to burn ANYTHING.Have even received a nasty letter from the council complaining about us burning and it wasn't us.It was our neighbor.Greg got on the phone and told them they should come and see who was burning and not to take it for granted that a complaint was made about someone which was not true.The neighbor responsible was very apologetic and we all know who complained.They whinge about noise,bbqs, smoke and loud music.Such a shame when everyone else put up with a little disruption on occasions.
22/May/09 7:05 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Nola, we do have restrictions on when we can burn and normally I don't burn as a rule, but as I have mentioned before, my mulcher is kaput so I had to do something to get rid of my huge piles of leaves etc. Where we live is considered rural and near 'bush' so burnoffs are necessary.
22/May/09 7:10 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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And yes, there is always one!
Just after we moved in, we had a friend cut down a dead gum in the middle of our front yard. He was only about halfway through when the council regulatory officer turned up! Someone must have called them because this is not a patrolled area. He asked whether we had a permit, which I was under the impression we didn't need because it was dead and we would be using it for heating purposes. He informed us that we were in a canopy protection area, dead or not, and would have to investigate. Luckily, it was okayed, otherwise it could have been a very expensive tree felling.
22/May/09 7:14 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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On the other hand, there are people like us. We have several neighbours who have occasional loud all-night parties, and ALL our neighbours have dogs who bark on and off, day and night, but we keep ourselves to ourselves and let it go. Tempted mind you!!!
22/May/09 7:16 PM
Qld, Australia
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Good Day SA8!
Nola/Gail, I did not know until the bushfires in Vic that burning off was not allowed anymore, how stupid! Bush needs to be contained where people live even the abbo's do it, why? because it needs to be done! duh!
Sorry off my soap box now.
22/May/09 7:47 PM
Perth W Aust
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Evening everyone..
Very wintery here.. gone cold too !!
22/May/09 7:50 PM
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Brrrrmmmm.... flying through.....
Not here, supposed to be at singing practice with Ally. Loved all your comments and have had a good laugh and now feel up to going back - almost. Think I will check my mail first...
22/May/09 8:02 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I am going to watch a dvd with sister then off to bed.Bye until tomorrow.
22/May/09 8:09 PM
Qld, Australia
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Heidi need your sorry thingy, me tinks I have scared you all away.
22/May/09 8:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Maen Sudokuland! Oh I slept good last night, but had to turn on the AC for a bit, just to take the "wet" out of the air!
Today is damp and overcast with a drizzle in my little corner. Temps will still be mild, think we can do no AC again today, I HOPE. I cleaned enough cat hair from the outside of my box fan to knit a cat. Really need to take apart and clean the blades. It would work better if I did.
June, I did find quilt batting, that takes up 3 shelves. think they could find room for a little box of embroidery thread. Wal Mart makes some strange decisions! I could order online, or get a friend mail to me, except I do not have the number for the color!
Heidi, can you tell if survivor is gaining weight? Are your birds still sitting the nest? How long has it been now?
Julie, loved your new format, and I should just save typing time . . . what Julie said
Ahhh, Gail, someone else who is allowed to burn a brush pile. Hubby does not like me burning anything, since that little incident with dry grass and inoperable garden hose.
Broni, burn off of protected forests here are no longer done and that is what fuels some of the big fires now. Yes, nature will take care of it, eventually , but nature cannot tell where people live!
BRONI, you did not scare me!
22/May/09 10:26 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Which "sorry" thingy? I have a bunch.
Then, when I'm NOT sorry....
22/May/09 10:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... Survivor is visibly much fatter. I will show him off to the Vet later today.
I'm having a MUCH better day today already. The Dentist called and rescheduled my appointment until next week. So I don't have to run around like a chicken without a head today.
22/May/09 10:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I actually have time to take the lawn mower
in for repairs this morning!!!
22/May/09 10:41 PM
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