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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there sudokuholics!
Suzy,,you were up early this morning.Have a good day at school.
Heidi,,do you have to put the generator in the shed or will it go outside somewhere?With all the storms you have had,it sure is going to come in handy.
Tami,,what a shame you may not get there.
Aimee,,I must pop into your page as I haven't visited yet!
MizT,,Don't you like beetroot or is the combination with chocolate and muffin that sounds yuck?You probably can't taste a strong beetroot flavour.I love pineapple but cannot stand it in sweet and sour.
10/Jun/09 8:37 AM
Alabama, USA
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NOLA, I do not like beets, No way, chocolate does not even dress them up for me hehe. I am not sure what it is about them, but I do not like the smell, or the taste of beets. There are very few foods I do not like, Beets and Scotch whiskey being at the top of a short list.
10/Jun/09 8:59 AM
Alabama, USA
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HEIDI, I hope the generator is home now, and soon all set so you can switch to generator power if you need it. I hope you are as fortunate as we are, no big storms and major power outages since we bought our smaller generator. Worse we have had is an hour or so, and did not bother with it for that short a time.
Will yours come on automatically, or you must go and start it and flip a switch or something?
10/Jun/09 9:02 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I'm with you about the whiskey too,but I do like the occasional rum and diet coke or white wine.You are lucky not to have many dislikes in food.I have many.
10/Jun/09 9:05 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I think it was Suzy? that asked how the lecture was.BORING..heard it all before and most of us got 20/20 for the quiz.
10/Jun/09 9:08 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Catch you all tomorrow,got to get some stuff done inside or spend my days off doing it and it is too nice outside to miss.Bye.
10/Jun/09 9:11 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Aimee, great to see you here and wonderful to read your story.
I have found with my daughters that 18 seems to be the magical age where they experience a lightbulb moment and realise what PIA's they have been for the last few years!
10/Jun/09 10:20 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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fellow SA8ers
It is wet and muddy outside today, a good day to be inside. It is not raining at the moment but it has been persisting down now for a couple of days. Posted on last night's easy about my daughter saying the ground was white in a town about 15 mins away, not sure if it was snow or hail, but it is mighty cold up in them that hills!
10/Jun/09 10:22 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, what you refer to as PIA's my friend Barbara and I refer to as PITA's. It makes people wonder what we are talking about.
10/Jun/09 10:23 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I like the addition of the 'T' Tami.
BTW my first thought when reading your comment about your boys earlier is that their only negative is that they are male, please don't hold it against them, and spare them some pity!
10/Jun/09 10:30 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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And now I must get back to the chores. The 'k' room is relatively tidy but I think I am going to have to brave the yrdnual room, then don some thick gloves to hang the loads!
For some thrilling excitement, I thought I might go through my bed linen (again!), and sort it into sets (again!!), but as soon as I open the cupboard door I get overwhelmed and quickly shut it (again!!!).
Catch you all later.
10/Jun/09 10:40 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The generator is home. And I'm back from the Cattlemen's meeting.
This generator is something 4,500 watts (or volts, or whatever they use). It can power everything we have at the push of a button. We haven't set it up yet, as we want to bury the cable, and need to set ground rods, as well as building a roof over it.
10/Jun/09 10:57 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gail, I don't hold their being boys against them. I just meant that boys tend to be a little more active and mischevious than girls. They are definitely keeping me on my toes. I would not trade my boys for anything. When they are rich they want to buy me a mansion with servants.
10/Jun/09 11:06 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am going to say good night early and get into bed with a good book. I never have time to read during the school year so I am trying to make up for it. I am reading a Jackie Collins novel right now. I think I read it ages ago. Some parts seem familiar but most if it doesn't. Oh well. It won't be the first time I have read a book twice.
10/Jun/09 11:32 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks...still reading and catching up...
When I raised the blind this morning I could not believe my eyes...the ground was WHITE....covered in thick [a few inches] of small hail..looks to be the size of peppercorns [it is too cold to go out there..] Check this out.. 10-c2jk.html
10/Jun/09 11:43 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What a shock, Bean. I have no idea what that's like! (I think this is what's called sarcasm.)
10/Jun/09 12:18 PM
Alabama, USA
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BEAN, your link did not work, but by going to the site and looking down at the bottom, I found the link to the story and pictures. Enough to cover the roads for sure.
I learned something new, here hail comes in Summer but you had hail in winter.
In Winter we get sleet. I forget what the difference is other than size.
Your temps do sound cold for you guys. Hope you all manage these next few days of extremely cold temps. I would take about 20 degrees F of your cold tomorrow, we are getting a bit warm up here.
10/Jun/09 12:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I had no problem with the link. It was spot on.
It looked eerie with all the ice on the ground and the green trees. That's a sight I haven't seen before. I hope the trees aren't permanently damaged.
10/Jun/09 12:53 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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LOL Heidi..I recognise sarcasm when I see it...our 'snow' season has started but 'white stuff' isn't what we usually wake up to...I was woken up by the sound of dripping and overflowing gutters...I was puzzled because it wasn't raining out the back of the all made sense when I raised the blind... even this late in the day the hail hasn't melted...
Heidi the trees with autumn foliage are about to drop their leaves so they will be ok. The other trees are pretty tough and should be ok... the wimps have succumbed to the drought!
10/Jun/09 1:35 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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BTW..I love your avatar grandmother always one on her sideboard and it was one of the first things I would gravitate to when visiting.
10/Jun/09 1:36 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Check out my page is lovely to see you visiting again...
Hi Bobbi...I know you are there even though you don't post much but always read...well...I am not very good at remembering what I was going to say about other peoples posts and so I don't often say anything in relation to other peoples posts either...
I just sit here and nod and think ..'Yep..that's right Suzy...' & with her busy teaching I might have to change my ways!!
10/Jun/09 1:40 PM
Alabama, USA
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I guess I should have said that link did not work for me. It is what I thought, really it is.
I read some more about the difference between hail and sleet. In the north west USA, they have winter hail, when certain air masses come in off the ocean and bring about conditions for hail to happen. Hail is usually associated with thunder storms, bits of dust get coated with water, blown upward within the cloud, freeze, fall, again pick up liquid moisture, get blown back up to cloud tops, fall again, coating layer upon layer of ice over ice till it is too heavy to go back up again. It is said if you cut a large hailstone in half, you would see rings, like on a tree.
sleet on the other hand is snow that falls from cold clouds, goes through a warm layer, melts, then through a cold layer that is near the ground, and re-freezes into pellets. This one shot is why sleet is usually smaller than hail.
Interesting what I learn here, either on this site or what I look up cause of this site. Probably a lot more than you wanted to know, but I had fun hehehe.
10/Jun/09 1:41 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Tricia you can have as much of our cold as you like...
The Krudd government have pulled the plug on the solar power incentive...bummer...don't think we can afford it without that helping hand...what about you Cyn? Hope you don't miss out either.
10/Jun/09 1:42 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Your second description works for me Tricia with what I have thunder or storms...just COLD...and yes...I have never seen hail like it before...little pellets is exactly what it is like...the hail in summer thunder storms melts quickly because it is usually warm...but when it is cold like today it is just sitting there in areas that have been untouched by sun...I am certainly finding out which parts of my garden are NEVER in direct sunlight!!
10/Jun/09 1:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have seen those pellets a few times. They look so weird.
Bean.... I collect Cowries. Some I've bought and some I've collected myself when I lived in Costa Rica. I have over 100 different species so far. I hope to get one or two more in Florida. I just bought a new diving mask with prescription lenses.
10/Jun/09 1:56 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Check out my page you have a display cabinet for them all or are they catelogued in specimen drawers..that is a lot of shells...hope you are successful in Florida.
10/Jun/09 2:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have a display table for them, with a separate catalogue.
10/Jun/09 2:19 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's a glass covered display table. i won't go after live Cowries
, only the shells. They live in water too deep for normal snorkeling.
10/Jun/09 2:23 PM
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Well, good afternoon friends! Caught up with all the chit-chat - hello Aimee, nice to see you here. :) We missed out on hail today, but we've certainly had a lot of rain. Went through some cupboards and put out seven bags of clothes, etc for charity collection - the rain came down and soaked them all! But they've been taken, so hooray! Most of them were clothes the girls left behind, so those cupboards will take a while to fill up again! We have a BIG storage cupboard that goes under the stairs (Just the place to house a little Harry Potter!) ;)
For those who were indignant on our behalf - the carpet people will be coming on Monday! (I'm sure it will only take them a few minutes anyway.) And rearranging the Big Cupboard seems to be a perfect excuse for throwing things out and moving other things around (as you do!) Or, and here's a thought, I could just waste the day playing with computer things ... mmmm, what to choose... ;)
10/Jun/09 3:35 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I'm all for staying here Judy...
10/Jun/09 3:39 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Then you might as well take over here. I'm off to bed.
10/Jun/09 3:44 PM
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Good Night, Heidi!
I'm just popping in for the first time today, so, Hello, SA8!
10/Jun/09 3:46 PM
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And, as it is past 1 a.m. here, I will pop back out again. Have a wongerful afternoon/evening, DUGs. I hope to be back tomorrow!
10/Jun/09 4:05 PM
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Afternoon all!
Taught Year 10 for the last time today. When I said at the end of the lesson, you'll be pleased to hear that this was my last lesson with you they all made that aw noise. Wasn't that nice of them?
Just waiting for my math student. I hope she doesn't come as I have a lot to do tonight... That is soooo mean!!!
10/Jun/09 4:19 PM
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She didn't come! Now what do I do first? Do I watch the astronomy movie so I can make up a worksheet to go with it, or do I start to write the physics test?
10/Jun/09 4:26 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Talk to me on msn!
10/Jun/09 4:28 PM
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Oh Suzy, choices, choices!
10/Jun/09 4:36 PM
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Still working on the family history - it's a sad thing to find out that one of your ancestors was a complete sleaze! Eleven kids, and he still found time to get a housemaid and another woman into "trouble"! His wife, poor woman, had had enough and petitioned for divorce as soon as it became possible - this was back in the 1860's when divorce was very uncommon. On the plus side, we get a lovely document about Aaron's many sins, and a detailed description of the family and their circumstances, addresses, etc. So, not all bad! ;)
10/Jun/09 4:45 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Judy, true evidence of every cloud has a silver lining. It is very lucky to find such documentation.
My niece is currently doing our family tree, from the viewpoint of her baby daughter. She is currently at home with the baby and figured what better way to spend the time. After only a couple of weeks, she is doing remarkably well and has already discovered an unknown family line with living relatives.
She bought a family tree software package, and it has opened many avenues of investigation.
10/Jun/09 4:56 PM
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I haven't done either yet... Maybe I should have some coffee?
Judy, a true sleaze! I wonder what happened to the brave lady after the divorce as there wasn't a lot of good 'jobs' around for women in those days. Though by the sound of him he probably wasn't supporting her very well anyway.
10/Jun/09 5:35 PM
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