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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Suzy, her children were grown up by this stage, and it sounds as if they told her "enough is enough, just go for it!" (or equivalent words) She went to New Zealand and lived with family there, so I guess she was well taken care of. The documentation was an unexpected bonus - I found that several daughters had married and were living in South Africa. It seems a divorce can be a genealogical gold-mine!
Anyway, it's quite possible that it was an arranged marriage and doomed to failure from the start... :( I believe he was in pretty affluent circumstances, but wouldn't provide for her when they split, which was the main reason she took him to court. All round, a bit of a bastard!
10/Jun/09 6:18 PM
Stevenage UK
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Judy sounds like you are having fun doing your family tree. Finding out about the sleazy relation must have been exciting.
Bean the link you put on here about the weather worked for me. Must have been a shock to your systems to get some 'cold' weather. Hopefully the rain etc you are getting will help replenish the reservoirs and help end the drought for a little while.
CRAFT has got me now.
10/Jun/09 7:04 PM
Stevenage UK
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I got a letter the other week 'inviting' me to go for a squashy screening thing today, so I'm off to get ready to go for that.
See you all later.
Oh on top of that hubbie is working from home today because there is a 48 hour tube strike in London. Started last night and goes on until tomorrow evening.
10/Jun/09 7:07 PM
Qld, Australia
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Just checking in, will catch you all later.
10/Jun/09 7:31 PM
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Aaaaaaahhhh! Whether I'm trying to work or play, the interruptions keep coming. I estimate someone is walking into this room every 2 or 3 minutes. Starting to get very grumpy...
10/Jun/09 7:58 PM
Stevenage UK
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Get a lock for the door Suzy
10/Jun/09 9:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Maen Sudokuland! I am up and about, getting ready to go to doc for skin cancer screening. Hubby is to take . If they do biopsies I can take pain meds fore I get home (a 45 minute drive). He is hard to get moving today, it is like pushing a chain. AAAAAAAAGH, OK, feel all better now
Another summer day, warm overnight, sure do wish I could borrow a cup of cold from Bean and Gail today.
Judy, that is a fascinating document you found, and I do hope the courts did make him support his wife, gee, such a sleeze. We never know what we will find if we shake our family tree, do we?
SUZY, I will give you the grumpy hat for the evening then. Maybe if you wear it, family will leave you alone a bit.
GAIL and TAMI, sorry I missed you on MSN last night. First I was listening to a good friend who needed a shoulder, then I was eating dinner. Each of you, do call again, and soon.
10/Jun/09 9:34 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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MizTricia, I will gladly call again soon. Hopefully when my mom is also on line.
Just stopping in for a quicky. Have ffuts to do today before going to camp. Today is a short day, only 4 hours.
10/Jun/09 10:08 PM
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Sounds like you enjoy the camp with all the kids Tami.
Wishing good results from the 'squashing' Brenda.
Hope there are not too many 'sunspots' Tricia.
Stella, hope all your family are starting to feel better.
Hi Aimee. Nice to see you here.
Suzy, you are being interrupted because the family are used to having you around and cannot yet 'cope' with having you occupied 'elsewhere'. I had the same problem when I had to do work at home.
10/Jun/09 10:26 PM
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Thanks to you all for the birthday wished for my MIL and the comments about the photo of Laura and her G'gran. I had lots of photos printed today. I have been fairly busy but have been skimming through most of the posts each day.
Judy, I love chasing family history. Much easier now with the Internet than what I did some years ago. I also have enjoyed visiting places overseas where some of them came from (Cornwall, and other parts of England and also Nova Scotia in Canada).
Julie' sorry to hear about your Husband losing his Aunt and all the problems about the flights. Pleased you had his cousins to visit his Mum. (I hope I got that right!!) I am not as good as you Julie doing a recount from memory!
10/Jun/09 10:34 PM
Qld, Australia
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Aimee, forgot to say Hi and come back soon.
10/Jun/09 10:36 PM
Qld, Australia
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On that note I bid you all a good day/evening.
10/Jun/09 10:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Judy.... you're not the only one with a sleaze in the tree. My mother's natural father was one such. As soon as my Grandmother became pregnant, he deserted her. He did that with 8 wives. Believe it or not, he was an Obstetrician! Since my Grandmother was his first wife, and never talked about him (she remarried a great man when mother was an infant), we knew nothing of this until an unknown half sister of mother's traced her while checking geneologies.
10/Jun/09 11:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's raining again!
Unfortunately, we have a lot of hay cut and on the ground. We were hoping to roll it today.
10/Jun/09 11:51 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! The rain has stopped for now and the sun is shining! We're supposed to get rain the rest of the week and then have a nice weekend.
Heidi, hope your rain stops soon so you can get to the hay!
11/Jun/09 12:42 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Aimee, nice to see you here! We love to hear about everything!
11/Jun/09 12:43 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Might have to bring Meghan to the dr. She didn't sound good last night and if she needs antibiotics, I want her to have them before she leaves for Turkey on Sunday!
11/Jun/09 12:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Poor Meghan. If she's too sick, will she have to cancel or postpone going to Turkey?
11/Jun/09 12:55 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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June, I do enjoy being with the kids for the summer. I am with younger kids than what I teach. I get to play games all day and get paid for it. Who can beat that.
Stella, I hope Meghan feels a lot better soon. Hope she has a good time in Turkey.
11/Jun/09 1:06 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Gotta go fix some lunch and get ready for training. Today is arts and crafts with another city. Should be fun.
11/Jun/09 1:07 AM
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Hello all, and thank you so much for all the welcomes, and trips to my website to say hi, i use my work email so it is so nice to log in and find all my sudoku messages waiting for me!
Well my youngest daughter went to their boys high volleyball year end banquet last night (she does their game stats for them, in addition to playing on the girls team) and it was supposed to be over at 9pm. Well her big sister was nice enough to go and pick her up. Made sure she was there on time and ended up waiting in the car for 45 minutes until the banquet ended (they were running over)! Called the hubbie and me (who were at home watching the 6th game of the Stanley Cup play-offs) and hubbie hit the ceiling he was so mad! So he texts her on her cell phone and says that if she is not out to her sister's car in 5 minutes she can find her own way home. Now to fully appreciate this you need to realize that my husband Mark hardly ever gets mad or raises his voice (it's one of the things that I like best about him, he is so even tempered). Then, when they both get home he sits her down and says that he will not be riding her to school the next day either. She needs to realize that people do not want to do things for people who they think have taken advantage of them (even if it is your own flesh and blood). Today when I get home I am going to have a 1-on-1 with her too. She needs to realizse that all choices come with consequences. She should have called her sister to let her know that the banquet was running late. That's just it though, sometimes she just doesn't think like that. Ugh, children! Thanks for letting me vent. I thought you ladies would understand. :)
11/Jun/09 1:09 AM
Alabama, USA
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Yes, Amiee we understand. My girls are grown and gone, but I still remember their fits of thoughtlessness.
JUNE, not many sunspots, only one very tiny one. He decided to do like the Aussie docs do, biopsy and treat it all one trip/ Unless it turns up something unexpected, I do not have to go back for 6 months. He also looked at that boil on my back, said it was not really staph caused true boil, but a cyst that got inflamed, and what I was doing was just right. Continue the hot compresses and antibiotics, which were what he would have given me. so that is that.
Interesting happening while at the dermatologist. there was a young child screaming in a treatment room. I thought this unusual, doc does not usually see children. Then this male voice saying TREVOR, BE QUIET! Soon after that, nurse comes into the exam room where I have been waiting much longer than usual, to say, doc had an emergency, his son had fallen and put a gash in his chin. Doc was taking care of him. So it was DAD (the doc) who was telling son to be quite, not the doc being mean to one of his patients. When he finished, he came into my exam room, and first thing he said was, You are not going to cry and scream like that, are you? hehehe. I promised not to do that. I asked how many stitches his son needed and he said NONE, all of that noise was over some surgical glue and tape. Trevor is 5 years old.
11/Jun/09 3:03 AM
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MizT thanks for the understanding words, I know our children are adults in the making and that even we adults have our fits of thoughtlessness too, not sure why I should not give the same consideration to my own daughter!
11/Jun/09 3:34 AM
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Hello, All! I hope you are all having a wongerful day!
Just wanted to add a thought for you, Aimee. Does your younger daughter wear a watch? If not, she may rely on her phone to know the time. She may have been considerate and turned her phone off, so that it wouldn't disturb anyone, so not realized how late it was getting. (P.S. It has happened to me.)
11/Jun/09 4:28 AM
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Well, I see I'm an hour late to chat with you, Aimee. I hope you see the comment.
A warm hello to Judy, Brenda, Broni, Suzy, MizTricia, Tami the T, June, Heidi, Stella and Aimee! Well, a COOL hello to MizTricia, and a DRY hello to Heidi.
I hope the rain doesn't last all day and you are soon able to bale hay, Heidi.
Stella, how are all your offspring? I hope Meghan will soon be better!
11/Jun/09 4:31 AM
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I'm off to do some ffuts. See you later!
11/Jun/09 4:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am having problems seeing the pooter screen right now. I just had an eye exam so I could get a prescription for a skin diving mask. The prescription hadn't changed in the 3 years since last checked, but the astigmatism has gotten better. The last two times I had my vision checked, it had improved.
11/Jun/09 4:41 AM
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Morning all! Though I guess technically it is still night time here....
Very cold this morning with wind chill. According to BOM it is 4.7C at the mo, with an apparent temp of -1.3C. That is very cold for us at this time of year.
11/Jun/09 4:43 AM
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Wish mine would improve Heidi! How long will the hay take to dry out so you can bail it after the rain stops?
Aimee, I think your husband did the right thing. And I would do what you are planning and sit down with her to talk about why you were mad. It's so hard being a parent! We all have occasional fits of thoughtlessness, but there are some people who are always only concerned with themselves!
11/Jun/09 4:47 AM
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June, you are probably right. Oh well, only one week and 2 days to go...
MizT, good news about the sun spot, singular! I haven't been back in yonks. Past time I think.
Tami, no wonder you are a teacher.
11/Jun/09 4:55 AM
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Good Day SA8ers!! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days.
Bellydance show last friday was fun. Had a nice dinner before we went & had a great time. My friend Janet came with us, she's never been to one of the bellydance shows and she really enjoyed herself.
My dad had some tests last week (stress test & found a small blockage in an artery), he's fine, but I got very worried. My male family members usually don't live very long (not much past mid-70's). Mom & dad are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary on 6/14.
Weather here's been crazy. Lots of bad rain/thunder/lightning. Thank goodness we haven't lost power in the last couple of weeks. I think it was Heidi or MizT that mentioned a generator. I've been talking to Darrell about us needing one here. It seems that most times when the power goes out, I'm home alone...I have about 6 flashlights throughout the house and a radio with batteries... That's about all for now, stomach growling, time for lunch!!! Will pop in later, TTFN!!!
11/Jun/09 4:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It was me who mentioned getting a generator. I like that it's easy start. All I have to do is push one button.
11/Jun/09 5:00 AM
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Stella, I too have done those just-in-case doc visits. Hubby is not doing well but I bet he won't go to the doc. We found out yesterday that his brother has to have bypass surgery in a couple of weeks. Wish they weren't so far away so we could go to visit him....
11/Jun/09 5:03 AM
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Hi Suzanne, sorry about your Dad. I hope all goes well.
11/Jun/09 5:05 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's raining cats and dogs again.
11/Jun/09 5:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, no cats and dogs here, but clouds and some rain coming from the north west just might clip us. we could use a little shower, has not rained in a week or so. I have been hand watering my container garden, could use a bit of help from Mother Nature.
SUZY, get thee an appointment and get checked for sun spots again, you know you need to do that regularly. It is easier to get them when they small.
11/Jun/09 5:51 AM
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I am probably even later responding back to you! No, I am the only one in my family to wear a watch, I only take it off to bathe and sleep. I feel naked without it. I will ask her if she had her phone on, I am thinking it was probably on silent (I don't think they ever actually turn them off), but I will ask.
And Suzy thanks for seconding my thoughts, that always helps in these types of situations! I will try to post tomorrow when I am back at work.
Thanks all!
Aimee :)
11/Jun/09 6:06 AM
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Thanks Suzy. Dad IS much better, it is just sommething the doctor has to keep an eye on for now.
11/Jun/09 6:08 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there all.Just a quick hello goodbye from me his morning.Be good.
11/Jun/09 6:42 AM
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A quick hello from me as well. I have to umpire a bowls game this morning. Sunny but cold at the moment but should be a nice day. Only got to 14*c yesterday. Cold for here!
11/Jun/09 7:35 AM
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