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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Alabama, USA
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here we go!
16/Jun/09 11:19 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Must get back to catching up on all the ffuts to do around the house.
Have a great day!
16/Jun/09 11:19 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Congrats MizT! I wasn't paying attention and had no idea we were at the bottom. I think I'm still in a fog!
16/Jun/09 11:20 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Stella, I sure hope that's a hostel she's staying at, and not a hostile!
16/Jun/09 11:38 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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lol Gail! I told you I was in a fog!
16/Jun/09 11:42 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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hehe Please pass on my best wishes to her when you do speak to her Stella.
Goodnight fellow SAers
16/Jun/09 11:55 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Goodnight Gail...I hope you aren't too exhausted.
Thank you again for a 'fun' day...
Rola I will definitely have a vanilla slice here for you...
Tricia...really...that would be telling! Suffice to say the sun was shining so we didn't waste too much time sorting thru my boxes...Gail is like one possessed once she has a pair of secateurs in hand! You can certainly see where she has been!
Broni the boxes are diminishing..
I even found the photos that prove that there is a table in there and that there are very nice looking polished boards in there...
Stella I hope Brendan recovers quickly from the foul tackle...
And now I had best bid you all goodnight..
17/Jun/09 12:05 AM
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Sudokuland!!! Just poured my first cup of coffee!!
Greetings to: Cynthia, Broni (yes, I know TTT can talk!! Remember we're friends for almost 25 years!!!), Suzy, Bean, Rolanda, Brenda, Stella, MizT, & Gail! I think that's everyone from the last couple of pages!! Hope everyone is having a good day/night.
17/Jun/09 12:46 AM
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I'm having trouble with posting on easy this morning, anyone else or is it just my stupid pooter??????
17/Jun/09 12:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It must be your stupid pooter. I have no trouble posting on Easy.
everybody. I had a lousy night. I could not sleep, just tossed and turned until 6 am. The weird thing was that I couldn't keep my eyes open and wanted to sleep.
17/Jun/09 1:25 AM
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I'm not surprised, but I can't do anything about it until Darrell gets home & can look at it. Sorry you didn't sleep well, Heidi, I have those nights occasionally, hate it when I do, makes me feel lousy the rest of the day. Try a nap later, maybe?
17/Jun/09 1:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I can't. I have a Doctor's appointment in 3 hours, then taking take-out chinese over to a friend's house.
17/Jun/09 1:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gotta go throw clothes in the wet sloshy thing.
17/Jun/09 2:21 AM
Stevenage UK
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Take care Heidi, is this your appointment for your back?
17/Jun/09 3:14 AM
Alabama, USA
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You know what happens when it rains for 3 days in a row? the grass grows like mad! I have been out taming it a bit. Al still needs to do the edges and the jungle in back, but I have done my part. I should get some type umbrella for my riding mower. It was cloudy and cooler when I went out, but that did not last the mowing. I did have my hat and sleeves, to stay out of the sun.
Kitchen smells good, I have made stuffed peppers for dinner. Hubby does not often suggest a meal, but when we were at the grocery he saw peppers at a good price and asked if I would make stuffed peppers. sure will, we have not had those in some time, it will be a good change.
OK, I need to find a glass of tea large enough to swim in, grass cutting, even with my cute red riding mower, is thirsty work.
17/Jun/09 3:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The appointment is for my clinical depression. The Prozac no longer works well. I'm also going to have her look at a big toe with an ingrown toenail.
17/Jun/09 3:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... I know well what a lawn looks like after many days of rain. Mine must be 8 inches high, but it's still too wet to mow.
It would get hopelessly clogged up.
17/Jun/09 3:25 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Good morning all.
I had lots of catching up to do. scarey that the tree came down so close to the house and what are you going to do with it?
Heidi..sorry that you can't have the sleep you needed.Did you get the umbrella out of the tree?
Gail..I wish I had some of your energy to finish mulching my front garden.The mulch is growing weeds through the edge from the lawn.
Cyn..sorry Col had to loose the days work,and Mum and MIL aren't well.Hope it never happens again for Col. must be about 9 days now.Have a marvelous time in China.
Hi to everyone else!!
17/Jun/09 3:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just finished getting the umbrella out of the tree. Believe it or not, it's unharmed!
17/Jun/09 4:03 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thats luck for you Heidi.I just love all the shell avatars you have.
I have been over reading "easy" made me laugh about shouting poop.
17/Jun/09 4:15 AM
Alabama, USA
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The grass itself had dried out here. One place where water washes, and leaves silt, was a bit muddy. I noticed the front tires had mud on them, but I did not bog down there.
I think I deserve a little nap now, been a busy morning. More ffuts to do later, but can do better if I am rested, right? My sticky story anyway hehehe.
17/Jun/09 4:15 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Last day of work and then 3 off.This week has gone very fast,so busy at work making sure everything is in order for accreditation next week.
Yesterday I came home very tired,had a sandwich,went to bed at 3.30pm and woke at 2.30am.
At times like this,I am glad Greg isn't working as he has been doing the housework etc.
Catch you all later,must get ready now.
17/Jun/09 4:24 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Tricia...Bye.
17/Jun/09 4:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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There is a violent
storm front moving quickly this way. It'll be here in 1 hour. I have to leave for the Dr. appt. in less than 1/2 hour. I just gave Dennis the maximum dose of tranquilizer possible, and will lock him in a crate before I leave. Hopefully the tranks will be enough to keep him from destroying the crate.
17/Jun/09 4:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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17/Jun/09 5:04 AM
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Morning all!
I read all the comments earlier and now I can't remember what I read. My cold is getting worse. I'm glad I only have to teach 2 classes today. One of them is physics, which I really have to prepare for to do well at, and I haven't really been able to. To make up for it I've made up a page of math they need to know, a page of how to solve physics questions, and copied 2 pages of problems from a book for them to work on. If they finish all that they will have to work from their text books.... The other class is senior support. I love senior support... we're going to rust some nails.
17/Jun/09 7:01 AM
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Fordot - have a great day everyone... or night for the topsiders. Sniff. Cough. Splutter.... aren't you glad this is cyber world?
17/Jun/09 7:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yeah, I'm sure glad you can't give me your miserable cold, Suzy!
Back from the Doc's. She's doubling my dosage of Prozac. We'll see how that does in 3 weeks.
17/Jun/09 7:38 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, I will admit that I can talk a lot but, for the record, Suzanne can out-talk me.
Suzy, I do hope that you are feeling better soon. I know how hard it is to teach when you don't feel well. Once you are the actual teacher, you should be able to call for a substitute.
17/Jun/09 8:01 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Ffuts is getting in the way. Gotta put some stuff in the spinny, sloshy thing and then into the hot spinny thing. I also have to fling some food at the beastie boys. Hubby is working late. The boys and I are going to watch baseball. The Florida Marlins vs. The Boston Red Sox. Mitchell is a Red Sox fan, but also loves the Marlins, his hometown team.
17/Jun/09 8:03 AM
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I do NOT talk more than TTT! I don't care what she says!!
Feel better Suzy!!
17/Jun/09 8:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how did Dennis do in the storm, without you there? I hope he slept through it nicely. He could become the best rested collie in Kentucky hehehe.
Glad the doc is following up so quickly with your new dosage.
Suzy, get well soon, only 3 days and you will be finished, You are standing upright so that is half this day, only 2 and 1/2 hehehe.
Tami, what did you feed the beastie boys tonight?
Nola, think it was you that asked about what we would do with the tree. Hopefully I can find someone who wants it for firewood enough they will come cut it and remove it. Al wants to offer it to a friend before I post it on free cycle. It is oak, it was a healthy tree, I should have someone take it.
17/Jun/09 9:10 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning all, just passing by...
Have Breakfast,take mum home, do grocery shop, have a meeting to go to late this afternoon..
yes Nola 9 days to go.
Tricia.. yes just elastic to go..
The suitcase is opened, nothing in it yet..........
The Brick Paver Man is back again this morning, it is looking good the paving!!!
And before I take mum home, throw stuff in that sloshing machine !!!
Hang it up when home from Grocery Shop..
Spagetti Bols for dins, made last night, just need to cook the fettucine.
Later Aligater
17/Jun/09 9:34 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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MizTricia, I made a very easy dinner. Took a frozen pizza and put it in the oven. I am too tired to cook.
17/Jun/09 10:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have about 8 boys in my camp group who are already causing trouble. Luckily I am a step ahead of them. I am making them so tired, they can't think to cause trouble. Unfortunately, it makes me tired also. We are doing exercises and running laps before we play outside. When we go in the gym there is also organized games. We go back to the field in the afternoon. Between all the excercise and the heat, they are tired. We had a high today in the 90's, again.
17/Jun/09 10:36 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am going to bed early. Right now the Marlins are losing big time. Marlins 2, Red Sox 8. Mitchell is happy, I don't care either way.
Catch you all tomorrow. May it be a good day/night for everyone.
17/Jun/09 10:38 AM
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Good morning everyone!
Just catching up on the news:
Heidi, your mask looks great!
Suzy, sorry you're not well: take care of yourself. Amazing puppy story! Glad it had a happy ending. :)
CynB - hope you don't meet any more greedy, grasping people!
Bean, glad you and Gail had a fun time!
Everyone take care with all the extreme weather out there. Can't remember all the rest ... hope you're all well and safe! :)
17/Jun/09 11:33 AM
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Forgot to have breakfast! Much better now - sitting down with toast and coffee ... let the day begin! (Again)
17/Jun/09 11:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I am back, with a full tummy. IH has a cousin + wife who just built a home 8 miles away. Some old friends of theirs just came to visit... with boys and dogs. I just took over a big box of chinese takeout.... most things on the menu, I believe. The boys are teenagers. The food was devoured enthusiastically. IH is still over there with them. Drinking beer. And whiskey. And lord knows what else.
17/Jun/09 11:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... while I was gone earlier, Dennis was tranquilized and locked in my strongest crate in a dark part of the house. He, and the house, survived.
17/Jun/09 11:52 AM
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