Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Won't name names, as I tend to forget someone each time, but I see a few people may be on site somewhere. Hello, Everyone! And now, I'm off again.
22/Jun/09 11:39 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Back home, but I don't think I have time to catch up on the pages I missed.

Mama, glad to hear that you are ok. That must have been a shock. Glad people were around to help.

June, the zoo sounds like it was fun. Glad the trip turned out great!

MizT, always nice to get a surprise package. The sandals sound really nice. I'm always looking for any footwear that I can wear for a length of time. So far haven't found any.

Suzy, good luck with all of the activities this week. I guess your prac is finished. Congratulations!

Broni, hope your ear feels better and you can finally be all healthy again!
22/Jun/09 11:40 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Rolanda, so exciting that only a couple of days til your trip to China. Have fun and I hope everything goes smoothly!

Julie, hope the kids get over their flu soon and you don't get it! Take care of yourself!
22/Jun/09 11:44 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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This crazy weather has made my allergies go crazy! I can't remember the last time my allergies were this bad, ugh!

Meghan's conference is over and she is sightseeing in Istanbul before she goes to Hungary. We haven't "talked" to her but we get a text message every day.
22/Jun/09 11:52 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen SA8ers!! Just got my first cuppa coffee, thanks MizT!!
I am glad I'm not the only one who's accident prone!!!! The worst thing I did was fractured my right wrist 3 days after school got out for the summer. Couldn't swim for 6 weeks, that was before fiberglass casts!! Mom took me to the local ice cream parlor (for a treat because she felt bad) and I ate my ice cream sundae and cried!!! I was always falling off my bike, my brother Chris hates the sight of blood, he'd run in the house "Mom, Suzanne's bleeding!!!" I'd say "just patch me up and let me go back out! I was having fun until THIS happened!!"
23/Jun/09 12:41 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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I hope everyone is well this morning...Had a good night's sleep. Darrell came home to sleep last night. He's on overtime again tonight.
I am FINALLY getting my eczema under control...I had a really bad breakout all over my torso & back...I feel better than I did a few weeks ago.
23/Jun/09 12:48 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Stella: I hope your allergies get better, I've had a bad time with them this year too!! We live in a newly developed housing area (we've been here for 5 years) and there is an open field in front of our house (across the street--behind the houses) and when the wind blows, everything flies around...there are not many established trees in the area (which would help)
23/Jun/09 12:50 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi there everyone.
I should really be in bed fast asleep but...
Suzy..with your busy schedule,you haven't got time to be sick.Hope the cold is getting better.
Broni and Stella you get better too.
June..I'm glad you enjoyed Dubbo zoo.It sounded very interesting.
MizT..what a thoughtful daughter you have to get you the comfy crocs in different colours.
Hi and bye Julie.
Rolanda..I'm sure you will have a marvelous time in China,bet your excitement now is hard to contain.Bon voyage!
I now don't have to work on Wed for accreditation as they gave me the day off for working on Sat.GREAT.
23/Jun/09 12:53 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi Suzanne..I'm on my 3rd coffee now and kept going in and out which took me ages to finish posting.Thats why I didn't see you there.
My DIL has eczema also which is over most of her body at times.Horribly itchy thing to have and she can't stay on the cortisone cream for very long.Glad yours is improving.
23/Jun/09 1:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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NOLA, these shoes are not crocs, but a shoe called EARTH SHOES, dressier than crocs, and comfortable also. Daughter tries on shoes, if they are a tiny bit to big for her, just right for me, so shoes she buys me usually fit nicely. Since we share preference for same colors, she knows what colors I will like. I think Daughter would make a wonderful personal shopper, she loves to shop and is good at finding things. She lives in an area where people pay for such things, but it is hard to get started.
23/Jun/09 1:30 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I am going to try to get some more sleep.Have a good day everyone.
23/Jun/09 1:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Stella, I must have missed someth8ing, what kind of conference is Megan attending?

Nola, glad you are getting a day off for the Saturday you worked. Especially if accreditation is that day, or getting ready for it, not a lot of fun.

23/Jun/09 1:33 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Nearly missed you also MizT.I haven't heard of Earth shoes but that isn't surprising as I am not a very good shopper nor like the shops much.Just go in to find the item I am after and rarely look around at anything else.
23/Jun/09 1:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Woke up to a massive thunderstorm! It hit full blast before I could give Dennis his tranks.
23/Jun/09 1:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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June ..... I am jealous. I LOVE going to Zoos. I wish I could have gone with you.
23/Jun/09 1:56 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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everyone (barely).
23/Jun/09 1:58 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi All....Stormy here last night too, Heidi, but wonder of wonders...the sun has been out and it has not rained now since daybreak...yea....I'm so tired of rain and thunderboomers. Hope the dogs were okay, or at least better now.
Shoes sound nice MizT...enjoy! I could use a personal shopper...I hate shopping,I do like to buy when I see what I want right away...but really shopping and price comparing and color selection can be difficult. I'd be happy to pay someone to do it If I could afford it.
June, the zoo trip sounds wonderful...I'd like to do something like that, perhaps with someone like Heidi who is knowledgeable about the different animals. Very interesting!
Stella, Everyone I know who suffers from allergies seems to have had a more difficult time with them this year...while mine are improving, I'm still far from comfortable....the damp weather hasn't helped much. I'm so ready for some long term dry weather, even though I'll have to deal with the least A.C will help there.
Glad your eczema is improving Suzanne....I break out and itch from hives so I know that itchy feeling is miserable....
Julie and Suzy...feel better too Broni..and anyone else who may be having pain , discomfort of any kind of issues. May you soon know a return to tranquilly and freedom of movement. Peace.
23/Jun/09 2:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, those shoes do sound nice, MizT. I love the look of earth shoes, but they tend to be too narrow for my very wide feet. I just bought a lovely pair of Bass sandals (wide width) for Florida. My old Bass sandals just fell apart and died. I think I had them 20 years.
23/Jun/09 2:20 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I think this storm may miss you, Mama. It's heading south east. Philly may be safe, but Jane may get it bad.
23/Jun/09 2:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne... ACCIDENT PRONE???? I'm a magnet for insanity. The weirdest thing that ever happened to me I affectionately refer to as "The Chocolate Incident". I woke up one morning, and had to drive into town to run some errands... I don't remember what. I got into my van (we lived in New Jersey at the time) and I headed off to town some 5 miles away. It was cool (33℉, .5℃) and raining. Shortly after pulling off of our back road onto a highway, a big tanker truck passed me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a sheet of brown liquid flying off the top of the tanker. The next thing I knew, my van was coated in an instantly hardening layer of dark, unsweetened chocolate. The aroma was overwhelming. I had noticed no other vehicles in the vicinity, so I quickly swerved off the road and stopped. I had to use an ice scraper to scrape the chocolate off the windshield so I could see where I was going. The truck didn't stop. I figured that if that was how my day was going to go, I was going back home and back to bed. Which I did.
I'm still waiting to get hit by a meteorite. I came close once. One hit the front pasture about 100 yards from where I was standing at the time. It's sitting on my kitchen windowsill now.
23/Jun/09 3:28 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Don't anyone ask me what I am doing up at this hour...
Going to go back to bed and try to sleep again soon...
What style Earth shoes did you get Tricia. I am very curious as to what sort of price they are over there..cheapest is $200 here. I have one pair of sandles and they are comfy but I have the same problem as Heidi... I have a very wide foot and most of the styles are too narrow for me. Last winter they had a wonderful pair of leather slip on 'scuff/clog' style that I was planning to get this winter and it is no longer in the range!
23/Jun/09 3:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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23/Jun/09 3:38 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hmmmm Heidi....Perhaps I'll change where I'll be staying in Florida...I really am looking forward to meeting you, but with my current stage of finding mishaps and your history of drawing mishaps towards you...sounds as if the two of us had better be standing as far apart as joking of course...its every one that stands between us that will be caught!!!!!
23/Jun/09 4:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama... I also seem to have the ability to draw other people's bad luck away from them. People around me tend NOT to have accidents, but I have more than my share. You will have a great time in Florida.
23/Jun/09 4:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH BEAN, I did another look, my shoes are EARTH SPIRIT, and nowhere like the $200 price of EARTH shoes. Sorry to mislead you, I just saw EARTH and went with that name for them.

Here is a pic of one of the pair of shoes I got, rth-Spirit&gender=Women&cc=

I have a pair just like in blue that is not even shown as a color choice on this site.
23/Jun/09 5:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Cyn - no!! Wishing you some clear weather so you can avoid the dreaded return to work.
June - that trip sounds fantastic! Blow the kids, I want to do it!
MizT - your new shoes sound fantastic..
23/Jun/09 6:19 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola - I'm a bad shopper too. I only go shopping when I absolutely have to. And sometimes not even then.

My mother has added something to this week's todo list - a friend of hers is coming for dinner on Wednesday. Hmmmm. I tutor until after 6, hubby and ebob leave for baseball training at 6.15... not sure how we're going to manage that one.
23/Jun/09 6:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola - on my 2nd cup of coffee, third one coming soon...

Last night's 'thing' at the Uni was very interesting. I was laughing at one of the speakers. He is a third year environmental science student and was talking about how he didn't really like school but he went to Uni because he wasn't sure what he wanted to do so figured why not bla bla... I looked at a sheet we had picked up on the way in and the UAI he needed to get in to the course he is doing was 90! So much for not liking school.....
23/Jun/09 6:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good afternoon all. We had a record high temperature today. It hit 100 degrees (37.8 celsius). That is a HOT day. We were not allowed to play outside after 12:00 today. That means we were stuck in a classroom and had to entertain 30 10-year olds.
23/Jun/09 6:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, there is no temp that stops the kids playing outside here. I used to pick up my kids when the temp inside the classroom got to over 40 degrees. They have air conditioning at the primary school now. Not at the high schools though.
23/Jun/09 7:08 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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It was not my choice. We were all told "no going outside." They don't want to risk the kids getting heat stroke or anything.
23/Jun/09 7:21 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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TTT: Could have been worse, you could have had to entertain 10 30-year olds!!!! I wouldn't mind that, BUT they would have to look like George Clooney!!!
23/Jun/09 7:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... wasn't there water they could plunge into somewhere? Ocean? Pool? Lake? Or is the problem too many gators for the water to be safe?
23/Jun/09 8:32 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good Morning
Zusy ~ Get your mother to cook dinner on Wednesday Evening !!
Tami ~ Way toooo HOT !!
MizT ~ Noice shoes !!
Heidi & Mama ~ Tis the season for Thunderboomers here in the West: being the Winter Season !!
Beanie, Nola ~ unhealthy nighttime habits : Up at unearthly hours !!
Stella ~ am soooo excited, only 3 days left.
Suzanne and Julie and anybody else on this page ~ ello !!
Later Aligaters

23/Jun/09 9:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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4 days now, Rolanda????
23/Jun/09 9:26 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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technically 4 days yes Heidi.. as it is Tuesday AM here now (7.35am), and I leave late Friday PM/extremely early Saturday AM ( 5 mins past midnight.
23/Jun/09 9:35 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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have only 3 big sleeps to go!!
23/Jun/09 9:36 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Mum says she will help me pack my bags this afternoon .
The delightful Red Headed boy (#2son), will pick up his Oma (unless he is called into work)and bring her back to here.
Fortunately, my ironing is up to date, other than what I have left my Ironing Lady to do.
Still to here from that other boy (#1 son) if he and his are coming to dinner!!
23/Jun/09 9:40 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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here = hear !!
23/Jun/09 9:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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How exciting!
I tend to pack early, so I have plenty of time to remember anything that I forgot to pack. I always catch one or two things.
23/Jun/09 9:42 AM
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