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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Opps = Oops! O and P 2 close.
30/Jul/09 5:43 PM
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We aslo went to Sandown to a circus so we had ia big day. Flow out 7:30am Sunday morning.we didn't have a chance to meet up with any-one.
30/Jul/09 5:47 PM
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I'm going now to bang on the pots and pans.
30/Jul/09 5:48 PM
Qld, Australia
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Can hear your banging from up here eaa!
30/Jul/09 5:53 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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At least she's doing it, I am STILL sitting here when I told myself I must get up immediately...that was at 5.30!
30/Jul/09 6:13 PM
Qld, Australia
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Well just got to see the 'Dag' is being slack hehe!
The boarder is cooking dinner and I am oganising all the food I will need for the week away.
30/Jul/09 6:38 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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It is good to see her being slack... don't want too many industrious eager beavers making me feel slack!!
30/Jul/09 6:52 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Eaa... sorry I missed you now and over the weekend... I was in bed with the flu all weekend. Would have been much more fun catching up with you!!
30/Jul/09 7:02 PM
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I'm back. My first ever potato bake was a success - as measured by the question 'is it a do again?' Not often I try new things and it is you guys who are corrupting me!! I managed for over 40 years flinging very, very rarely, and now I'm flinging almost weekly! It's just disgusting... the world has gone all wrong.
30/Jul/09 7:55 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I feel I must take some of the responsibility for the position Suzy in which now finds herself.
Sorry Suzy!
30/Jul/09 8:11 PM
Perth W Aust
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Sorry Suzy,, for my talk of flinging today..
I cooked up 2.2kg of Mince for the Lasange.
and made 1 large, 2 smaller(suitable for family of 3)and 1 wee Gluten Free ~ Quiches
The Large and Gluten Free Quiches are for Saturday Evening Family Gathering... the other 2 for the freezer
30/Jul/09 9:05 PM
Perth W Aust
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Hubby just rang.. he is on his way home, our dinner is keeping warm in the oven..
Yesterday while grocery shopping, bought Cooked Chook, reduced from $10.98 to $6.59.. we had some last night..
and the rest for tonight along with the Zucchini/Veggie Slice and nuked Spuds in their Jackets.
30/Jul/09 9:08 PM
Qld, Australia
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Rola, what is Zusy to do now??
30/Jul/09 9:41 PM
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A busy 4-5 days for me. Our Bowls Carnival weekend with games from today till Monday. I am making the rice and pasta salads for each day. 65 people today but there will be around 100 for the other days. As I am also playing all day tomorrow I have just prepared everything to fling into the pasta when I cook it tomorrow. We do not have caterers at our club.
SARS was about when we went to China and all the airports had temperature cameras that monitored everyone as you walked into the airport. Your experience was certainly scary Rolanda.
30/Jul/09 10:41 PM
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Great to see eaa in usual form to pop in and turn the page.
Thought with your friend Brenda.
Hope you soon get on the teachers list Suzy.I think this is a good term for getting relief work.
Julie, lots of our friends seem to be getting bionic knees. Very painful, I believe, but worth the pain for the eventual result.
Loving thoughts to everyone else and get better quick to all that are 'under the weather'.
I am off to bed.
30/Jul/09 10:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Woke up to a splitting headache, and a house that looks like it was hit by Hurricane Lucky. Every inch of the floor is covered in shredded paper and styrofoam beads. In the center of the mess he lovingly placed my chewed up Crocs.
31/Jul/09 12:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I might as well go look for the ShopVac so I can clean up this disaster area.
31/Jul/09 12:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The mess on the floor has been cleaned up... and just before IH got home from his trip. He left only a few hours after I got home from Fionafest.
Now for a nap.
31/Jul/09 5:23 AM
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"Not the Crocs"
31/Jul/09 6:20 AM
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Aaaaaahhhhh! What a morning greeting! Rolanda and all her lasagna and quiches, and June cooking for 100 multiple days in a row!! I will not go in that room, I will not go in that room, I will not go in that room.....
31/Jul/09 6:36 AM
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Julie, are you getting both knees done at the same time? The water aerobics will come in very handy after that!
Gail, it is all your fault! I wouldn't have tried if I hadn't been able to ask the questions.
Heidi, if he was in my house Lucky would be very lucky to be inside!
31/Jul/09 6:41 AM
Alabama, USA
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GREETINGS SUDOKULAND! I am alive and kicking, just had 2 very busy days. Yesterday was grocery shopping, today was a routine doc visit. Both time consuming. Then when I am hope, t storms have kept the computer off.
My new eating plan is paying off. Doc was very impressed and happy with my blood sugar numbers! This after reducing the meds to only one a day. I do think this is going to help both my weight loss goals and my health in general. I do know I am feeling better than I have in a while, except for my back.
He is scheduling a MRI to check out my back. I am not sure when we gonna do it, they have to call from the hospital to let me know. Hope it finds some tiny little something that is easily remedied.
UH OH< I gotta go to that room Suzy is avoiding. I am making something from mince, I have a recipe for Asian lettuce wraps I might try. AND have egg drop soup with it and I have steam veg already. I found steam in the bag, veg 2/$ today in the mark down bin, the use it today kind of thing. I cooked the veg medley one tonight, will cook the brocolli one tomorrow, might make broccoli cheese soup from that one, if I have enough cheese that is.
Having a little in th eoffice minor surgery on the 25 august. I had a cyst that had got inflamed and looked like a boil or carbuncle, got that cleared up, and it has left something that sticks me, deep in my back, Doc said lets just cut and titch, and get it out. fine with me! Unless it goes completely away in the weeks to come, that is!
Later friends, and hugs to all.
31/Jul/09 7:37 AM
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I knew it! I lost the post! That's what happens when my world goes all topsy turvy...
31/Jul/09 8:01 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, good luck on applying for a teaching job. I remember all the paperwork involved. It was not fun. My assistant principal called me yesterday to ask me what room I wanted this year. Last year I was working out of 2 rooms. I decided to keep the room I have had for the last 3 years. I am staying in 6th grade and I am very happy about it. I thought they were going to move me. I am going in on August 10 to move my stuff into the one room and start setting up. I go back officially on August 17.
31/Jul/09 8:39 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovely SA people.
Lots of talk of food and the preparation thereof - still no appetite here - one good thing to come out of that must be weight loss, my clothes feel loose on me.
MizT - glad the new eating plan is working.
Tami - is it almost time to go back to school? Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?
Lucky - oh yes, naughty Lucky and chewing up the crocs. Definite no-no!
Have a nice day everyone. I don't feel too bad this morning, hope it stays that way. Off for a shower - it is 9am!
31/Jul/09 9:06 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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My Dad would have been 94 today were he still alive. Just thought I'd like to acknowledge that somewhere.
31/Jul/09 9:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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CynB... Wishing your dad a
, wherever he is. I know he's still in your heart.
31/Jul/09 9:16 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, I am also wishing your dad a happy 94th birthday. I know he is still with you.
Heidi, bad Lucky. The beastie boys would have been saying good Lucky. They would have laughed, but they would help you clean. I don't feel so bad. All Rachel does is shred tissues.
eaa, good to see you back. Glad you had a great weekend.
Dont remember anything else. I will be back later.
31/Jul/09 9:55 AM
Perth W Aust
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Cynb.. Remembering your Dad on what would have been his 94th birthday.. My dad would have been 93 next week on the 6th August.
31/Jul/09 10:02 AM
Perth W Aust
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Heidi.. If Lucky lived at my house.. Lucky would have been lucky to be inside.. Lucky would have lucky to be living at my house..
31/Jul/09 10:04 AM
Perth W Aust
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My #1 boy is coming to spend some time with his mother, while his car is in for service at the mechanics
31/Jul/09 10:05 AM
Perth W Aust
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Zusy.. no flinging today.
This eve Hubby and I are at a 50th Birthday Party.
31/Jul/09 10:06 AM
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And that's the way it should be Rolanda!
Cyn, thinking of you on your Dad's birthday. My father would have been 66 last April.
MizT, I didn't appreciate all the flinging talk! I am glad you updated us on your Doc's visit though. Woo hoo a working diet! Now I just wish it was easier to stick to - that is, without so much flinging!
31/Jul/09 10:38 AM
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A hectic day and weekend ahead of me. I'm tutoring in about 20 minutes for who knows how long.. then I pick up the girls from school and take them bowling... tomorrow it is my turn to drive to baseball... Sunday is bowling day with hubby's work, ebob is working, and then she is going to the end of a 21st birthday party and dinner with a friend's family.
31/Jul/09 10:42 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, sounds like you have a busy weekend.
Rolanda, have a good time at the party.
I am going to say good night as I am falling asleep at my pooter.
31/Jul/09 10:47 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Rolanda - I was just thinking of the very different world our fathers were born into. My father's British parents were married 10 months before he was born. WW1 started not long after and my Grandfather was knocked back by the British Army because of hearing problems. My Grandmother's brother had just migrated to Australia and wrote about it in glowing terms. So Grandparents decided to emigrate, and my poor stoic Granny was pregnant during the journey - weeks and weeks by ship. Hence my Dad was the first member of his family to be born an Aussie just a couple of months after they arrived here. BTW - Grandfather tried to enlist here as well but was knocked back by the Australian Army too. Instead he became a banana farmer and then a dairy farmer until his death in the 50's.
31/Jul/09 12:08 PM
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Ok, need to vent, if you don't want to read further, I understand! I called my mom today to let her know we got home safe, she asked how the trip went! (Told myself I wasn't going to give her all details, but for those who KNOW me, you know that's hard!!)) Went into details on the financial/job/housing! She blew a gasket!!! OF course she did!!!! To make a long story short, I am NOT planning on talking to her for a while! Darrell & I got into an argument over this whole situation! Ready to throw in the towel (and anything else at this point!!) I am just about on the verge of tears!!!
31/Jul/09 1:01 PM
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Sorry everyone, but this has been a VERY tough, emotional week!!
Hello to everyone there! (forgot my manners, SO sorry!!)
31/Jul/09 1:03 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Suzanne dear - keep calm. Get a cup of coffee, glass of wine, block of chocolate - whatever it takes to help you chill out.
Things will work out eventually - what seems bad today looks different after a good nights sleep.
Things will settle with Darrell and with your Mom. You do know that mothers have a way of wheedling information out of you. They know when you're holding back. You can't fool them. My Mum was the queen of that - it's maternal ESP.
Here are some soothers for you -
Hope that's enough to make you feel better.
31/Jul/09 1:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzanne... Find out who the congressman is for the area of that house you want to buy. E-mail him with the story. He's love to get 2 more voters who are happy with him. They and their staffs are usually good at pulling strings. It won't hurt anything to try.
31/Jul/09 1:17 PM
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