Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Broni rest a relaxing on the boat sounds wonderful, hope the weather is kind to you.
Heidi, I didn't think my friend would make it either, but am so pleased that she is improving. It is still going to be a long haul to get her back to normal.
29/Jul/09 7:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have added a few more pictures to my page. I have learned how to resize them so that they are not huge.
29/Jul/09 7:58 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Just been talking to youngest daughter, but will now have a look at your photos Tami
29/Jul/09 8:12 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Daughters had a disaister last night. They went up to Maligne lake, just got to the car park and the car broke down. Being in the mountains they didn't have a signal on their mobile and the payphone would only do local calls and ate the money. They had to get a tow truck out to take car back to Jasper and it is in the garage now, where it will have to stay for 2 weeks. They have had to hire a car at great expense, though to be honest they are quite happy with the only car they could get which is a convertible smart car. Only downside is that it is yellow.
29/Jul/09 8:20 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I have just been serenaded by kookaburras. I wish I could feed them, but I don't like attracting any animals to the back yard with our dogs looking for something to 'play' with.

Brenda, that sounds like a scary experience for the girls. Glad it worked out okay, if expensive. What is wrong with yellow? I like yellow cars!

Checked out your iguana Tami!
29/Jul/09 9:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, Brenda! At least the girls were OK. I am not crazy about yellow cars, either, but it's better than nothing.
29/Jul/09 10:53 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning lovely SA people. My mind is a total blank today - let me see - what did I want to say?
Broni - I had wondered where you were in the past few days. A weekend's R&R on the boat sounds good, hope the weather stays fine but a tad warmer.
Brenda - so pleased to hear of the improvement to your friend's condition. Long way to go, yes, but far better than the alternative.
To whoever asked (MizT?) - still not smoking, still can't face the thought. Sorry Broni - letting the side down here, thought I'd be the last one standing.
29/Jul/09 10:54 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Cyn, please take this opportunity to quit smoking. My dad ended up in the hospital with pneumonia and was on oxygen before he finally quit.
29/Jul/09 11:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy asked about the picture of the iguana I put on my page. For summer camp, we work out of a local elementary school. It has a lot of trees in the yard. The iguana hangs out in the trees. I have also seen squirrels and a possum.
29/Jul/09 11:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Dylan lost a baby tooth today. He put it under his pillow. He is hoping the tooth fairy will leave him some money for it.
Heidi brought him a horse's baby tooth to FionaFest. He wanted to put that under his pillow but we told him that it was not nice to try and trick the tooth fairy.
29/Jul/09 11:37 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to say goodnight. I have an early day tomorrow. I wish everyone a wonderful day/night where ever you are.
29/Jul/09 11:48 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Tami - I am so well aware of the dangers of smoking, they are all over every packet of cigarettes I buy. The problem is not in awareness - it is an addiction, in my case an addiction I have had for 45 years. I have stopped at numerous times, once for as long as 18 months and taken it up again. This may be the trigger and in a hundred ways I hope it is, (and in a couple of private selfish ways I don't want it to be). Thanks for your concern and I'm glad that your father was able to stop.
29/Jul/09 11:49 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Ooh, I am such a slack Nanny - I forgot to let you know the results of Emily's MRI and other tests. Very disappointing really because there were no conclusive findings so they are treating her as if she has the childhood one - and after another 6 years, when she is 13, they will cut back on medication. Then, and only then, if she starts to have seizures, they will know she has the permanent epilepsy. So disappointing. The only other hope is that they (the doctors) can catch her while she's having a seizure and test her there and then. Like that's going to happen!
29/Jul/09 12:11 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hey Cyn, you sound better today. Not a weekend away a WHOLE week Wooo Hooo! All you non smokers will all appreciate this...dopey left her cigarettes in the trolley for next week...gone..someone had a win.
Heidi, need a slap on the head icon duh!
29/Jul/09 12:27 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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OK have stopped feeling sorry for myself, now on the good news front. Teresa and I are invoicing our first order today, told you this business venture was going to be slow starting but we are doing it right.
29/Jul/09 12:29 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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My little grandson is now 2 years old and my niece will be 21 at the end of the week. Grey hairs are now my highlights in my hair.
29/Jul/09 12:32 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good evening friends, time to call it a day and put my head down. I have read, I thought good thoughts for each of you and at the moment I CRS! I blame it on being sleepy. See you all tomorrow.
29/Jul/09 2:51 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I'm back again but only for a short while.
Broni...I really hope your business adventure turns into a huge success,and the week on the boat is all you expect and more.
MizT..catch you tomorrow.
Cyn...good on you,hope that you can quit.When I had the chest infection recently,it slowed me down but I still kept smoking.Stupid I KNOW.
What a pain that they can't give a definite diagnosis on Emilys epilepsy.I hope she has the one that she could grow out of.
Suzy...I did some knitting and got onto the computer when I was up early.
Tami...Dylan is a clever kid.Not many would think of tricking the tooth fairy.
Greg has tried to fix the sound on MSN but it still didn't work.He did manage to get the web cam going though.
I can't go back to the previous page to check what else I was going to write.Probably catch you all tomorrow.Bye.
29/Jul/09 3:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oh, my! It's been a long day! Hello, Everyone! Good EARLY morning here (1:00 a.m.).

CynB & Bean, hope you continue to feel better!
June hope your back improves now that you're done at MIL's, I think.
Broni, I don't understand what you did, but something for the boat & you get to go out for a week.
Brenda, good news for your friend & hope she continues to improve!
Hi, Gail! Any more planting in your garden?
Hi, VIci! Have you finished moving stone?
MizT, take care of that back!
Suzy, did you get to enjoy an empty house?
Nola, be sure you get enough sleep between all your work hours!
Mamacita, Heidi, and Tami, hope you all get enough sleep after that exhausting FionaFest!
No time to read any more, as I'm exhausted from a long day. Sleep well, Everyone, whenever it's your turn to sleep!
29/Jul/09 4:07 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yep Julie, just came indoors as a matter of fact!
Today was walk around the garden and make a list day. There were some things we had planted in the past that were now in the wrong place or had not done very well. We pulled them up and repotted them in yummy sh*t. See what happens. Some we have worked out where to replant, the others we will see what happens after a few weeks in the pots.
29/Jul/09 4:59 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Julie you are looking particularly beautiful today... would love to see an enlargement of this avatar.

Tami...I am curious... why does the camp director wants to catch the iguana? Isn't it best left wild?

Gail I am jealous that you are well enough to be out in the garden... I'm not capable of much more than the computer chair. Still have 2 big empty bins here for next week after the quarantine is lifted...
29/Jul/09 5:13 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi Beanie - this flu is hard to shift isn't it?
We both thought we were OK today so we went off to run a few errands and have a coffee - for the first time since it all started. Even had a light meal out so that we don't have to cook much tonight. Have come home exhausted, with upset tummies and coughing and spluttering again - so over it!!!
29/Jul/09 6:12 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Broni - Happy Brithday to your grandson and your niece! And leaving your cigs in the trolley - slap your own wrist. Those things are darn-near gold-plated the price we pay for 'em - they deserve to have their own safe!
Gail - you must have a lovely garden - one day I'm coming to Cockatoo to visit.
Hi Julie, Nola and MizT.
29/Jul/09 6:16 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn, the door is always open for Sudokuists ♥

Bean, we'll get back into cutting and cleaning after we go to the market on Tuesday. Can't come on the Thursday as I have rescheduled my long overdue hair appt, for the second time!

Looking to go with two of my sisters to see Wicked in the next week.
29/Jul/09 7:35 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Wednesday is always a quiet night here.
Julie I love your latest avatar.
Looking forward to the shirt photo MizT.
Keep ranting till you get your loan Suzanne.
Hope all flu victims are soon feeling better.
Love hearing all the work all the gardeners are doing. Makes me wish I had time to do more work in my own garden.
Felt OK after a good nights sleep last night. A few muscles were a bit sore this morning until I got moving about.
Broni, hope your new venture is working out and have a lovely time relaxing on your boat. Happy birthday to your family members celebrating.
Must check out Tami's resized photos. Hope you are happy with your new camera.
Hubby wants me to mend a flag so must go. (I have mended it before but the wind soon rips it again. I think the bowling club needs a new flag!)
29/Jul/09 10:01 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, I must have missed something a few pages back. Is your MIL moving out?
29/Jul/09 10:11 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Congratulations great auntie Cyn and welcome to the world Ada! Hope you're feeling better and keep strong about staying away from those cigs! There's a reason for it!
Hope you're feeling better Bean!
MizT, hope the bathroom is an easy fix!
Brenda, glad the girls are having a good time and can keep in touch.
Susanne, good luck with the financing!
Mama, Heidi, Tami and Tami's mom, great that you all had a wonderful time at Fionafest! Wish I was there! Sounds like you had a blast, snoring and all!
29/Jul/09 10:21 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Sore and stiff this morning from all the fun we're having. My mom didn't make the trip and then had a scare yesterday when she didn't feel well. None of us were around, so she called my cousin and she and her hubby helped my mom until my brother was able to get there. Jerry is making belgium waffles this morning so everyone is coming here for breakfast.(28 people!) They're arriving so I must go. Hope everyone has a great day!
29/Jul/09 10:25 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Love to you Stella.
Enjoy Smuggs.
Thoughts for your mother.
29/Jul/09 10:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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SIL had her house rented and she was living with MIL. The people moved out of SIL's house and she wanted to move back home and she has taken her Mother back with her and now they are going to rent out MIL's house. We have been working to get it ready for the new tenants to move in next Monday. That probably all sounds as clear as mud!
29/Jul/09 10:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No, I understood fully, which concerns me a little! lol
I hope the relocation goes smoothly for them both, and that the new tenants of your MIL's house are well behaved.
29/Jul/09 11:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everybody. Sometimes I want to throw away every telephone in the house. I vaguely remember being awoken by the telephone several times before 8 am. I also vaguely remember ripping the phone off the wall one of those times, and trying to answer the base instead of the receiver. I hate mornings!
30/Jul/09 12:38 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hey, Chookies! I just posted this on "easy" and thought I'd post it here in the henhouse, too!

There seems to be a lot of interest in taking a cruise next year. And since 2009 is more than half over, we’d better start planning now! One of Tami’s relatives is a travel agent, specializing in cruises, so that will take a lot of the work out of planning. However, we need to nail down some basics.

If you are seriously considering joining us, please answer the following questions and return them to me.

a.Caribbean (Western or Eastern?)
c.Baja, Mexico (Cabo San Lucas, etc.)

a.winter (Jan or Feb)
b.spring (Mar, Apr, May, June)
c.July thru October – not recommended due to hurricane season
d.late fall, early winter (Nov., Dec.)


a.5 days
b.7 days

COST is no object
b.moderate inexpensive as possible (preliminary research indicates that an interior room on a Carnival cruise ship can be had for as little as $309 per person, double occupancy for a 5-day Caribbean cruise). Of course, there are always extra costs such as port fees, excursions, etc. (For the record, this is MY category!)


a.Caribbean/Bahamas cruises sail from Jacksonville, Port Canaveral, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami and other ports. Which would you prefer?
b.Baja cruises depart from San Diego (possibly from LA, too, but I haven’t checked into that yet)

Any other ideas/suggestions?
30/Jul/09 1:52 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Morning all.
Oh Heidi,you aren't a morning person at all!!
I had to laugh.
Gail,your plants will appreciate the move especially with the manure.Hope they do well.
Julie...that is the nicest avatar of stained glass,love the colours.
My 26 yr old microwave light went this morning.Wouldn't it save a lot of money if all light bulbs lasted that long.They say the new ones outlast the old but I have had many new globes die within 1 yr.Who keeps a record of when they were replaced!and I wonder if there is a guarantee.
There was a very nice photo of everyone at Fionafest that Eric took,I think it was on Sues page but not sure now.

30/Jul/09 4:17 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hello Gang!
Oh how I wish I had time to catch up on my reading...but I must run out the door and get cracking on more yard work. So much to get done before I can start packing my bags for Oz.
I did catch Jane's post re: Sudokucruise 2010.
Here were the comments I wrote on her page:
Jane - Sudokucruise 2010 - WONDERFUL!
re: your poll...
I would opt for the Baja/Mexican cruise because that is the closest for me...however, I do have a suggestion: A Tahitian (perhpas Fijian?) cruise. I'm thinking more of our friends down-under would be able to attend that as it is closer More...

for them.
Time frame? I opt for late fall/winter so we all have more time to get our acts together (plan, save, etc.)
Length? 5 days would suit me just fine. Plus, I'm thinking it would be helpful to those who are not as open with time to be able to attend. Being a cruise, it locks it down so that people cannot just come and go like they did at Fionafest.
Cost? I'm good with as inexpensive as possible...that way, those with less can make it and those with more can get upgrades to enhance their experience.
I'm VERY excited about the possibility of a "meet" on such a grand scale.
Hope my comments help.
Bottom line, I think you (and Tami, perhaps) should make the final decisions and let the chips fall as they may (once you get the input you've requested) - it would be way too hard to suit every one's needs.
Thank you SO much for getting the ball rolling!
30/Jul/09 4:49 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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I'm off to my book club tonight, so I don't think I'll be catching up until tomorrow morning.
Best wishes to everyone until then.
PS (Book was "The Art of Racing in the Rain" - loved it! Predictable but so charming as the narrator was a dog.)
30/Jul/09 4:51 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Bean, my camp director wants to catch it simply because it is there. Boys will be boys. I don't think he intends on keeping it.
Cyn, my dad smoked for about 65 years. He had stopped several times, once for about 6 months. But he would always just have one cigarette and that was the end. I know it is not easy but you have gone a week already. Be strong and stop. We want you around for a long time and so do your grandkids. For the record. Mitchell was about 5 or 6 and he went to my father and said, "Papa Bernie, please stop smoking, I don't want you to die." I DID NOT coach him to say that but even that did not get my dad to quit. Only being in the hospital on oxygen did it.
30/Jul/09 7:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, I am happy with the camera. It seems to take good pictures. Downloading them is easy. I am just trying to get used to the new software in my computer. It is different from the last one so it is not as easy to work with yet.
30/Jul/09 7:09 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I am going to get some stuff done.Have to go into town.Catch you all later.
30/Jul/09 7:31 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good evening all.
I have been into see my friend in hospital. We got a call from her solicitor (who is also a personal friend to both of us) asking us if we could go into the hospital to help sign and witness her will. The staff made an exception so we could go in as a group as we all had to be there to make sure that Lesley was happy with the will and for me to sign it on her behalf.
I was expecting her to be very weak, but it was still a shock to see her still very very ill. We are hoping that she will make a full recovery but it is going to take months, and she is going to need a lot of help.
30/Jul/09 8:29 AM
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