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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Just dropped in for a quick HI.I have not read the posts. Just waiting for hubby to come home but the ute must have broken down, ie stopped and he has to wait for the engine to cool before it will start again. Probably time we got a new one! (this one my Dad bought 3 months before he passed away almost 24 years ago)
15/Aug/09 5:28 PM
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Grrrrrr. The truck did not break down. He stopped at the bowling club to collect today's results before coming home. He was umpiring the Pan Pacific Baseball Competition about 1 hours drive away.
15/Aug/09 6:16 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Oh dear! We've all driven a car that needs loving n't we?
I used to drive a Holden HQ that was at least twenty years old when I got it, and had it until my youngest was 6 months old. I always had to carry water for the radiator which leaked like a sieve, and it had this wonderful habit of randomly dying at intersections! I finally stopped driving it (in fact, refused to ever get in it again!) when I pulled up at home, and instead of the usual steam coming from under the bonnet, it was smoke!
I rolled it down the driveway and left it out on the road until I could organise a wrecker to come and pick it up and tow it away. Not one tear did I shed as he drove away!
15/Aug/09 6:16 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Priorities June, priorities!
15/Aug/09 6:17 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Where did my 'have' from the word 'haven't' go in the first post?
15/Aug/09 6:19 PM
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Hi Gail, quiet here tonight. We have just been to visit MIL as Hubby is going overseas on Monday.
We got the fish to Laura OK. She liked her 3 fish but just before she went to bed she "I would have liked a dog!" (Her father does not like dogs and their backyard is not properly enclosed) She will just have to enjoy her Aunties dogs along with the horses.
I have had to go back on the cortisone as I had broken out in hives again and the antihistamines were not working. I am OK tonight!
15/Aug/09 9:00 PM
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Hi everyone! Wow, it's quiet here tonight.
Just back from visiting my Mum and Dad - feeling quite worn out, but not a bad visit this time! I printed out some pages of my family history finds - all about Mum's family, going back to the 1500's. She spent hours going from page to page and being astounded each time she read them - pretty tiring, but it kept her happy, and
we had quite a nice time. Dad looks extremely frail, but he was very happy to see us.
Toasted sandwiches for tea, and there's NOTHING on the telly (except football, which Rob is watching)
Tomorrow I intend to sleep in late and then be very lazy all day! (Ok, might have to go to the gym, but APART from that ...!)
15/Aug/09 9:07 PM
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Hi June! Sorry to hear about your hives - I know how horrible they are! I'm sure Laura will love her fish - she can always get a dog when she's older.
15/Aug/09 9:11 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Yes June, I am sorry to hear of your distress too. Hives sound like they suck.
Judy, I got to have a huge sleep-in this morning, very unusual for me.
Hey, did you ever find that chocolate? Inquiring minds need to know!
15/Aug/09 9:15 PM
Qld, Australia
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Yeah Judy, Inquiring minds and all that ffuts!
Hello my friends, not been around much, moved Possums's boat down to Redland Bay and going with the tides didn't tie up until just before 6pm, tired but happy we did it. Have to go back there tomorrow.
Hope you are all well or improving.
15/Aug/09 9:24 PM
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Hello Gail! Lucky you, getting to sleep in. And I can assure you that hives suck BIG time!
Yes, as it happens, said chocolate did turn up quite unexpectedly ... mmmm, chocolate! I moved something on the bookshelf, and there it was - somewhat stale, but still quite tasty. I seem to be over my craving - at the moment one of those Choc-o-lait drinks is enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. And I have lost a few kilos, which is very nice!
15/Aug/09 9:25 PM
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Hello Broni! (The Gang's all here!) Messing about in boats sounds like fun - haven't done anything adventurous like that since I was a youngster - MANY years ago! ;)
15/Aug/09 9:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Judy... of course each piece had to be checked to make sure it was still good.
16/Aug/09 1:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Everybody. The head cold is much better..... BUT..... it has gone down into the chest. I keep going into coughing fits when I breathe. Sometimes I cough so hard I vomit. My chest actually hurts. For the first time, I'm worried. I think I'll mosey on down to the Hospital this afternoon.
16/Aug/09 1:32 AM
Stevenage UK
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Hi Heidi, sorry that it has gone on to your chest, hope you did go to the hospital.
How are the baby finches doing?
16/Aug/09 6:05 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just stopping in for a quick hello.
Heidi, please get yourself checked. Too many animals are depending on you. My mom says you should go get checked also.
June, glad Laura liked her fish.
Don't rememer anything else. I will be back later.
16/Aug/09 6:36 AM
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Morning all!
Up early for a Sunday to get Ebob off to work. She hasn't had a day off in weeks! Not from work, I mean from her total of things she is involved in.
Judy, I finally remembered to go back to check for your makeup post (and my connection is zipping this morning so I could - hope I haven't just jinxed myself). How horrible. I hope you can find someone else as 1/2" thick makeup only makes skin problems look worse. I hope it works out.
Brenda, how did your visit to your friend go. Hang on, I haven't finished reading yet, you might have already answered that... didn't see it.
Mamacita, Gail has a very dirty mind. Mine is as clean as a whistle!
Nola, your evening with family sounds wonderful. I'm smiling about the kids sleeping outside. Let us know if they made it through the night or came back inside for warmth.
Tami, as I was reading your post I was thinking oh no, but then got to the bit where you didn't have to move rooms. Thank goodness! Not a job anyone would like to do twice!
June, how did transporting the fish go? Oops there it is. I'm glad they got there safely. Laura's comment reminds me of some birthdays we've had here... I hope your hives are under control as you read this. I had them once when I was about 16 - drove me absolutely crazy!
Rolanda, I hope the weather is better for next weekend! Especially after all of your work.
Broni! Yay! Could you give that life you've got back please as I miss seeing more of you. Naa, just ignore me.
Heidi, let us know what the hospital said. (Note the assumption that you WILL go?)
16/Aug/09 7:26 AM
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Hi to all my SA friends.
Heidi, please make sure you do get medical help.You need to get rid of whatever is ailing you.All that coughing will not be helping your back and ribs!
Suzy how did the baseball go? Ken is umpiring again for these PanPacific games. U/16 and teams from Japan, USA, Sydney, Singapore, forgot where else. Ken actually was the coach of one of our teams which went to Taiwan (I think) a few years ago. He has taken teams to a few countries so I don't always remember which was which.
Now that I am on the cortisone the hives are masked so I am OK. Just hate having to take the cortisone.
Judy, you certainly got a lot of information on your family. I sometimes chase things but in fits and starts these days. I did most of it the hard way before so much was available on the net.
Sounds like a fun weekend Nola.
Broni,glad you are enjoying time on the boat.
It is predicted to be about 28*c here today. A very warm winters day!
16/Aug/09 7:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Guess what???? I DID go!!!! Good news/ bad news. It 's not pneumonia. Just a bad case of Bronchitis. And a bad reaction to the OTC cold meds. I'm not allowed to take them any more. The Doc armed me with 4 prescriptions and sent me on my way. I prefer to use only one pharmacy so they can check for possible drug interactions, so I drove straight to the pharmacy I always use, instead of to the closest pharmacy. I got there just as they were closing for the day. They won't fill my prescriptions until tomorrow at 1 pm. If I had gone straight to the closest pharmacy, I would already have my meds. This is not going to be a fun night.
16/Aug/09 7:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... every time I cough, the back and head both hurt something fierce.
16/Aug/09 7:56 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, glad you went to get checked. One more night and you will start feeling a lot better.
Suzy, make sure Ebob takes care of herself. She needs time just to "chill"
16/Aug/09 8:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, June... pertaining to the fish and the desire for a puppy.... As a child, I had to prove that I was responsible enough for a major pet by showing long term responsibility caring for fish, and other people's pets while they were on vacation. That might be a good way to go with Laura. Let her know that she needs to show that she won't get tired of caring for a pet. All pets are a lot of work, besides being fun.
16/Aug/09 8:06 AM
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And clean her room Tami!
June, the baseball game went well. They lost, but not as badly as they have in the past, only by a couple of runs. Ebob has a nasty fat lip after getting hit by a ball during warm ups. It could have been worse - she could have lost some teeth! I also heard one of the players in her other team (the women's team she will be playing with as soon as the men's season is over) got a broken jaw after being hit by a ball while sliding for a base. The umpiring sounds exciting and challenging for Ken. Will you go and watch any of the games? And did you get to go OS with him for the other games??? I hope so!
16/Aug/09 8:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The little finches are getting SO big! They're starting to get their feathers in now, too.
16/Aug/09 8:12 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning SA8.
Heidi, I presume the last lot of finch eggs hatched then, must have missed that..congratulations.
Off to have a long hot shower, was a very tiring day yesterday. We have to go back to the boat today to extend the chain on the mooring and after that going to sit down and have a relaxing drink or two. No gninaelc or ffuts today will all just have to wait.
Hope you are all well or improving.
16/Aug/09 8:34 AM
Stevenage UK
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My visit to see Lesley was good. She still has a long long way to go. She has lost all muscle, to be expected with the length of time she has been in active. Also her stomach has shrunk so much that she has problems when they give her her meds through a tube. She is in a side ward which she hates as when visiting hours are over she is all by herself. I will be going in as much as I can next week, fortunately another friend will be able to go in the week after as I am going away in the caravan.
16/Aug/09 9:20 AM
Stevenage UK
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She has been told that the Stoma they had to fit will eventually be reversed and she will not have to live with it for the rest of her life.
16/Aug/09 9:22 AM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, my son actually tidied his room last week, after I threatened to do it myself. It's not perfect but at least I can see the carpet.
16/Aug/09 9:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Brenda... I still say that Lesley's recovery is miraculous. It will be a l-o-n-g recovery, but she will recover. I bet her kids are besides themselves with happiness.
16/Aug/09 9:42 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi everyone, here but not here, need coffee!
16/Aug/09 9:57 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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aaaaah coffee, is there nothing it can't do?
16/Aug/09 10:12 AM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Time for coffee and paper in bed... catch you all later
16/Aug/09 10:14 AM
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Good morning friends! Hope you're all well.
Heidi, glad you went to the doctor - hope you're feeling better very soon.
Brenda, very happy for your friend - hope her recovery is quick and complete.
June, when it comes to family history the Internet is amazing! Of course you have to be careful - I found someone I was looking for the other day and thought I'd check how far back their tree went. Mmmm, quite a LONG way - when they got back to Saxons and ancient Norsemen I started to be a teeny bit suspicious!
Gail, I understand that nothing can happen until coffee has been consumed - that's why I switched to decaf! ;)
Suzy, if her skin has cleared up a bit before the day she may not make a fuss about the make-up. All fingers, toes and eyes crossed here!
16/Aug/09 10:25 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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All crossed here too Judy!
16/Aug/09 10:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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And here, too.
16/Aug/09 11:08 AM
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Oh, you guys are luverly! Thank you!
16/Aug/09 11:21 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning (just) lovely SA people. Wow, a lot to comment on.
Heidi - glad you went to the doc but sorry that you have to wait overnight for your meds. That is how we felt, every time we coughed our bodies hurt and sometimes I would vomit. Great idea about teaching responsibility with pets.
June - sorry about the hives. I used to get them monotonously as a child often from cream and rich food but have never has them as an adult, must have grown out of the allergy.
Judy - glad you had a good visit with your parents. I know what it's like. We found that reminding them of their younger lives, which includes remembering the ancestors, was something they could relate to.
Broni - I hope if you're coming down to Redland Bay you'll call in here for a cuppa. I don't have a fancy machine like you do though - it's instant, plunger or Cappucino sachets, sorry.
Rolanda - hope your family party went well last night and the weather improved.
Brenda - it's good that you'll be able to see your friend more often now and watch her progress as she recovers.
No sign of MizT - she mustn't have been able to fix her computer problems with Al on the other end of the phone.
Hello to everyone else.
16/Aug/09 11:52 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Gail - loved the HQ story!
We got my Dad's car when he stopped driving - it was an old '88 Magna which we used as a second car and to tow the boat. It just got worse and worse over the years until one day just a few years ago (after Dad had passed on, thankfully), hubby, SonIL, Lachlan and Madeline went fishing in it, towing the boat. They pulled into a service station to get fuel and as they took off they could see flames coming from under the bonnet - (think - service station, grandies in the back, towing the boat). This is the unbelievable part - they put the flames out, continued to the boat ramp, fished for the day and then returned home and told Karin and I what had happened. We were furious to say the least. The next day, Col and I went out and bought him a ute and the following day a wrecker came and towed away the Magna. Dad would have been horrified!
16/Aug/09 12:04 PM
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Judy, at the health shops and some chemists they have some pills - OTC, high in zinc and some other stuff - that work miracles on pimples. I would shop around though as the prices vary from $11 to $30 for equivalent products. Takes a couple of weeks to see a difference, but what a difference!
Don't have time to read anything else right now. Off to take small younguns shopping, pick up bigger youngun from work, then pick up a friend of bigger youngun and bring them all back here for the afternoon and dinner. Aaaah, what was I thinking!
16/Aug/09 12:25 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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One day you'll miss all this, Suzy.
I've just had something amazing happen. When I joined Facebook, I looked for old schoolfriends and couldn't find any - at our age, early 60's, there's less of us on the internet than you young whippersnappers (hehe), then this morning out of the blue comes a message from Friends Reunited, which I joined years ago but never took much notice of. A dear friend from Primary school sent me a message. She and another good friend found me there although both have lived overseas most of their adult life, they are back in Brisbane and want to meet up. We all went our seperate ways to different High Schools and eventually lost touch. I'm rather excited.
16/Aug/09 12:44 PM
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