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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
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Hi, All! I'm still trying to get caught up on the reading!
So nice to see Viv has found us again! Please take care of yourself, Viv!
Brenda, hope the visit to your friend went well!
CynB, sorry your Mum isn't able to get around as well as before!
Tami, reminds me of the year I started in a different school district - got assigned to a classroom & unpacked all boxes from previous teacher in previous room. Day before school started, they decided to move the class (special education) to a DIFFERENT SCHOOL! Oh, my! Luckily, you can stay in the same room, but a different grade level means all new class preparations, doesn't it?
Heidi, I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better!
Mamacita, all that krow you did put me to shame! Sloshy, spinny, AND hot slidey? It's just too much!
16/Aug/09 12:52 PM
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Still have one more page to read (348), so I'm almost caught up. Thinking positive & healthy thoughts for everyone! Will head to bed fairly soon, as I'm dragging from a crazy week and D and family plan to call around 8 am. Good Night, Everyone!
16/Aug/09 1:04 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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That's great news Cyn. The internet has made the world a very small place.
16/Aug/09 1:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I discovered that Mamacita has a "thing" for the hot slidy thing. In Florida she was frantic until she found the one in the cottage. But it was booby-trapped. As soon as she set it level on the clothes, water gushed out of it and drenched the clothes. This sort of behavior is why I refuse to allow one in my home.
16/Aug/09 1:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I cannot imagine anyone from my high school years, or before, trying to find me. I was not "popular".
16/Aug/09 1:46 PM
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Back for a minute...
Hope the winds in Melbourne have died down by now.
Brenda, such good news about your friend. I hope the isolation isn't too hard for her. Ebob told her friend that her room was out of bounds because it was so messy. Boy was she embarrased when they insisted on checking it out!!! Hope that does the trick...
Cyn, what great news about your old friends! I hope the reunion goes really well!
Now over the page....
16/Aug/09 2:31 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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How exciting Cyn. That is what got me onto Facebook...doing a google search. Saw a news item about someone with an identical name [with very unusual spelling] to an old friend in the paper one day... the item was about her meeting some celebrity when they were in town.
Quickly ascertained that it wasn't her but pinged a facebook page on google. I quickly became hooked and sent invites to all my nieces and nephews. Then I started on my friends. Seem to remember it took a VERY long time for invites to Suzi & Gail to join me to be responded to.
Vici was the first to respond... she accidentally invited everyone in her address book and before we knew it we had Jane stumbling around and so on and so on... Amazing how things go. It has even been responsible for me starting Blogging... I so enjoyed reading about Janes trip to Fripp island on her blog that I decided to start one myself.
I have since found a couple of old friends that I have been searching for and have been pinged by an old school friend. I think it an amazing place.
To think if I hadn't started here on sudoku when I was trying to avoid studying all this would never have unfolded this way... I would not know any of you. What a GHASTLY thought...
16/Aug/09 4:31 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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It has just started raining again...
Suppose I can't avoid cleaning the kitchen now... too wet to go and prune some more roses.
Heidi I am glad you have seen a doctor and started some antibiotics.
I will be back off to the doctor again tomorrow... Lachie this time. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended with a similar diagnosis. His cough is getting worse and is causing terrible chest pain...
16/Aug/09 4:35 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Blow by blow update...
VERY heavy rain and HAIL.... watch out Gail... blowing your way.
Wind isn't as bad thought.
I'm outta here...
Have forgotten what else I wanted to say.
16/Aug/09 4:37 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thanks for the heads up Bean. The wind has just started to pick up and I think I hear a bit of that wet stuff at the moment. Have you seen on the news about the temps in Sydney and Brisbane? People were sun-baking on the Winter!
16/Aug/09 5:12 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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I am sorry to hear Lachie is no better, it has gone on long enough for him. Let us know what the doc says.
16/Aug/09 5:13 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Gail, our thermometer was at 24deg this afternoon but I didn't think it was very warm due to the wind factor. Probably the people on the beaches up here were Southerners! However it is supposed to be 29deg tomorrow - heat wave in August - but back to 22-23 after that. It makes you think of summer, if it's already heating up in mid-August what's it going to be like in Dec/Jan. Ugggghhhhh!!
16/Aug/09 5:44 PM
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Evening all!
I think your winds have headed up this way, but boy are they hot winds! My wash, heavy stuff, dried in an hour! We had clouds for about half an hour but they blew away.
Cyn and Bean, I had lost touch with my nieces and reconnected on fb! One of them is here now! She has visited my page and is now a new member - Heather.
16/Aug/09 7:59 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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I wondered if she was any relation, Suzy.
I'd better go and welcome her.
16/Aug/09 8:33 PM
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Yep, we've got your winds coming through....
The weather bureau has warned of potentially damaging wind gusts in parts of southern New South Wales on Sunday night.
A cold front moving through the state's south-east will cause wind gusts of over 90 kilometres per hour in the Southern Tablelands, South Coast, Illawarra and part of the Central Tablelands regions.
People are advised to keep children indoors and consider postponing travel in the affected areas until conditions improve.
16/Aug/09 10:20 PM
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Ta Cyn, she's a nice woman, was going to say girl, but although she was a girl when I last saw her, she's a woman now!
16/Aug/09 10:32 PM
Qld, Australia
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Was gunna make some comments but CRAFT got me again.
16/Aug/09 10:39 PM
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Maybe is was not crafts but A.A.A.D.D (Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder).I will not bore you with the story about it all. Enough said!!!
16/Aug/09 10:57 PM
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Had a busy day with lots of French polishing (I have not finished the main structure, just the eight drawers to do now and a few repairs to the inside and waxing all the runners.
I also got a bit of weeding done and we then went to the local Thai restaurant for dinner. Ken is off to Vietnam, maybe Cambodia and the Singapore in the morning. he will be away eight days.
16/Aug/09 11:01 PM
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It was warm here today and this evening was light a summer night. Went out in short sleeves.
Heidi I am glad you will get to start on the right medication tomorrow. Hurry and get better. I hope Lochie will soon improve as well.
Brenda, it is lovely that you friend is slowly getting better and you will be able to visit.
Nite all.
16/Aug/09 11:06 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Good morning friends!
Before I forget...
Brenda - so glad to hear Lesley is coming along. I agree with Heidi, her recovery is miraculous!
Cyn - what great fun that you found friends from your early years that you get to hook up with.
Tami - good news re: your school room!
June - can't wait to see your French polishing...should be done by the time I arrive?
Bean - the blog is so fun! Thanks for setting it up for us - can't wait until we start posting pictures and videos from our travels.
16/Aug/09 11:52 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Missing our Southern Belle, MzT - so thought I'd put out some coffee.
I'm feeling better (finally) and am so grateful to have some energy to get some ffuts done.
Heidi - hope the meds help clear this thing up...and for Lachie, too - don't like hearing how long this is hanging on for him.
a little chook soup for the sickies.
16/Aug/09 11:54 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The pharmacy won't have my meds ready for nearly 2 hours. I just spent the night from h3ll. I couldn't lay down for fear of going into major coughing, wheezing and gasping- for- air fits. Every cough makes my head and back hurt. It got so bad at one point that I would have pain shoot down my left arm when I coughed. Even sitting up, I would have coughing fits. I got no sleep at all.
17/Aug/09 12:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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17/Aug/09 1:01 AM
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Good Morning from IL, Everyone! Heidi, I hope the meds will work QUICKLY since you have had to wait for them. Good luck & take some "nana naps" today to make up for last night. Or maybe, just go to bed, sleep until your next meds, go back to bed, etc.
17/Aug/09 1:21 AM
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Just passing through - hope to get back later & finally get caught up on yesterday's posts!
17/Aug/09 1:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning all. Just stopping in for a few minutes. Last day before I go back to krow. I don't count camp as krow although this summer it was.
Heidi, glad you will be on your med soon. Hope it makes you feel better fast.
Julie, I have taught 7th grade before but used the same textbook I used for 6th. It is for 6th advanced or 7th regular. This year I am teaching 7th advanced so I get a new textbook and all new lesson plans. Since there are usually 2 math teachers, we will plan together and turn in one set. I can do it all by computer using the textbook website/discs.
17/Aug/09 2:17 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Vici, I can always use more coffee. I don't have a cup smilie but my cup is ready. Fill 'er up.
June, I like your acronym: A. A. A. D. D. I think that fits me.
AAADD has set in. I will try to be back later.
17/Aug/09 2:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The pharmacist told me that it'll probably take 4 or 5 days before I feel better. I'm still coughing up a storm. The novelty has definitely warn off. I'm ready to get well now.
17/Aug/09 5:57 AM
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Morning all!
Let's see how much I can remember before I have to go back to reread...
June, I bet the cabinet looks spectacular when you're done.
Broni, I was going to say what a flyby, but for you I think it is a float by!
Heidi, ouch ouch ouch.
Missing MizTricia. I think she said Al would be back on Tuesday.
Drat, have to go back to read...
17/Aug/09 7:09 AM
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June, hope Ken has a good trip and you get to enjoy the time alone rather than being lonely. Short sleeves here yesterday.
Tami, I still remember (and smile) when you talk about teaching math that you told us you hated math when at school.
Okay, so I remembered about half. Does that mean I have M.A.A.A.D.D? (middle age activated attention deficit disorder) The spelling seems to fit.
17/Aug/09 7:15 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I tell my students how much I hated math when I was in school. I let them know I understand how they feel. If I can survive it and become a math teacher, they will survive also. Unfortunately they don't always believe me. Since I am moving up a grade, I already know most of my students. They are alot of the same from last year. I don't know if that is good or bad. Time will tell.
17/Aug/09 10:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... I think that says it all about you.
17/Aug/09 10:34 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, glad to see you posting. I hope that means you are feeling a teeeny bit better. I do wish you a speedy recovery.
17/Aug/09 10:52 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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With that, I am going to bed. Need to get a good night sleep before all the meetings I will be in tomorrow. The first day back is always meeting after meeting. The only good thing is the breakfast in the morning. And seeing all the people I haven't seen all summer.
17/Aug/09 10:53 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning lovel SA people.
Confined to certain rooms this morning while I'm getting carpets cleaned - except in my office, where the mess is so bad, you can't see the carpet. It should be clean, there's nowhere to walk on it except the path to the desk!
17/Aug/09 10:53 AM
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Good Evening, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Suzy, thank you so much for the synopsis! You did well remembering half! (I always cheat & scroll up and down the page, hoping not to miss anything or anyone.
17/Aug/09 10:58 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Heidi - glad you've finally got your meds. Hope they work quicker than the pharmacist expects.
Tami - when you said you were moving up a grade, I wondered if you'd get a lot of the same students and if that was a good thing. I suppose only time will tell.
Good morning also to Miss Busy, Julie and to Miss M.A.A.A.D.D., Suzy and to Vici, June and Broni.
17/Aug/09 10:58 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Re synopses - I sometimes sit with a notebook and write down what is happening and to whom. If I forget that I can only scroll on the page we're on.
17/Aug/09 11:00 AM
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Hi, Cyn! I can understand paths! We moved from first house to 1-bedroom apartment, as second house wasn't finished when they promised & we had sold first house. We literally had a path from bedroom to bathroom to kitchen (refrigerator, freezer, stove & sink - couldn't reach anything else) & path into livingroom, where one chair was available. Luckily, this was before kids. I have had paths in other places, but never that restricted again.
17/Aug/09 11:01 AM
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