Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had gotten into the music a lot then. I rode to High School each day with the neighbors who DID go to Woodstock.
18/Aug/09 2:19 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning,afternoon everyone.
It had been days since I have caught up on all that has happened here.
June...hope the hives have settled down,not nice.
Heidi,you should be starting to feel a little better,hopefully.
That is some strong wind to blow a dog away...poor darling.
I was 15yrs during Woodstock,loved the music.My older brother had a job and used to buy records,so I can always remember mum saying "Turn that music down"
We would have it very loud but luckily we lived on 20 acres and no body complained except Mum.
Have to go back and read what has happened.
18/Aug/09 2:24 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I have already got my suitcase out and started to pack the warm clothes for Bathurst.
Still have some hems to take up on long pants,but apart from that,my clothes are organized.
It is hard to pack for a different climate because I can't imagine being cold when here it is so warm.
Think it got to about 28c yesterday,hope it is no indication of a hot summer ahead.
My lychee tree is absolutely covered in fruit buds,we should have a good crop this year.
18/Aug/09 2:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nola... what does Lychee taste like?
18/Aug/09 3:03 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Afternoon All,
Hot, hot day here, but it is its all good.
The talk about Woodstock ready made me realize how old I am....I was married and raising two children, going to school, and taking care of a hubby and a home...While I loved music, mostly jazz and classical,and some blues, I thought rock and roll was a bunch of noise. I did learn later to like much of it and to realize the talent that had been present at Woodstock, but,at the time, had it had been across the street from me, I wouldn't have gone....boy am I glad that we get to grow and change too.
I tried to take a lesson from the more organized readers here on SA, and take notes on comments so that I could remember....My problem though is that now that I finally got here, you all have returned and added new comments..... so my notes are outdated....WAAAAAAh!!!! so I'll simply say, To those returning to the classrooms...may it be a fun and productive year for all.
To those who have been faced with health issues...Heidi, Broni, Gail, Lachie, Bean,Miz T, Leslie, etal....May you all all find the path of recovery and regain your footing....we need you all to be at your best, or we too feel down....Get Well Soon!
Unlike Julie, I will not try to name all of you for I'm sure to forget someone...and I don't want to do that...but to all of you, thanks for all that you add to my day, when you come aboard with a comment...I do so get a kick when reading about the many simple joys and challenges that we share, and the many different ways they are often told.....What a wonderful world we live in!
May you find peace, joy and above all love as you go about your day/night.
18/Aug/09 3:17 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Morning Marmacita and Heidi.
You are so gorgeous Mama,it makes my day being here also.
Heidi..lychees taste a bit like a cross between watermelon and grapes.They are so yummy and refreshing.The fruit has a skin outside and when peeled looks like a big grape with a seed in the centre.
18/Aug/09 4:03 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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There are thousands of lorakeet parrots around here and last year they ate most of the fruit which ripens very quickly.This year I need to cover the tree with something to stop them beating us to them,but I haven't any netting.Might just try an old sheet or 2.
18/Aug/09 4:18 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Remember me buying another fig tree when Greg mowed down the other one?
Well,the new one is leafing up beautifully,each day I check to see if it is getting any figs but nothing so far.Looking good though.
18/Aug/09 4:23 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I might catch up later.Hope you all have an enjoyable day/night.
18/Aug/09 5:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good news on the new fig tree, Nola. That reminds me that I need to transplant 2 small PawPaw trees. They're very slow growing so it may be 6 or 7 years before I get to taste the fruit. It's supposed to taste like a cross between banana and custard.
18/Aug/09 5:44 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
I didn't take any notes while reading so I hope I can remember most of what I wanted to say at least.
Broni you are very quiet about your health problems. They have been around for as long as I have 'known' you. I am sending thoughts and wishes that all is so good in the rest of your life that it makes coping with something chronic easier.

Heidi, hope the pills start working very soon.

Nola, when I first got back to Australia I bought a fig tree in a pot, I have no idea what type. It is still in a pot, though a much bigger one now. It is almost like a bonsai as the pot is restricting it's growth and has never had a fig on it!
18/Aug/09 6:06 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Woodstock, I have no idea what year it happened but am around the same age as Gail so was probably in kindergarten. Mum and Dad listened to Johnny Cash and Buddy Holly so that would have been all I knew about music. I lived in a very small township on the south coast called Cudmirrah. I used to catch a bus to school that stopped outside the front door. If we were sick and not going to school someone would have to run out and tell the bus driver. I also remember the bus stopping (at least once) at the corner shop on our way home from school. The owner gave us all crackers to feed to the rosellas and lorikeets. I also remember Mum giving us 2 cents and walking down to that shop and buying 4 lollies! All on our own. Boy was that a different time...
18/Aug/09 6:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Now I'm having flash backs. Bonfires on cracker night. In my memory they are huge! The whole town would be there. Crackers/fire works were legal back then but not for much long after. One of my brother's friends blinded himself in one eye after putting one in a mailbox or bottle or something. Swimming in swan lake. The foam on the water's edge at certain times of the year. Walking to the beach. My baby brother face down in the water but found in time. Falling and cutting my knee on gravel. The doctor was out of local anaesthetic so suggested that my father and the doc's wife hold me down while he stitched me up. My father chucked a whammy so I ended up taped with my knee held rigid. That's how I went to my first day of school. Burning my hand when I tripped and fell onto our BBQ - a metal plate sitting on stones. Mum and Dad buying me a present to make me feel better that flopped - it was a plastic plant thingy that you assembled and needed 2 hands to do it! Boy, I haven't thought of these things for so very very long. Thank you for bringing up Woodstock!!!
18/Aug/09 6:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The memories are still flowing but I won't bore you with more of them.

It looks like Tae Kwon Do (is that how you spell it?) will be added to my list of things I have to drive kids to. At least it only lasts an hour. I saw two boys there that are a year older than Ebob and were in most of her classes. I haven't seen them since primary school and wouldn't have recognised them if they didn't have their names embroidered on their black belts!!!
18/Aug/09 6:33 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone!
Heidi: Hope you are feeling better, try maybe an extra pillow to prop you up. I've had bronchitis a few times and when trying to sleep, it sometimes helps.
Hello to Suzy, Bean, Heidi, Nola, Mamacita and anyone else I missed.
Woodstock was in 1969, I was almost 8 years old. My uncle Tony worked for Elektra Records at that time, I never had to buy record albums. I loved a lot of the music at that time, still do. Tony took me to a company picnic for WEA when I was a teenager. I got to meet Glenn Frey & Don Henley (from The Eagles)--got a kiss on the cheek from Glenn! There was Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Browne, Harry Chapin, etc, etc, etc. When Darrell & I went on one of our first dates, we went to the same company picnic for Warner Brothers Records (Elektra was part of a company then called WEA--Warner, Elektra, Atlantic) I got to meet the group Peter, Paul & Mary!!!! They were SO nice in person, I even have pictures (somewhere in the house). Ok, I'm done name-dropping (and bragging) for now!
18/Aug/09 7:03 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good afternoon, Everyone! No time to read - just glancing.

My Woodstock story: of course, I didn't go. I was 21 and going to summer school working on my Masters degree. I liked much of the music, though!
18/Aug/09 7:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Correction: I had not yet had my birthday, so was 20 years old when Woodstock happened. Does anyone really care?
18/Aug/09 7:29 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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When Woodstock happened I was getting ready to start kindergarten. We moved to Florida from New York earlier that year. I don't think I even knew what Woodstock was but I love the music now.
Julie, I am going to steal your tie-dye avatar. I love it, and anything tie-dyed.
18/Aug/09 7:33 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I started school today and as usual the meetings went on forever. I read the posts but don't remember anything I read. Must be AAADD.
Heidi, glad you are feeling a little better.
Hope Lachie is feeling better also.
18/Aug/09 7:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzanne... My favorite aunt and her louse of a husband (he divorced her when she was diagnosed with MS and had a newborn) ran a radio station in Milwaukee. They would give me demo records from some great groups. I would spend as much time as I could at the station and got to know the DJs pretty well.
18/Aug/09 9:50 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone.
Woodstock. twas 13, 1st year high school, remember seeing it on the news.. umm.... Hey I remember the Moonwalk really well!!
18/Aug/09 9:51 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Speaking of Memory Lane.

23 years ago today I became a Mother, baby #1 was born.

Happy Birthday Robert.

18/Aug/09 9:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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UH OH. It just started raining cats and dogs outside. I think my truck window is wide open. Oh, well... the seat could probably use a bath.
18/Aug/09 9:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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18/Aug/09 9:57 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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We have Birthday Boy and his Girl, my mum and MIL coming for dinner.
So will be cooking up a storm in that room again today.
Still umming and ahhing as to what to fling.
Not going to make the usual Birthday Fare he always requests.. too much flinging that.. going to make it simple.
MIL has made Gluten Free Cake for sweets.
18/Aug/09 9:57 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Heidi I am hoping that the forcasted rain on Saturday is not Dogs and Cats!!!
18/Aug/09 9:58 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Out of here I is..
Got to ring my mum, to see if we need to do Grocery Shopping, mmm only 8.00am, a tad early yet..
instead I will shower, dress for the day, and have some breakfast..

Later Aligater
18/Aug/09 10:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You are NOT going to believe this!!!! IH just walked in and told me he shut my truck window right before the rain started! Without me asking!!!! I may faint!
18/Aug/09 10:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Today has become surreal. I was checking the finches and heard some noises from a nest box that I thought was empty. I have 3 more baby finches!!! This pair fooled me this time. They laid eggs in 2 different nests. I tossed out 8 infertile eggs from the one nest and never looked in the other nest. These babies are almost 2 weeks old already!!!
18/Aug/09 10:17 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, to Robert. Hope you have a great dinner with him and your family.
Heidi, glad your husband did something nice for you. That is so cool to find more baby finches.
18/Aug/09 10:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Bean, that was a beautiful story, and yes, I too have a tear. That young man's grandmother would have been very proud of him.
18/Aug/09 11:03 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Robert.
18/Aug/09 11:08 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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to Rolanda's Robert! Here's a gluten-free for the celebration dinner! Hope it's a great day for him & a great dinner for everyone!
18/Aug/09 11:26 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I don't think I have an appropriate smilie for the shock we're all experiencing that Heidi's IH closed her truck window (without being asked) before the rain started! Heidi, maybe there is hope.
18/Aug/09 11:28 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, feel free to borrow the tie-dye avatar. I have plenty more, which will be my next avatar theme (when I finish the stained glass avatars).
18/Aug/09 11:29 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gotta run & do some ffuts for a while. Hope to be back later.

Tami, do the students come tomorrow - or is it more meetings?
18/Aug/09 11:30 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Before I go, I should express surprise about the baby finches! Wow! Those parents sure pulled one over on you, Heidi! It's amazing that they would use a second nesting box. How soon before the little ones are fully feathered?
18/Aug/09 11:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They are already covered with pin feathers. They're the same age as the other batch.
18/Aug/09 11:36 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning all - just passing through quickly. You would not believe it, I think I have food poisoning - I have been so sick since 9pm last night (won't go into details TMI) so I'm off back to bed.
Heidi - great news about the extra baby finches.
Suzy - loved the reminiscing stories. And it was interesting to hear everyone's Woodstock story. That question should have been posted on Easy.
Can't remember anything else or even who is around (although I do remember our wonderful MizT is still not) - so hello everyone, I'll be back when I've recovered.
Happy Birthday Robert.
18/Aug/09 11:53 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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CynB, I'm so sorry to hear you have food poisoning. Hope you're feeling much better soon!
18/Aug/09 12:21 PM
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