Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Thinking of you all. Have skimmed through the posts, and thought of you all as I read! Off for now. Nite All.
03/Sep/09 9:40 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, that is the saddest and sweetest post I have read in a long time. I have not caught up on the last two pages but raced here to see what bad things were said about me in my absence, but just happened to read your post.
About a month after my Mum passed away, another matriarch of my extended family also passed away. She was one of my sisters' ex-MIL and her hubby was at the family wedding we went to in February. Cath also had dementia and every day Jim would go into the home and have lunch with her, feeding her and doing her hair, even though she really didn't know who he was any more. I spoke to him at length at the wedding and said how wonderful it was that he was doing this for her. His words were very simple and the meaning clear.
"I love her".
Says it all really.
03/Sep/09 9:41 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I wondered why it took her so long to have Ventolin June...should have known I suppose!
03/Sep/09 9:42 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hello lovely SA people. Busy day today and finally had time to get here to read two sad posts.
Suzy - I've been thinking about that boy and his parents - all their hopes and dreams for his future lost in a senseless act of violence (there's that word again)!.
June - what a lovely story about the old couple. I have seen that so often myself in the years that I have spent recently visiting my late father and now my dear old Mum in their respective care homes. I always feel that the experience of caring for a beloved spouse with Alzheimers is far more heart-breaking even than it has been for my siblings and I as children of sufferers.
Sorry, those posts affected me so much I can't remember what else I had to say.
- It's just been one of those days - we all need a hug!
03/Sep/09 10:44 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hugs to you all.
03/Sep/09 10:48 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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So nite from me, a few still MIA.
Take care you lot!
03/Sep/09 10:57 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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SA8ers! Got up too early again!! Still having sinus trouble! Darrell's still in bed. I guess we'd be breathing better if our humidifier didn't break last week! Going to look for a new one today.
Hope everyone is well and has a good day/night. Got my coffee & ready for the day!
03/Sep/09 11:07 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June...I did leave Gail out there toiling away while I had the ventolin... needed to wait it a bit for it to do its trick [5 mins] before I could use the cortisone inhaler... that is my story and I'm sticking to it... boring thing about it is it is the TRUTH! I was out there annoying Gail with my coughing in no time at all...

I ALSO checked on the soup for lunch and then got told off when there were no chicken sarnies!! Vanilla slice made up for the missing cake... I think.
03/Sep/09 11:16 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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What reunions funerals turn out to be June... it is so good to catch up with people you haven't seen for ages but it must be bitter sweet for those deeply mourning... touching that people have made the effort to come and a sense of loss that there are some wonderful reunions going on... [they are too distressed to enjoy as much..]
It can be such a celebration of life and love... if you aren't grieving and in a state of shock...

On the other hand...
There can be little more harrowing than to attend the funeral of a young person who has died so needlessly. It is hard to comprehend the reason/ why for/ what ifs when someone is in the wrong place at the wrong time and has their life cut short in an accident. It is heart breaking to have a vibrant life snatched away by illness.

To have a life snatched away at the hands of another for such trivial reasons absolutely beggars belief. How does one live in this society without fear when you these random and senseless acts of violence are so frequent.

Two horrific attacks in the local paper this week at our local shopping strip and both occurring in the middle of the busiest part of the day... after school.
03/Sep/09 11:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Here without reading, but thought I should check in this morning. it is raining raining here today so cool and damp. A slow gentle kind of rain, the kind that sinks in, not runs off.

VICI what is the latest on the fires up your way? The LA fire is getting all the national attention, and even that news coverage here is lessening. Hope you and your area is smoke free and safe.

I spent yesterday on the phone getting medical stuff done. Time to reorder my testing supplies for blood sugar, and that is still not resolved. I will spare you the details, but Tricia is not hapy with this mail order company !

I did hear from doc office, MAYBE today they will TRY to schedule my epidural. I had to call back this morning to give the nurse who does this information about my insurance, confirmation that the doctor they suggested is in my insurance provider book.

Looking for a chiopractor and talked with 4 , most want THEIR X rays, I found one where it is not mandatory, might give him a try. He was willing to look at the MRI I already had of spine and let that suffice. Also mentioned they sometimes work with MD for diagnostics ( if MD orders X rays, insurance pays) so that would be good. We might make an appointment for a consult, see if I like him or not.

Good night to the DUGS and morning to the topsiders.
03/Sep/09 11:44 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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03/Sep/09 11:49 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good day to you all.
Sad stories abound today. Thoughts go out to all affected.
I've been running (well walking) around emptying my purse buying things Emily will need to take with her when she goes to University next weekend.
I think we will have to hire a removal truck for everything she needs
04/Sep/09 12:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT... with all the Doctor and Chiropractor stuff. I wish they were all more interested in helping the patients than in red tape and doing things by-the-book.
04/Sep/09 12:29 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Horrible story/situation, Suzy!!! Those "kids" need to be treated like adult killers. They are old enough to take responsibility for their actions. There are no excuses for this!
04/Sep/09 12:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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04/Sep/09 12:33 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Morning kids!
Read all the pages, but only remember a few glad I am not the only one.
Was SUPER impressed with all the finch smilies (different colors and descriptions) - very cool, Heidi.
June - what a sad story about your friend's wife...had to be the saddest part of the whole event. Poor thing.
We are a very safe distance from any fires at this time ...looks like the really awful ones are raging down south.
Thanks for asking, MzT - glad to see you back.
04/Sep/09 1:35 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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I know there is so much more I have forgotten, but as Bean said...I do love reading everyone's posts whether I comment or not.
Been having little relapses with that dang flu - good days and then bad ones every once in awhile. Just as long as the stupid sickness is completely gone in 48 days when I leave for Oz!
04/Sep/09 1:38 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Well, I'm off to get going on my day. I've designated today as a "Loose Ends Day" - lots of little things to tie up or nail down.
Funny how all those little things can take up a whole day!
Sending love and hugs your way!
04/Sep/09 1:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Appointment update:

Not good news, the nurse just phoned my insurance co and they must preapprove and all documentation must go to them in writting for review, fore they will allow. AAAAAAGGHHH, insurance co practicing medicine without a license again!

I need to go and call chiro, see if he can help me in the interim or perhaps cure it for me!

Doc is going to change muscle relaxer for me, this mild one that should make people drowsy is keeping me awake nights.

Hugs to all, I did read but canot remember a dern thing.

Tricia, medicated today so forgive any typos and odd statements
04/Sep/09 3:23 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Good morning/evening everyone.
Sorry to hear you are still having issues with your health care,MizT.I hope you get it sorted out soon.

My hair colour and cut turned out ok,nothing spectacular.
I'm going back to Renaes to do some more packing today.The girls are still miserable with hand foot and mouth disease.They have had it once before and you are not suppose to get it a 2nd time.
04/Sep/09 5:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all
June, how sad that funeral must have been. So many connections, so much love. But also a good chance to remember the things he did. How long will your MIL be staying? You have probably said but AAADD (love the email!).
04/Sep/09 6:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Too many health problems out there. MizT, your new doctor started out so well! Have you tried crying?

Brenda, my kids have decided that they want a glory box/hope chest for when they move out. It's weird to think of them planning that already! We had a funny conversation about how in the 'olden' days people were hoping that they would find a wonderful man and get married, now they are hoping that they get to move out and leave their parents behind...
04/Sep/09 6:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Warning: Family anecdote/memory
Reading about husbands looking after their wives reminds me of my great aunt and uncle. My great uncle had a stroke many years before he died and was bedridden and mostly unable to speak. My aunt looked after him for years. I'm not sure how he managed it, but he bought her beautiful gifts to thank her and show her his love. Eventually she had nurses coming in to bathe him, but until then she did it all herself. When I lived close I used to do their shopping for them once a fortnight. I guess I was around 23 at the time. Uncle D1ck died a few years after I moved away. Not long after Aunty Nancye became ill herself. She died within 6 months of my uncle. In her will she left me the gifts my uncle had bought her around the time I was doing their shopping: a ruby and diamond ring and necklace set, a watch, and a short mink coat. Yes, I own a mink coat. It was the most touching and meaningful gift I had ever received and the only things that beat it now are some of hubby's gifts.
04/Sep/09 6:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Did anyone notice the post on easy yesterday from Linda from Pioneer? Her 85 year old father is in a mandatory evacuation zone and refuses to evacuate... Very worrying.
04/Sep/09 6:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Didn't see it. I haven't read Easy in days. Why do people ignore mandatory evacuation? The only reason I could see for it would be to care for animals that can't be transported to safety.
04/Sep/09 6:54 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Suzy,a glory box is a great idea.I found it a lot of fun to buy things on special and put away for when I got married.Even if you don't get married,you usually move into your own place and need it.
Linda must be so concerned about her father.I hope they can reason with him and he leaves.
I have a girlfriend who went through a road block during fires because her children would have gotten off the school bus and she couldn't stand the fire being between her and home.She had to go to court and pay a fine but she said she would do it again.
04/Sep/09 7:14 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy all this stuff isn't for her leaving home, just things she needs for University. She will be back to live with us after it all. (Sob sob, richard and I always said that we would move somewhere else once Em left school and went to uni.
Hasn't happened and will not happen for years yet.
04/Sep/09 7:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, she didn't say why he wouldn't go.

Nola, I'm pretty sure I would have done the same thing if my kids were on the other side of a fire to me! We were evacuated at around 8pm in 2001 and the kids were with us. We loaded up both cars with stuff, kids and dogs and left. I'm not sure what we'd do now with the horses. When we got the order it was just a man yelling through the door 'evacuate!' Could have been anyone, but we had heard it on the radio too.
04/Sep/09 7:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, with accomodation costs here our kids will probably have to live at home to go to Uni. Luckily they can commute to Wollongong Uni from here. It's a bit sad that they won't get the experience of leaving home. I keep forgetting how to do those musical notes things and the song 'memories' just ran through my head.
04/Sep/09 7:41 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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We had many bushfires around Gosford when I was growing up but it wasn't until years later that Mum and Dad were made to leave.In the 60-70s you just stayed to fight them and save your home.Dad had a poultry farm and I remember him losing about 2000 laying hens,not from the fire but the heat.
04/Sep/09 7:45 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Good afternoon all.
Suzy, I do sympathize with you. I have had some experiences with that. We have lost several students/former students at my school. As a parent, I always imagine how the parents feel. I am lucky enough to have not known the students but it does not make it easier.
June, what a beautiful story. I really appreciated reading it. Did I mention that The Boston Red Sox are Mitchell's favorite team??
Don't remember what else I read. Need to go fling food. I will be back later.
04/Sep/09 8:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Losing 2000 hens would have been a nightmare Nola. Not only financially, but the clean up!

Warning: Family memory
You've done it to me again Nola! A flashback! What is it about this site that does that to me... When I was between 4 and 8 years old we lived in a house on a 'dirt' road. Behind us was a fire trail and bush. I remember watching Mum and the neighbours cleared as much rubbish as they could out of the bush behind the houses. Then standing at the kitchen window watching the fire go through. I had completely forgotten that. It wasn't the only fire that went through, and they all were said to have started at the 'tip', but that's the only one I remember seeing.
04/Sep/09 8:27 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Tami!
Empty house! Well, almost, still waiting for the sound of hubby's car going down the driveway...
04/Sep/09 8:34 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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04/Sep/09 10:57 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, hope you are enjoying your empty house. Just finished helping Mitchell with his homework. The beastie's are tucked into bed and I am just enjoying a few minutes by myself. Hubby is working late and will be home around 10:00 (appx 45 minutes from now)
04/Sep/09 11:11 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Morning folks..
Suzy...ALT + 1 + 3 and ALT + 1 + 4 [numeric keypad]
I have been gazing out my bedroom window admiring our handiwork... brings SO much JOY to my soul. Will let you in on the real truth...this is what all this activity at Villa Beanie is really all about... has nothing much to do with Vici coming. I would cheerfully stow her away with all my boxes..have few secrets from DD2...

I have been in some pretty dark places over the last few years and one day when I was discussing this with Gail [the first time she came to my place...] I was trying to prepare her... She volunteered to come and give me a hand [site unseen I might add...BRAVE...very brave..] when I felt up to tackling it. Help keep the light burning so I can find my way out of this darkness... and it is working...
GAIL, 'tis a
04/Sep/09 11:46 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Stopped reading when I read about your need for musical thingamajig's Suzy and wrote my last post...
I find myself echoing your sentiments..again...what does this site do to us!! We end up having flashbacks and disclosing the most amazing things...
Time to oneself is bliss isn't it Tami.
Hi Judy... I see your light is on.
Now I had best go finish off some of the jobs from yesterday... namely replant a hydrangea that needed moving that Gail dug up for me yesterday.
Catch you all later.

04/Sep/09 11:55 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am chuckling to myself. I was just watching some movie previews, and there is one coming up on November 6th that I'll HAVE to see. It's a dark comedy starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor called "The Men That Stare At Goats". I've actually watched the preview 6 times now, and crack up each time.
04/Sep/09 12:10 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I'm gardening with the aid of '128 km Melbourne Radar Loop'
Trying very hard NOT to get too drenched...LOL...
04/Sep/09 1:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Beanie, you have brought a tear to my eye.
You are welcome. ♥
04/Sep/09 2:21 PM
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