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from Alabama, USA
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Saratoga, NY/USA
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Happy Birthday Liz and Broni! Hope you had fantastic days!
Happy Anniversary Heidi! You guys must be doing something right to be together for 30 years!
Thanks for the anniversary wishes. We were at Ian's soccer game. We'll celebrate when things settle down.
Now I'm really late, so have a great day everyone!
12/Sep/09 9:29 PM
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Hi Brenda and Stella. Hope Ian has a good game. I have friends who live on Long Island (Centreach). We have been to their holiday home in Nova Scotia but they came to our Hotel when we were in NYC so we did not go to Long Island..
MIL's visit is going well. It will become interesting next week as I will also be looking after Laura for several weeks.( Her mother is going into hospital for some plastic surgery)
12/Sep/09 10:58 PM
Stevenage UK
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June, I hope everything goes well for Sharon next week and that Laura is on her best behaviour for Grandma and Great grandma.
12/Sep/09 11:46 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hello everyone.
June, it sounds like you are going to have a busy week. I hope things go well for your daughter and that you have a lot of fun with Laura.
Stella, enjoy your belated anniversary celebration. Isn't it amazing, once we have kids, we put ourselves second and them first.
Brenda, looking forward to your trip in October.
13/Sep/09 12:43 AM
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Good Maen everyone!
Broni, Lizzy, hope you enjoyed your special day!! Sorry I missed it!
Just popping in for a brief second! Got yrdnual in the hot spinny thing. Had company for dinner last night. Our friends Terry & Theresa came by with their girls, then Theresa's son Matthew came by. He has an 8 month old son named Cameron who is an absolute cutie!!! They didn't leave till after 10:30 (late for them & US!!). I made turkey chili, which disappeared!!!
13/Sep/09 3:46 AM
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Almost time for lunch! Going to see what's in the freezer (to put in the micro) and then take care of finishing the ffuts I have to do before I can relax with my needlepoint (haven't touched that in nearly a week!)
TTFN everyone, take care!
13/Sep/09 3:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Everybody is going to FAINT!! I just took photos of my Cowrie collection! Now I need to get the pictures developed ( I still use a 35mm camera ) and downloaded. But first I need to feed, water and medicate some horses.
13/Sep/09 4:44 AM
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Morning all!
I spent yesterday sleeping and I hope I have stopped a cold. Wishful thinking? Hope not!
Heidi, I too was shocked that Paris made it into the Oxford Book of Quotations. I have just switched to digital and miss my 35 mm. I think I might pull it out and use both.
Stella, you will never get to celebrate your anniversary if you wait until things settle down! Things never seem to settle down for you. That's one thing that hubby and I put first - well, close enough to first.
13/Sep/09 4:56 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there everyone.
You snuck in there Suzy!
13/Sep/09 5:01 AM
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June, I hope things go smoothly over the next few weeks. Both the surgery and your house guests I mean. I hope we get to see you sometimes!
Suzanne, the dinner sounds like fun!
13/Sep/09 5:02 AM
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Hi Nola, it's early. Are you working today?
13/Sep/09 5:08 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...hope your day in bed does the trick and you don't get sick.I did the same thing the day before and slept the day away.
June...enjoy all your visitors and don't work too hard.
Has anyone heard how Tricia is?
13/Sep/09 5:09 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...late shift today starting 1.30pm.Then an early the next.
13/Sep/09 5:10 AM
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Nola, that's a Sunday/Monday tradition for you isn't it? The shifts I mean.
As soon as I find out if the bingos were played in the lexulous games against me I might head off to read a bit...
13/Sep/09 5:32 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Yes Suzy..every 2nd week.The 1st week I work 5 earlies with 3 off,then 3 lates with an early thrown in to do the continence order for the centre.
I'm going to do the puzzles.Catch you later everyone.
13/Sep/09 6:01 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning SA8.
Been a busy couple of days, with my birthday and Teresa's daughter Kara who has turned 30. Went to a big bash for Kara last night and she is jetting off to England tomorrow.
I also have my cousin Maz staying for a couple of days with four birds, two budgies, an indian ring neck and a rescue rainbow lorikeet.
13/Sep/09 8:10 AM
Stevenage UK
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Sounds like a noisy household Broni!
My daughter is doing her final pack before going to University in Chelternam tomorrow.
We are going to have to take a couple of cars to get all her stuff in.
13/Sep/09 8:51 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Sounds like everyone had a busy day. Mine was boring. I had to take Mitchell shopping for clothes. He has outgrown all his dress clothes. Dylan needed a few things also, but he usually gets the hand-me-downs. One good thing about having 2 boys.
13/Sep/09 10:37 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Since I seem to be the only one around I am going to say goodnight, tuck myself in and watch tv. Have a great day everyone.
13/Sep/09 10:57 AM
Qld, Australia
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13/Sep/09 3:14 PM
Qld, Australia
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OMG! the site is broken and I am stuck here all by myself.
13/Sep/09 4:53 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Well obviously it isn't Gail and I that are responsible for breaking the site... we have been away and look what happens without us around to keep things ticking along...
I have been mega busy at a Landscape Gardening Conference all week end. I am buzzing with ideas and I'm quite exhausted... about to start all the catch up jobs that haven't been attended to while I have been MIA..
Catch you all later
13/Sep/09 6:26 PM
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Evening all!
Not a busy day for me. I spent it sleeping again.
Warning: Family Anecdote
Ebob worked today. She was the only girl there and is only 5'4". Even her supervisor was male, which is rare. Anyway, a group of tall, big, brawny tattooed and pierced blokes went up to the register of a kid who started around the same time as Ebob. They asked for a discount. He said he couldn't give discounts. They said well they could give bashings. You could hear a pin drop. Ebob says excuse me to the customer she is serving, walks over and puts her arm on her workmates shoulder (he is much taller than her so her elbow was higher than her ear). "Don't worry Toby, I'll step in, I play baseball and I can take them." Laughs all round, "no way", "you haven't seen me play" she says. Her supervisor complemented her and thanked her for breaking the tension. He didn't think anything would have happened but not many people would have done what she did...
13/Sep/09 7:37 PM
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I have heard from MizT and all is fine. She is busy and still having trouble with her back and her computer. Well, actually it's her hubby's computer I think which means he is using hers! The combination means that when she gets time to go to the computer - it's taken!
13/Sep/09 7:43 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi everyone - Firstly Broni happy birthday buddy, I can't believe I forgot, some friend I turned out to be. Hope it was a great day.
13/Sep/09 7:58 PM
Stevenage UK
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Suzy, you have a very brave and intelligent daughter there. Say well done to her from me.
I can well believe that she probably could take them on... I went to school with a girl who was 5foot nothing no one dared mess with her she was like a terrier would take anyone on. She was a really nice person.
13/Sep/09 8:07 PM
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Brenda, I'll tell her. She told me the customer she was serving was goggle eyed because she'd just had trouble lifting a container of oil! I'm proud not only because she did it, but because she knew what to do!
13/Sep/09 8:18 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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A huge thanks to all that sent me Birthday Greetings, it was so nice to read them all today.
Had a huge night last night, family put on a lovely party for me, and I was right I am in a bad way today, but a small price to pay for such a memorable day......... Oh by the way I went through with my daisy chain-- and it looks fantastic - it did hurt a little but I used the numbing cream-- chicken hey.
13/Sep/09 8:22 PM
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Hey Liz! Did you get my flowers? And when are you going to post a photo of your daisy chain?
13/Sep/09 8:36 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi Suzy and Brenda, Wow Ebob, good for you,Suzy you must be so proud, but in a way a tad nervous when she leaves the house, my Mum used to freak out with some of the things I used to get up to.
13/Sep/09 8:39 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Daisy chain needs to heal a little bit first feels like a bad sunburn - even makes it hard to type - as my wrist is sore, did you send me some cyber flowers, nah havent seen them yet.
13/Sep/09 8:45 PM
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On facebook Liz. I'm too much of a whimp to get a tattoo!
13/Sep/09 8:55 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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this is my third and they didnt hurt, I have a Green tree frog on my left ankle, a flower on top of my right foot and now a daisy chain on my right wrist, and Im still planning one more at this stage, a dutch iris with a red rose crossing over it, on my left shoulder, that's for Mum and Dad.
13/Sep/09 9:03 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, you should be very proud of Ebob. Tell her I am proud of her also and that she is a quick thinker.
Lizzy, you have more guts than I do. I don't think I would ever have the courage to get a tattoo. I am a big wimp when it comes to needles of any type.
14/Sep/09 12:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRONI AND LIZZIE! Happy Anniversary to HEIDI AND STELLA. Good luck to Sharon and her surgery, and JUNE take care of yourself while you have MIL and your Grandie both!
I did read this page!
OK, life has just got in the way here. I do not remember if I said but tuesday, last, getting ready to go to chiro, I really hurt my back just bending to pull up me nickers. LOTS of back spasms. Well, doc got those stopped, but left me sore and still a bit unstable feeling. So I was having to do stuff that required standing in 5 minute intervals. Meds were necessary and knocking me on my butt.
I am also having to go through my closet, and find things to wear! That is a lot of reqaching up to the top, I have double hanging rods. I started a new eating program 2 months ago, and I am shrinking! I have been removing clothing that is too big for me and finding I kept a LOT of smaller sized clothing in my closet. Good thing I did, I have clothes to wear now! At 2 months on my eating plan, I graduate and get foods added, so I am learning how to eat on this phase of it! Besides shrinking, my blood sugar numbers are getting BACK TO NORMAL, and this with reduced medication, too. I might be able to come off blood sugar meds completely this next week! BUT there is a lot of cooking and planning of meals, and that takes up a lot of time.
Then Friday I cooked for a picnic, neighborhood was having at a park, and that took a lot of time in the upright position between rest periods.
Made a veggie salad, invented a new "legal" recipe for a salad dressing, baked a cake for Al's birthday he celebrated with the friends, so we did not have a whole cake in the house (I do not eat cake now, but I do not miss it). I also made a green bean dish to take, Plus it was a cooking day for at home, so LOTS of cooking.
So that is my excuse, a combination of things have kept me from the board. PLUS I felt guilty popping in without reading. But right now with the back problem, and the learning a new way of eating for life, and getting my health back in order is taking up a LOT of my time. It seems that the " heart healthy" foods I was making for hubby were slowly killing me, I could not metabolize all the carbs. My Medical doc supports me in this change of eating, said whatever i was doing, keep it up, my numbers were GREAT!
I will keep dropping in with a HI ALL, till I get my life back under control, and thanks Suzy and June for prompting me to get back here.
Hugs to all
whew, is that hearing from Tricia enough heheheh
14/Sep/09 1:58 AM
Alabama, USA
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OH, I had a great time at the park on Saturday, most fun I have had in a long while. It is nice to be able to enjoy outings now! Hubby took my comfy molded plastic outdoor chair for sitting. I did go for a couple of short walks, the weather was wonderful, temp perfect, low humidity, nice breeze. Lots of good food, plenty for me to eat that was legal for my plan, and NO DESIRE to eat the cake and foods with sugar in them!
14/Sep/09 2:03 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there all.
So glad you are ok Tricia!You must be very proud of yourself sticking to the life changing eating habit,and losing weight as well as reducing the BSL.
It must be awful having such a bad back!!
Suzy...Ebob is a real asset to her employer with her quick thinking and maturity to avert a possible encounter. Gee,even I am proud of her!!
Lizzy...glad you enjoyed your birthday bash.I'm too chicken also to get a tat.
I must love and leave you all.Another day dawns.
14/Sep/09 4:46 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy..... Ebob is my HERO!!!!!!
14/Sep/09 5:44 AM
Qld, Australia
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Good Morning SA8.
Up early for me on a non working day.
MizT, so glad you are doing OK. Just remember what you have said to others, just pop in from time to time even if you don't comment on others so we know you are OK.
Zusy, what a proud mommy moment, tell Ebob that hand grenades come in small packages too.
Lizzy, glad you had a great time, yep me chicken little too, took me until I was 25 to get my ears pierced.
14/Sep/09 5:50 AM
Qld, Australia
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Morning Heidi, how are you feeling today?
14/Sep/09 5:50 AM
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