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from Alabama, USA
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Good luck with the epidural Heidi. Hope this one gives you lots of long lasting relief.
16/Sep/09 10:15 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! I'm back home now. Hope all is well with everyone. My fil just left to meet up with my mil in their old home town. While I was on LI visiting with my mom, Jerry and his dad replaced the attic vents and they look great. The old wooden ones were chipped away by woodpeckers. They'll be back at our house on Saturday after they visit their favorite wineries in the Finger Lakes.
16/Sep/09 11:17 PM
Qld, Australia
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Yep, what June said Heidi.
Dag, glad you are back safe and sound.
Got a b'day card from Vici last night, what a sweetie, she sent it 8 days before and I recieved it 4 days after. Sounds like Australia Post is on the job again.
Good night all, be well.
16/Sep/09 11:17 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Hi June!
Good luck Heidi! Hope it works great!
16/Sep/09 11:18 PM
Qld, Australia
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Stella, good to see you. Lucky I check my post otherwise would have missed yours.
Woodpeckers, we do not have them here or if we do I am sure I will be corrected, but never seen one.
Hope all is good with you and yours.
16/Sep/09 11:19 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Suzanne, I'll keep Doc/Mike in my thoughts and prayers.
MizT, I hope you find some relief soon and the review turns out favorably!
16/Sep/09 11:21 PM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Hi Broni, nice to see you. We have two kinds of woodpeckers around our house. The big kind like Woody Woodpecker(it's a rarity to see one) and little ones. It's the little ones that did the damage to the house and a number of trees in the yard. Their holes killed one of the smaller pine trees!
16/Sep/09 11:27 PM
Stevenage UK
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Heidi, hope the epidural went well and that you will soon be pain free for a while.
Stella good to see you back. We have had a woodpecker (Greater spotted) in the gardwn a couple of times but didn't stay long enough to do any damage.
Broni, sounds like post all around the world is the same.
17/Sep/09 12:36 AM
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Morning all!
What June, Broni and Stella said Heidi.
Stella, when I first read your post I thought it said the woodpeckers would be back Saturday and wondered how you knew when they would arrive...
Broni, when I was living in the US the mail was weird - one way would take just a few days, the other way took a couple of weeks. I just wish I could remember which way was which!
17/Sep/09 6:12 AM
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Suzanne, I've always been thinking and sending wishes to Doc and the others he will be joining. Someone on easy sent their son over there earlier in the year...
17/Sep/09 6:14 AM
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Warning: family anecdote
Many of you will remember the bullying Ally endured during primary school and how relieved we all were when she made new friends and her life became so much easier. Well yesterday one of the girls from primary school was hassling her big time. After so long without it she was wondering what was going on. She found out when she got home. Ebob and a couple of other girls caught the bully smoking at school and dobbed her in the her sister. The bully hit her sister who slapped her back. Then she targeted Ally. Once again Ally is a target through no fault of her own....
17/Sep/09 6:21 AM
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Just realised that might be a bit ambiguous - Ally was not hit, she was bullied with words.
17/Sep/09 6:30 AM
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Suzy, sounds as though it will be a one off for Ally. Lets hope so. Stella wrote like many of us do at times. I had a giggle imagining the woodpeckers visiting the wineries.
Sucky lady comes today. Must do some shopping and then pick Laura up from daycare later today. Life gets busier!
17/Sep/09 6:47 AM
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The best laid plans of mice and men! Just had a call from Sharon and Laura has a slight temp. so I will meet Sharon on her way to school and get Laura and have her all day!
17/Sep/09 7:17 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there everyone.
Suzy...I hope it doesn't all start again for Ally. did the epidural go?
June..get well wishes to Laura.Just what you didn't need when you are so busy.
Well,I finally got our tax into the accountant.Don't I live an exciting life if that is the best news that I can come up with!
On Sat.Renae will be moving so I guess I will spend some time helping her with the packing in the next few days.Most of the little stuff is already done but cleaning windows and wiping draws out will still need to be done.Kinda glad I will be working on Sat.
17/Sep/09 7:36 AM
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Change again. Laura felt better and wanted to go to daycare. Hope she stays well otherwise I will have to go and get her.
Nola,Good luck with helping Renae clean the house. Hope the move goes without any problems.
17/Sep/09 8:19 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thanks June.I'm just leaving now to help them with the little stuff.Catch you all later.
17/Sep/09 8:29 AM
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June, Ally even copped it from me! I heard her talking to Ebob and was very annoyed at her attitude and told her off - only to discover she was telling Ebob what had been said to her! I apologised profusely...
If Murphy is in your area today June, Laura will need to be picked up when you are in the shops with a full trolly.
17/Sep/09 8:30 AM
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Good morning everyone. A grey looking day here, but temperature very mild.
Heidi, hope the epidural has a good outcome - may it keep you pain free for a long time!
June, hope Laura doesn't have to be picked up early! Does she go to kindergarten next year? I remember what a pain that year was, and how glad I was when they finally got to school - but maybe I'm just a BAD mother!
Suzy, Ally just doesn't seem to have any luck! And where the heck are all the teachers? - girls slapping each other doesn't sound good!
17/Sep/09 10:11 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi Suzy, I am familiar with Murphy. He hangs around with me a lot. I have a few busy days coming up but will try to stop in occasionally. Open House is tomorrow night so I get to meet all my little kiddies parents. I have to smile and be nice and tell them all what wonderful little darlings they have.
17/Sep/09 10:16 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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If you want to see something interesting, go to
and type pink grasshopper in the search window. It will give you a link to a pink grasshopper that was found in England. It is actually pretty cool to see. I showed it to my students today.
17/Sep/09 10:18 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I didn't mean to not say hello to anyone else.
Hello Judy, Nola, June, Stella, Heidi, Brenda, Broni, MizTricia, Suzanne and anyone else I may have missed.
17/Sep/09 10:20 AM
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Hi Tami!
That grasshopper is beautiful!
17/Sep/09 10:39 AM
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I must be feeling better. I'm getting some ffuts done today. Not much compared to the amount that needs doing, but much more than I have been getting done!
Judy, your comment left me wondering - what does a school do when sisters hit each other? Ebob says it was uncomfortable later as she and her friend overheard someone talking about the 'fight' they'd seen!
Tami, I sometimes think Murphy has taken up permanent residence here. I have to take Ally for another xray, but I don't have a car.....
17/Sep/09 10:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Judy, it is very interesting, isn't it? I don't like bugs but this one is kinda cool.
17/Sep/09 10:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I have a very long day tomorrow. I get up at 5 am to get Mitchell on his school bus. I then go to work and will be staying until about 8:30 at night. I am going to sleep. I will try to stop in tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good day.
17/Sep/09 11:01 AM
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Tami, I checked out the grasshopper too. Amazing!
17/Sep/09 11:02 AM
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Tami, I remember 5am starts before. Is that an everyday thing? I hope you get a good sleep tonight.
Judy, what are you up to today?
17/Sep/09 11:15 AM
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Suzy, I'm not doing anything much at the moment! Have to go out later, but might try to move things around the garden a bit first. I've finished painting the bit at the bottom of the wall, and Rob was most impressed! I've even bought some new plants, but I don't know if I'll get time to deal with them today. Had a few ill-effects from the work a few days ago, but all gone now! It seems I'm getting my life back! :)
17/Sep/09 11:50 AM
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Good maEn everyone! I will pass on the prayers for Doc! Thank you everyone!! I am glad he is going to be in a "safe" area (as he put it before he left) but I will still miss him here for Friday night pizza here at our house...he was also a VERY big help to me when Darrell was in school twice. I will try to keep everyone posted. He sends e-mails to Darrell & D said he will forward them to me. BTW, we bought a new sofa & love seat today...coming in 2-3 weeks. They are leather & seafoam green. I was looking at black, chocolate brown & a merlot color, TILL I saw the green & fell in LOVE!! I will try to post photos when they come here, ok?
17/Sep/09 1:24 PM
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Suzy: I hope Ally is strong enough to stand up for herself...I was bullied in elementary school because of wearing a leg brace to school...My third grade teacher even made fun of me!!! Made me come home & cry a few times. Tell Ally I can sympathize and hope she stays strong!!
17/Sep/09 1:26 PM
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A pink grasshopper!!???!! WOW!! That is SO cool!
17/Sep/09 1:32 PM
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Getting ready to say nite nite! TTFN everyone! I'll try to check in tomorrow.
MizT; hope you're feeling better since the epidural.
Heidi: Please update on the progress of the finches.
BTW: watched America's Got Talent tonite, totally disappointed in the final result!! Anyone else feel that way?
Nite Nite everyone!
17/Sep/09 1:35 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi all.
Sorry I haven't been here to play with you, I had forgotten what it was like to have a house guest! He is a good one though, no trouble at all. We are having an 'at home' day today, as Judy has told you, not a good day to be outdoors.
Yesterday, on the other hand, was a perfect day, and we picked it to go to Healesville Sanctuary, and had a great day. Will definitely go back there again.
17/Sep/09 1:51 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hello All,
Dag good to see you around.
Hugs to everyone, catch you tonight I hope.
Still have my cous as a house guest with the 4 birds, her daughter has kicked her out! Was expecting it, she is one B1tch
17/Sep/09 2:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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for all the good wishes, everybody. The epidural was one of the bad ones (which is good) but they take some recovery time. I've been in bed all day.
I'll be heading back there in a half hour or so.
I read the posts, and CRS is creeping in quickly.....
Suzy... poor Ally. At least she has an improved sense of self worth now. She has a serious talent that the bullies don't have. It's a shame that that brain damaged bully blames others for her actions in breaking the rules. It reminds me a little of the time when IH decided to go deer hunting with some friends. He didn't have a license, and I knew it. I told him NOT to go, or I would call the game wardens and have him arrested. He then changed his story and said that he was going unarmed to help drive some deer towards his friends who had the guns. I didn't believe him. A few hours later, he was gone... with his gun. I then called the game warden, told him what IH was doing, where he could be found, where his car was parked and I even gave them his license plate number. They caught him in the act of shooting a deer. He was arrested. I'm not sure what story he told his parents, but they were furious with me for weeks. So was IH. I explained to them all that it was purely IH's choice. He was told the consequences of breaking the law. He chose to break it anyway. He was the only one who did anything wrong.
(BTW... he was found guilty on numerous counts and fined over $3,000.00. The judge laughed his head off when he heard the story.)
17/Sep/09 3:28 PM
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Afternoon all!
Ally seemed more surprised than upset by the latest attack. Apparently they were in the same place today and all was calm. Her improved self esteem is working miracles!
Suzanne, Ally was bullied relentlessly for 6 years. Singing improved her confidence enough so that when she went to high school she ditched her old 'friends' and made new ones. She hasn't been bullied since (until yesterday that is, and I'm not sure if it counts if it doesn't get to you). After watching the kids who bullied Ally I can imagine what you copped with a leg brace, but I'm astounded that a teacher joined in...
17/Sep/09 4:46 PM
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Heidi, I'm glad you had a bad epidural (boy does that sound wrong!). I loved the hunting story. I bet he gets a license now - or lies about where he is going at least.
Broni, grown daughters and mothers living together does not work. I tried it and it was horrible, though I would never have kicked Mum out. I love her to death, we are just not house compatible. We get along great when we are not living together, even though I sometimes have to remind her that I'm a grown up now.
17/Sep/09 4:49 PM
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A friend is lending me her car tomorrow so I can take Ally to get an xray of her arm. It hurt badly when she was doing frog walking at TKD and it has freaked her out. I called her doctor hoping for 'very common and normal' so I could tell her that and she would stop worrying. Instead he is sending her for a 'just in case' xray. Sigh.
17/Sep/09 4:52 PM
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Ebob is floating right now. My next door neighbour upgraded her computer and gave us her old one for the kids to use. Ebob plugged in all the bits and has it going and is all giggly. We still have to negotiate where the computer will live. It's in her room on a trial basis.
17/Sep/09 4:55 PM
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