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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8
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from Alabama, USA
It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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Wow, Gail, that's a busy itinerary! I hope you both enjoy the visit. :)
18/Sep/09 5:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... I noticed your pirate avatar. I was shocked to discover that this was my most pirate-y avatar! I have submitted some and hope Gath OK's them soon.
Mama.... I know where you're coming from. I have a problem with a couple of people on Easy myself. I don't think I've even glanced over there in a week. BTW...I remember the discussion we had in Florida on this topic.
18/Sep/09 5:06 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Hi folks...time for a quick read but not to comment... the sun is still shining.... and so it is back outside I go...
Leave in an hour and a bit to go to yet another show..
This time it is a tribute to Cat Stevens..
'Wild World - The Cat Stevens Story'
Mama this is the place to let go...glad you have and no doubt now feel heaps better.
18/Sep/09 5:40 PM
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Sharon came out of surgery at about 4.30 pm. I believe everything went smoothly and she is now in recovery. She was taken away for preparation at about 8 am. We will not be going in tonight.
Mamacita, a good place to vent. I do not say much on easy, so I have not had any problems. We here, all appreciate your wonderful words of wisdom and I, for one, cannot understand how anyone could be so in need of upsetting others to be nasty to you.
18/Sep/09 6:20 PM
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Back for another few minutes...
June, that's good news about Sharon. It was a long day though, a long time to wait for news.
Curiosity got the better of me and I had to go and check what was going on over on Easy. Have you noticed that when someone goes on a rampage easy goes very very quiet for a few days? It's obviously not just the people who vent who get annoyed.
18/Sep/09 7:29 PM
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Heidi, my avatars are left over from the last cruise we had on Broni's boat.
Gail, it seems like your Dad just got here and he's leaving too soon!
Bean, I am going green reading about all of the shows you go to. I'd better go cover it with makeup as I have to leave to go to singing practice with Ally and it's not a good look!
18/Sep/09 7:37 PM
Stevenage UK
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Hi all.
June pleased to hear that things went well for Sharon, hope that the healing process goes well too.
Mama, it is nice to know that we have this place to vent our feelings. I have to admit I rarely go onto the puzzle pages these days and wehnI do I rarely read the posts there.
Gail you are having a busy time with Bill but I'm sure you will be loving having him with you. The time does seem to be going quickly.
18/Sep/09 7:58 PM
Stevenage UK
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We are looking after a friends dog over the weekend while they go on a family break. The dog Izzy is a brown boarder collie, with lots of energy. Callie tries to play with her but doesn't understand where her ears are. When our two dogs play their ears are the main target for pulling, both having quite long drooping ears, Izzy's are pointy and are stand up all of the time. Unfortunately Izzy is a dog who likes to bark (we weren't told this until they dropped her off) and my next door neighbour is on nightshift.
18/Sep/09 8:05 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hia all
Well I have read the last few pages but for the life of me - I have no idea what Ive read - the mind is else where-- Went to see a surgeon today, and am being booked for a full thyroidectomy (I think thats how its spelled)
Here we go again, not too sure when, but soon,
will keep you informed.
18/Sep/09 8:24 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hugs and best wishes Liz, hope this is the answer. ♥
18/Sep/09 8:52 PM
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Thinking of you Liz. Don't forget to come here if you need some support. Hugs!!!
Brenda, is the neighbour complaining or are you just naturally thoughtful?
18/Sep/09 10:37 PM
Vibrant Vici
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Hello friends!
Been SO remiss in getting here. Busy, busy, busy!
Lizzie - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
June - so happy to hear Sharon came through with flying colors. Hope her rehab is smooth.
Oh Brenda! I'm not a fan of barking you are happy that Callie is so well-behaved!
Mama - right there with you, hugs, hugs and more hugs.
Bean - where do you get the energy? Hope you enjoyed the show!
OK - almost done in the yard.
Promising pictures of the addition soon.
Looks like our move-in date is only a couple weeks away! Fingers crossed!
19/Sep/09 1:20 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Still morning, just! Have not been getting things done as I should since back from my mom's. I'm still very tired! I think it's allergies. Just found out from hubby that his parents are due back today, not tomorrow! Must get moving!
Read but have forgotten...June, thoughts and prayers for Sharon. Hope everything is ok. Sounds like a long procedure(8am - 4:30pm).
Suzy, hope Ally's arm feels better and the sunburn! We have aloe gel in a pump bottle that the kids keep in the fridge for such occasions. They love it and swear by it. Tea also helps(on the skin, not drinking). When Bryana got a bad burn during a soccer tournament, we were told not to use creams like nivea because it keeps the heat in, which is not good for the burn.
Mama, you can always vent here! Hugs to you! No worries!
Bean, love Cat Stevens! I'm sure it was a great show!
Vici, hope you are now back to 100%! I know how long it takes to get over the flu!
Liz, thoughts and prayers for your procedure. Hope it goes smoothly!
Heidi, no pirate avatars here but I'll watch Pirates of the Caribbean as a tribute!
Well, I can't think of anything else right now. Hope everyone has a great day/weekend! Another soccer game tomorrow and may go to Brendan's game at Vassar on Sunday.
19/Sep/09 1:41 AM
Saratoga, NY/USA
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Forgot to say... Rolanda, I love the "tech support" photo page of your great nephew...priceless! Soooo cute!
19/Sep/09 2:08 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday all. must be one of the sweetest people here,and why anyone would want to be nasty to you or anyone,beats me.We love you
I hope all goes well for Sharon,Ian and Ally with ops and xrays.Also thinking of Doc,stay safe.
Great news Heidi that you feel really well now.
The same to you Broni...and good luck with your new venture.
Well,I didn't get far remembering what I was going to comment on,I think I need to write it all down.BRB
19/Sep/09 3:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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for the update on Sharon. She's REALLY been through the wars, poor thing. I hope this one did the job and her health will finally improve.
Dizzy Lizzy....
with your thyroidectomy. This should prevent thyroid storms and other problems associated. By going on full thyroid replacement , this should stabilize things. Please let us know when the surgery is scheduled.
19/Sep/09 3:29 AM
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Arrrrh me hearties! 19 September here Heidi...
Nola, you got lost!!!
19/Sep/09 6:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all,
Mamacita, you are allowed to vent here, that's what friends are for. I have avoided the easy page for a long time. I got tired of all the negative attitudes. I would much rather be here where my friends are. I do the puzzles but rarely post.
Lizzy, I also have a thyroid condition but luckily medication has been able to control it. I have taken Synthroid for about 19 years.
Glad to hear the Sharon came through surgery and I wish her a speedy recovery.
If I forgot anyone, I apologize.
19/Sep/09 7:27 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, tonight starts Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year. It is a time to reflect on the past and to atone for your sins. The ten days of repentance end on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It is the holies time of the year if you are Jewish. I am glad you asked. I like to learn about different religions and cultures and am always willing to share about mine.
19/Sep/09 7:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Arrrrrh, me mateys. This be one of the best things about this here site.... we be having 2 days of festivities!
19/Sep/09 8:28 AM
Qld, Australia
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Ahoy me hearties! (Will that do Heidi?)
Have read all the comments and you are all my thoughts but CRAFT has raised its ugly head again.
19/Sep/09 8:55 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone
Just passing.. Helping the boy and his girl, and housemate move house today.
19/Sep/09 9:34 AM
Perth W Aust
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June. Best wishes to Sharon. xxx
Liz. Hope all goes well with your thyroidectomy.
All SA members that are ill, hope you all recover soon.
19/Sep/09 9:36 AM
Perth W Aust
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Stella, yes my little Gr Nephew Simon-Peter is gorgeous, such a cutie that one, Gr Auntie Rolanda loves to give him cuddles.
19/Sep/09 9:40 AM
Alabama, USA
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YEAH Vici is seeing the end of the construction. WAY TO GO, hope the move in is soon and painless.
June, thanks for the update on Sharon. I do hope she has a speedy and uneventful recovery. This was the reconstruction, right? I know this will do a lot for her self image.
You are right Suzy, green is not a good look hehehe.
LIZ, thinking of you , hope your surgery will correct the problem and you are soon better than ever.
TAMI, I had discovered it was your new year by accident. I went to a card site to send a birthday ard, and saw the wishes for a new year, could not at first figure it out, till I saw some of the graphics! I am glad you have family to celebrate with you, and may you have a happy and blessed new year.
19/Sep/09 12:16 PM
Alabama, USA
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We had so much rain recently that our gravel driveway was rutted , big time! Well, the developer of this property, who still owns many of the parcels, graded the road and put down some more gravel. while at it, he repaired our drive! MUCH better now. It was so nice of him to do that for us!
I did think I had posted on last page. I know I read, and wrote some things. Not sure where it went.
19/Sep/09 12:23 PM
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I have spoken to Sharon on the phone. She sounded great after the long surgery yesterday. She was out of bed sitting in a chair. She is not allowed to stand up straight till after next Wednesday. They took flesh from the tummy area. She will be in hospital for at least a week.
Thank you for all the good wishes.
19/Sep/09 12:37 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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19/Sep/09 1:08 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Arrrrh me hearties!...
19/Sep/09 1:10 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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In case the topsiders haven't guessed it is footie season down under and Lachies team [& mine by association] are playing tonight. Must go over and stir up some more support on easy...
19/Sep/09 1:13 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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June... thanks for the update on Sharon.
Liz... I have everything crossed for you...thinking of you
Nice to see you back Tricia and able to sit up at the puter..
Tami I love learning about other peoples lives and religions... thanks for sharing.
19/Sep/09 1:23 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Suzy green wouldn't be a nice shade to go... but understandable. It was a great night out. I love his songs, obviously, and we were encouraged to sing along and now I have a very sore throat today... too much singing and raucous calling out...LOL Be very grateful Vici that you aren't attending a musical with me. Show was at the Atheneum... haven't been there for years. I love some of Melbourne's old theatres... there was obviously such a lot of money in the town when they were all built. This is a small theatre in the heart of town and is in seemingly original condition [toilets were upgraded - thankfully]. I would love to see it restored.
19/Sep/09 1:24 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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It has now stopped raining and the sun is shining again...
Consequently my mind is now on other things and I have forgotten everything else I was going to say...
Soooo... I am outta here!
Ciao for now
19/Sep/09 1:25 PM
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Afternoon all!
I've been tortured! First I had to shop for a 50th birthday party for a friend - went to almost every shop in town and didn't find anything I liked. I need for their to be a really good market on somewhere tomorrow.. THEN, hubby made me look at cars. Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!
19/Sep/09 1:33 PM
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June, I'm so glad Sharon sounded so well. I know that after a week of not being able to stand up straight my back would be killing me though! I hope she's fitter than I am.
Tami, thank you for answering! It sounds like a wonderful weekend coming up and an important time for reflection.
Vici, it's so close until you move in... I'm so excited for you!
Bean, looks like I missed you by only a couple of minutes... still green because I love his songs too!
19/Sep/09 1:44 PM
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I really should check my spelling before posting - sigh.
19/Sep/09 1:49 PM
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Almost forgot...
19/Sep/09 1:55 PM
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Did my pirate scare everyone away?
19/Sep/09 4:54 PM
Qld, Australia
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Must have Zusy, or was it the screeching birds I live with?
Mama, so glad you can vent here too.
Dag, hope you are having a great time with your Dad.
MizT, been missing your newsy posts, good news about the driveway, what a kind soul.
Bean, Go Cats!
Heidi, you sound a lot better.
June, what great news any operation is a biggy.
Liz, when is your OP? Thinking of you and cannot wait to catch up.
Brenda, how long before you go now?
OK my friend CRAFT has returned.
Luv to ya'll.
19/Sep/09 5:52 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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Love to you as well Broni....and ya'll....naturally!
Boots are now off and that is a couple more jobs of the is starting to rain so we finished that in the nick of time...
Now I need coffee and to play a game or two seeing as there is no one around to annoy...
19/Sep/09 6:04 PM
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