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from Alabama, USA
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Cockatoo Vic AU
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Well done Geelong.
Good luck next week in the grand final.
19/Sep/09 10:12 PM
Vibrant Vici
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At last! Talk Like a Pirate Day has arrived in the states!
OH NO! I don't know how to talk like a pirate!
I don't have a pirate avatar, so I've put up my Gangsta Kitty avatar.
I'm looking forward to Heidi filling our pages with the real deal!
Off for a very busy day. Hugs to all!
19/Sep/09 11:47 PM
Vibrant Vici
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19/Sep/09 11:49 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
Sorry that I didn't get back here yesterday,before I knew it,it was time to leave and the same thing will happen today if I don't get into the shower very soon.Enjoy your day/night me hearties.
20/Sep/09 4:16 AM
Stevenage UK
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June pleased to hear that Sharon is feeling well, don't envy her not being able to stand up straight for a week, but I'm sure it will be worth it.
Liz, hope you don't have to wait too long for your op, keep us posted and fingers crossed for you.
Suzy did you find a car you fancied buying?
Broni, it's nice to hear that things are looking up in your venture.
Tami, wishing you and your family a 'Happy New Year'
Bean sounds as if you are having a good time going to the theatre etc
20/Sep/09 4:44 AM
Stevenage UK
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Can't remember who asked but I go to Florida in 40 days time.
I haven't been able to see Lesley for a week or so but I heard yesterday that she has walked a little way. She is hoping to be moved to a convalescent/rehab clinic soon and it has been said that she may even get home in a few weeks time.
20/Sep/09 4:48 AM
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Hello, All! I have a few minutes at the computer and will try to get some reading done.
Wishing good health to Heidi (epidural), MizT (back & waiting for meds that work), Laura (temperature), and - sorry - CRAFTs has struck.
Heidi, enjoyed your story about IH as a deer hunter.
Suzy, poor Ally, hope that's the end of the harrassing! BTW, how are you feeling these days?
Tami, thanks for the link to the pink grasshopper! It's a beauty! Hope your open house/meet with parents went well!
Suzanne, thinking good thoughts for Doc!
20/Sep/09 5:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Julie, open house went well. I showed my students the pink grasshopper and they all thought it was cool. I may not teach science, but I am a teacher.
Brenda, looking forward to meeting you in person in 40 days.
Tricia, glad you are back and the driveway is fixed.
Don't remember who else I wanted to respond to. Crafts has set in.
20/Sep/09 6:16 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am only here for a moment. I have something simmering on the stove. Mitchell wants to help cook tonight so I will "talk" him through one of the side dishes. Just here helping Mitchell with homework.
20/Sep/09 6:17 AM
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Just read a few more past comments. I hope Ian and Ally are both doing well and Xrays find no current problems!
Gail, sounds like you and your dad are spending some quality time together and with family. You're right, the time is going fast!
Mamacita, as always, your comments are well taken. Many of us have had difficulties with a person on Easy. It's one of the reasons I rarely visit there - and even more rarely comment. I have been the brunt both there and here. It is decidedly un-fun. Can't remember who provided motherly advice which was common in my family, as well. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. All of our regulars have nice things to say, for which I am most grateful! Thank you, one and all. (I was going to say, "Ladies," but must remember that dvD occasionally flies by, and we enjoy his visits.
20/Sep/09 6:55 AM
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June, so good to read the news of Sharon's surgery! Prayers for a speedy and easy recovery! (I'm still reading page 391, folks.)
20/Sep/09 6:58 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All
...Happy New Year to all of our Jewish friends celebrating....Enjoy!
To the ailing...Get Well! That's straight from the mouth of Mama...get it done now! lol. I really do hope all are on the mend.
To all of you who have read my gripes...thanks for opening your hearts and minds as well as offering shoulders to cry on for those, like me, who need release from some of the hurts and frustrations that we face from time to time...its so good to know that we have a non-judgemental place where we can air our frustrations without fear of recriminations...its a biggggggg help...Thanks for your caring acceptance of these vents.
June, I'm so glad that Sharon seems to be doing well after her surgery...may she continue to improve...but a word of you act as caretaker...please add yourself to the fold...don't overdo and become too zealous in your helping role that you become ill too....there are enough sick folks around here...I may need to find some healthy folks just so I know there are still some around....just joking you all know, I'm sure.
See you when I see you...make it the best time of your just may be!
20/Sep/09 6:59 AM
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Morning all!
Brenda, we saw several cars that are out of the question... I am still amazed when I hear news of Lesley. Sending hugs and thoughts hoping that her recovery is the fastest and easiest that it can be under the circumstances.
Julie, you rarely tell us what you are up to, but I think if you did your schedule would sound a bit like Stellas - jaw droppingly full!
20/Sep/09 7:01 AM
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More posts while I was typing! I like it!
Mamacita, you always manage to put into kind words things that I am thinking but can't work out how to say without sounding like a nag or worse. Maybe you are contagious and I'll learn from you.
Julie, I am almost completely better! I think that is the result of spoiling myself rotten and letting myself sleep away a few days.
20/Sep/09 7:07 AM
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There's something to be said for thinking things through. When the family Ebob went out with yesterday asked if we wanted them to leave the monster truck show early so she would home at a decent hour I said, na, baseball doesn't start until 12.30, she can sleep in. What I didn't remember is that we would get to stay awake until she got home - at 12.30.....
20/Sep/09 7:17 AM
Qld, Australia
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Ahoy Me hearties!
Have just discovered we are webwenches!
Shanah tovah, matey Tami!
Must be off now, have a lady coming round who is doing our family tree.
Arrr have a great day me landlubbers!
20/Sep/09 7:54 AM
Qld, Australia
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Well thanks to June I am now Mad Bess Bonney!
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Check out this website for your pirate name, come on Heidi enquiring minds want to know!
20/Sep/09 9:14 AM
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I thought it might be appropriate today if we could share a barrel of rum!
Um, how do you say that in pirate talk?
20/Sep/09 9:16 AM
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Good morning folks!
Sending more good wishes to everyone who's feeling under the weather, and wishing speedy recoveries to you all.
Bean, Rob heartily approves of your football choices! He was at the game last night and came home hoarse, but happy. (His friend, who barracks for the other team, not so much!)
Enjoy your piratical rumbustifications everyone :D
And Suzy - I do like rum, as long as it's in rum balls!
Heading off to the gym in a little while - going to get the "hard" stuff out of the way early. I have a list a mile long at the moment, and people seem to keep adding things. Somewhere along the way I have to find some gorgeous outfit for the wedding, which, quite suddenly, is VERY soon! Aaaargh!
On the plus side, the garden is looking a little bit better - a few more nice plants and it could look - well, ok. ;)
Ok, I'm out of here now - everyone, have a great one! Catch you all later. :)
20/Sep/09 11:03 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Here is a link to you tube. It is for an "alternate" ending to "the wizard of oz" It is funny, hope you all enjoy it. ext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=8
20/Sep/09 11:48 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Broni, you may now refer to me as:
Black Mary Kidd.
20/Sep/09 11:52 AM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi everyone
Hey Julie and Tami (Black Mary Kid)
one of you needs to change your avatar
your swirls are making me giddy
ha ha
Hope your all having a fantastic whatever
bye for now
20/Sep/09 12:00 PM
Melbourne Vic AU
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ooh Tami...we're related...
Red Anne Kidd reporting for deck swabbing duty...
Apparently ....
"Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate." Arr!
20/Sep/09 2:55 PM
Qld, Australia
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Well Black Mary Kidd, you are one sick pirate! Poor Tin Man hehe!
20/Sep/09 3:57 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Hi everyone
Today was supposed to go to my girlfriends house for afternoon tea, her Birthday today,
She called before to let me know not to come just yet, they are all sitting at the nursing home where her Mum is, waiting as she is dying, have been very close to this family for 36 years now, imagine loosing your Mum on your birthday,
My heart goes out to them all.
20/Sep/09 4:33 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hey Liz, thinking of your friend and you, we have both been through this too many times. 'Smile because it happened'
20/Sep/09 6:13 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Oh Liz, I feel for your friend and her family. I know this sounds a bit ghoulish, but I was a little pleased and touched at the timing of my mother's passing. I rang their house on Christmas Day but only spoke to Bill because Mum was so unwell and had stayed in bed all day. Then of course, we got the 'it's not looking good' call just before New Year's Day and I so hoped that it would not become the anniversary date. She held on for a few more days but she knew my wedding anniversary was coming up and I am sure she left us early so we would not have that sad reminder on such a happy day. Her last (coherent) words to me were, 'You go home and give that beautiful husband of yours a hug. You have a winner there'
Oh god, I miss her so.
20/Sep/09 6:58 PM
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Evening all
Thinking of you Liz. Perhaps in future your friend's birthday will become a celebration of her mother's life as well as her own.
20/Sep/09 7:14 PM
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Tami, um ah!
Gail, sigh. What a wonderful memory.
Captain No Beard of the pirate ship Scurvy Eunuchs sending thoughts and wishes....
20/Sep/09 7:20 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Hope you are all fit and well.
20/Sep/09 8:31 PM
Dizzy Lizzy
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Just got home from the nursing home
She is fighting it --- I wish she would just close her eyes and go to sleep, I dont know how long that family can hang on, They were trying to find a priest to come and give her the last rights, all getting flustered, so I asked If I could look after that for them, took me a while and heaps of calls, but I found one, he is prepared to go now If they need him, and if its not urgent tomorrow morning, so I gave them the info and they will decide if its urgent,
To be honest Ive seen this way too many times at work, for the families sake and hers, I hope she goes quick.
Thanks for all the support guys, it means a lot to be able to just share with you all.
20/Sep/09 8:51 PM
Stevenage UK
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Liz, hoping that for your friends sake that things end peacefully. I remember my former sister in law arranging, without our knowledge, to have the last rites read over her mother. My late husband was furious. His mother wasn't catholic or even religious at all. MIL lived another couple of weeks after that.
Hope everyone else is fit and well. Crafts has set in so cannot remember anything else I was going to say
20/Sep/09 10:10 PM
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Jane the Rough reporting for Pirate Duty.
Liz, so sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you as you are close to the family. I am also thinking of you about to have an operation. I hope that all goes well.
Gail, Mum's are very special and we all miss them so much when they are no longer with us. We went to our old home today to see if a very favourite tree of my mother's was out in bloom.(it was)
Suzy, glad you are finally feeling better. A difficult decision. How do you tell people you would like them to leave something, they are enjoying, early?
20/Sep/09 10:18 PM
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Viv, nice to see you. Are you recovered from pneumonia? (I think that is what you had)
Sorry but it has been a long day so I am off to bed. We picked up Laura from D1 and I will have to take Laura swimming in the morning and then to visit her mother. Opposite directions and 3/4 hour each way.
20/Sep/09 10:24 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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June, there has been a lot of discussions over the last few days around my family, and we are all discovering various bits of family anecdotes or bonds with certain plants.
For me, I have a zygocactus (wrong name I know but it will always be that to me) that belonged to my other father, Dad. It is in flower at the moment and it is even more magnificent than I have ever seen it before.
I have a vegie patch, and for the first time, I am growing broad beans. They are looking fabbo and are just starting to flower. Today, one of my sisters said that Mollie must be with us, she LOVED broad beans.
When I went over to pick up Bill, we walked around his garden (took all of two minutes!) He had scaled his gardening right back whilst caring for Mum and doesn't really want to start it all up again. He was saying how he was recently thinking of chucking an old orchid that he had for over 25 years because it had stopped flowering years ago and was dying off. When he went out to do it, it had three of the most healthy looking flower stalks, each bearing at least half a dozen buds.
There's definitely something in the air for us all and it seems to involve plants and gardens.
20/Sep/09 11:24 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Thank you, great feelings going on here.
Kind thoughts to you all.
20/Sep/09 11:25 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I hope you have many many more.
21/Sep/09 12:23 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Lizzy, thinking of you and your friends. I know it is a hard time for all of you.
Bean, does that mean we are the Kidd twins??
21/Sep/09 12:26 AM
Stevenage UK
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Viv, wishing you many happy returns.
Enjoy yourself, chocolate and cake don't have calories on your birthday!!
21/Sep/09 1:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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By the way, my mom has finally agreed that I AM a better cook.
21/Sep/09 2:23 AM
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